Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin (C) characters belong to Watsuki Nobuhiro (All Hail), Shueisha, Sony Entertainment and perhaps some others but most definitely not to me. I am borrowing characters without asking permission and I am not making any money out of this. Also I am not worth suing as I am a broke student.
I hope anyone who takes the time to read this will enjoy it.

Continuity Note: Most of this story takes place sometime after Yukishiro Enishi has been dealt with, what ever happens to him. ^_^  Well, at the very least the whole of this story takes place after the Kyoto Arc.

Spoiler Note: I guess there a spoilers in there but they are along the lines of Kenshin defeated Shishio in Kyoto Arc and a couple of names and events from the episodes and movie. Okay so there are one or two scenes (Kyoto Arc) described in depth but for the most part I think they are really general and if you decide to read this story and don't agree with me or don't like what you find out then tough bikkies. What are you doing looking for and reading fan fiction if you don't already know what happened or aren't prepared to find out?

Special Thanks to Sylvia for reading this through for me. Special thanks also to the people on the Fanfic Mailing list who also picked out some mistakes, especially to Herald Captain Kerowyn and her requests for more chapters. And extra Special Thanks to the archive keeper for putting this up for me!

Two Blades of a Sakabatou

By Jade One

"No... Kenshin, no..." Kaoru's voice was broken. Why? Why am I always the cause of his suffering? Kenshin... PLEASE... Get up... Defend yourself... Kaoru tried to send her strength to her love, "Please Kenshin..."

Enma's expression became grim. Shishio's powers were amplified by this Realm. That, at least, explained his inhuman strength. However his defense was not going as planned but perhaps not all options had been exhausted. He could feel Kaoru's mental pounding on his energy bubble and could quite clearly hear both her mental and vocal calls to her beloved. Perhaps she wasn't as useless as he had assumed she was. The strength of her mind... She may yet have the power to save him. What did he have to lose?

"You could save him you know," Enma said quietly, his voice pitched only to carry to Kaoru. "Your skills are spiritual, not physical. You could stand against Shishio Makoto. Stand against him and I will release you both." His head turned to regard his prisoner. "It's really in your best interests..." Yours and mine...

Kaoru turned within the sphere, her expression angry, dangerously so. "Not for you! Never for you!" she hissed. "Kenshin would never forgive me if I saved him for your sake." Her voice was quiet, the words forced through gritted teeth. Kenshin, please get up. Defend yourself. I believe in you... Her movements were noted by Shishio and his Juppongatana and ignored. They did not hear her angry refusal to help Enma and assumed she was asking for his help.

Kaoru turned back to the scene before her. Shishio had covered half the distance with a deliberate but careful pace. He did not wish to be taken unaware by any attack from anyone. Not now, not with his Kuni Tori so close to completion. "Ken... Shin..." Her mind was in turmoil, memories coming all in a jumble.

Tip tap. Shishio's foot fall was clearly heard in the silence of the room.

"No, not like that... You could never defend anyone like that. You are merely swinging the sword down. It's weak, ineffectual and would be brushed aside in an instant. You must swing like this."

Her father had demonstrated. His bokken had cleaved the air. The power and force behind his blow had seemed almost overwhelming.

"Amazing..." she had cried breathlessly. She had felt his spirit strike, in line with his bokken.

"You must remain focused on your aim of protecting those you love. With that aim in mind, recall how you feel when you are in the deepest mediation, no doubt, no fear, just the purity of purpose and then strike," he had explained to her. "Your soul must believe and strike with your physical form."

She had tried again and had practiced. She would do exactly what he had instructed because she loved him.

Tip tap.

Kaoru pounded her hands against the energy bubble. "Kenshin..."

"Nani?..." She had stumbled backwards in the darkness of the store house before falling. Several small items had fallen atop her. One of them, she could make out in the dusty gloom, was a tightly rolled scroll sealed and tied off with the official Kasshin ribbon. What is this? And what was I looking for anyway?
    She had taken it back to her room. The dojo was quiet this afternoon. Kenshin was out fishing and Yahiko and Sano were on loan to the clinic for the day. She had begun reading the scroll in her grandfather's writing.

