Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin (C) characters belong to Watsuki Nobuhiro (All Hail), Shueisha, Sony Entertainment and perhaps some others but most definitely not to me. I am borrowing characters without asking permission and I am not making any money out of this. Also I am not worth suing as I am a broke student. However this story and any characters I create do belong to me.
I hope anyone who takes the time to read this will enjoy it.

Acknowledgements: Please see end notes.

Spoiler Note: Revenge Arc spoilers

## Non spoken conversation

Kokoro - Heart, Mind and Soul
Part 4
By Jade One

Time Frame: Just after Kenshin Gumi arrive back from Kyoto.

He surveyed the room. It had taken a while, several weeks worth of patient shifting, nudging but he finally had the furniture arranged to met his requirements. He sat down, sinking with a soft sigh into the comfort of the arm chair. Tea would complete his enjoyment and should be arriving soon. Yes, after the hassles of moving he needed this, a quiet afternoon spent relaxing, enjoying the comfort of his new abode.

It was quiet now. He had dealt with the remnants of Shishio's men who had been intent on maintaining control of the village for themselves. After he had stopped their swords without drawing his own and then made them dance for him a few times, naked, before the laughing villagers, ripping away what little pride they had left, he had suggested that they leave this village and forget his existence. They had complied immediately. They had no choice. They were not strong enough to fight him.

The villagers had welcomed him and had required only a little 'persuasion' to keep his presence secret, especially after he provided them with materials to fix the damage done to their homes by Shishio's extended ownership. From their point of view he was a god who had chosen to live in their village. He did not force them to stay but they hadn't noticed, nor would they ever, that none of them wanted to leave their village. None of them wanted to seek more excitement of a life pursued in a city. Akihisa smiled at the thought. He was a feudal lord who had no need of the troops to insure his rule. Far cheaper, more efficient and much less likely to be detected if the people complied of their own free will. They were his.

Katsunan followed the servant who brought his tea. He sighed, saying good bye to his quiet afternoon of reminiscing. Katsunan's presence invariably meant trouble. "What is it, Katsunan?"

"Niijima-sama, the people from Shanghai have sent us their final payment request."

"Do we confirm our requirements have been met?"

"Hai... The materials are in place in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and Yokohama. We confirm both the primary locations and secondary cache sites, Niijima-sama."

"Then pay them in full," Akihisa replied impatiently. Katsunan did not sound comfortable with what he knew of the plan.

"But Niijima-sama, the places you requested the shipments to be left..." He blurted before controlling himself.

Akihisa raised his head, looking innocently confused, "Aa, Katsunan?" he questioned, his voice dangerously soft.

Katsunan paled at the contrast but pushed on with his objection. "They are left in the open. Anyone could claim them." Yes, that was the core to his problem.

"Really? Only the dead wander where they have been left. Their hiding place is perfect and those they are intended for will be able to find them quickly." Akihisa allowed his expression to return to normal. Katsunan was at times annoying, but he was efficient and he didn't ask too many questions. Akihisa did not wish to train a new underling. "Do not be concerned, Katsunan. You know only a part of my plans. You are told that which you need. You could not understand more. Is there any news of the Battousai?"

Katsunan released a small breath he had been holding. Akihisa rewarded service well but was known for demanding absolute obedience. Men had died for smaller questions than his. "The Battousai has returned to Tokyo. Our reports indicate that he is still recovering from the wounds he received from Shishio, however he has maintained his residence at the Kamiya Kasshin Ryu Dojo, Niijima-sama."

"Is there anything else to report?"

"Uun, Niijima-sama. Please forgive my intrusion and enjoy your tea."

Time Frame: After the attack on the Akabeko

He stepped through the motions of his kata, his sword tracing the arcs in gleaming silver. The familiar motion was claming to both mind and body. They provided him with a focus. Soon, he would need all the calm, all the focus he could muster. Assimilation of other techniques was difficult, but assimilating the ultimate techniques could prove to be fatal if he was not prepared properly. Of course, all his plans, all the preparation would be for nothing unless he could find the current Yasutake Ryuichi, the current user of Tamashii Hitokken! Assimilation of Hiten Mitsurugi would increase his power, but it would not be enough. He had to have both techniques, Tamashii and Hiten, if he was to succeed.

Akihisa stopped, holding his final stance before sheathing his blade and sinking cross legged to the ground. He closed his eyes, expanding his being, touching the village around him, reaching further to the forest to touch the harmony of the world.

#Niijima-sama?# The thought intruded on the serene music of the forest. #Niijima-sama?# The question came again.

