Rurouni Kenshin: A New Era

Disclaimer All rights and privileges to Rurouni Kenshin belong to Nobuhiro Watsuki, Shuiesha, Sony Music Entertainment, and associated parties. The characters are used without permission. This is a work of fiction and not written for sale or profit.

All characters I create belong to me.
Spoiler warning: Kyoto Saga/Departure. But only a little bit!

tadaima: I'm/we're home!
okaeri(nasai): welcome home

Revised on 12/09/98
Updated with new revsions: 1/24/99 - Thanks to Amy Forsyth

Yoko-chan (

A New Era: Part 2 - Confessions and Announcements

"Kenshin, its too early to wake up...." Kaoru moaned as she rolled over, trying to avoid the hand that was shaking her shoulder.

"Kaoru. I'm not Kenshin. Wake up. We have to talk."

"Megumi? Oh. What happened?" Kaoru blinked in confusion.

"You passed out," Megumi replied dryly. "One of the neat things that happens from time to time when you're pregnant."

"Megumi! I'm pregnant!" Kaoru's eyes began to fill with tears. She couldn't believe that she was really going to have Kenshin's baby. A baby. She lowered her hand to her stomach, as if trying to feel the life-force within.

"That's what you get when you do what you've been doing with Ken-san." Megumi hunkered down to sit more comfortably next to her. "Didn't you think that it would happen?"

"I-I thought about it, b-but... I can't believe it's really happening."

"Heh, now you get to experience all of this first hand. For the next 7 or 8 months, your body will be going through so many changes, it will make your head spin."

"Changes? Oh! Kenshin!"


"Megumi. How am I gonna tell him?" Kaoru sat up on her knees and began to gesticulate frantically. "Will he be happy about it? Of course he will! He loves children! He's going to be a wonderful father. Megumi! Everything is going to change. Megumi...." Kaoru's eyes went big. "I'm going to be a mommy." The enormity of it all made her tremble.

"Calm down, Kaoru. I know it's a lot to take in." Megumi put her arm around her to reassure her. "I told Sanosuke to fetch Kenshin. They're coming over right now."


"How did you tell Sanosuke?" Kaoru asked, after taking a deep breath of the cooling summer air. She had put away the futon in an effort to calm herself. Megumi and Kaoru sat on the porch of the house, talking in the late afternoon breeze.

"The first time?" Megumi smiled. Her face was full of feminine mystery.

"Yeah. How did you tell him? I never thought of it until today. When you were pregnant with Shin-chan, Sanosuke was the one who announced it to everyone. When did you tell him?"

"I pushed him into the river. After he told me."


"I had just realized that we were going to have a baby, and I was so excited about it. We were talking as he walked me to the clinic. It was a beautiful day and I thought that it would be a perfect time to tell him. The sun was shining off the water and all.... I told him I wanted to go there to look at the water." Megumi smiled at the memory.

"Sano grumbled a bit, like he always does. We walked down there and looked at the water. I wanted the moment to be perfect. We didn't say anything for a couple of minutes, just stared out at the water. Then suddenly, Sanosuke turned around and started yelling at me. 'Well? Are you going to tell me I finally knocked you up?!?' I was so surprised at him. Then I got mad."

Kaoru began to laugh. "Sanosuke knew? How?"

"Apparently, that had been his goal from the beginning. He had been counting days to make sure. I was so angry at him, I pushed him into the water and started to walk away."

"You were mad at him? For making you pregnant?"

"No. For ruining the moment! Here I was, bent on building atmosphere, and he blew it. Anyway, he got out of the water and ran up to me and grabbed me and started spinning me around and around." Megumi's eyes softened at the memory. "He was wet and cold. But he didn't care. Don't tell him that I told you, but he had tears in his eyes. He just kept spinning me around in circles, telling me how happy he was and how much he loved me. It was one of the most beautiful moments that we've shared."

"How wonderful. Later, when you two came over and told the rest of us, Sanosuke was so proud when he made the announcement."

"Yes. Sano loves children. He was very excited that he finally was going to have some of his own." Megumi patted her belly. "And you better be better behaved than your oniichan! I swear, Shin-chan gets into so many fixes that my hair is going to turn gray before he's five. Sano just looks at him and he says that he gets it from my side of the family."

"Tadaima !" Sano called out to them as they stepped through the gates to the courtyard of their home. Shinosuke was riding on his father's shoulders, holding on to Sano's hair spikes, which were sagging just a bit. Kenshin and Yahiko followed behind them, a wee bit damp looking as well.

"Okaerinasai. Finally. What took you so long?" she asked, looking up at them. "What happened?" She looked at the men in her life, her arms akimbo. They looked very wet for the short walk from the dojo to their house.

"Nothing, really." Sano looked away from his wife and started whistling. Shin-chan tried to copy his father, but just ended up blowing spittle onto his father's hair.

"N-Nothing...," both Kenshin and Yahiko stammered, looking away.

Megumi looked at all their faces. They looked guilty. Or they were at hiding something. She made her decision and looked to her darling son.



"Tell 'kachan what happened."

"What 'appened?" Her son looked down from his place on his father's shoulders and smiled at her. It was one of pure innocence. But Megumi knew her little angel oh too well.

"Yes. Why are your father, Kenshin and Yahiko so wet?"

"It was....wraining?"

"Sagara Shinosuke." Megumi used his full name. One of the weapons in her "mommy arsenal". "That's not true. What did I say about lying?"

