Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin (C) characters belong to Watsuki
Nobuhiro (All Hail), Shueisha, Sony Entertainment and perhaps some others
but most definitely not to me. I am borrowing characters without asking
permission and I am not making any money out of this. Also I am not worth
suing as I am a broke student.
I hope anyone who takes the time to read this will enjoy it.
Huge thanks to Sylvia for reading it through and for loaning me the
Manga so that I could see what was happening even if I couldn't read it.
General huge thanks to everyone who puts out summaries and translations
of the Manga. Now if it would come out printed in English in Australia
I would be happy!
Spoilers for the Kyoto Arc from the Manga episodes 84, 85, 94, 95, 96,
97. (Although I think just about everyone already knows what happened then!)
Hiko's training of Kenshin. That's basically what the spoiler is. Of course
there are bits which I have added! ^_^ Slight Revenge Arc spoiler. A name
and an implication.
Heaven's Sword, Spirit's Heart Part 2
By Jade One
He hadn't gone very far, at least he didn't think
he had, when two figures appeared hazily in the mists before him. It was
hard to keep track of time when nothing changed, not even his footfalls
made a sound and so he couldn't determine how long he had been walking
for. He stopped waiting for them to come closer. The whiteness seemed to
thin, creating an open area around him and the two men approaching him.
One of them dropped back, waiting at the edge of the clearing. The other
continued forward, coming to a halt before him, out of range of his sword.
They weren't threatening in any way and were the first forms of life Hiko
Seijuro the thirteenth had seen since arriving in the mist. He was prepared
to be civil.
"Humph! I'm surprised there's no halo. All of the
successors are so sure of themselves... Not that they shouldn't be demo..."
the man trailed of, shaking his head, before raising his head and looking
Hiko straight in the eye. "So you're Hiko Seijuro the Thirteenth."
Ano? How did he know...? He wasn't
surprised at being identified as Hiko Seijuro but being identified as the
thirteenth master straight off was not something he thought would be possible.
He didn't wear a sign saying 'Thirteenth Master' did he?
Hiko looked at the pair. The man who had spoken
was tall. His long black hair was tied neatly in a samurai's top knot.
His eye's were experienced but still held kindness and compassion. The
armour he wore was strictly functional although it was highlighted in places
with ornate trim. Beneath the armour his body was that of a practised swordsman.
Infact, he wore his daisho, with an unconcern which made them seem a part
of him. His posture indicated surety and belief in himself and his abilities.
His whole aura spoke of arrogance. He also wore the mantle of a Hiten Mitsurugi
Ryu Master but he was not the twelfth. Hiko did not know him.
The other man was of a smaller build. His hair had
been cut short and slicked back in a more modern style. He wore a white
gi and black blue hakama. The attire was customary of a dojo master. He
had the same confidence as the Hiko but it was different. Hiko narrowed
his eyes, concentrating, he almost felt like a more refined version of...
No that can't be right. Something told him that this man was
equal to a Hiten Master but in a different way.
Hiko was sure that any attack directed at either
man would be met and returned, although he felt that the return from the
second man would be unusual and not anything he in turn could counter.
Still, Hiko didn't feel like playing and he doubted they did. Neither of
them felt threatening, although there was something intimidating about
the Hiko Seijuro. A sense of absolute confidence. However, the fact that
they had appeared before him bespoke purpose. The second man hung back
as if giving the Hiko's privacy.
Hiko Seijuro the somethingth stepped to the side,
his cloak moving an instant after him, flowing smoothly. Hiko immediately
moved in defence. It was not that he was expecting an attack but rather
the training that had been drummed into him by his master.
"Oh stay still and let me get a look at you boy,"
the newcomer snapped. "Che, cloaks annoying." The man made a gesture and
Hiko felt the mantle he wore disappear back into the mist. The Hiten Master
continued to walk around Hiko, keeping his distance but Hiko could hear
his murmured comments. "...more muscular... ...cloak is heavier... ...perhaps
not best way... ...but effective restraint..."
Hiko examined the man as best he could. The man
was strong and he was obviously a good swords man. He had to be to have
taken the name Hiko Seijuro and the mantle but if he was a Master from
the past it stood to reason that he, Hiko the thirteenth would be stronger
since each Master was forced to add further weight to the cloak. He wasn't
going to challenge the man but it was good to know where everyone stood.