Akihisa reached out, extending his being, touching the source of the intrusion. He grabbed the source, determining its identity. Agent Bairei, Tokyo based. He smiled, relaxing slightly. He had owned Bairei since his birth and while he would not inherit his succession technique he understood more of Kouken Sokuuchi than many other men. #I am here Bairei. Your report?#

#Niijima-sama.# The tone was highly respectful. #You requested to be informed of any events concerning the Hitokiri Battousai.#

#Something has occured?#

#Hai Niijima-sama... There has been an attack on a restaurant he is associated with.#

Akihisa frowned. Shishio was dead. Who else had the organization, the skills to risk an attack on the Battousai? #Have you determined who is responsible?#

#The Police have no leads except for a note, 'Jinchu.' They do not know who is responsible. However our 'enquires' have determined that there may be some connection between Shanghai and the attack.# Bairei was a delicate as ever, in his phrasing of events which were unlikely to please his master.

Akihisa snarled, almost losing his grip on Bairei. Shanghai? What do they want with the Battousai? He has done them no wrong. He has no connection to them. His mouth quirked. I could interfere. I owe them nothing. #What is it they want with the Battousai?#

#From indications we have received from their leader, they do not wish to kill the Battousai. Their leader just wants to make him suffer, to see him in pain, Niijima-sama.# Bairei felt slightly sick. The depth of desire shown by Yukishiro had almost overwhelmed him. #It is something to do with their past. What exactly occurred, we have not been able to determine. Both their minds are closed, and I lack your strength to break through their barriers.#

Yukishiro does not wish to kill him? That's good. I am not ready to confront the Battousai yet. And suffering will make my attack easier. #You have done well, Bairei. Continue to report on any events concerning those targets I have assigned you.#

Akihisa sighed, releasing his grip on Bairei and returning to himself. He opened his eyes, rubbing his fingers over the bridge of his nose, squinting slightly. If Shanghai was responsible for the attack then there would be more to follow. He snarled again, the sound reverberating throughout the room. It was too soon. there was too much he needed to arrange, needed to do before he confronted the Battousai. He had better check on his other operatives. There would no doubt be more complications which would require his immediate attention.

He closed his eyes, reaching out with a practised motion, the second lesson of Kouken. He would contact those who were sensitive to him, those he owned. He was meet halfway. Yasunari, he identified the mind, one he had altered, moulded his natural gifts so that they were loyal to him alone. Yasunari's sense glowed with pleasure. #Niijima-sama.#

#Yes, Yasunari. I am here.#

#Niijima-sama, I'm sorry for intruding upon you but you requested to be notified as soon as we located an acceptable Second Companion.#

#Show me!# Akihisa reached out, savagely grabbing Yasunari, seeing through his eyes, judging the woman in his minds eye. He dimly felt Yasunari's hope that she would be found acceptable. Small stature, long hair. She was perfect for the role. #Take them, immediately. But remember, I want them unharmed, unmarked. Send them here, once they have been captured. She will require my personal attention. The bonus payment will be sent to you as soon as she arrives.# Akihisa released his grip. He had seen enough and he had others he needed to talk to.

#Hai, Niijima-sama. It will be done.#

Akihisa smiled. He was not ready for the confrontation now, but he would be soon enough. She would require some extensive work but it was nothing he couldn't handle. It wasn't anything his Sensei had taught him but then *he* never had embraced the full potential of the Kouken Sokuuchi. What I do is only the natural extension of the technique. But Akihisa had been blind in the past. He could now see that his Sensei was weak. He had never striven for purity, why else would he take another?

Akihisa reached out again, touching his other agents but they had nothing to report. The sun was low in the sky when he finished. Akihisa rose, he would need to make arrangements for his guest. And his evening meal would be served soon. He smiled. Soon... Soon he would not eat alone.

Time Frame. Akihisa's evening meal.

He was kneeling, slowly eating his rice. The two reports he had received this afternoon had left him with much to think upon.

"Niijima-sama," Katsunan's voice came from outside the room. "Niijima-sama, you have a visitor."

A visitor? No one could get into this village unless they were skilled. Further no one could get to him with out alerting him to their presence. But he had felt nothing. No one, not even the Battousai, not even his Sensei was that skilled. Anyone getting here, to see him, would have to have been checked several times by his people, those he owned mind and body who could no be corrupted. Katsunan did not feel concerned. A legitimate visitor then? Akihisa was surprised. "Well then, Katsunan. If they have travelled this far to see me then I should be equally polite and grant them an audience."

"Hai, Niijima-sama." Katsunan slid open the door, allowing a woman entry.

Akihisa set his rice down, assessing the woman before him, all senses alert for the slightest warning of an attack. She was tall and although her build was slender, he doubted that she was as weak as she appeared. She moved with a certain grace, betraying her for a fighter, and a reasonably skilled one. Her kimono was dark, it was not black, but was a deep midnight blue. Her obi was an emerald green. The effect was to make her eyes appear to be green, despite the fact that they were a light shade of brown. Her hair was a glossy black, long but confined securely with pins highlighted in green. Akihisa could almost see the blades hidden there. Her skin was smooth, white making her red lips and eyes the only points of colour. She was a striking woman. She carried a long wrapped package.

"You are wondering, I'm sure, who I am," she said with a slight smile and a bow. Her voice was light, a whispering breeze through leaves. "You must also be considering why I have come here." She knelt before him, placing her package before her, touching her forehead to the ground in a gesture of respect.

