Subject: [kffdisc] Those Days - Part 2 (revised) Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 21:30:06 EDT From: Reply-To: To: From: Umm, this has really not been changed very much, so you guys might not want to read it all *again*, but here it is anyway. Mostly I've just tried to make the balloon-stuff more realistic. Conversations, etc. are pretty much unchanged. Thanks to all of you who offered C&C. It really is appreciated! Eliz. Those Days Are Written On My Heart * A Rurouni Kenshin fanfic written for entertainment purposes only. Rurouni Kenshin characters are the property of Nobuhiro Watsuki Part 2: The World Above Sanosuke gritted his teeth as the ground continued to draw away beneath his feet. He climbed doggedly, ignoring his aching muscles. He had no time to think of them, no time to think of anything except his goal. Until the basket was achieved, there was nothing else. Except Yahiko. Fear for the boy would not totally leave his mind. He wondered what the kidnapper would do once he reached the top. Hold Yahiko over the side, force a choice? "Release the rope, or I'll drop him." What then, Sano? he asked himself. Do you have the strength to fall? Looking down at the green landscape spread so peacefully beneath him, he couldn't be sure of anything anymore. "Shit." In all his years as a gangster, through all his adventures with Kenshin, he had never felt so totally out of his depth. The land curved away, the blue harbor of Yokohama disappearing behind his right shoulder. He shook his head and concentrated on placing one hand above the other, trying not to think of how a gust of wind or a cramp in his fingers might return him all too quickly to the sunlit world below. # Inside the basket, Yahiko was too busy for such thoughts. He slammed his shoulder against Kitsune's leg, knocking the spy off his feet. Leaning over the side, he used this brief moment of freedom to check on Sano's progress. The street fighter had almost made it to the top. "Hurry! You've got to hurry!" Before Yahiko could offer any more encouragement, he felt Kitsune's hand on the back of his shirt, choking him as he twisted the fabric tightly. Then he was flung down with such force that the wooden ribs binding the wicker together creaked ominously, and for a moment he was sure he would plunge through the bottom of the basket. Sano looked up just as Yahiko's face disappeared, replaced by Kitsune's. As the spy began shaking the rope again, Sano's fear turned to fury. "What is wrong with you?" he screamed. His voice sounded unbelievably loud in his own ears. Kitsune hesitated, sizing up the man who dangled just out of his reach. "You want to kill me? Fine! Shake the rope!" Kitsune obliged him by shaking it jarringly, but Sano would not be dislodged. "Harder! You have to do it harder if you want to get rid of me! I'm going to come up there and throw your worthless butt over the side!" Strength surged through his arms, so that he was flying up the rope rather than climbing it. Sano had no more thoughts of falling, no more thoughts of the world below. His eyes burned wildly, searing Kitsune with their intensity. The spy backed away, suddenly as frightened of this man as he had been of the police leader. To escape with a boy as a hostage was one thing. To be trapped in a balloon with an enraged madman was something he had not counted on at all. If he couldn't make the man fall by force, there was only one other way. Yahiko lay at his feet, watching him. Their eyes met, and the boy's widened as he read Kitsune's intent. He tried to evade Kitsune, but the kidnapper grabbed his leg. Yahiko kicked with all his strength, striking Kitsune full in the chest. The spy fell against the side of the basket. He tried to regain his footing and go for the boy again, but a strong hand closed around his neck. "Too late for you," said a voice in his ear. "You should have killed me when you had the chance." # Kaoru watched breathlessly as Sanosuke climbed into the basket, overpowering Yahiko's kidnapper. He had his hand around the man's neck, and they were struggling, but the sides of the basket obscured her view. The other balloon was flying higher than her own, starting to pull away as it was caught in a brisk stream of air. She strained to catch sight of Yahiko, to make out what was happening. "Good, Sano!" Kenshin's knuckles whitened as he gripped the edge of the basket. He stretched up toward the other balloon, as if he could will himself there. Kaoru could feel his