"It's bad. Sworry. 'Kachan pwomise not to get mwad?"

"I promise."

Kenshin and Yahiko began to slink away, leaving Sano and Shinosuke to Megumi. At least they tried. They didn't get very far.

"You two, don't move either," she said in the voice. It was something, she told Kaoru later, that all mothers acquire after giving birth. Very handy in making people freeze and confess their crimes in no time at all.

"We goin' home and Shin wanted to see the water in the river. Shin went 'n ran down...."


"Shin twiped and fwell," Shinosuke finished, seeing his mother would not be satisfied till she got more of the story.

"All of you went after him?"

"Yeah. Um... He got away from us, so we ran like heck to catch up. We got there just in time before he fell in. We pushed him back, but we ended up falling into the water 'cuz we...we all bumped into each other," Yahiko confessed. "So much for our combined reflexes."

Megumi paled a little at the thought of her son falling into the river's waters. Even though in the summer the river ran low, Shinosuke couldn't swim yet.

"Is that why you didn't want to tell me?"

"Hey, woman, it's kinda embarrassing. Shinosuke is the only one who didn't get wet. Anyway, we saved him from a dunking. And he is going to learn how to swim starting tomorrow." Sano put his son on the ground and squeezed more water from his clothes. He took a seat on the wooden porch before the entrance to the house.


Megumi sighed as Shin-chan began to dance around in joy. Only their Shinosuke could get away with a stunt like that and get rewarded in his eyes at the same time. He was definitely going to turn her hair gray.

She turned to say something to Kaoru about it, but she and Kenshin were busy looking into each other's eyes. No one could get Kaoru's attention away from Kenshin when they were looking at each other like that.

"Are you okay?" he asked, moving closer to her.

"Um, yes. Megumi says I'm perfectly healthy."

"Really?" He still looked worried.

"In fact, Megumi says that I should be getting even healthier!"

Megumi coughed at that. "Getting even healthier?" I guess that's true....

"Well, I'm going to go get dinner ready."

"Oh. I'll do it." Kaoru offered. Megumi should be resting, not running around making food. Yahiko groaned. Kaoru retaliated by hitting him on the head. She had been improving a lot in that area. Really. No one was getting sick anymore, anyway....

"I'll help," said Kenshin.

"No way." Sanosuke got up and stretched. "Tonight, I'll be making dinner."

Kenshin, Kaoru, and Yahiko looked at each other in confusion. Sanosuke could cook? He never offered to do so before. Marriage apparently did amazing things him. They looked over to Megumi, who looked at Sano, who had bent down to look at his very excited son.

"Yah!!! Fish!!! Fish!!!" Shin-chan began to jump up and down with anticipation. "Can I help, 'touchan?"

"Yeah, come on." Sano patted Megumi's stomach in greeting and walked into the house.

Megumi sighed again. "That's the only thing he can cook. Fish grilled over an open fire. I've been eating it for the last week and a half," Megumi said resignedly. "Ah well.... It'll be good for a summer night."


Kenshin was still worried about Kaoru. She seemed distracted throughout dinner. Even though she had assured him she was fine, she didn't seem herself.

"Kenshin," Kaoru said in a soft voice as they walked the dirt road to the dojo.

"What is it?"

"Let's stop here. I want to talk to you." Kaoru had been thinking about where to make her big announcement to him. It finally hit her as they were walking towards the dojo. It was perfect.

"I'm going to go ahead to the dojo, okay?" Megumi had pulled him aside and told him to give them some private time, but Yahiko was not a fool. He already knew when it was time retreat and let the couple have a bit of privacy. He had lived with them long enough. Something big was going to happen. Though he was curious, he was not about to ruin the moment, whatever it was. They would tell him about it later.

The stars were out, brightly twinkling in the night sky overhead. They walked down to the edge of the river bank. She looked across the water at the fireflies flickering, reminding her of the past, encouraging her about the future. It was a night like this, on the road near here, that he had left her in the dark to return to wandering. He left her so he could stop a mad man. That night, Kaoru had cried herself to sleep. She loved Kenshin so much.

Kenshin stared out at the dark beauty of the water and the lights. He, too, was reminded of that dark night when he had to say good-bye the one he loved the most. It still pained him that he had hurt her so much when he walked off into the darkness.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" His voice broke the silence, the calm of the night.

"Yes. Kenshin, I love you so much."

Kenshin opened his arms and gathered her close, breathing in her smell, needing to feel her close to him. "I love you, too. Kaoru, what's wrong? You looked so preoccupied all through dinner. Are you okay?"

He looked down at her face. Tears?

"Kaoru? What is it?"

"Kenshin...," Kaoru's voice trembled with emotion as she took his hand and placed it on her stomach. "Kenshin, we're going to have a baby." She savored the words. They were so easy to say once she did. The tears in her eyes spilled down her face. Tears of joy. She had to say the words again. "We're having a baby."

Kenshin's eyes grew big. He gathered her closer and held her tightly to him. He didn't say anything for a long time.


"I-I love you. Kaoru, I love you so much."

"Kenshin." She turned around to face him.

"Life would not be worth living without you. I'm so happy. I can't tell you how happy I am." His hands trembled as he touched her face gently, his finger tips tracing down her cheek to her lips. Then he kissed her, his lips conveying to her without words how he felt.

They stood for a long time, just holding each other.

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