Subject: [kenshinfanfics] Fanfic, pt 1 Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 20:41:03 EDT From: Reply-To: To: Oro? I'm sorry! I missed those. *^_^* Anyways, I'll split it up as messages, in case you couldn't get it last time. Here's the first part, I'll send the second once you've all had the chance to reply to it... Battousai Again, Yahiko looked up as he realized that Kaoru was no longer telling how to fix what he was doing wrong, which seemed to include pretty much everything. "Hey! Hag! Why’ve you stopped yelling?" She turned her head and glared at him, then stalked out of the room, towards the front gate. Yahiko, mystified by this sudden change in behavior, followed. Standing just inside the gate was a young man, dressed in dark blue and brown, with short black hair and black eyes. He was fairly tall, well built and looked approximately Kaoru’s age. He was also carrying a sword and a large knife. Kaoru smiled. "Hello, I’m Kamiya Kaoru. Who’re you?" The man smiled back at her. "I’m Ryu…Kamiya? You the dojo mistress?" Kaoru nodded. "Yes, I am. Are you interested in learning Kamiya Kasshin Ryu? He grinned. "yes, that’s why I’m here. *he half pulls un-sheaths the sword sheathed at his waist* I’m already proficient with this, but I would prefer to be able to defend myself without fear of killing." Kaoru smiled. "Wonderful. *turns and spots Yahiko* This is my other student, Myojin Yahiko." Ryu bowed . "Good morning Yahiko-kun, I apologize for interrupting you…" Yahiko shrugged. "It’s okay she was just yelling at me anyways. Kaoru scowled and smacked Yahiko over the head with her bokken. Yahiko dropped, eyes wild and unfocused. Ryu looked faintly concerned. "Did you kill him?" Yahiko groaned and Kaoru blushes, looking guilty, "No, I didn’t. Sorry about that, I guess I… Ryu smiled. "it’s okay. Don’t worry about it. Kaoru spoke quickly, ignoring Yahiko who was still fairly out of it. "So, you want to learn to protect yourself without killing? Come with me." Ryu smiled and started inside, setting his weapons along the wall. By way of explanation he said simply. "I don’t like to have these with me when I don’t need them anymore. Too much risk of someone getting hurt…" Yahiko eventually recovered and, noting Kaoru and Ryu had left him to his own devices, inspected the sword and dagger. His eyes widened as he pulled them out. Both sword and knife had jagged teeth notched into the blade and the knife has a small hook at the end. These weren’t your simple, everyday weapons. These were meant to maim and then kill… * * * Kaoru sighed and tapped Ryu on the head with her bokken. "You’re doing it all wrong!" Ryu frowned and tried again, a single overhead slash with his new bokken. Kaoru scowled and stood in front of him. "No! Like this!" She performed the slice as expected and looked expectantly at Ryu who followed suit. Yahiko, cleaning nearby, shook his head. Ryu had been studying with them for a week now, arriving diligently at around 11 everyday, leaving around 4. The first day, he had displayed his proficiency with sword and knife, causing Yahiko no end of envy as he swung the sword easily around in simple then more complex sword skills. After that, until now, he’d listened to Kaoru’s lectures and helped Yahiko clean up, but today Kaoru had felt he was ready to learn a few skills. She’d given him his new bokken and started teaching him just this morning, leaving Yahiko to do all the cleaning. As if his thoughts, or just his slacking off, had caused her to remember him, Kaoru turned and scowled. "Yahiko! You’re supposed to be cleaning!" Grumbling under his breath Yahiko sincerely wished that Kenshin would return early that day. For over a week Kenshin had been leaving early and getting in the evenings, for various reasons. Errands, fishing, Sano had asked him to help, Yahiko only wished that he’d get back so Kaoru could stop worrying over him and be less cranky. He felt sorry for poor Ryu, forced to be taught by her in a bad mood, but he’d been