Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin (C) characters belong to Watsuki Nobuhiro (All Hail), Shueisha, Sony Entertainment and perhaps some others but most definitely not to me. I am borrowing characters without asking permission and I am not making any money out of this. Also I am not worth suing as I am a broke student.
I hope anyone who takes the time to read this will enjoy it.

Continuity Note: Most of this story takes place sometime after Yukishiro Enishi has been dealt with, what ever happens to him. ^_^  Well, at the very least the whole of this story takes place after the Kyoto Arc.

Spoiler Note: I guess there a spoilers in there but they are along the lines of Kenshin defeated Shishio in Kyoto Arc and a couple of names and events from the episodes and movie. Okay so there are one or two scenes (Kyoto Arc) described in depth but for the most part I think they are really general and if you decide to read this story and don't agree with me or don't like what you find out then tough bikkies. What are you doing looking for and reading fan fiction if you don't already know what happened or aren't prepared to find out?

Special Thanks to Sylvia for reading this through for me. Special thanks also to the people on the Fanfic Mailing list who also picked out some mistakes, especially to Herald Captain Kerowyn and her requests for more chapters. And extra Special Thanks to the archive keeper for putting this up for me!

Two Blades of a Sakabatou

By Jade One

Enma was struggling to remain upright on his throne. His vision became fuzzy and his body broke out in a light sweat as he felt his energy drain away. His mind was screaming that something was wrong. When he regained control of himself he saw indeed that something was very wrong. He had transported two souls instead of one. He was a demon but he was more than that. He was the Emporer of Hell and as such, he could call any soul on the human world to do his bidding. Not that in the past he had ever needed to, but it was still one of his abilities as Ruler. Naturally, there were restrictions on this ability, to prevent him from unfairly calling souls which did not belong to him. However, that did not mean he couldn't borrow souls which would not otherwise ever come to Hell.

Even so, calling two such souls should not have been that draining. Something is wrong he thought as he regarded the man and the passenger he had summoned. He watched the man, still cradling the woman, laying her on the ground carefully. Love! What do these humans see in it? The man was not what he expected. He was short and of a slim build, dressed simply in a blue gi and white hakama. His red hair fell loose down his back to his hips. He was not what the demon had been expecting of the Strongest Man Alive. Yet even with his movements hampered by his burden, he had a grace, a fluidity that marked the true sword master, a true killer, who wasted no movement and who struck only when sure of a kill, deadly accurate. Yes, this was the man who would defeat Shishio Makoto.

He glanced at the woman. They were definitely a couple. She had long black hair that was confined in a high pony tail and wore a blue kimono. She must have been the resistence he felt in his summoning. Still, her presence would provide the leverage he needed to control the Battousai, if his attitude towards her was anything to judge by. He watched the man take her hand, calling her name and he gasped. He shook his head, clearing his vision before again watching the couple before him. No... It's impossible. He had thought for an instant that he had seen the shining outline of wings, each feather defined in light. For this man there would not be, there could not be... They would never send one for such a man... He frowned slightly but there was nothing there. The woman was simply a human soul, a good soul and one he would not see again but there was nothing special about her.

Enma met Shishio Makoto's gaze, a slight smile playing around his lips, revealling his sharp teeth. This was a turn of events even Shishio would not be able to read and act upon.

The kitchen of the Kamiya dojo was silent. The cutting knife lay on the board, the vegetables half cut. A half formed rice ball lay in the corner, the path it had travelled defined by grains on the floor. The hilt of the sakaba lay in Kenshin's right hand even though he was slumped against the bench. Kaoru's head lay on his chest and his left arm was around her waist, holding her close to him, protectively. The saya was clasped in his hand, the sword ready to be drawn in her protection. Both forms breathed but neither moved from the position they had fallen in.

Kenshin lay Kaoru gently on the ground. She was still alive but unconsious. He took her hand. "Kaoru... Kaoru, please wake up, Kaoru..." He hadn't bothered looking at his surroundings but could feel the presence of several beings. One felt smug and the others felt confused and curious and although they were not hostile they had the potential to become dangerous.

"Ken... shin..." The voice was weak, strained.

"Kaoru... I'm here," Kenshin cried, gathering her into his arms. He felt Kaoru's arms return his embrace.

"Kenshin," she said, her voice returning to normal, as she sat up within his embrace, closing her eyes with the sense of peace Kenshin's presence gave her.

