"Misao, we need you for a very important job." Aoshi's face was very serious. But then, it always was.
Misao was on her feet in an instant. "All RIGHT! A chance to show off my skills! What's the scoop, Aoshi-sama?"
"A local yakuza group has been dabbling in smuggling lately. We've been hired to find out what they're doing. Several of the members eat at the Shirobeko on a regular basis; I want you to spy on them. The easiest way is if you get a temporary job as a waitress. Sae has already agreed, and is expecting you."
"I'll leave right now!"
"Uh, Misao..."
"Aren't you forgetting something?"
Misao looked about. "Like what?"
Aoshi held out an orange robe and a white frilly apron.
Misao's eyes bulged out of her head. "WHAT?!?!?! You want me to wear...to wear...THAT?!?!?!?"
"It's the customary uniform. You're supposed to blend in, so that you can gather information effectively without being noticed."
"But...but...those are GIRL clothes!" Misao wailed.
Aoshi raised an eyebrow. "You are a girl."
"Forget it! I'm not wearing girl clothes! Have you got any idea how hard it is to move about in those things?"
"Oh yes. I've dressed in them once or twice." A huge sweatdrop appeared on the back of Misao's head. Aoshi's expression didn't change at all. "It was necessary at the time. You will do this, Misao."
"Why can't Okon do it? Or Omasu? Why does it have to be me?"
"They're busy gathering information in other places. We need you at the Shirobeko."
"But...!" Misao realized she wasn't going to win this argument. Her shoulders slumped in defeat as she reached out and took the uniform. "All right...I don't have to cut my hair, do I?" She glared at him suspiciously.
Aoshi mused. "Now, that's an idea..." Misao cringed. "...but no. Putting it up in a bun and tying it back should make you look different enough to not be recognized, assuming anyone would know you in the first place. You should wear some makeup, though."
"MAKEUP?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!" Miso's face turned bright red.
"It will help disguise your features. Not too much; perhaps just a bit of lipstick."
"Oh god, no..."
"Go change, Misao. You start work this afternoon."
[several hours later]
"So, what did you find out?"
Misao fidgeted in her uniform. "It looks like they're smuggling rare animals, Aoshi-sama. All they talked about was fur."
"Really? That's very interesting. In that case, our next step is to get someone inside their business..."
"I'll do it!!! I'll do anything to get out of this dress! Please let me do it, Aoshi-sama!"
"Well, since you volunteer..." Aoshi rummaged through a trunk filled with various costumes and pulled out something large and furry. He tossed it at Misao.
She caught it, shook it out, and eyes it with suspicious. A large vein appeared on her forehead. In an absolutely deadpan voice, she said, "You want me to dress up like a weasel?"
"It's easier than trying to get them to hire you. Now, how to sneak you into their warehouse..."
Misao sighed. "The things I do for Aoshi-sama," she muttered.