fighting spirit charge the air around them, but Kenshin seemed unaware of it as he focused completely on the fight in the other balloon. "His skills are passable, when only brute strength is required, but they are never good." "I'd like to see you do as well!" Saitoh looked at Kaoru appraisingly. "Maybe you will, someday. I can only hope," his gaze shifted from her face to the other balloon, "that he has enough sense to take the man prisoner and land quickly. But that may be asking too much." "Don't do it," Kenshin whispered. "Don't do what?" Kaoru glanced at him, taking in his tense expression in an instant. She followed his gaze. Sano had pushed the spy up against the side of the basket and was striking him repeatedly. Already the man was bent backwards, his upper body hanging out of the basket. A few more blows, and he would be over the side. "You're pity is out of place, Battousai. I would rid the world of Kitsune, if I had his chance." "I know. That's why I hope Sano chooses differently." # "I should throw you over, see if you can fly! That's what you wanted to do to me, right? That's what you would have done to him, if you'd caught him!" Sano gestured angrily in Yahiko's general direction. He could feel the man trembling beneath his fingers, but he tightened his grip anyway. Kitsune tried to fight back, but his arms were too short for his punches to connect when Sano held him at arm's length. "You're not a man," Sano sneered. "You're a rat. A stinking rat, a coward who hides behind children." "Hey!" Yahiko pushed himself unsteadily to his feet. "Who are you calling a child?" "You. You're still a ..." Sano's voice trailed away. The boy's nose was bleeding, his clothes were torn, and he looked like he might be sick at any minute, but his reproachful gaze was steady as he met Sano's eyes. "Oh, shit, Yahiko. How do you get yourself into these things?" "I dunno." He wiped his nose on his sleeve and sniffed. "Why don't you ask him?" "Good idea." Sano shoved Kitsune down into the center of the basket. "Maybe I'll let you live after all. But you'd better tell me something I'd like to hear." He stood above the man, his hands on his hips. "Why'd you kidnap Yahiko? Why'd you try to kill me? If you're another crazy enemy of Kenshin's, I swear I'll..." Kitsune glared up at him. "I took the boy because I was being chased and had no choice. I tried to kill you," he rubbed his throat, where dark bruises were already beginning to form, "for obvious reasons. I don't know who Kenshin is and I don't care! There. Are you satisfied?" "Not yet. Why were you being chased? Looking at you," and Sano did so with a critical eye, "I'd say you were a thief, maybe a cheap murderer. Am I right?" "The man following me is the murderer. And if he catches us he won't just kill me, but you and the boy, too. Maybe you hadn't noticed that we're not alone, even up here in the sky." "What?" Sano spun around, saw the other balloon for the first time. It was a good distance behind and below them. He strained to see who was in it, but the giant bubble of silk blocked his view. "How do you know who's following us? I can't see..." Before the words were out of Sano's mouth, the basket of the other balloon swung suddenly into view. There was a flash of red hair in the sunlight, and three pale faces turned upwards toward his. "Kenshin! Hey, Kenshin!" Sano waved his arm frantically, but the basket was already obscured from view again. "Could you tell who was with him, Yahiko?" "I'm not sure. I think Kaoru and maybe Saitoh, but I could only see them for a second." Yahiko rested his chin on the side of the basket, waiting to catch another glimpse into the other balloon. "So. You know his real name. I should have known you weren't ordinary from the way you fought. Maybe you're even the bastard's friends." Kitsune launched himself at Sano, but received a punch in the jaw before he even got close. He fell to the bottom of the basket and lay there, panting. "I'm gonna kill you if you don't stop doing that." "Better you than Saitoh Hajime!" Kitsune spit the words out like they were poison. "What's between you and Saitoh? You don't look like somebody he'd bother with. He may be an asshole, but he's not a bully." "Ah, so you really do know him, then?" Kitsune looked up at Sano speculatively. "But how well? Maybe you think he's a noble policeman. He's not. Even now, he's involved in a plot against the government he claims to serve." "Nice try, but I don't believe you," Sano said wearily. "He's not the treacherous type. Like I said, he's a jerk and I hate everything he stands for. But he's not some sneaky intriguer." "You don't think so?" Kitsune sneered. "Not even if it meant his old friends could return to power?" He watched in satisfaction as Sano and Yahiko exchanged worried looks. 