in that situation himself, so he wasn’t too pitying. Ryu sighed and wiped off his forehead. It was fairly warm out and Kaoru had had him practicing for over 3 hours. He was getting kind of tired and was more then a little sweaty. "Kaoru-san, could I please take a break? I’m thirsty…" Kaoru crossed her arms, "Take a break, we just started!" Ryu gaped. "Just started? We’ve been practicing three hours! Even my old sensei wasn’t as strict as you." But, since she was his new teacher, he lifted his bokken and started another attempt. Kaoru frowned, three hours? Looking around she noticed it was true. "Oh no! I have to start lunch…Ryu, stop practicing, you try too hard. Ryu, confused, froze in mid slice, "huh?" Yahiko groaned, "Oh no, Kaoru, don’t tell me you’re cooking again!" Kaoru scowls, "There’s nothing wrong with my food!" Ryu frowns slightly. "Maybe we could go into Tokyo and eat at a restaurant? My treat…" Yahiko grinned and bounced to his feet. "Really? Great!" Ryu nodded. "I better get some water first though. I’m rather…umm…" Kaoru sighed and frowned, considering. "Well…okay…" Ryu smiled. "Don’t worry, I’ll stay after to make up for the lost time…" Kaoru smiled back. "Okay then. Why don’t you go get a drink of water? I have to write Kenshin a note anyway, in case he comes back while we’re gone." Ryu frowned. "Kenshin?" * * * Yahiko smiled as he walked in through the gate half turning to watch Ryu and Kaoru coming up behind him. They were all carrying some groceries, since they’d been in town anyway, and the pair was lagging behind a little. "hey! Come on!…I’m going to go put my stuff away!" He turned and rushed towards the kitchen, entered, and noticed something weird. "Kenshin?" Kenshin looked up from the rice he was cooking. "Ahhh, Yahiko, there you are." Yahiko walked in and set his things down. "Kenshin, why are you cooking? Didn’t Kaoru tell you we went out to eat?" Kenshin looked down at the food then back at Yahiko. "Oro? You already ate? Kaoru-dono just said that you were going out. I thought it was for some groceries, we were short on them…" Yahiko shook his head, "No, Ryu took us out for lunch. We picked up the groceries as well." Kenshin looked confused, "Ryu?" Yahiko nodded, "Hasn’t Kaoru told you anything?" Kenshin shook his head, "Apparently not…Who’s Ryu?" Yahiko sighed and gestured for Kenshin to follow him. "come on, you should meet him." They walked out, up to the front gate where Ryu was perilously balancing his groceries while trying to hold the gate open for Kaoru. "Kaoru-san, I think you got a little too much…" Kaoru shook her head as she walked past him. "No. Yahiko just didn’t take enough. You shouldn’t have taken it all, Ryu…" Ryu shrugged, "Well, you looked kind of overburdened and Yahik-AHH! Finally over balanced by said burden Ryu fell flat on his back, much to the amusement of Yahiko, Sanosuke, who’d exited the dojo to stand by Yahiko, and Megumi, who was right behind Sano. Kenshin didn’t react, only stared at the fallen Ryu. Kaoru set her stuff down and knelt by Ryu. "Ryu? Ryu? Are you okay?" Ryu groaned as Sanosuke walked over and grinned down at him, "Carrying too much? Ryu winced and closed his eyes, "I think I broke something…" Megumi walked up and looked down at Ryu, who Kaoru was trying to get to sit up. "Mmm, who’s the new guy, Kaoru?" Yahiko grinned, "This’s Ryu everyone. He’s Kaoru’s new student." Megumi smiled. "Student, eh?" Kneeling she pushed Kaoru aside. "shoo, you silly girl, you’ll hurt him!" Kaoru blinked, "Huh?" Ryu tried to push himself up but Megumi pulled him back, hugging him against her. "now, now. You should stay still. You might’ve hurt yourself, carrying all that!" Ryu blinked, "Huh?" Megumi gestured to the pile of groceries. "look at all that you were carrying! You might have hurt yourself" She glared up at Sano and the others. "Go put these away." Sano frowned and crossed his arms, "Why should I?" Megumi frowned right back, "because, if you don’t, you won’t have anything to eat next time you