Kasshin Ryu. The sword that protects without killing. This is true for most of the techniques proscribed and taught but it must be recorded and acknowledged that the ultimate and final defense of those you love is to take a life.
    Her eyes had filled with tears and she had thrown the scroll away. That couldn't be true. But yet, this scroll was in her grandfather's own hand. It was genuine. And some how it made sense of her training. Besides which, she was the Master of Kamiya Kasshin Ryu now and she should know everything she could about her disipline.

...ultimate and final defense of those you love is to take a life. This forms the basis of Kamiya Kasshin Ryu. The techniques and beliefs taught in this budo reflect respect for life and a sword which protects without killing and so it is only the Ougi and only in its second stage, which will only be taught to the inheritors of the school, which is an attack and potentially fatal technique...
    She had clung to those words. Potentially fatal. That did not mean it had to be lethal. Kenshin doesn't kill but could it ever be possible that it was the only way? Kaoru closed her eyes considering the question briefly before returning to the scroll. She could not answer it then.

The scroll had detailed the techniques of Kasshin and it had taught her the final, second stage of the Ougi. The stage her father had never had the chance to teach to her. Would I kill? Could I kill to protect those I love? She had been reluctantly forced to an answer for that question. She was not as protected as Kenshin believed her to be. ...the ultimate and final defense...

Tip tap.

She fell to her knees. "Kenshin... Please..."

The long grass was just slightly wet and the mists rose around it, thin ribbons of fuzzy whiteness. The fire flys danced around. They were the stars on earth. Over head the sky stretched forever upwards, millions of stars looking down on the couple walking hand in hand through the grasses. They walked quietly, together and alone, but it was enough for both of them.

The river loomed ahead. Its dark expance defined by the lack of mist over its surface. The fire flies continued the dance. Kaoru smiled, watching their random play in darkness. Yukishiro Enishi was just a fading memory.



The couple turned to each other. Kenshin carefully withdrew a flower from his sleeve, handing it to Kaoru. It was purple.

Kaoru gasped. Smiling, her eyes lit up from within. Her whole being was radient. "Kenshin." She gently reached out to take the flower. Their hands touched.

"Ai shi te ru."

She closed her eyes. "Kenshin... Ai shi te ru." Her smile if anything became brighter.

The couple embraced, souls touching and merging.

Tip tap.

Tears welled up and streamed down Kaoru face as she sobbed. "Ken... shin..."

"Listen Kaoru-chan, listen and remember," her father had said, on that bright and sunny day. "Kasshin Ryu's strength comes from knowing you have to protect the people you love. You draw your strength from that knowledge. My technique is not about brute forces clashing against each other. It is based on how you can use your opponent's attributes against them. With Kasshin, the strongest physical combatant will not always win. Indeed Kasshin Ryu is for protection and so could be defined as a technique for the physically weaker being but..." her father had smiled at her before continuing. "Don't ever believe that just because you are physically weaker than your opponent, that you are weaker. Physical strength does not define a person and I am afraid, my daughter, that you will almost always be physically weaker than any opponent you may have to face.

"While with any technique there has to be some physical component, Kasshin Ryu draws its power from your beliefs and so is a spiritual technique, which is why, my child we start and finish all training sessions with meditation. It is the best way to open your mind and touch your soul. Remember always that you are strong, Kaoru. Your spirit is strong.

"So let us begin..."

Tip. Tap.

"Ken... shin..." Please Kenshin. I believe in you.

   "We are not doing the regular drill today, Kaoru-chan. Today you will begin training in Kamiya Kasshin Ryu's Ougi, the Ha-watari."

Her eyes had gone wide, "Really?"

"Really," he smiled at her. "But it will not be easy. With the Ougi, you get no second chance, either you successfully perform it or you will die and most likely so will those who were counting on you to defend them. I will teach you the first stage for now."

Her training in the final technique of Kamiya Kasshin Ryu began that winter day.

Tip. Tap.

Kaoru curled in upon herself, her whole body shaking as she cried.

"Can't let the boy and the vixen walk alone at night. I'll take them as far as the stop," Sanosuke had declared.

"How dare you talk like that," Megumi had snapped back. It was their usual banter.