'That bothers you, doesn't it? The idea of a new Shinsengumi?" "What about Kenshin, Sano? If any of this is true..." "Don't listen to him! He's bullshitting, trying to confuse us. The only thing I care about is getting us back on the ground in one piece." He turned to Kitsune. "You stole this stupid balloon. Do you know how to land it?" "We have to wait until the gas leaks out and then it will come down on its own. Or you can pull that toggle, in which case all the gas will rush out and we'll fall like a stone. Your choice." "That's ridiculous," Yahiko said. "I don't believe you! How did the Frenchman plan to get down?" "Maybe, little boy, he never intended to go this high." Yahiko looked over the side and felt a wave of nausea rising in his stomach. He had been so busy arguing with Kitsune that he hadn't realized just how far above the world they were. The balloon shook in the current of air, bouncing up suddenly as if it had been jerked by a giant hand. This was too much for Yahiko. As he vomited over the side, he was dimly aware of Sano holding him so he wouldn't fall. The last thing he heard was Kitsune's derisive laughter. Then he ringing in his ears drowned that out, and he sank into darkness. # "Why? Why do they keep going higher instead of coming down?" Kenshin struck his fist against the edge of the basket lightly, punctuating the words. "It's Kitsune's doing." "Sano and Yahiko together are surely more than a match for..." "Physically, yes. But that man isn't called 'The Fox' for nothing." Saitoh sighed and sat down in the center of the basket. "I suppose we'll be up here for a while." He frowned in distaste at the idea. "Who is this Kitsune?" Kaoru sank down against the side of the basket. Kenshin remained standing, looking out at the other balloon. "He's a spy, one of the most dangerous men in Japan. Many agents have tried to stop him, they never catch him. Finally, my services were requested." The look in Saitoh's eyes sent a shiver down Kaoru's spine. "The assignment was too interesting to refuse. Kitsune's exploits are legendary in military circles, and he always succeeds. I am curious to meet the man they say has no weaknesses." "Everyone has weaknesses," Kenshin murmured. "Oh, I agree with you, Battousai," Saitoh said. "And I intend to discover his before this is all over. But, it is true he has no equal in cunning." He looked up at Kenshin, and there was a glint in his eye. "Kitsune doesn't deceive himself, pretending that his motives are kind and noble. That's why he has been successful for so long." "This basket is too small, Saitoh, and we're too far above the world," Kenshin said, sitting down heavily beside Kaoru. "Just tell me what he has done." The policeman shrugged. "Very well. A week ago, Kitsune stole secret plans for the fortress at Shimonoseki. We know he intends to sell them to a foreign power. I'm sure there are several willing to pay handsomely for such information." "Shimonoseki?" Kenshin frowned. "There is no fortress at Shimonoseki anymore. It was destroyed sixteen or seventeen years ago." "Bombarded into dust by the Americans and the French. Yes, I know," Saitoh smirked. "But do you really think such an important strait would be left unguarded forever?" He smiled thinly at their expressions. "So you see, the government wants those plans back. And I want to bring Kitsune to justice." "I just want Yahiko and Sano to be safe," Kaoru said softly. # Yahiko woke with the sun in his eyes. The basket was rocking gently, but the air around him felt still. Sitting up, he wondered how such a thing could be. His thoughts were interrupted by Sano's voice behind him. "You're awake. Good!" "Sort of." Yahiko stumbled to his feet. It was like trying to stand on the deck of a ship at sea. "Come here! You have to see this!" As Yahiko stumbled to Sano's side, he glanced at Kitsune. The kidnapper stood on the other side of the basket, as far away from the street fighter as could be managed. "What is it?" His mouth tasted terrible, and he wondered if there was any water on board. "Look!" A city lay beneath them. Rows of houses separated by dusty streets ran down to the waterfront. Yahiko could see shady gardens and busy