come over." Sano blinked. "Oh…there’s a good reason." Smacking Yahiko upside the head he went to pick up the food. "Come on, let’s put this stuff away." Kaoru scowled at Megumi. "Leave Ryu alone! He’ll be fine!" She reached to help the poor guy up. Megumi, pulling Ryu out of Kaoru’s reach. "I’m a doctor, let me handle this!" Ryu, looking distressed. "…Umm…help!" Kaoru glared at Megumi, "Let the poor guy go, Fox." Megumi shook her head. "I’m a doctor and I insist that he get a checkup." Kaoru scowled. "he doesn’t NEED a checkup!" Ryu became a trifle worried over his situation and looked around for help. When he spotted Kenshin he tensed, causing Megumi to pull him even closer. "See? Now you’ve gotten him all tense…" Kenshin stepped forward, hand on his sakaba hilt. "What are you doing here?" Ryu blinked then grinned, relaxing. "Me? I’m learning Kamiya Kasshin Ryu, of course…" Kenshin frowned. "Do you really expect me to believe that?" Ryu shrugged. "Whether you do or not is your own business. But not all of us want to kill anymore and," he glanced meaningfully at Kenshin’s sword. "Not all of us can run around with Sakaba’s…" Everyone else blinked. "You two know each other?" Kenshin nodded, Ryu grinned. "We…ran into each other one…" Megumi thought a moment, "Another hitokiri?" Ryu shook his head. "me? A hitokiri? Not my style. I’m just a regular fighter who has a few…issues with your friend here." Kaoru frowned. "Is that why you’re here?" Ryu blinked, "That why-oh no, that’s not why. I’m just here to learn to use a bokken. I don’t really care for killing people enough to do it when I can avoid it, it gives me something to do and I’m not with my group anymore so I’ve no need to keep on fighting. But I like to be able to defend myself, so…" Everyone stared at him. Ryu sighed then smiled up at Megumi. "Would you please let me up? I’ll be fine…" Megumi blinked, "Huh? Oh!" She helped him to his feet. "I’m sorry about that…" Ryu grinned, "No problem. Always nice to see a doctor so willing to help." Megumi blushed and shifted. Kaoru hmphed and stood up. "I better go check on Sanosuke and Yahiko. I’ll be back to resume your lesson in a few minutes, Ryu…" Ryu nodded, "yes, Kaoru-san…" Kenshin turned and followed her out, Ryu watching him leave. Suddenly he turned to look down at Megumi. "Is he always that angry?" Megumi blinked. Ryu frowned at the leaving Kenshin. "Maybe I should go. I wouldn’t want to disturb things here and I’m afraid there may be a few people after me…" Megumi stood up, "I doubt Kaoru will mind if you stay. If you tell her and Kenshin that, in fact, they’ll probably insist. Safer here." Ryu thought a moment. "I suppose…But I really get the feeling Himura didn’t like me…" Megumi smiled. "Perhaps it’s because he’s jealous…" Ryu blinked, "Jealous? Of what? Megumi smiled, "Nothing. Now, you better go get your bokken. Kaoru will be upset if you aren’t ready when she gets back." Ryu put a hand to his head as he left, "And the last thing we want is Kaoru- san angry…" * * * (Later that evening, in the kitchen, Kenshin’s cooking again) Kenshin turned as he heard the door open and smiled, "Hello, Kaoru-dono." Kaoru smiled back, "Hello Kenshin…Would you like some help with dinner?" Kenshin nodded, "That’d be nice, thank you…Would you peel those potatoes?" Kaoru nodded and got a knife. "…When did you meet Ryu?" Kenshin blinked and looked over at her, "Huh?" Kaoru refused to look meet his gaze. "Ryu, when did you meet him. I get the feeling you don’t like him…" Kenshin sighed, "I don’t. I first met him about four years ago. I entered a town and someone asked me to help them find the killer of their daughter. It turns out the girl had gotten on the wrong side of a group of sword fighters that had their own little group in a dojo just outside of the town. She’d refused to have anything to do with their leader, or some such. Well, awhile before I’d arrived she’d started dating someone, Ryu, and they got to the point where they were starting to get serious, her