Akihisa narrowed his eyes. This woman was dangerous. "I was considering something along those lines."

She moved to be upright smiling at him. "My name is Hasekura Inoue and I have come from Tokyo with a gift for you."

"But that is only half your reason," Akihisa could feel that there was more.

"You are correct, Niijima-sama," she responded. She did not seem concerned. "I can see the future, Niijima-sama. I feel the forces turning and I know where I wish to stand. So I have come to offer you my services, and as a token of my respect, I have brought you this gift." Her hands moved to the object lying before her, ripping away at its wrappings, revealing a sword. She made no move to draw the blade.

"A sword?" He questioned.

"Iie, Niijima-sama. This is more than a sword. This is the blade that was wielded by the Hitokiri Battousai during the Bakmatsu. The blade he wielded for the Ishin before he disappeared. The blade that has taken countless lives, the blade of the ultimate killer." She bowed forward again. The sheathed blade resting across her palms, offering it to Akihisa.

Akihisa's eyes widened. The Hitokiri's blade...? He could verify that easily enough. He reached forward to touch the hilt.

A grip just perfect. The speed of the swing. The hot feel of flesh parting before the edge of the sword.  The cries of pain. The feeling of souls and minds dying from the wounds inflicted. The twisting turning, confusing motion of battle. The feel of blood, tracing the length of the katana. A moment of silence. A sword returned to its saya and driven into the ground. A man walking away, stepping over the still warm bodies that now guarded the blade.

Akihisa's vision cleared. This was the Hitokiri's blade. "I will not ask how you obtained this blade but will accept both it and your service, Hasekura Inoue."

The woman looked up, a pleased smile on her face but was lost, as Akihisa's eyes became opaque and he drove straight into her mind. He closed his eyes, assessing the woman and her ability to serve him. Hasekura Inoue. Married, no children. Ninja. But I knew that. Skilled with thrown weapons and with light blades. A true katana was too heavy for her to wield it effectively. A good knowledge of poisons and an anchor point in an information relay. Akihisa smiled. This woman would be very useful for his cause.

He bound her mind to him, altering her so that she was sensitive to his touch and powerful enough to reach him if the cause was urgent. He owned her now. She could not betray him.

"I am well pleased by your gift, Hasekura," Akihisa said, releasing her. "Return now to Tokyo, to your home and husband. Continue to watch, as you have been doing, both the Battousai and Enishi and remember to fulfil your obligations. Allow nothing in your life to change. I will contact you for your reports. Return home now, like a good little ninja."

Time Frame: Six days later.

Akihisa sat cross legged before the blade. His eyes were closed and his lips moved soundlessly, running through the sacred verses of Kouken Sokuuchi. He had been doing this since dawn and it was now early afternoon but it was required. Other swordsman learnt to see ki and in some rare cases touch it, learnt to see and act upon the link between the body and the sword and the body and soul. He had learnt to see and act upon the link between mind and body. In the heat of battle a tiny difference really but one that was bigger than most people knew.

Meditation and the ancient chants were the only way he could touch the soul, touch the ki of a being and it was not something he could do easily. The only compensation was that for those who had learnt to touch ki, touch the soul, touching the mind was as difficult as this was for him.

He would touch this sword. It would sing to his soul, his mind. He would wield this sword but only after he had touched it. Only when he and it, thought he was worthy of its magnificence. And so he was meditating, intent on reaching out to touch the blade, to bind it to him.

Noise, the resentive short of a horse. The call of men. His eyes snapped open and as he refocused his attention on the noises coming from outside, the annoyance he felt at the disturbance vanished. Yasunari had arrived, and with him, the Second Companion. He rose, striding to the door and entering the courtyard where Yasunari and his escort were milling.

"Yasunari!" he called. Even the horses gave pause at the power of his voice.

"Niijima-sama!" Yasunari responded, pleasure colouring his tone. He had pleased his master. He stepped forward bowing slightly. "Niijima-sama, as requested I have brought to you the second companion." He gestured to a horse.

A woman sat astride the beast. She was securely tied into her saddle but the ropes were tied so as to leave no mark. Her head was bowed and her wide eyes were pinched with fear. Tears stained her cheeks and she whispered brokenly, "No... no... please no..." Her long hair had been confined to a plait which she had drawn over her shoulder.

Akihisa reached out. She was desperately afraid but that was to be expected. She had not been harmed. Her body was whole and the bruises and rashes she had from the unaccustomed riding would heal long before she was needed. She was perfect. No. Akihisa shook his head. She was a shadow of perfection.

He went over to her horse, gently touching her leg before untying the ropes. "Shhh now," he crooned quietly. "There is no need to be afraid. I will not hurt you." He took her waist, lifting her down from the horse and placing her on the ground before him. He raised a hand, cupping her face and gently wiping away her tears as he entered her mind. His other hand took hers, turning it over to expose the palm. He kissed it softly. "I will not hurt you and in time..." his voice wavered with emotion. "In time, you will come to love me. You will sing for me," he whispered, willing her to sleep.