thoroughfares where tiny figures went back and forth on their daily business. He clutched Sano's arm suddenly. "It's Tokyo! Look! I think that's the dojo!" "I know. I've been watching it for several minutes now. Unbelievable!" Sano shook his head. He wondered where the fox lady was, if she would look up and see his balloon in the sky. He wished he could show her what Tokyo looked like from the air, watch her initial fear change to delight and wonder. He knew it was wrong, that he shouldn't be able to fly. And yet here he was. It was a heady sensation, being in the realm of the gods, above the world of ordinary men. "I wish Tsubame-chan could see us," Yahiko said. "And Ayame-chan and Suzume-chan," he added hastily. Sano laughed. "I'm sure Ayame-chan and Suzume-chan would be very proud of you. When you're not throwing up, at least." He ruffled Yahiko's hair, expecting protests, but the boy's expression was serious. "Maybe we should try to come down, even if he says we shouldn't." He glanced at the spy. "I have this feeling if we leave Tokyo behind, we might never see any of them again." Sano was silent for a long moment, looking out over the city that was at once familiar and strange. He sighed, running his hand through his hair. It was the middle of the afternoon, but there was no way of knowing how quickly the gas would leak out. With Tokyo beneath them and the mountains to his left, Sano knew they were flying north. He didn't like the idea of night finding them still aloft, over unknown territory. "Hey! You!" Kitsune glared at him. "What?" "I've decided to try to land this thing." "Baka! I told you we can't. It doesn't work that way." "Yeah? Well, I'm not sure I believe you." Sano reached for the toggle that hung over the center of the basket but Kitsune grabbed it first. "Back off," the spy hissed, "or I'll rip it open and we'll all be dead in seconds. I told you I don't intend to be taken by the police today or any other day." "I don't give a shit what you want!" Sano considered wresting the toggle from the man, but was deterred by the desperate gleam in Kitsune's eyes. "You might not care if you die, but what about your precious boy?" Kitsune's fist tightened convulsively. "Are you really so willing to gamble with his life?" # Kaoru took another sip from the bottle. The warmth that started in her cheeks and coursed down to her toes told her it was some kind of alcoholic beverage. Fruity, she decided. And a little sour. There were two other containers of the stuff, but nothing else to drink. Pressing the cork back into the neck of the bottle, she set it aside and turned to Kenshin. "Any luck?" He sat with his back to her, examining the contents of one of the satchels attached to the other side of the basket. "Just books, so far." "Books?" She pulled herself to her feet, taking the opportunity to look over the side. They had flown over Tokyo a couple of hours before, but now only a few tiny villages dotted the hilly landscape below. She imagined it must be warm down there on such a sunny day, but the air around her was cool. Strange. She flopped down beside Kenshin. "Anything about flying a balloon?" "They're probably all about balloons, or navigation, or something useful like that, but I can't read a word." He smiled ruefully as he passed a small, leather-bound volume to her. "Western characters. Not a single one in Japanese." Kaoru turned the book over in her hands, opening it carefully. "Yahiko said the balloonist was French," she murmured. "Um. I thought at least there might be some illustrations that would help." "Did you find any?" "I found a map of Japan. See?" He took the book from her gently and turned to the back. "The Western writing makes it hard, but he circled Yokohama for us." Kaoru traced her finger up the page. "Well, if that's Yokohama, this must be Tokyo." "Yes. I think so." Kenshin glanced at the dark head bent so close to his own. He could feel Kaoru's warm breath against his cheek, her thigh rubbing ever so slightly against his as the basket rocked from side to side. "I found some food." Saitoh's shadow fell over them. "That is, if you two are hungry." # The sun was lowering in the sky when they finally finished eating. Saitoh had found bread, dried meat, and cheese. Kaoru wrinkled her nose as she took a bite of the smelly stuff. "Are you sure this is food? Why does it have holes in it?" "It does seem... strong." Kenshin took a swig out of the bottle. Saitoh has refused to drink, so Kenshin claimed his share