"I guess you pass, Kenshin."
Nani...? How did...? Hiko started in surprise.
"Oh get that expression off your face. The name
Kenshin's been passed down to the deshi that will inherit the school for
quite some time. Although your deshi has held it the longest." The Hiko
smiled fondly, as if remembering something. "The name suits him." He looked
back at the recovering Hiko, "Oh for the love of..." He sounded exasperated.
"Would you prefer if I called you Sho?"
That did it. That seemingly innocent comment was
what finally shook Hiko to his core. How did this man know these things?
No one, no one at all, but he and his Master knew he had once been called
Sho. "I would prefer if you called me Hiko Seijuro," he snapped back.
The man looked pleased. "Nope... Can't do that,
that's my name."
"I'm aware of that," Hiko ground out. "Hiko
Seijuro the ...?" He trailed off.
"The ...?" The man assumed an air of innocence.
He was obviously enjoying himself.
"I am the thirteenth inheritor of the name Hiko
Seijuro and the Hiten techniques, hence the name, Hiko Seijuro the Thirteenth.
And you are Hiko Seijuro the ...?" Hiko got the strong feeling that he
was the only one who did not know what was happening here. It was not a
sense he enjoyed.
"Oh that," understanding dawned on the Masters
face. "My apologies for not properly introducing myself. I'm Hiko Seijuro."
"Hai but which one?"
"Hiko Seijuro." The man repeated.
"Which one?"
"For a man who is supposedly intelligent you seem
to be having a hard time accepting the fact that my name is Hiko Seijuro."
"I'm not disputing that. I would just like to know
which Master of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu you are."
"Oh," the man flashed a genius grin before frowning,
taking on a look of contemplation. "I guess I could say Hiko Seijuro the
first but that seems so presumptuous. Besides, Hiko Seijuro is my
name, I don't or at least I shouldn't need to distinguish myself from others
who have taken my name. It's the other way round. It's them who
need to distinguish themselves from me."
The thirteenth Master of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu only
vaguely heard any of the reasoning after the man had said "the first."
This is... He is... This is the man who developed the Hiten Mitsurugi
technique. He is... To say he was surprised was putting it mildly.
"You were cruel about that Hiko-san," the man in
the background stated.
"Oh not really. Let me play a bit. I only get to
do this once a generation and even you have to admit that his expression
is priceless!"
Sho slowly began to get their thoughts under control.
No wonder he radiates that absolute confidence. I may be physically
stronger in the Hiten technique but he invented it. He'd probably
see anything I tried coming a mile off and have it blocked and be counter
attacking with some form that I can't block before I even knew what hit
me. He reassessed the man and his chances of winning a battle against
him. "Well I guess you calling me Sho is acceptable then," he said recovering
his voice.
"I was certain you'd see it that way."
"To avoid any more embarrassment, may I ask who
your companion is?"
Hiko sighed, looking slightly embarrassed, but Sho
couldn't determine about what. "Hmmm... He is... That is... Arhh..." He
fumbled around for a while.
"You make it sound like I'm your lover, Hiko-san.
I'm not, my wife is waiting for me to come home." The man was very firm
about this statement. "I, Sho-san, am merely a necessary third party to
this meeting, and if your master can control himself, he can explain why
my presence is required," the man responded in Hiko's place, addressing
Sho for the first time.
Hiko looked even more embarrassed but managed to
continue. "Hiten Mitsurugi is a very good technique, physically." He sounded
slightly disgusted. "It is the strongest budo after all, however once you
die, techniques change and the ultimate physical technique doesn't really
stand up to the ultimate spiritual technique once you become a spirit.
I mean, all of us have some ability here but someone who was trained in
life to use their spirit as their weapon has a distinct advantage. I can
hold my soul in place long enough to talk to you but I can't hold the environment
or your soul stable enough for a long enough period of time to actually
be able to have the conversation so that is what he is doing. Holding everything
together so that we can talk." Hiko turned to look at the 'necessary third
party.' "Is that a good enough explanation?"