Akihisa caught her body, looking down into her peaceful sleeping face. He breathed deeply, suppressing the emotion he felt, before turning to Yasunari. He handed her over. "Take her to the room which is waiting and stand guard. You have done well but the order stands. I do not want her harmed.


"Niijima-sama," the voice came from his side.

"Katsunan!" Akihisa turned sharply, noting absently that most of the horses and men had vanished. "You have seen her. I wish her hair cut to the appropriate length. In the morning I wish her to train with Oniji. Gently though. She will need to improve her skills. I would see her directly after the noon meal. If she is to stand at my side, I will need to make some modifications."

"Hai... Niijima-sama," Katsunan watched Yasunari disappear with the woman. She had effected his master deeply and such depth meant she was important. He would not displease her or woman his master desired.


Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin (C) characters belong to Watsuki Nobuhiro (All Hail), Shueisha, Sony Entertainment and perhaps some others but most definitely not to me. I am borrowing characters without asking permission and I am not making any money out of this. Also I am not worth suing as I am a broke student. However this story and any characters I create do belong to me.
I hope anyone who takes the time to read this will enjoy it.

Acknowledgements: Please see end notes.

Spoiler Note: Revenge Arc spoilers

## Non spoken conversation

Kokoro - Heart, Mind and Soul
Part 4 B
By Jade One

Time Frame: Kaoru's Funeral

Clangshin... Clang, clang, clangshinnnn... The sound died away so that the ragged breathing of the two combatants filled the room. The two stepped back, Akihisa falling into the formal first position of Kouken. The other man held his sword loosely and began to circle seeking an opening. Akihisa had shed his manto and even the light armour he wore was weighing him down. He had been fighting for several hours a series of his people chosen for their physical skill. He needed this practice. If he struck and fought with the full force of Kouken his victory would have been easy. But that would dishonour the blade he would wield in the future. He needed to maintain his physical technique, needed to condition himself for the strain of Hiten Mitsurugi.

They clashed again. The man coming in low and driving Akihisa back before he managed to twist, driving his opponents blade away and striking lightly in a horizontal sweep across his chest.  A would be fatality. Victory. The man bowed, "Niijima-sama," before stepping away, acknowledging his defeat but Akihisa ignored this calling for the next opponent. He sighed slightly. While his people were good, they were no match for the Battousai or even for someone like Sagara. He ruefully admitted to himself, if I fought Sagara in this way, I'd probably lose. But these matches were simply for exercise, to provide conditioning. He wasn't limited in the way others were.

"Niijima-sama," Katsunan appeared in the door with a man in tow. The man wore red flame marked hakama. His gi was of a lighter hue, red at the waist but fading to yellow as it reached his shoulders. Black kanji were embroidered down his left breast proclaiming him to be a member of the Tanto Phoenixes. His hair was long and worn loose and he had a sword at his waist. As he turned slightly to survey the room, Akihisa could see the back of the gi was emblazoned with a fiery bird holding a small knife. He mentally shuddered. This man had to be an enforcer. He had to be something that required high visibility. There was no way he could operate effectively as a Yakuza dressed like that. Akihisa was going to have to order some changes. Bairei would see them enforced.

"Katsunan," Akihisa replied, turning back to his opponent gesturing for the match to continue.

"The Tanto Phoenixes have sent a messenger with the last shipment of scrolls. His report is something you may wish to hear, Niijima-sama."

"Make it quick," Akihisa addressed the man, stepping away from his opponent who lowered his sword, prepared to wait on his masters pleasure. Katsunan would've handled it himself unless it was something important.

"Niijima-sama, Bairei-san felt that this information would be best delivered to you in person."

That was odd. Bairei was more than capable of relaying a message to him. "What information?"

"Ahhh..." the man seemed uncomfortable. "The information that one of the targets we have been watching from the Kamiya Kasshin Ryu Dojo has been killed."

"Who?" Akihisa snarled, stepping forward. They couldn't have killed the Battousai. I still need him.

"The woman..."

Woman? So they killed Takani Megumi. No great loss there. Hardly reason for Bairei to send a verbal messenger.

"...Kamiya Kaoru," the man's voice was a whisper. It was his punishment to deliver this message so he had intended to die with honour, wearing the full formal gear that marked him as a Tanto Phoenix.

The words jerked Akihisa upright, his sword falling from his fingers, to cut deeply into the wooden floor. Kamiya Kaoru. No! His eyes narrowed and he leapt forwards, driving towards the Tanto Phoenix, pushing his backwards, making him fall but catching his face in his hands, his thumbs pressed against the mans cheek bones, forcing the man to see his eyes. Akihisa held the man by his head. His eyes were darker than midnight but at the same time seemed to burn a bloody red. The man whimpered slightly with the attack but was held fast.

"Show me." There was nothing soft about this voice. Akihisa pushed into the mind, ignoring the mans litany of "I'm dead. I'm dead."