parents had met him, he knew her friends, he got along well with her family and all that. But, the weird thing was, he wouldn’t say much about his past. He said his parents had died, he was in town with some friends and that he worked as a sword fighter. She asked him repeatedly to tell her more, but he either evaded the question or just plain refused to answer it." "One day they left her house and neither of them came back. They found her body a few days later, throat cut by a distinctive blade. Knowing the only group who could have a vendetta against her, her father went to the dojo where the group who she’d annoyed and entered. There he found Ryu, who hadn’t come around asking about her and had been assumed dead. Ryu was sharpening his sword, oblivious to the man. The sword was of the type that had killed the girl, as was the knife at his side. The man was horrified and fled the building. By the time he ran into me he’d reached the conclusion that Ryu was the one that had killed her…" Kaoru gulped, "Do you think he’s here to…?" Kenshin shook his head, "I doubt it. The man was very clear on one thing. Ryu had never lied to either him or his daughter. He really did leave his group and is here to learn budo. But…I went up after him, to that dojo. With someone else, the father had hired him. We went up there and split up to look around, the place appeared to be empty. I heard a scream and ran to it, found the other man dead, gutted by a knife. Ryu stood nearby, cleaning off his knife. He noticed me, but then the other fighters came swarming out of the dojo. I had to leave…I went back up again later, but he was gone…" Kaoru glanced sideways at him, "You don’t trust him, do you?’ Kenshin shook his head. Kaoru sighed, "I do. I like him. He’s very nice…" Kenshin nodded, "Maybe…" Kaoru finished peeling the potato and set the knife down. She quickly walked to the door and threw it open. As an explanation to the startled Kenshin she told him, "I need some fresh air. If you need my help just come and get me. Ryu and Yahiko are out doing something or another…" She stepped out and quickly shut the door behind her. Kenshin sighed and went back to cooking. Kaoru-dono…I’m sorry… * * * (Outside, along the walls of the dojo. Kaoru’s sitting outside, staring up at the sky. The forest is nearby) Kaoru sighed, remembering what Kenshin had said. He’d reached the conclusion that Ryu had killed her…He never lied, he evaded the question or didn’t answer…Why is he here? He left his group behind, is he here to get away from them? Maybe he was so upset over what had he’d been forced to do that…What do I care? So he did bad things in his past, so Megumi likes him just as she likes Kenshin, what’s that to me? Sure, he’s nice and he’s cute and we get along well but…But… A sound broke into her thoughts, a thud of someone dropping into the yard. Frowning, she turned to see a shadow lunge at her. The shadow turned out to be a man dressed all in black, with dark brown, evil eyes. He clapped a hand over her mouth and shoved her, startled, back against the wall. "So, you’re Ryu’s new friend? Too bad for you, you shouldn’t have taken him in. He probably told you nothing, but that doesn’t matter…All he needs to know is that he can’t escape his shadows. Wherever there’s light, there’s darkness and wherever there’s darkness we can go and do what we want in it’s cover. Tell him this. If you don’t, I’ll make the boy deliver the message…oh and here’s the signature…" The man in black pulled out a large knife and raised it, smiling at Kaoru’s scared eyes. "Can’t forget to put the signature on, now can we?" Pulling the knife back a little he stabbed it into Kaoru’s stomach, then, pulling his hand off her mouth, twisted it. She screamed in pain and fell as he pulled the knife out, dropping it beside her, then fleeing. Kaoru struggled to stay conscious through the pain that enveloped her as she heard shouts of people approaching. Finally, she was able to focus and saw Kenshin holding her, face