Kaoru smiled tolerantly. "All right. Take care," she turned to watch them go. Kenshin...You're late. The fire flys danced around her.

There was a soft foot fall from the darkness behind her.

"Kenshin!" she exclaimed, smiling, before fully seeing his expression. Her joy faded. Something was wrong.

"Where's Yahiko?"

"Oh... well, he got tired waiting up for you and fell asleep. He's only a child, he couldn't stay up all night," she had answered. She had tried to be casual, trying to hide the fact that she knew something was wrong.

"I see."


"Governor Okubo was killed this morning."

"Yes... I saw the papers."

"The real killer was one of Shishio's followers. I cannot leave Shishio alone after this. I'm going to Kyoto."

Her mind was numb. She didn't feel the wind or notice the leaves carried on it. The dead leaves. No... He couldn't mean...

"To... assassinate Shishio Makoto?"

"No... but I'm not sure. If I had remained as I am now, when I first heard that I was needed to confront Shishio, I would have fought until I defeated him. But if, as in the fight with Saitou, I have already returned to Battousai... In my days here, while my heart was at ease, I felt like I had changed from the Hitokiri to an ordinary swordsman... But the fight with Saitou forced me to realize it. My innermost heart has not changed. The madness of the Hitokiri still lives inside."

No, he couldn't leave. He couldn't. She moved her hands to his shoulders. I will hold him here. "But you came back! No matter how close you were to Battousai, you were still Kenshin! The time with Saitou and the time with Jin'eh were the same! So it's all right," she had tried to persuade him. You are Himura Kenshin. The Battousai is a part of you and even when you become the Battousai you are still Kenshin...

"No... With Jin'eh, I became Battousai to save you, and your voice brought me back. But with Saitou, I became Battousai only for the sake of the fight. And so your voice couldn't even reach me. The difference is crucial." Those times have begun again.

"When I first met you... even though you knew I was Hitokiri Battousai, you kept me from leaving. "I don't care about a person's past," you said. I was very happy." I cannot put you in danger Kaoru-dono.

    If I stay here any longer, Kaoru-dono and the others will be in danger. Whenever I become Battousai. "But to the government and to Shishio's faction, to all the people who bear a grudge against Hitokiri Battousai, Battousai is all that I am."
    I cannot allow myself to remain here.

She had felt his arms embrace her. He was so warm and his arms so comforting but she didn't feel that.

"Thank you for everything you've done... and farewell. I am a vagabond. I will wander once again."
    "Farewell..." The word echoed in her mind. She couldn't see, couldn't feel. She could only hear that word. She felt as though her heart had been torn out. Tears streamed from her eyes and she fell to her knees as he withdrew the support of his embrace, vanishing into the darkness.

"Ken... shin," she sobbed, trying to call him back. "Kenshin!!" The darkness was complete. The fire flys no longer danced that night.

Tip. Tap.

Kaoru was curled in the fetal position. She still cried and whispered, "Yamero... No... Please..." But who she was addressing was unclear.

You must remain focused on your aim of protecting those you love.
    Your soul must believe and strike with your physical form.
    The ultimate and final defense of those you love is to take a life.
    It is only the Ougi and only in its second stage, which is an attack and potentially fatal technique...
     Ai shi te ru.
    The couple embraced, souls touching and merging.
    Kasshin Ryu's strength comes from knowing you have to protect the people you love. You draw your strength from that knowledge.
    Kasshin Ryu draws its power from your beliefs and so is a spiritual technique.
    Remember Kaoru, your spirit is strong
    With the Ougi, you get no second chance.
    I cannot leave Shishio alone after this. I'm going to Kyoto.
    The madness of the Hitokiri still lives inside.
    Thank you for everything you've done... and farewell.

Tip. Tap. Shishio looked down at his Sempai, a smile forming on his lips as he angled his sword down. "Well, I'd say I'll see you in Hell, but I already have. Sayonara Sempai." It would be a heart strike, no need to take chances. He drove his sword down.


Ai shi te ru...

    Ultimate and final defence...
    I cannot leave Shishio alone after this. I’m going to Kyoto.
    NOooo!!! Shishio has taken him from me once. I will not allow it again!

A sun went nova.
End Part 3