The woman was lain out. She was dressed in white and a small bandage covered her cheek. Her eyes were closed the vibrant living blue no longer visible. Her body was cold, the mind was dead, the spirit had departed. Her hair lay around her shoulders in thick black locks. It was Kamiya Kaoru. A single tear rolled down Akihisa's cheek at the vision he was seeing.

"How?" He tightened his grip, almost crushing the man but he did not care.

The arms dealer, Yukishiro Enishi, had taken his fight to the Battousai, attacking the Kamiya Dojo several days earlier. Yukishiro's minions had been defeated but not before they had caused some damage. Then Yukishiro himself had fought the Battousai, defeating him without killing him before chasing the Battousai's woman and striking her through the heart a cross inscribed on her check. Jinchu completed. The Battousai had fled to the Rakuninmura, still wounded uncaring of his fate.

Akihisa withdrew from the mind, uncaring of the damage he had caused. He released the man, letting the body drop, closing his eyes but seeing again the body. Yukishiro had killed her. It did not matter that the Battousai was in no condition to fight against his desire, could not now stop him from obtaining that which he wanted. Yukishiro had killed her. The woman he had touched. The woman who had amplified his power beyond his control. The woman who sang for the Battousai but who would have sung for him. Yukishiro had killed her.

Akihisa opened his eyes. They had not returned to his emerald green. Instead the fire had solidified and now was not shielded by the dark which was his power. Katsunan backed away. He had seen Akihisa enraged but this, this was far beyond rage...

His mind swirled, pulling together all his power, pulling to the surface everything he had ever learnt about Kouken. He focused, seeing in his minds eye the white haired form of Yukishiro Enishi. He travelled outwards, loosing his centre but intent on finding the being of his focus. Yukishiro would suffer for taking her life and after suffering he would die but die slowly, thought by thought, memory by memory as Akihisa slowly wiped away the being Yukishiro Enishi until there was nothing which could support life. His body stood still and unmoving.

Katsunan approached his masters form, "Niijima-sama?" He had been expecting an outburst, the savage dance of the sword with his senses extended to the utmost. But not this silence broken only by the feeble gasps of the Tanto Phoenix. His hand almost touched his masters form before Katsunan jerked back, clutching his head. Still his master may be but he was not defenceless. A mind storm shield prevented him from touching the body. It would probably extend for someone with a sword. No one was going to get close to him. A thin trail of spittle traced down Akihisa's chin, falling on to his chest, his body held in paralysis as his mind raged.

He reached out, catching those he had invested with power, dragging them to him, using their pain to fuel his anger. His rage became all that they could feel, the reason for it imprinted upon their minds. The orbited him, small points of rage and hatred held fast by the sun but spiralling to their own destruction. He ripped through Tokyo seeking Yukishiro, his vision of the city coloured red.


He expanded his search, expanding his reach focused on detecting the distinctive feel of the man.

The thought intruded upon his rage.

#Niijima-sama! It is deceit! Yukishiro could not kill Kamiya.#

There was a moon of serenity in the swirling storm of his rage.

Hasekura. He identified it. Her being raked with pain from his grip. His rage for the moment dimmed as he took what she said, took her being into his storm.

#Niijima-sama,# she whimpered, feeling the full force of his rage. He loves her. A single tear escaped her eyes.

#Speak!# It was not a request.

#Niijima-sama. Yukishiro could not kill Kamiya. I was looking into his past. I do not know the reason he hates the Battousai but I do know he could not have killed Kamiya. There was an incident in Osaka two years ago, Niijima-sama. He and his men had cornered a young girl who had been spying on them for the Meiji. He tried to kill her but he couldn't. He just couldn't swing the blade at her. He tried ordering his men to kill her. It was a blood bath. Not only could he not kill her, he couldn't stand by and allow his men to kill her. In the ensuing battle she did die but not because he killed her and not because he wasn't trying to defend her. There is something wrong with his mind. He can not kill or allow to be killed young women. And Kamiya was a young girl. He couldn't have killed her. He could have killed the Battousai. He could have killed anyone else who was there but he could not have killed Kamiya.#

Akihisa considered her words. The story was unlikely, so unlikely it could possibly be true. Yukishiro could not kill young girls? His rage faltered, releasing some of his people from his grip. Yukishiro could not allow them to be killed by others?  Pure, unthinking rage faded being replaced by a deep smouldering anger and if he had been capable of feeling this a growing panic. Yukishiro could not have killed Kamiya? Mentally, Akihisa closed his eyes. Kamiya was alive, a pawn in the game between Yukishiro and the Battousai. She can still sing for me. Rage gone, Akihisa could see that their was more to the battle than he had initially thought. He released those still caught by his mind.

#You have done well, Inoue.# He complimented his ninja. #But for the future, report such information immediately. You have the power to contact me. If it is urgent, use it.# Akihisa released her without waiting for an answer, preparing to return to himself. He altered his focus, narrowing his view to himself and realized with a start of fear, there was nothing to return to. Panic grew and mentally his eyes snapped open. His rage had left no path to return to his body on. If he did not return, if he was not anchored he would be lost forever.

