From: Ardith Hi guys! I'm back! I went to Japan for a few weeks and then school started and well.... I wasn't on the list till today. ^_^ Hehe. I didn't get to do what I wanted with my fanfic cuz I didn't have time. Damn school! (*starts wailing* All I want to do is gradutate!!!) Here are the new parts for Mirai no Yakusoku. Rough Draft, of course.... I was going to wait till I finished writing it, but I wanted to see what you all thought. It's going to lose it's html format, so hopefully it isn't too hard to read. If you want to read the beginning of the story, it is up at: Ardith Mirai No Yakusoku: Part 12 - Dark Hand The dojo looked as it always did. It seemed to be an oasis in the desert of the city. It was like stepping into the past in so many different ways. Sagara Mai had been here before. When she was the best friend of certain young heir to the dojo. Oh, Yutaro. I'm so sorry you never saw our children's happiness. Her daughter must have been stunned to learn that she had been allowed to stay over at the dojo. She, herself, had stayed many a night. Yutaro had been such a good friend. And Kira. He loved her so much. They had been inseparable. But they had moved away. Time and life took over and she did not see them again...until it was too late. Our children found love, Yu-chan. Do you see how happy they are? When Yutaro's mother called, she was taken back to her girlhood. She spoke with Myoujin-jisan and they all came to the same realization: this was meant to be. Sou had to be convinced, of course. Her husband did not believe in fate so much. He did, however, trust his private investigator reports. They had spent a wonderful afternoon with Kakushin's grandparents, Myoujin Kenji and Kasumi. They waxed poetic over their beloved grandson and spent time talking about the past and the future. It was time to make a decision about that future. ***** Yuukiko pushed back her heavy hair, partly in frustration, partly from habit. Kakushin could see that see how much it was eating at her. He wanted to comfort her, but couldn't find the words. They were dealing with vague fears. Night terrors. How could he sooth what was so intangible? "Yuukiko...." She grimaced at the hesitancy in his voice. She didn't mean to take it out on him. "Sorry. I hate this. I hate not knowing." She turned to him when he tugged her hand gently. He smiled and kissed sweetly. "Oh. That was nice. You wouldn't be trying to make a girl forget her problems, would you." She leaned closer to deepen their embrace. "I can see how that skill can be useful, darling. Looks like your young man has a certain gift for it," murmured a husky voice from the direction of the doorway. "Mom?" Yuukiko stopped mid-smooch, pulling back and turning on her heel, only to lose her balance, almost tripping on her face. Kakushin grabbed her shoulders before she could fully fall over. "D-D-Dad?" "Ah, Yuuki-chan. We were just having tea. This would be your young man. Hello. My, but I do see a lot of Yutaro-kun in you." Mai rose gracefully from her kneeling position. She sensed her husband rise behind her. Perfect. It was going to be perfect. If there was anything that Mai knew, it was that he was a good man. Some of the unease she had been feeling eased at the sight of his warm gaze. He politely bowed. Graceful, she thought with a smile. He was very handsome, almost to the point of being pretty. She could see how her daughter could be so besotted so quickly. Ah, Yutaro. He has grown up to be quite a man. "How do you do, ma'am? I'm Myoujin Kakushin," Yuukiko's young man introduced himself prettily with another bow. Yuukiko's parents introduced themselves. Mai was strikingly beautiful. She smiled with the same smile as Yuukiko. She winked when she caught him staring. He blinked and blushed. Kakushin shook his head, swallowing a chuckle. "You knew my father?" Mai laughed. The sound made him smile, reminding him, again, of Yuukiko. "I went to high school with him and your mother. We lost touch in college. All that drinking and partying makes you lose track of time and other things. Those were the days..." she sighed with wistful nostalgia. "Mom!" She ignored her daughter's outburst blithely. "And then, he and your mother moved. I always meant to get in touch with them again. He was quite a man." She smiled, thinking of the past. "I'm sorry that they gone. Your parents were good people." "Yes. The best." Kakushin blinked, and shook his head as if to clear it. Yuukiko sighed. Poor Kakushin. Nothing can quite prepare you for Sagara Mai. Her mother was beautiful. And charming and oh so caring (read nosy). The combination made people's head spin. Most of the time, she wasn't aware of her affect on people. When one is born so beautiful and charismatic, one must adapt. When one was the daughter of someone so beautiful and charismatic, one learns to adapt as well. "Well, we were going to study, but if you are heading back I'll just go home with you two." She walked up to kiss her mother on the cheek. "No need, darling. Your father and I have spoken with Myoujin-san. We've decided that it would be best if you move in here. As iinazuke, of course." "I-I-Iinazuke?" Yuukiko gasped. "Aren't you going a little fast?" "No." She smiled at her little girl. "Actually, I recall a pact I made with Yutaro about our children. You could even say, we betroved you two before you were even born." "Mo-th-er." The rush of frustration flushed her cheeks. "What are you talking about?" "I'm just saying that it was something we talked about." "Mom, you couldn't have been more than 17-" "Ah, how were we to know that our children would be so perfect together. Well, being so wonderful ourselves, how could they not be?" "Um...." Kakushin didn't know what to say. Yuukiko's parents were larger than life to say the least. Sou sighed as he saw the dazed confusion in Kakushin's eyes and sympathized completely. "Mai has that affect on people." "Mai-chan has always been a charmer," Kakushin's grandfather announced to the room at large. "I'm glad a daughter of hers will be in the family." "Yes, my dear. And it was wonderful to talk to you after so long. It's been years since you've come by." His grandmother smiled benignly at Mai. She had always been a vivacious girl. "You know each other? Wait a minute. Did you just say...? Kakushin. Th-th-they've just d-d-d-decided that..." "I would be honored if you would allow me to eventually marry Yuukiko. I love her and she is a wonderful person." Sou nodded. Of course, he already had Kakushin checked out. His detectives found nothing wrong with him. He was perfect for his only child. Even his cynical little