"While this is a touching scene," Shishio smirked, watching the Battousai start and instinctively reach for his sword, "I do have things to do."

Kenshin's eyes snapped open at the voice, even as he identified the aura. This isn't possible. Shishio Makoto is dead. I saw his body burn. He is nothing but dust. His left hand closed on the sheath of the sakaba Shinuchi and he rose, turning to face the dead mad man. He kept Kaoru behind him. I will protect her.

Kenshin looked at the man he had defeated. His body was still swathed in bandages but as Kenshin narrowed his eyes, measuring his Hitokiri successor, he knew, somehow, that the bandages were just for show. An afflication Shishio had needed on Earth which he continued to use in Hell. Beneath them, his body was whole. There would be no fifteen minute time limit this time.
    "You are quite correct, Shishio Makoto. Now, you will have to face the man who fulfilled your request to make you enjoy the fight so much that your body burst into fire. Meet my newest defender," Enma addressed his opponent.

"Ano... So now the Ishin Shishi's favorite Hitokiri protects the King of Hell?" Shishio questioned Kenshin. "How typical of you to protect the weak."

"Oro?" Kenshin and Kaoru both turned to see the obviously inhuman form of the demon Enma.

Kaoru's eyes opened wide. Even she could feel the waves of evil that were coming from both the antagonists. "What?... Where?..."

"You are in Hell, my dear," Enma answered one of her questions, gesturing in a clasping motion. A bubble of energy appeared around her, a perfect sphere, which quickly moved to one side of Enma's thrown, taking her with it.

"Kenshin..." she cried reaching out to him.

"Kaoru..." Kenshin turned, ignoring Shishio as he glared at Enma. His eyes burned and his right hand hovered over the hilt of his sword.

"Maa, maa," Enma imitated Kenshin, making pacifying gestures, smiling down at the scene before him. "She will not be harmed by the sphere, indeed it will protect her. I will release her and return you both to Earth, just as soon as you do me a tiny favor."

Kenshin's pupils became dangerously small, his eyes narrowing as he watched the King of Hell. "What?" he snarled.

"I would have thought that that would be self explanatory." Humans can be so dense sometimes. "You defeated Shishio Makoto on Earth, you will now defeat his Kuni Tori in Hell. After that, I will return you both to Earth and you will never hear from me again. I will even bless your marriage if you want."

"And if I refuse?"

Enma's smile widened, revealing more pointed fangs. Humans do like to pretend they have options even when they don't. "I will return you to Earth, but the lovely Kamiya Kaoru will stay here. I will fight Shishio. I may win or I may lose, either way, I'm sure the Hitokiri Battousai's woman will not enjoy her stay in Hell."

Kenshin lowered his head, his fringe (bangs, for all you Americans) fell over his eyes. "Kaoru..." he whispered.

"Oh and if you think you are fast enough to strike me down to release her, the bubble is quite independent of me so will remain in place even if you kill me. It also has enough energy to kill her. So, Himura, it is your choice."

So that's Enma's plan. Quite obvious really. Still a battle against the Battousai, one he does not really want should prove to be fun. Shishio turned to regard his new opponent. Himura Kenshin and Enma are in for a surprise. Hell's been kind to me.

Yahiko jumped as his stomach growled. He looked at Sano and then cocked his head, listening. That's odd. There were no sounds that were out of the ordinary. So why did he feel uneasy? He could hear the birds and the sounds of people moving about their business on the road outside. No, everything was alright... Huh? He listened again and frowned. That was it. He couldn't hear anything from the kitchen. That was odd. Granted the love birds were together and granted they hadn't been talking when he had checked up on the meal, but shouldn't he at least hear something from the kitchen? The sound of cooking, a clatter of plates. He couldn't hear anything.


"Hai, Yahiko-chan?"

Yahiko ignored the chan. This was important. "Do you feel as if something is amiss? It's getting late. Shouldn't dinner be ready yet? I can't hear anything from the kitchen."

"Hmm..." Sano frowned, listening. The brat's right. There is absolutely no noise coming from the kitchen. I wonder what's happened. "Hai. Let's go check, but quietly. We don't want to disturb them if..." He stopped. There was no need to elaborate fully to the child.

Kenshin moved his sword to his side, glancing again at Kaoru, before turning to regard Shishio Makoto. "I do not want this," he whispered.

