From: Before You read this, I just want to let everyone know that I screwed up! Ashfae-san notified me that my calculations for the ages were wrong (thanx!) Yipe! ^.^;; The real ages are as follows: Actual RK: Shiro: ? Misao: 16 Aoshi: 24 The Begining of the prologue: Shiro: 14 Misao: 11 Aoshi: 20 The ages for the rest of the fic" Shiro: 21 Misao: 18 Aoshi: 27 I can be a baka at times ^.~ The previous chapter (prologue) can be found at Enjoy and I recommend you check out the fanart... go see what Misao looks like in the fic! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin belongs to it's respective owners. I'm not one of those owners *sigh*. Standard disclaimers apply. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- c o h e s i o n* part 1-b l a z e ~b l a z e Aoshi laid completely still. He was still trying to sleep, but he heard it again. The low, whistle-like buzz followed by a thud, which peirced the other side of his wall. To any trained onmitsu, that sound was distinct; The low buzz of a sailing kunai. To Aoshi, it was a sound that meant a few things: Misao was still awake, Misao was drunk, Jiya was drunk, and the Oniwaa Banshuu were partying. Aoshi buried his head deeper under the sheets. He sighed as a loud uproar of screaming and laughter carried over the wall. As okashira, he would have to do something about this... ::They should be more responsible; Especailly at a time like this...:: ********* "That's enough, Misao-chan." Shiro touched a finger to the tip of her nose. "What're you talking about? *hiccup* I'm fine" Shiro snatched the sake jug away from the drunken onmitsu. "You are soo wasted!" "Datte..." Shiro tugged her braid and led her out of the room. "No more out of you. You should be sleeping." Misao followed, stumbling along the way. They walked up the staircase leading to Misao's room as Shiro continued his broken tirade. "You might want to start acting more like a lady. You haven't been sleeping regularly either." Misao began to doze off as he straightened her futon. "I do not want to hear another peep out of y--" Shiro turned to find a sleeping Misao bracing against the doorpost. He smiled before mounting her onto the bed. He pried about 3 kunai from her grasp before he finished tucking her in. He outed the arrangement of candles in the corner of her room as he whispered to himself. "You're going to be the death of me." He slid the doors shut and returned downstairs. ********* "Oi! Party's ove--" Shiro sweatdropped. Before him lay a pile of sleeping Oniwaa Banshuu... Kuro was at the bottom serving as a mattress of sorts. Shiro shook his head. This was priceless... He folded his arms across his chest and waited a few minutes. After deciding an appropriate punishment, he began to work. ********* Morning came with the vengence of a scorned spirit. The sun's rays pounded on Aoshi's closed eyelids and the loud banter of voices flooded his ears. ::Amazing...:: He turned over feeling a shiver run up his spine. It seemed as if the fever was coming back. He needed rest, but he rose to greet the day. ********* Misao cut the last of the ropes. "How did all of this happen?" The angry mob relpied almost in unison. "SHIRO!" Misao shook her head. "All of you should have reconsidered. You don't do something so careless around Shiro." Jiya shrugged wiping the last of the netto from his head and neck. "He went too far this time." Kuro tried to relieve the soreness in his muscles by stretching. "We did get a little carried away though." He reached to help Omasu up. "Are you okay?" Omasu nodded. "Pretty much... My wrists are still bruised though." Okon sighed. Misao shook her head. "Well, someone needs to open up. The breakfast crowd will be coming in shortly." There was a pause. A shadow fell across Jiya's expression. Misao tapped his shoulder. "I'll go ahead." ** Sorting through the jumbled arrangement of keys, Misao made her way through the familiar corridors. She rounded the turn which led to the kitchen's entrance. She was surprised to find it open. ::Was it opened all night???:: Misao was hesiatant yet she pushed the door open... She was shocked at what she saw. * Aoshi bowed to the elderly woman. "I'm sorry to cause you any inconvenience." "It's alright." * Misao watched in amazement as he dismissed a group of customers. When the crowd dissipated Aoshi turned his attention to the girl. He paused to gather his thoughts. "... Misao." Misao nearly dropped the keys. "O-ohayo, Aoshi-sama." Aoshi regarded her. He was freezing and his head still felt weightless. Misao furrowed her brows. "The customers..." Aoshi's gaze was steady. "What about them? ... ... The Aoiya is closed." Misao stood still. Aoshi continued. "I doubt you slept much last night. This should be the