From: Rourounin Kenshin isn't mine... Neither is The Little Mermaid... Please don't sue me! --------------------------------------------------------------- The Mermaid Chronicles (1/3) Far out at sea the water is blue as the bluest cornflower and clear as the clearest crystal; but it is very deep; too deep for any cable to fathom. And if the tallest buildings in the world were piled on top of one another they would not reach the bottom, for it is there where the Mermen live. The palace of the Mermen King lies in the very deepest part of sea. It's magnificent walls are of coral and long pointed windows of crystal amber, and the roof is made of exquisite mussel shells which open and shut with the lapping water. The Mermen King had long since been a widower. He was clever man who raised his 3 daughters alone. King Okina was very fond of the little mermaid princesses, but he was most fond of the littlest one; Misao. Indeed they were all beautiful, yet the youngest was the prettiest of them all. Her skin was soft and delicate as a roseleaf, her raven hair dark as midnight, her eyes as blue as the deepest seas, but like the others she had no feet, and instead of legs she had a fish's tail. Outside the palace was large garden, with fiery red and blue trees, the fruit of which shone like gold. It was there the girls trained and gossiped. They enjoyed practicing thier skills under a rosy red weeping willow. After a days work, they would eat with their father and share stories. Nothing gave Misao greater pleasure than to hear of the world of the human beings. "When you are sixteen." said the king "you will be allowed to rise from the sea and sit on the rocks in the moonlight. Until then, you must be patient." Her sisters Okon and Omasu were both older. Each time they ventured to the surface, they brought back stories of vine-clad hills, golden skies, towers and spires, twinkling stars, but most importantly, they brought with them deeper heartache and longing for their younger sister. She would listen to each story with an eager mind. In the evening, she stood at her open window and looked up through the dark blue water, hoping that she might catch a glimpse of a ship laden with human beings. She knew that humans could not live under water, and that only in the dead could they along with sunken ships visit their home. At last after seemingly long years, the Misao's 16'th birthday came. "Come now, let us adorn you younger sister." Said her two sisters. "Mou!" she shrieked in impatience "Do we have to." she whined much to the distress of her sisters. "Come on, The faster we dress you the faster you'll get to leave." They put a wreath of white lilies round her hair. In every petal was half a pearl, showing her high rank. "Alright, I'm off!" she said, and mounted airily as a bubble through the water. The sun had just set when her head first rose above he water, however the clouds were still lit with rosy and golden splendour. The air was mild and fresh and the sea was calm as a millpond... that was until she noticed a ship. A big three masted ship lay close by with only a single sail set, for there was not a breath of wind, and the sailors lazed about. There was music and singing on board, and as the evening closed in, hundreds of gaily colored lanterns were lit. Misao swam right up to the colored windows, and every time the ocean swell, she could see through the transparent panes crowds of people. The handsomest of all was the quiet prince. He sat in a corner icy dark eyes watching the festivities listlessly. Once in a while, one of his fellow shipmates would bid him to take part in the festivities. He would shyly bow his head and smile ever so slightly. Misao's heart melted each time he smiled. oh! How handsome the prince was! Gorgeous even as he spoke to guests gathered in his honor. While music rang in the quiet night, the time slipped swiftly into the night air. It got quite late but the mermaid could not take her eyes off the ship and the beautiful prince. Soon after, the winds of an approaching storm jarred the sails of the ship. Black clouds gathered as it lightened in the distance. The black waves rose like mountains, endangering the ship and the mermaid. But Misao continued to dive and swim through the towering crests. She had to find the prince. The ship creaked and groaned. Timbers bulged and bent under the heavy blows. Water broke over the mainmast snapping the mainmast like a reed. She ship heeled over to the side and water rushed into the hold. The little mermaid followed the prince with her eyes. It was pitch dark, but whem lightning crashed it became so light, that she could see each face in the water. Every man fended for themselves. She looked carefully for the prince and with the fifth crash of lightening, she saw him sink into the depth of the sea. At first she was ecstatic, but she then rememered that human's could not survive under water. She swam towrds him through the drifting beams and planks. She could care less if they crushed her, as long as the prince was okay. She dived again and reached the prince just as he was becoming unable to swim any further in the stormy seas. She swam with all her might, making sure his head was held above the water. By daybreak all the storm was over, the ship disappeared from the horizon replaced by the sun rising out of the water in radiant brilliance and rosy beams. Misao lay on the shore with her precious prince. His eyes remained shut as the sun casted a glow of life onto his cheeks. The mermaid kissed his fair and lofty brow as she stroked his dripping hair. It seemed as if he was only sleeping. She kissed his forehead lightly in hopes that he might live. When bells began to ring in a nearby white building, Misao retreated to a high rock further off. She covered her hair and breasts with foam so that no one should see her. It was not long before a young maiden came up to him. She seemed frightened at first, but soon she fetched several others. It was then that the prince was brought to life. His sparkled graciously as he thanked those around him, but he never thanked her, or looked at her. He did not know that she had saved him; she felt such great sorrow as he was led into the great white building. The sullen mermaid dived into the water and made her way home to her father's palace. To Be Continued... -------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: 1. This is a Rourounin Kenshin/ Little Mermaid crossover ^-_-^. 2. I am using the Hans Anderson version... the Disney one was alright, but the Hans Anderson version speaks to me more... His story is better. So sad! 3. Next part coming soon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Get involved. Share your thoughts! Join the ONElist Weekly Survey. Go to homepage for details.