sister would agree that something about the pair was right. "Welcome to the family, son." "Wait! Don't I have something to say about this?" Yuukiko was turning a pretty pink with frustration. "Do you have anything you want to add, darling?" "Yes, Yuuki-chan." She looked at her father and mother and saw the approval in their eyes. She sighed and gave in. It felt right anyway. "Only that I love Kakushin. Thank you for everything. We aren't going to marry any time soon, of course. We are much to young. After school...." Mai patted her cheek and smiled mistily. "That's my little girl. It's right. Now..." she sniffled. "You two go up and study." Sou smiled at his daughter. Yes, she would be safe with this one. That reminded him. "Oh yes. Yuuki-chan. Fumi-chan is in town." "Aunt Fumi?" His father's half-sister was only 10 years older than she was. She grew up in America and was an agent of Interpole to boot. She could only imagine what kinds of adventures and excitement she had. "We won't be able to see her till after her case is finished, though. We will have a little party then." "Until then, you two go study. We grown-ups will arrange everything else." "Ah, remember when we used to study, Mai?" Memories of college danced in his head. Mai was often inspired when reading for classes. "Do I ever. That reminds me. Children, remember to play it safe. You are young yet!" "MOTHER!" "Of course," Kakushin replied at the same time, grabbing Yuukiko's hand, he led the retreat to his room. "Yuukiko, I love your parents. They are fantastic." "Then may God help you when you meet my aunt." ***** Sagara Fumi crossed and uncrossed her legs, swinging her feet in time to her own personal rhythm. Casual observers would look and see what they wanted to see: a teenage girl, alone and possible on the make for an older sugar daddy. They would never think that she was quite of age and packed heat in her small leather school bag. She rubbed her face, trying to conjure some more energy from the friction. She wasn't getting enough sleep lately. This case was giving her nightmares. And if they weren't the night terrors, the visions that she had were something else. She pushed away from the memories of the other dreams, trying to concentrate on the problem at hand. Young girls kidnapped. Drugged. Raped. Made into virtual slaves. Murdered. There were whispered rumors in the shadows. Tendrils of fear marked the air, yet the restless still came out to party. The young were invincible. Always. But she didn't really blame them. Sometimes it was the only way to cut loose from the stress and pressure of school. But if you cut too loose, you paid a high price. They should take less risks with what they didn't want to lose. Two girls had been found so far. It hurt to get too close, to find out about their lives. Hell, they were as old as her niece was. The world made her so sick sometimes. That there were people who could cut the lives of children so short. So many others had gone missing. That was why they were called in. This had to be stopped. And nothing had worked before. She couldn't hide from the images of those girls, slashed. Left to bleed, to die in a quasi-ritualistic offering. Their bellies were slashed. They died watching their innards pour out of them. They must have felt the burning pain of the sword as it sliced through their delicate skin. The carnage was horrific. She scanned the area again, adjusting her schoolgirl skirt and straightened her ponytail. One of the reasons she was assigned to this case was that she looked like a teenager. Bait. Jailbait, she thought with a mental sneer. One could only hope. She'd like to bait some of these sick bastards into jail. Shibuya was a tangle of sight and sound. The flashing lights of the arcades clashed with the jangle of people. Girls, hair streaked to blond-brown, skin tanned, balanced gracefully walked on ridicously high-soled boots. Trends were set in Shibuya, in the glare of electronics and style. But Fumi was not interested in any of that. She only wanted to do her job and get out. For that single-mindedness, some called her a bitch. Or frigid. That only made her laugh. As if those insults would cause her to change, or fight back. She merely ignored and pressed on. As a college student, she had been recruited by Interpole. This was mostly for her skills with what some would term as deadly arts. Her reflexes were awesome. And her intelligence was bar none. She allowed herself to be recruited because she thought she could help, at least a little. It opened her eyes to the horrors of the world. The vulnerability. Maybe it would hurt, but she had to care. She hid how everything effected her, but she felt it all the same. If she didn't, she would become as hard as some of the monsters out there. She swallowed, remembering her dream. Was he a monster? Whoever he was, she wanted to find know more. Get a grip, Fumi. It's only a dream. But some how, rationalizing did not comfort her. Dreams were a funny thing. Vague images faded into the night, insubstantial as mist. Yet.... The left hand of darkness loomed ahead. Reaching out gently. Touching softly. His hand...touching every so lovingly. She could smell him on her when she woke up. When she woke up, she remembered him with every breath. The mix smells of tabbacco and male drifted to her from the recesses of sleep. He was out there. Looking for her. Waiting for her. She didn't know whether to run and hide or to stalk back. Something within her was urging her to reach out for him. Damn it! Don't think about it. Don't. You're working anyway. Fumi surreptitiously stretched, bringing more attention to her chest. She lazily uncrossed her legs, scanned the night and waited. ****** He dreamt of blood. The taste... The sticky, warm feel of life, flowing out, flowing on, made him mad. He could smell it in the darkness. The blood called to him. In his mind, she became mixed up with the blood. He opened his eyes, staring out into darkness. In the night, the moist heat of the oncoming summer hung in the air, but he felt cold. He needed to be warm. She can make you warm. Yes. Just take. Then you can find happiness. Was it her time? The other girls were just a prelude to his ultimate conquest. He wanted her so bad he could taste it. Her. Her blood. Oh yes. It was time to hunt. ____________________________________ --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ---------------------------- GET WHAT YOU DESERVE! A NextCard Platinum VISA: Get an APR as low as 2.9 Intro & NO annual fee! Apply online today! Click Here ------------------------------------------------------------------------