perfect opportunity for you to get some rest... Will you excuse me?" Misao clutched the keys, her eyes glistening with defiance. "Sorry to keep you." Aoshi walked past her, shivering a bit as he went. ********* "Closed?" Misao nodded. "Jiya, Did you know about this?" The old man shook his head. "Regardless of whether I knew or not, the Aoiya will be closed until further notice. Even if I did disagree, i'm not in the habit of questioning my okashira." Jiya winked at the girl. "And I could use a little free time ne?" ** Misao absently fixed the obi around her waist. ::There's something they're not telling me...:: As she reached for one of the ribbons hanging overhead, she noted just how long her hair had gotten in the front. She studied herself in the mirror. It was different, but not bad... not bad at all. She grinned at herself before pondering a bit more. :: Is there a holiday i'm forgetting? Let's see... It's october... There's that Chrysanthemum thing but the Aoiya's never closed for *that*...:: Misao sighed before glancing at her mirror again. "Aoshi-sama must have a reason ne?" She reached into her pouch and found some of the tip-money she'd been saving over the last few weeks. She grinned. ::Maybe i'll buy someone a chrysanthemum...:: She smiled before heading off to the streets. ********* Mid-day came quietly. Shiro, with the assistance of his trusty pal Kuro, began to prepare lunch. "Kuro! Could you pass me some leek?" The hefty man looked up from his fish cleansing station. "Sure." He set down the mackerel and proceeded to wipe the slime from his fingers with his apron. As he waited, Shiro removed an empty basin from the cupboard and filled it with water. In no time, Kuro produced a bundle of leek. "Thanks." As he soaked the greens, Shiro began to grin. "Kuro." "yes?" He reponded as he collected his knife. Shiro's grin widened into a smile. "I was just wondering... who are those chrysanthemum's for?" Kuro smiled as well. "What's it to you?" Shiro looked up. "You better be careful... you shouldn't play with fire unless you want to get burned." Kuro resumed scraping. "You know Shiro, if you keep talking that Soba's going to be burnt." Shiro raised his knife. "I have never burned a dish in my life. Cooking is an art i've learned to master." Kuro cocked an eyebrow. "It's an art we've been forced to master." Kuro reached for an eel as Shiro snickered. "Che, you're right! When was the last time the girls cooked anything for us?" Kuro shook his head. "It's been so long, I can't remember." Shiro nodded. "And have you ever remembered a time where it wasn't burnt?" Kuro shook his head. Shiro continued. "How do they manage to get away with it?" Kuro shook his head. "I don't know." Shiro sighed as he dropped another set of stalks into the muddled water. "Say... If you and Omasu get married, who will do the cooking?" Kuro began to gather the entrails and scales. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that." Shiro smiled. "Hold on there... I'm not making fun... If I were a weaker man--." Before he could finish the thought, Shiro found himself in a headlock." "Get off of me!" Shiro pleaded. "There's something very wrong when a man is willing to betray his friend... she's got you wrapped around her little finger... you can't even be honest with me." Kuro tightened the hold. "Oh really?" "Reall--" "Oi! What's going on?" Shiro brightened as Misao entered the kitchen. "Misao-chan, Kuro's starting trouble!" Misao began to fold the sleeves of her kimono. "Kuro, is that correct?" Shiro collapsed onto the floor when Kuro released him. Kuro backed away. "I'm sorry... It'll never happen again." Misao moved closer. "Are you okay Shiro?" Shiro nodded playfully causing the whole room to erupt in laughter. ** When they had recovered, Misao, Shiro and Kuro divided the remaining chores amongst themselves. It was simple: Kuro would finish the cooking while Misao and Shiro did the cleaning. They stood side by side. "Say Shiro..." "yes?" Shiro responded. Misao stopped scrubbing. "Well, I was just wondering... Do you know why we're closed today?" Kuro listened carefully. Shiro paused. :: That's right... she doesn't know:: He swallowed nervously. "What do you mean?" Misao shrugged. "I don't know, I'm just asking around." Shiro's eyes never left the bowl he was working on. "I don't know either." It had gotten unearthly quiet in a matter of seconds. There was the occasional shuffling of Kuro's feet, but to Shiro it seemed as if the silence would not end. ::Someone should say something...:: And as if by telepathy, Kuro decided to speak. "So Misao-chan, how was your day?" Misao grinned. "I went to town today." "All by yourself?" Shiro added. Misao nudged Shiro. "I'm a big girl now, I can take care