He tried again, narrowing his focus to where he knew his body was standing. Nothing. #NOooo!# The plane of the mind rang with his anger. He could almost feel himself loosing definition, loosing the essence which defined him. He grasped frantically at his body. Nothing, there was nothing to grip. But then his frantic mental hand felt something, a path to his body. He snatched at it, re-entering his body with a jolt.

#Niijima-sama.# The voice was a whisper but coloured by love. He could not determine who it was.

Akihisa stood still for a minute, raising his hand to wipe his mouth. He regarded the wall, breathing deeply. He had escaped oblivion this time. He vowed to himself, a small corner of his mind recognizing the futility of the action, that no matter what he felt, he could not lose himself again for her. He could not afford the risk. His eyes returned to their emerald shade.

Katsunan breathed a sigh of relief. His master had returned and his rage had been spent.

Akihisa raised his head, looking over his servants, before flicking his hand in a gesture for them to leave. The Tanto Phoenix still lay on the floor gasping weakly. He flicked his gaze over the man before bending to swept up his sword, angling its point to the centre of the embroidered kanji and thrusting home. It was a mercy. The damage was too great but he felt no remorse with the knowledge that he was the man who had created that damage. He walked to the window, looking out at the afternoon sun remembering again her touch.

Beautiful, perfect. He remembered the pain that was pleasure and the touch of one thousand minds as she expanded his being. The song of her presence.  I will know what her love is like. She will sing for me.

"Masujiro-kun? You felt that?"

"Hai Shishou. But I do not know what it means. He should not have been able to return."

"But he did. Someone who loves him..."

"Someone could love a man such as he?"

"Aa, Masujiro-kun. Someone could and someone risked their own mind creating the path for him to return. I do not know who it was." The man fell silent, considering the events he had just felt. "He is getting stonger, Masujiro-kun but he has not yet taken the other techniques. I could feel that. He can not find the current Yasutake Ryuichi."

"But it is only a matter of time Shishou before he does. This is not your fault. The others can help."

"It is my shame, Masujiro-kun. I should have seen earlier what he was like and refused to teach him. I fear you are correct. Have you found the others yet?"

"Like Akihisa, I can not find the new Yasutake-san. I found the old master but I can not find the new. He probably felt the search and is hiding. I pray he remains so. But I have located both of the others. Himura Kenshin-san and his Master. I think we should warn them, especially Himura-san, since it is he, Akihisa requires."

"No Niijima has not yet acted. We can still stop him, Masujiro-kun."

"As you wish Shishou." Masujiro did not sound convinced.

Time Frame: Five Days Later. Kenshin in Rakuninmura

The woman stepped forward, swinging the unaccustomed bokken against the practice dummy. She was still afraid, especially of the man who had greeted her. His quietness, the power of his self assurance was unnerving. She had considered the possibility of escape but could find no opportunity, and the thought was fading. Her hands and body hurt, but her captors had not, were not mistreating her. They simply insisted that she practice for several hours each day with the bokken. A sword? What would any lady want with a sword? It hurt, her hands hurt, rubbed raw by the wood but she dared not stop, not when that man stood quietly in the corner watching her movements with a critical but adoring eye.

It was not his presence, not the exercise she feared but the daily afternoon sessions she spent with him alone. He never touched her, not after that first day with her horse, but she could not move during the time she spent with him and she would shiver for hours after he had left her. He did something. Something that held her motionless, something that... She shuddered with the memory. It was something that felt like her self was being drained away, felt like she was being changed, being corrupted. Her perceptions of the world were changing. She was mortally afraid but she could not fight it. There was nothing she could do to stop him. She was helpless, trapped in a cage of his making.

Akihisa watched her practice. For now skill did not matter, only endurance and muscle tone. The physical marks of someone who used a sword regularly. He would give her skill later, implanting the movements directly into her mind. She would be the shadow of perfection, when he was finished. She would not fear him then. He could feel her fear, feel her anguish, pain and confusion and as much as he wanted to comfort her, hold her in his arms, he could not yet, not while she feared him. He sighed. It would be worth it in the end, when the First and Second Companions stood side by side.

The Battousai should consider himself lucky. Akihisa did not want his death and after he had what he wanted from the man he was prepared to ignore him, let him live his life in peace. The Battousai's life and those of the people around him would not be disturbed for long. Akihisa regretted his tactics but it was the only way he could see of obtaining his desires.

He stepped forward as she winced with pain, repositioning her hands on the bokken. "That's enough for today. I do not want you to damage yourself."

She spun on him, looking angry. He loved it. She had such spirit. She did not try to wield the bokken against him. She had learnt that it was futile. "Why? Why do you care?" Her question carried many meanings.

"I care because no man should allow a woman to hurt herself. I care because you are important to me and you must be perfect."