horrified. She tried to say something, choked on some blood and ended up gagging and coughing instead. As she fell back in a faint she couldn’t help but be sad and the horrified and worried look on Kenshin’s face. She didn’t want him to be sad… * * * (Inside the dojo again. Kenshin’s sitting by Kaoru, who’s been bandaged and sewn up by Megumi. It has not been very long, Ryu and Yahiko have yet to return) Kenshin looked around and sighed, "Yahiko isn’t back yet. I’m getting worried…" Megumi stood up, yawning. "I sent them out to gather some herbs that aren’t too common and told them not to come back until they’d filled the baskets. They shouldn’t be back here for awhile…I sent Ayeme and Suzume to get Sanosuke, they should be back in a bit…" Kenshin nodded. Megumi stretched. "I’m going to go change. I’m covered in blood. Would you watch her? Kenshin nodded again. Megumi left, a worried frown on her face. Kenshin sighed and walked over by the unconscious Kaoru. Kneeling down he stared at her. Was it because of me? Did Ryu do this because she told him she knew what he’d done? If I’d gone out there with her, instead of thinking that she wanted to be alone, she’d still be okay. I could have saved her if I’d only…if only I’d….If only…Kaoru groaned and her eyes opened, causing Kenshin to kneel over her, worried but hopeful. "Kaoru-dono, are you okay?" Kaoru shifted, still not fully conscious. She mumbled something Kenshin had to lean down to catch. "Kenshin…don’t be sad…I don’t want you to be sad…" Suddenly her eyes opened wide and she jerked her head up, almost into Kenshin’s. They both yelped and fell back, startled. Kenshin regained his composure first. "Kaoru-dono, are you…Will you be okay?" Kaoru blinked and put a hand to her stomach. "Kenshin…I remember…I have to…I have to talk to Ryu!" Kenshin frowned, "Ryu, why would you have to talk to him?" Kaoru sat up, one hand still on her stomach the other pushing her up. Kenshin came closer and helped her up, she leaned against his chest, eyes half-shut. "I have to…I’m supposed to…Yahiko." Wincing she groaned and fell completely against Kenshin, who held her close. "Kaoru-dono, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I wasn’t there. I shouldn’t have told you…" Kaoru shook her head slightly, "No, I wanted to know. And it wasn’t your fault. You can’t be everywhere. It was mine. I shouldn’t have gone out alone, I…Kenshin, you can’t blame yourself! If it wasn’t for you I’d have already been dead, Gohei would have…he’d have…" Kenshin winced as he felt her body tense with pain. "Kaoru-dono, I should have been there! I’m why he…You’re lucky you didn’t die. Ryu stabbed you just- "Ryu stabbed who? Now what are you accusing me of, Rurouni?" Kenshin turned his head to see Ryu standing in the doorway, an angry look on his face. "Ryu…What are you doing here?" Ryu held up his basket. "Megumi-san wanted these," He spotted Kaoru and backed up a step. "However, if now’s inconvenient… Kenshin frowned and stood, still holding Kaoru. "Why, Ryu? Why did you stab Kaoru-dono?" Ryu blinks, "Huh? Stab?…Hey, what’s going on here?" Kenshin kicked the knife that was lying on the floor over to Ryu. "Explain this…" Ryu picked the knife up and pulled it out of it’s sheath. "It’s done in my style. I’d say it’s a knife that Kyoko made just after I left." Kenshin raised an eyebrow, "Kyoko?" Ryu nodded and tucked the knife into my belt. "Kyoko. She was the real leader of the group I was in. Yasuke was probably the name you heard mentioned as leader but he was only the official one. Kyoko made the swords and wielded the real power. You can tell I didn’t do it because of the-" Kenshin growled, becoming seriously annoyed. Ryu sighed. "Okay, so you don’t believe me. Why don’t you ask Kaoru-san?" Kenshin glanced down at Kaoru, who was being suspiciously quiet. She had her eyes closed and was apparently asleep. He set her down and stood, turning to face Ryu, eyes angry. "She’s asleep. I won’t wake her…" Ryu sighed as he caught Kenshin’s