of myself." Shiro remained serious. "Wasn't it crowded? The festivities haven't ended yet." Misao sighed. "It sure was crowded. The street traffic was horrible." Shiro grinned. "Maybe that's why we're closed." Misao shrugged. Kuro continued his barrage of questioning. "So, did you buy anything?" Misao pouted. "Mou Kuro. Do you have to be so nosy?" Shiro cleared his throat. "Ahem... Does someone have a secret?" Misao closed her eyes and raised a finger. "That's for me to know and for you to find out." Shiro rolled his eyes. "Oh please Misao-chan, spare us." Misao raised an eyebrow. "Spare you?" Shiro turned to her. "I bet you squandered your money on a gift for the Okashira." Misao bit her lip. Shiro studied her expression carefully. "You did didn't you." He sighed. "You never learn. You're just like Kuro over there." Shiro removed his apron. "You should have gotten a hair cut." Misao touched a hand to her head. "It is getting kinda long in front right." Shiro shrugged. "I didn't say it looked *bad*... but can you see through all that hair?" Misao nodded. "It's only up to my chin..." "It makes you look older." Misao flushed slightly. "Is that a complement?" Shiro backed away. "Since when did an observation become a complement?" Kuro looked over at Shiro. "Since when do you observe out loud?" Shiro dismissed the comment. "I'll go get everyone." ********* Aoshi heard the knocking at his door. He sat upright wiping any trace of sickness from his eyes. He must have been burning up. If anything could work, it was Okon's tea. "Come in." Aoshi finally said. Shiro slid the door open. "Okashira." Aoshi looked up. "What is it?" Shiro slid the door shut behind him. "Lunch is ready." Aoshi grimaced inwardly. "I'll be there shortly." Shiro remained unmoved. "About the restaurant." Aoshi looked up. "What about it." Shiro refused to meet his gaze. "How long will it be closed?" Aoshi slowly stood up. "Until there is no potential danger to the costumers." Shiro nodded. "I understand." "Is that all?" Shiro continued. "Misao was concerned." Aoshi sighed. "I understand. I will tend to that." "Please do." ********* Shiro turned to Kuro. "Where's Misao, wasn't she just here?" Kuro responded. "She said she had to go get something." Omasu began to place food in Kuro's bowl. "Eat up." Shiro smirked at his friend. Aoshi sipped his soup. He wasn't hungry but he didn't want to arouse suspicion. He glanced across the low table and noted that Misao wasn't there. ::Is she rebelling.:: He picked up his chopsticks and reached for his rice. His plan was to eat lightly and vomit later. "Sorry to keep you waiting." The entire table turned to the voice. Misao descended the stairs carrying a relatively large box. "I had to go get something." Shiro noted that she had changed from a casual blue kimono to a rather formal purple and white one. She took her place besides Jiya and Shiro and bowed to say her grace. "Itadakimasu." Her expression was so serious the table began to chuckle and choke. "What'd I do?" A dumbfounded Misao arched one of her eyebrows. Okon wiped a tear from her eyes. "What's going on with you?" Misao scratched her head. "I don't know." ::Baka.:: Aoshi thought himself. Various conversations started around the table. Aoshi, Misao, and Shiro remained silent. It was then she smelled it. Misao looked up. "Is something burning?" Aoshi set down his bowl. He glanced over at the door leading to the restaurant portion of the Aoiya. From his positon, he could see thin clouds of smoke creeping in. Shiro's eyes glazed over. "I smell it too." Aoshi rose and slid the door open. Misao's eyes widened. "Fire." ~To Be Continued~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: 1. Sorry this took so long to write!! >_< I've always had trouble with beginings. 2. netto is a dish made of soybeans. In Hana Yori Dango, I remember that this guy dumped netto on Kazuya-kun's head... *sniff* 3. In Japan they celebrate the Feast of Chrysanthemums... I had no idea how they go about celebrating it but I twisted the purpose of the holiday for my fic... forgive me. If anyone does have any info on the holiday, i'd be happy to know! 4. And in case your wondering... Yes, the Restaurant part of the Aoiya is on fire ^.~ Ja! *Courtney-chan* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "Oh cruel fate! Release me from this tainted orb!" -Weird Al ------------------------------ "Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most..." -Jim Morrison --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ---------------------------- For BUFFY or BABYLON 5, SPAWN or SOUTH PARK, sells the cool stuff you want. Shop now and get your FIRST ORDER FREE!! Click Here ------------------------------------------------------------------------