as well. He wasn't sure about the cheese, but he was definitely developing a taste for this stuff. It wasn't as good as sake, but it had potential. "Wine," he said suddenly. "Wine?" Kaoru repeated the unfamiliar word, turning it over in her mouth. "I think that's what this is called." Kenshin shoved the cork back in the bottle and stood up, stretching. He looked out at the other balloon. "They're still up there, and it will be dark soon. This isn't like Sano and Yahiko." "It's like Kitsune," Saitoh said. "He'll try to evade me any way he can, even using darkness as a shield. He probably yearns for nightfall." # Kitsune finally released the toggle when the first stars grew bright in the night sky. He had been holding Sano at bay for hours, leaving Yahiko nothing to do but explore the contents of the basket. Except for a little food, a bottle of wine, and two wool jackets, the boy found nothing. It was obvious to them the Frenchman had not planned to be aloft very long. When Kitsune finally sank down in the center of the basket, he received a punch in the jaw that knocked him onto his back. He didn't try to rise. "I should throw you over," Sano growled. Kitsune smiled painfully. "You should, but you won't." Sano flung himself to the side to the basket and looked down. The features of the land were quickly being swallowed into night. It would be madness to try to descend now. Cursing, he turned back to Kitsune. "Tomorrow, at first light, I'm going to land this balloon!" The spy shrugged. "Keep an eye on him, Yahiko," Sano said softly as he sank down beside the boy. "I don't trust him as far as I could throw him." Which, he reflected, at the moment was a long way, straight down. "One of us has to stay awake at all times." "I can watch him if you want to get some sleep." Sano studied Yahiko's face, pale in the darkness. "No, you rest first. I'm not tired yet." As Yahiko curled up in one of the jackets, Sano leaned back against the side of the basket. It squeaked in protest, but supported his weight. "Shit," he said softly. He remembered how invincible he had felt that afternoon, flying over Tokyo. Why did he feel so vulnerable now, like a man in a tiny boat lost at sea? The fears he kept from Yahiko flooded his mind. What if the wind carries us over the ocean during the night? Then Kenshin and Kaoru will die, too. Sano's eyes glowed as fierce resolution stirred in him. I won't let that happen. I'll make sure we all see Tokyo again, no matter what! # "There's only one blanket?" Kaoru looked down in dismay at the piece of brown wool in her hands. The night air was chill, penetrating her bones. "You use it, Kaoru-dono. I don't need it." "No. I can't let you be cold." "It's okay. Really." "No, it's not!" "If you two spent as much time searching as bickering, you might have discovered..." Saitoh held up another blanket. Kenshin's sheepish expression changed to surprise as the policeman handed it to him. "I'm not cold, but I am tired. So be quiet, both of you!" Without another word Saitoh sat down cross-legged, shifting his katana so that it lay across his lap, and closed his eyes. They gazed at him in wonder as they sank down side by side, wrapping the blankets around themselves. "I still can't understand how all of this is happening," Kaoru whispered. "I just hope Yahiko and Sano are all right." "We've got to believe in them. That's really all we can do." Kenshin sat with his back against the side of the basket, his chin resting on his knees. He lowered his voice as Saitoh raised his head and lifted an eyebrow warningly. Kenshin stifled an insane desire to laugh. He never thought he would be sleeping under the same roof as Saitoh Hajime, especially if that roof was a billowing canopy of silk. "I just hope we make it through the night without any problems." "We will," Kaoru said with more conviction than she felt. She had never slept so close to Kenshin before, and she wished suddenly that the second blanket had never been found. She gazed at his peaceful face, feeling disappointed. Here they were together under the stars, yet there might as well have been a wall between them, he was so distant and self-contained. Kaoru sighed, closing her eyes. How was it she could fly through the air like a bird, and yet could not reach Kenshin at all? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Did you know that ONElist hosts some of the largest lists on the Internet? Our scaleable system is the most reliable free e-mail service on the Internet!