"Kenshin, don't do it," Kaoru cried. "Stand aside, refuse to fight for him. Kenshin..."

"Oh... How touching..." Enma smiled. "My dear, as soon as he admitted his love for you he gave himself no choice..."

"Ken...shin..." Tears formed in Kaoru's eyes, "No...don't... Yamero," she sobbed. He always suffers because of me. Stop Kenshin. Don't... Please... Kenshin... Yamero...

"Well Sempai. Shall we begin?" Shishio brought his sword up in a defensive gesture, watching as his predessor fell into his almost trademarked Battou Jutsu stance. His eyes narrowed. His Sempai was stronger than before. Well, so am I. Time to finish this. I have things to do...

Shishio charged. The chime of metal on metal rang through the invaded palace. Shishio snaked a gloved hand down, catching the saya which Kenshin was swinging towards his unguarded mid section.

"I know your techniques. They didn't work then, they will not work now."

Kenshin leapt back, barely touching the ground before propelling himself forward, imitating Saitou's Gatotsu, his eyes focused on the left half of Shishio's torso. He was correct about one thing. He couldn't afford to have this fight drag out like it had on Earth. Shishio blocked, pushing the thrust aside, countering by grabbing Kenshin's throat in his left hand and throwing him against the wall. "You really are pathetic."


Kenshin picked himself up and slammed his katana home in its sheath, jumping, assuming a flying battou jutsu stance. At the apex of his jump he flipped himself, attacking Shishio from the air. He twisted slightly, preparing to strike. Spinning, he drew his sword, increasing its speed fivefold, savagely cleaving the air. He felt it strike home, even as he somersaulted to land. Moving his left hand to the hilt, his feet touched the ground, launching him again towards Shishio whose guard was down from the battou strike. The move was already fixed in his mind, "Kuzu Ryu Sen..."

Nine hits.

All at once.

There was only one defence and Shishio Makoto was not a Hiten Master.

The Juppongatana collectively gasped, seeing their Master fly back from the force of the blow.

"Shishio-sama," Yumi cried in unison with Hoji.

The Battousai has learned some new tricks. Jin'eh thought. He really didn't care if Shishio's Kuni Tori succeeded or not.

"Kenshin... Yamero..." Kaoru cried, but her voice was lost in the sound of Shishio's impact into a pillar.

Kenshin felt the Kuzu Ryu Sen connect. He landed, going to one knee before leaping again, following Shishio. It would take more than that to defeat Shishio. He jumped high, preparing the Ryu Tsui Sen.

"Excellent," Enma laughed. This warrior was more than a match for Shishio Makoto.

"NANI?..." Sano and Yahiko exploded through the door upon seeing the collapsed figures of Kenshin and Kaoru. They had been quietly creeping up on the unnaturally silent kitchen, just incase their dinner was late because Kenshin and Kaoru had gotten 'distracted' by each other. But they had found the couple collapsed together on the floor. They had expected anything but this.

"What the hell happened?" Yahiko yelled as Sano checked both figures for signs of life.

"I don't know!" They were still alive but both purple and blue sets of eyes were vacant. There was no evidence of a fight. Kenshin wouldn't have been caught unawares anyway. So what had made them both collapse? "Yahiko, get Megumi!"

"Hai..." Yahiko spun and began running for the clinic as fast as he could. What happened to them both?

Sano gently disentangled them both, carrying them one by one to the futons he had unfolded and waited for Megumi to come. There was nothing more he could do but stand watch over the couple. If I ever find out who did this to Jo-chan and Kenshin...

"This has gone on long enough." Shishio narrowed his eyes, focusing on the on coming blade of Himura. It was time to demonstrate his new Hell born abilities.

Kenshin swung his blade down. He couldn't allow Shishio any time to prepare a defense.


"I told you before. I know your techniques! They will not work against me!" Shishio snarled as he caught the Battousai's blade. He rose, still holding the blade and drove his fist into Kenshin's midrift.

Kenshin collapsed as the air was forced from his lungs. Shishio's punch was inhumanly strong. Shishio kicked him, driving him across the floor. Kenshin lay gasping. His hand was still clasping his sword. Something was wrong. Something had happened to Shishio.

"Kenshin..." Kaoru cried, anguished.