Her magnificent eyes flashed and her grip tightened on the bokken. He laughed softly. "You can not hurt me, my dear, you discovered that yesterday." He took another step towards her. She did not flinch away. So fiery, so wilful, so courageous. Perfection. He saw a tear roll down her cheek. Well, she will be. He reached out, cupping her face and gently wiped away the tear. "You cannot escape me and soon you will not want to. You cannot hurt yourself because I do not want you harmed, and you cannot kill yourself because I will not allow it." The voice he used was soft, his eyes dark.

"Hai, Niijima-sama." Her voice was a whisper, her eyes glazing.

"Now go and refresh yourself from the exercise. I will wish to see you after the noon meal," Akihisa ordered, his eyes returning to normal before leaving the practice room. She would obey.

Time Frame: That evening

#Niijima-sama!# The speaker gently called her master, waiting for him to acknowledge her presence.


#Niijima-sama, I have a report for you.# There was excitement just beneath the surface.

#Go ahead, Tsuya#

#Hai Niijima-sama. Just this evening by pure chance, I have located a user of Tamashii Hitokken. But Niijima-sama, this man does not call himself Yasutake Ryuichi. They do use Tamashii though, Niijima-sama.#

#How? Are you sure they truly use Tamashii Hitokken?#

#Hai, I was out...# The voice faded, sounding embarrassed as if caught in an act they had not meant to reveal. #Out taking a night stroll.# The words felt false but Akihisa would forgive the deception if it was a Tamashii user. #I was attacked by several thugs.# That shouldn't have proved a problem for Tsuya. #I was going to fight them but I didn't get a chance. A man, about forty, attacked them before I could fight them off. He didn't use physical techniques completely but it was not your technique, Niijima-sama. He just looked at one of them and they backed away. I asked him what he had done, after he enquired about my health. He said it was just an extension of his sword technique, Tamashii Hitokken. After that, he apologized for his rudeness and introduced himself as Murakami Seir, a master of Tamashii Hitokken Ryu."

#Murakami Seir,# Akihisa repeated. So he has not yet taken the name Yasutake Ryuichi. #You are in contact with the Dayside Dragons?#

#Aa, Niijima-sama.#

#Have them take him and then brought here. I do not want him permanently damaged but I will understand if some force is used. Remember he is a Prime, in his own way, he is equal to my level of skill. You will have to take him unaware and I would suggest you keep him drugged to prevent escape.#

#Hai, Niijima-sama.# Tsuya purred with pleasure as Akihisa's voice stroked her being.

#You have done well, Tsuya. Return here with Murakami.# His voice promised reward as he felt her depart. Akihisa moved, looking up, into the cloudless night sky. With the combined force of Tamashii and Kouken, you will be the only Prime remaining, Hitokiri Battousai. You will not be able to stand against me for long.

Time Frame: Seven Days later.

Akihisa shook the sweat from his eyes, allowing his power to fade slightly, his eyes becoming dark green. He moved his hands slightly, repositioning his thumbs on Seir's cheekbones before looking back at his prisoner. He was bound securely. He could not attack physically. A large purple bruise covered half his face. The Dragons had had to insist he accompany them. His kimono and hakama were dirty and ripped in places. Beneath his kimono were the remains of a western style shirt. Akihisa was not being a considerate host.

His body was lean but had the conditioned muscles of a  swordsman, even so, his strength was fading and his lips were cracked, and still he resisted. His eyes held a gleam of determination, his will still fighting a silent battle against the inevitable.

"I will take your technique, Murakami Seir. Your resistance only delays me. I truly have no wish to hurt you but you are leaving me with no choice. Tamashii Hitokken and Kouken Sokuuchi will be united in me."

"Iya..." Seir sobbed, still held fast. "You can not unite them. You must not unite them. I can not let you."

"But you will, you can not fight me forever. I will possess both the ultimate spiritual and mind techniques. And then, when the Battousai gives me his technique and I have all three combined within me, Hiten, Tamashii and Kouken will merge into one and I will be invincible." Akihisa focused again, his eyes returning to an ebony state. "You will submit to me. There is no one to save you..."

Time Frame: Sometime in the Future.

Clang. Clang, clang, clang, clangshinnnn... Akihisa stepped forward, continuing a steady hail of blows to his opponents.

Clang. How dare he? Clang, clang. He locked swords with a man, attempting to drive him backward through sheer strength. Shhhrrrggg. The blades lengths ran across each other as Akihisa leapt back, avoiding a thrust. Clang. It's not possible. Clang, clang. Arghhgurgle. The smell of blood. No man can stand so long against me. Clang, clang.

Murakami Seir was not being co-operative. He was refusing to submit to Akihisa, refusing to let him take the ultimate spiritual technique, Tamashii Hitokken. Akihisa had expected resistance, expected the man to fight hi but even though Akihisa's technique dealt with the mind and had little effect on the soul, he should have broken him by now.

Akihisa could have handled the time this was taking. He couldn't go after the physical technique just yet. Yukishiro was still playing with the Battousai. He could have handled the time, if he could see he was making an impression, if he could see that the man had ungodly endurance but was slowly surcoming. It was impossible for Seir to be resisting this long unscathed.