"You don't need to sound so insulted that I can
do something you can't. No technique, no matter how much you wish it to
be is perfect on all levels. I fully admit that against your technique
on earth my only real chance would be to hope I can run faster than you.
As far as your explanation goes, it's adequate for this situation," The
man answered sounding amused at Hiko's admission of a fault or rather a
deficiency in the technique he had worked so hard to develop.
This is a spirit Master. "So what is your
"Ah..." it was his turn to look embarrassed. "Let's
just say my name is Kamiya and leave it at that. Information about me is
not something you need to know and is not what we are here to discuss."
He answered evasively, obviously ill at ease to be forced to identify himself.
Kamiya? As in Kamiya Kaoru? Sho would have
inquired further but got the strong impression that neither individual
was willing to discuss the topic. It was time to get on with whatever purpose
they had here.
"So then, why are you here?"
"We're here to discuss you. Well, you and your future."
"I don't have a future. I'm dead. I passed on the
final technique of Hiten and like all previous Masters died in doing so.
But that's okay, my deshi is capable enough, when he puts his mind to it."
Hiko laughed. "Well, I'm glad a Master's opinion
of his student hasn't changed much. But you're wrong. You're in limbo.
For the first time since I developed the Ama Kakeru Ryu No Hirameki, one
of the Master's gets a choice."
"A choice..?"
"None of the successors of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu have
wanted to kill their Shishou's. Not even you, correct?"
"Hai..." Sho answered quietly. Although he understood
now that it had been necessary, it was not a moment of his life he was
proud of.
"Your deshi is the same. But he, or rather you have
some choice in the matter. That sword of his, a sakabatou gives some lee
way in the matter of life and death." Hiko broke off with a sigh.
"What is it?"
"Oh, a sakaba was one of the methods I considered
using as a restraint for Hiten's power. It didn't work too well. I broke
plenty of bones but no one learnt their lesson. They just came back after
healing so I ended up having to kill for the protection of people. I came
up with the weighted cloak after that. It seems to have been adequate and
quite useful in strengthening my inheritors."
"A sword is a weapon. It is meant to kill."
"A sword is a weapon. But it can be wielded for
defence. It does not have to kill," Kamiya broke in.
"A sword is a weapon. It's use is dictated by its
owner. We can argue about the correct use all day but that wouldn't be
very constructive. We can sit down one day and really fight it out some
time later."
"Hai, hai... You mentioned a choice?"
"Your choice. Between your deshi's sword, his vow
not to kill and the fact that he completely mastered the technique at his
first attempt and so has complete control over the Ama Kakeru Ryu No Hirameki,
you don't have to die."
"You sound surprised that he completely mastered
it? I have always known Kenshin was that good. I never let him know
that of course."
"Of course I'm surprised. Complete control indicates
that he had absolute control over its speed, force, timing, everything.
Not even all my successors can claim that. It is something that is usually
developed after attaining the mantle. Complete control on the first attempt
is very impressive. He hit you with just enough power to stop your
Kuzu Ryu Sen. Naturally I'm happy that my technique is in such good hands.
But this does not answer the question of your choice." Hiko's expression
became firm as he looked Sho straight in the eye. "Do you want to die?"
"What type of question is that? Of course I don't
want to die. I still have the will to live, nothing has changed since the
time I learnt the Ama Kakeru Ryu No Hirameki."
"Well, several things have. Your student is...,
how did you put it? Ah yes, 'quite capable.' So you don't have to live
to pass on the technique, you already did that. Is just living a good enough
reason for you to return?"
"Of course it is! Just because I've fulfilled my
duty as Hiten Mitsurugi Master does not mean I'm worthless. I can do other
things. Besides which, I'm not sure my deshi would be too happy knowing
he had killed me. He may even kill himself for breaking his vow. Plus he'll
need to be pushed before he passes on the technique so I'd say there is
still plenty of reasons for me to continue. Add to those, the fact that
although I was prepared to die passing on the final technique, I don't
want to and what more reason do I need to continue living? It'll keep my
deshi humble."
"It will at that. I wonder if the world is ready
for two Hiten Masters?"
"It's going to have to be."