"No, this can not be happening..." Enma was getting worried.

"Something wrong, Sempai?" Shishio laughed. "Your techniques are the same as before, while mine have only gotten stronger in Hell. Hmm. I guess it is only to be expected, since you don't want to fight me." Shishio advanced on Kenshin as he struggled to his knees. He kicked him again, sending him flying back into the wall.

"You won before because the era sided with you and those annoying little worms kept interferring. But nothing can help you now. Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu is a good technique, Sempai. But here it will not be enough to defeat me." Shishio smiled, "A very good technique on Earth, Sempai. But this is the Realm of the Dead. Physical techniques are not as effective here and so my Homura Dama and beliefs will defeat your Shinuchi and beliefs. Especially since this is Hell. This place is the embodiment of my belief and so it makes me stronger while it drains you of your strength.

"Beginning to regret your choice of defender, Enma?" Shishio questioned. "No, I don't think you understand yet. Allow me to demonstrate..."

"Kenshin..." Kaoru cried as Kenshin struggled to his feet.

Shishio tensed himself and then charged the figure before him. This was a new move he had developed. He orbited Kenshin once, his sword's movements traced out in both fire and blood. He finished his movements, skidding to a stop across from Enma, in front of his Juppongatana. The move was not as quick as Hiten but it was fast enough. His Sempai fell to the ground again, his clothes shredded and blood stained, as was the ground beneath him.

"Ken... shin..."

"You really are weak, Sempai," he regarded the fallen figure before him. "It makes me wonder what this woman sees in you." Shishio looked towards Kaoru. "She really is beautiful, but then, you always did have good taste in women. I will enjoy 'entertaining' her once you and Enma are out of the way."

Shishio leapt back, barely avoiding the point of the Sakaba aimed directly for his heart. He brought his sword up blocking the swings, stepping back, still moving his sword in defense. His eyes widened slightly as he was forced to reassess his opponent. The Battousai's eyes were narrowed, his pupils mere dots and they were beginning to glow, over tones of yellow.

"You touch her and I swear, you will regret it, Deshi. Not even I would go so far with her."

But you're going to one day Kenshin. And by then, you will have my permission as my husband, Kenshin...

"Oh really, Sempai?" Shishio laughed. His predecessor's sudden savagery had caught him off guard but after blocking the first few strokes he was in charge of the situation again. He swung his sword down, it almost seemed to bend, snaking its way through the Battousai's defenses, cutting diagonally across his body. He punched with his left hand, jerking his sword up, igniting the glove. "Guren Kaina..."

Kenshin was thrown back again landing in the centre of the Throne Room's coat of arms which was emblazoned on the floor. His blood pooled around him. This time he remained conscious but he could not move.


"Hahahahaha..." Shishio threw back his head. "I've won Enma," he snarled, recovering himself, narrowing his eyes dangerously, as he glowered at his opponent.

"Your defenders are Dead. Or they will be, just as soon as I finish up this last one.

"I thought you would be more of a challenge, Sempai. But you haven't even used your Ougi. Not that it would have done any good but it would have been fun to see your face when you encountered my newly developed counter for your Ama Kakera Ryu No Hirameki.. But since you are no longer entertaining, you have lost all value. You are not even very good food for the strong. So I will put you out of your misery, a mercy I do not lightly bestow." Shishio frowned. "Hmm. I wonder... Since it is only your soul here, and you are still alive, if killing your soul in this Realm will result in your actual death or whether it will merely transport your soul back to Earth." He smiled, gleeful, in a very good imitation of Soujiro. "I guess we will just have to find out."

Shishio advanced on the prone form of his Sempai.

The sun had set, turning the whole sky red but that was long since past when Megumi rose from her examination. "Well, physically they are both fine as far as I can tell. But..."


"But it's just as if that's all they are. I don't know why they are like this. It's as if their minds are no longer in their bodies and I have no idea how to change this."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know what is wrong with them!" I have only ever seen some drugs do this but I've checked for symptoms. Neither of them has been exposed to them. "They appear stable, so I guess all we can do is wait and hope that they come out of this, whatever it is."

"NOooo!" Kenshin and Kaoru... Please, please let them both be alright. Yahiko swung his shinai against the wall with some force. He needed them both. This had just better be a freak occurance or I swear, I'll make Enishi's Jinchu look tame... No matter how long it takes...

End Part 2