The mind is tied to the body, the body is tied to the soul and the soul is tied to the mind. He repeated a saying of Kouken. They are all connected to each other. They all effected each other, if the right pressures are applied. Akihisa had weakened Seir's body, he had touched every part of his mind and thought, once or twice, that he had even touched his soul but he had still not gained Tamashii. Akihisa could possibly, possibly accepted all of this if not for the stray thought he had caught this morning.

He had gone to see him, intent on testing his will again. He had been about to begin what had become a daily battle when he had heard the thought I have not been fighting you. Akihisa had paused. The man had the nerve to claim he had not been fighting him, not been fighting him for the knowledge of the technique Tamashii Hitokken. Akihisa had been enraged, was enraged and had thrown Seir against the wall, knocking him unconscious before leaving. He maintained enough control not to kill, not matter his desire to. He still needed Seir. He had come here and was releasing his anger on those he faced.

Clash, clangshin. He jumped over a swept directed at his legs, at the same time sweeping his sword horizontally, catching a man in his ribs. His sword bit deep into the lungs before Akihisa wrenched it back with a sickening hissing sound and the pop of bubbles formed by blood. The man fell and Akihisa stepped over the body intent on destroying his companions. These men were all doomed anyway. They had thought they could deceive him and were paying the penalty. They should feel honoured that he was dispatching them himself, even if he did not yet wield the Battousai's sword. He had needed the release, the fantasy that it was Seir beneath his blade. The men had quickly seen a way out of their condemnation and where fighting for all they were worth but Akihisa was better.

Clang, clang, clang. Three blades parried, a lunge forward and another man fell. The two remaining circled warily carefully avoiding the three blood slicks staining the wooden floor. As one they moved, screaming, charging Akihisa from opposing sides. Akihisa smiled. It was what he was expecting. He turned, facing one of the oncoming men and stepped forward, left across the mans body, his sword coming in low, slicing the mans abdomen open before he whirled meeting the other blade before it connected with his unprotected back. The injured man stumbled back, his sword falling to the ground as his hands clutched his belly, desperately trying to hold everything in. The smell of blood and other things became over powering as Akihisa met the others attacks. Eventually he lost patience with fencing, seeing again the slight smile on Seir's face, hearing again that thought.  He twisted the other mans blade aside and struck home, holding his sword in position as the man became a dead weight on the blade. Eventually he lowered the blade, allowing the body to slide off.

Seir can not resist me forever. Not if I get the physical technique. That should amplify my power of Kouken enough to break through whatever barriers he has.



#Niijima-sama, the Battousai has returned to the Kamiya Kasshin Dojo. He had the woman Kamiya Kaoru-san with him. I guess she was only kidnapped by Yukishiro. The word on the street is that Yukishiro Enishi is no longer a threat. I do not know what has occurred. But the Battousai is back at the Dojo and he and Kaoru-san seemed to be in good spirits.#

#Yukishiro has been dealt with.#

#It would appear so, Master.#

Akihisa smiled. Finally he could act! Seir would not, could not resist for much longer. #It is time to move, Bairei. Make the arrangements with Hasekura and begin to move now. I will be there in a few days time but I will not be bringing the Spirit Master with me.# There is no need to tempt fate.

#Hai, Niijima-sama. We will be ready when you arrive.#

End Part Four.

Part five, what has all this planning been for?

Okay the techniques and their meanings!
Tamashii Hitokken Ryu - Yasutake Ryuichi's technique
Tamashii - soul
Hitokken - One Sword

Kouken Sokuuchi Ryu - Niijima Akihisa's technique and a few other peoples as well
Kou - Thought
Ken - Sword
Soku - Swift
Uchi - Strike

Fairly simple ne?
Thank you to Tatsuko for helping to create the names of some fighting schools.

    Okay Akihisa got the Hitokiri Battousai's sword. I have always wondered what happened to it. Granted that driving it into the ground among the dead bodies of fourth unit Shinsen Gumi is a dramatic gesture and serves the story well but that was a valuable blade. For one I am assuming that it was a fairly decent physical sword, I doubt Kenshin would have used an inferior blade and two just think of the number of people, the number of organizations who had devoted fairly serious amounts of time and effort in destroying the blades owner. So I find it hard to believe that the sword was just left there. If nothing else, some Ishin who was wondering why the Battousai did not report in that day may have found it or something. Some one would have wanted that blade.

 I'm hoping that what ever happens to Enishi is compatible with the fairly general ending I have assumed.
A HUGE thank you to Sylvia for loaning me her copies of the manga! Even if I can't read Thai any better than I read Japanese, I can look at the pictures to see the order of events.

Thank you to Serizawa Kamo, Tatsuko, Sarah Williams, Elizabeth, Larraine Lage, P. Rico, Reform School Girl (Julie Anna) and Madam Hydra  for other things. See previous parts notes for exactly what.