"Heh! Well, I guess you can have this back now,"
Hiko said, offering his successor the mantle he had removed earlier. "You'd
better get going. If you ask Kamiya-san nicely, he may even point you in
the right direction. See you later."
"Mare mare. I'll do that anyway. I don't need a
Hiko Seijuro running around between life and death. I shudder to think
of the damage that could be caused. But I have one thing to do first,"
Kamiya said approaching Hiten Masters. The mists seemed to close in around
He stood before the Thirteenth Master. "I'm not
going to hurt you," he said, before reaching up to lay his finger tips
on Hiko's forehead. There was a whispered comment, "I'm glad Kenshin is
shorter," before he spoke again in a tone of absolute command. "Forget,"
he demanded, looking deep into Hiko's eyes, placing the restraints on his
mind. "Forget and remember only when the Dragon and Flower merge. Forget."
The mist rose around them, becoming thicker, almost
a solid barrier. They were making him sleepy. "Forget," a voice whispered
as his eyes closed and he fell back into the mist. He didn't feel himself
hit the ground.
He keeps his eyes closed, sensing his surroundings,
making no movement to signal that he was awake. Years of training had taught
him this. There was nothing threatening that he could sense although there
was a familiar presence nearby. He identified it as his baka deshi.
Hmm I guess this means I'm still alive. Yep. Kenshin is the only
being who could muck up the Ogui and waste years of my training to a point
where the ultimate technique is not fatal. Not that he was complaining.
His deshi had learnt the technique. He couldn't remember anything that
said in the teachings of Mitsurugi that the Master had to die so that the
student could graduate. It just hadn't happened yet that the Master had
survived the teaching of the Ogui. My genius shows through again.
Hiko cautiously opened his eyes. He had felt that
he was lying on something hard, covered with a blanket but now he knew
he was lying on the pallet in his hut. His deshi was asleep against the
far wall. Hiko smiled at him. He had learnt the technique completely. That
was good. Even if his chest was going to take weeks to heal completely.
Hiko got up, carefully so as not to open his wound
and not to disturb his deshi. He changed his clothes, fastening his mantle
to his shirt last. He found the small bag of herbs he keep for emergencies
and tasted his mouth. That's why there's not as much pain as there should
He then spotted Kenshin's sword. A sakabatou,
a form of restraint. He frowned. There was something he was forgetting
but he couldn't imagine what. Hiko picked up the sword. He had already
seen that it was a master work of Shakkuu-san. Ah! That explains it.
The combination of my genius and a master sword with a lose rivet explains
why the technique did not kill. Not that he couldn't kill if he wanted
to. Hiko narrowed his eyes, looking to his deshi. He'd been up and
moving about. Wasn't he going to wake up? It was time to fix that.
He stood before Kenshin. It looks like he really
is asleep, if he doesn't wake to my presence. Hiko lifted his boot.
It was time Kenshin left anyway. One kick ought to be enough.
"Are you going to waste the whole day? There's
a lot of people waiting for your return. So quit lollygagging and get off
my mountain."
Well, he looks relieved. Nani..? He stepped
aside, avoiding his on coming pupil.
"The day hasn't dawned when I'd be happy to hug
a man. Don't jump around like that."
"Demo... I'm glad the medicine worked."
"What? This stuff? It's just a placebo."
"But... well..? why..?"
Yes his expression is worth it. "It was probably
the sword."
Hiko held the blade out for Kenshin to see, pointing
to the rivet. "Look here. The rivet protrudes, so whether it's drawn or
not the actual blade will shake just enough. As a result, the blade itself
can absorb and weaken the power of the Ama Kakeru Ryu No Hirameki. It's
responsive to the feelings of its wielder. It's a good blade." It should
be, Shakkuu-san made it.
"If I may say it again, my genius wasn't wasted
in training you to make use of everything the sword can offer you," he
said with a nonchalant flick of his arm. "So the passing down of the secret
techniques is finished. As your experience tells you, the Ama Kakeru Ryu
No Hirameki can kill even with the reverse blade." He threw the sword back
to its owner. "As a vagabond, you must control the force and speed of the
technique." Nani? He's still here? "Now quit hanging around and
get off the mountain. People are waiting for you."
The End.
I hope people liked it. Comments are welcomed.