glare. He pulled out his knife and met it. "Well?" Kenshin drew his sakaba. "If you wanted a fight you should’ve asked, you shouldn’t have involved Kaoru-dono…" Ryu blinked and scowled. "I didn’t involve anyone!" Kenshin shook his head. "If not you, then who? Your old group? Why would they want to do that? To hurt you? What’s she to you?" Ryu scowled, gestured with his knife. "If you’re going to fight me, hurry up. I haven’t got all day…" Kenshin shouted and ran at Ryu, seeming to nearly disappear. Ryu wasn’t fazed by this though, he brought up his knife in a block. Kenshin attacked again and again, until, eventually, Ryu hit his sword with a blow that knocked both of their weapons out of their hands. Kenshin took a step back and frowned, looking around. He caught sight of Ryu’s sword and lunged for it, even as Ryu went for his sword. Kenshin frowned as he twirled the sword around a few times, checking out the weight and balance, as Ryu did the same. Then, confident in their new weapons, they lunged at each other again. Kenshin got smacked in the head and Ryu got a shallow cut along his stomach. Kenshin stood and glared at Ryu, continuing to get increasingly angry. "Why? This’s so unnecessary. Why are you here?" Ryu scowled back. "Like I told you, to start a new life. But, you, who took that chance yourself, don’t seem willing to let others have one of their own. You’re a dammed hypocrite!" Kenshin shook his head, and put a hand on his new sword. "Me? At least I don’t drag innocents into my fight!" Ryu made a face, "What is it with you and accusing me of hurting Kaoru-san? You probably did it yourself, as an excuse to fight me!" Kenshin snarled and lunged at Ryu, doing a battou-jutsu. Ryu blocked with one of his own and, once again, Kenshin’s sakaba lost to the opposing sword. Ryu cursed and dropped the cracked blade, flipping backwards to his knees, eyeing Kenshin. Kenshin, eyes angry, glared at him, pointing the sword in his hand at his chest. Ryu scowled, "Why are you doing this?" Kenshin frowned, mind picturing the girl Ryu had killed that caused Kenshin to meet him, then the man Ryu had killed in meeting him, and finally Kaoru, eyes filled with pain, trying to talk, nearly choking on her own blood instead. Even as the pacifistic rurouni part of Kenshin’s mind screamed at him, Kenshin pulled his sword back. His eyes flashed an angry gold down at the calm, waiting Ryu. Suddenly someone burst in on him, shouting his name. Ryu looked horrified and tried to shove her out of the way. Kenshin smiled, the only thing he truly saw was his minds picture of Ryu walking up to the trusting Kaoru and stabbing her. All the better that he should kill Ryu through his girlfriend, a variation of what Shi-shi-o and Yumi had done to him. He smiled grimly, "For Kaoru-dono…" He thrust his sword forward and suddenly his eyes went wide and his anger died on him abruptly. Too late… The sword struck home… * * * Kaoru woke up slowly, hearing the sounds of battle, heated voices. When she did open her eyes she wished she hadn’t. Kenshin stood facing off with Ryu, sword in hand. Ryu dropped the sword he was holding and Kaoru was surprised to see it was Kenshin’s sakaba, cracked. She pushed herself to her feet as Ryu flipped backwards, fell to his knees. Her mind went blank with shock as she saw the look on his face, he had gone hitokiri! What could have made him do that? She blinked and found herself facing Kenshin. She heard Ryu shout for her to get away, that Kenshin had gone insane and he’d kill her too. Kaoru shook her head and smiled slightly. "Not Kenshin. He’d never do that." She looked up into gold, hitokiti!, eyes of the man in question and her smile died. "Kenshin, stop it! Ryu didn’t attack me! The ones who did were after him, not me!…Kenshin! Please, stop it! You’re a rurouni, you don’t kill anymore!" She gazed pleadingly up at him. Kenshin smiled grimly back down at her. "For Kaoru-dono…" Kaoru blinked, For me? 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