Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin (C) characters belong to Watsuki Nobuhiro
(All Hail), Shueisha, Sony Entertainment and perhaps some others but most
definitely not to me. I am borrowing characters without asking permission
and I am not making any money out of this. Also I am not worth suing as
I am a broke student. However this story and any characters I create do
belong to me.
I hope anyone who takes the time to read this will enjoy it.
Acknowledgments: Please see end notes.
## Non spoken conversation
Kokoro - Heart, Mind and Soul
Part 5
By Jade One
#Niijima-sama, the Battousai has returned to the
Kamiya Kasshin Dojo. He had the woman Kamiya Kaoru-san with him. I guess
she was only kidnapped by Yukishiro. The word on the street is that Yukishiro
Enishi is no longer a threat. I do not know what has occurred. But the
Battousai is back at the Dojo and he and Kaoru-san seemed to be in good
#Yukishiro has been dealt with.#
#It would appear so, Master.#
Akihisa smiled. Finally he could act! Seir would
not, could not resist for much longer. #It is time to move, Bairei. Make
the arrangements with Hasekura and begin to move now. I will be there in
a few days time but I will not be bringing the Spirit Master with me.#
There is no need to tempt fate.
#Hai, Niijima-sama. We will be ready when you arrive.#
Time Frame: The Future After Yukishiro Enishi.
Kenshin sighed, scrubbing diligently at the stain
in the white hakama. The sun was soft, the birds were singing in the trees
surrounding the dojo, the wash water was warm and there was no body currently
lusting after the Hitokiri Battousai's head. He closed his eyes briefly,
even Saitou had decided to back off for the moment. He could enjoy the
peace Kaoru-dono had offered, the company of his friends and new family
without worrying about the storms created by others.
He opened his eyes, frowning slightly, even as he
began to clean a new piece of clothing. Kaoru and Yahiko should be back
soon. What should I prepare for lunch? He smiled at the thought.
Fifteen years ago, at the height of the wars, he could/would never have
imagined that such a thought would ever provide his largest worry.
Well, if one discounted the almost constant nawing he felt whenever Kaoru
was out of his sight.
He moved, his strong delft hands grasping the basin
to tip out the wash water over the dojo's garden before he moved to wring
out the clothes before threading them through bamboo poles for drying.
Kenshin lifted the last pole into position, his
decision made. Rice and pickled vegetables. He smiled again, rice and pickled
vegetables was so simple, it would be a reminder of days past. Although
Yahiko was still Kaoru's only student, he had finally been able to repay
Kaoru for her kindness. With Enishi under arrest as a common criminal,
Kenshin spared him a sad smile, he had caused so much pain and destruction,
true, but he was himself only a child in pain, the senior Yukishiro could
not be found and was presumed dead. That meant that the only remaining
Yukishiro was Tomoe, or failing that, the only other relation was Tomoe's
husband. Saitou had been surprised to learn of his previous marriage having
assumed Enishi was just one who wished to test the Battousai, and not one
who was a relation seeking revenge. And as Tomoe's husband he had been
given control of the small amount of money the family had. Small amount...
Kenshin remembered the words of the official. It wasn't a fortune but it
was enough to ensure that he wouldn't really need to work for the rest
of his life.
His head snapped up. What was that? For just
an instant, the sun had gone cold. He looked around, the sun had regained
its warmth, the birds were undisturbed, there was no sense of hostility.
I must of imagined it. He moved into the kitchen.
He stood in the kitchen, chopping the vegetables
into neat pieces. He was happy. He hadn't been so happy since the
brief summer he shared with Tomoe, the dimly remembered eternal summer
of his childhood or a few times under Hiko's watchful eye. Enishi had forced
him to see Kaoru's importance. He had known she cared for him, loved him
but he could not see why, even though deep down, he knew he had fallen,
somewhere along the line, in love with her. But he remembered Tomoe, he
remembered the Bakumatsu, where families were the target and he had never
been able to tell her. Then... Then there was the pain he had caused her
her when he had left to fight Shishio. If he could cause her such pain,
he was not worthy of her. But if one good thing was to come from Enishi,
it was the pain, the loss, the unbearable ache of despair that he had felt
when she had been lost to him, when the legendary Hitokiri had failed,
again to protect, to cherish the one who was most important to him. It
had forced him to see.
Kenshin shook his head. Enishi was over. He had
confirmed that to Kaoru on that misty night. He smiled at the memory, she
had been so happy and she was more beautiful that the flower he had given
her. But Enishi had stirred up Tomoe and as he had explained to Kaoru he
would have to put Tomoe to rest before he could marry her. Soon though,
it would be soon. He wouldn't forget Tomoe. That would be wrong and Kaoru
knew this. She didn't want that. But Tomoe and those she represented could
no longer dominate his thoughts, his soul. He had paid his price, he had
found his redemption. It was time to let go of his guilt. He could, should
not carry such grief and pain into a new relationship, into the formal
recognition of his new family. But such shifts in focus, in thoughts required
time. Kenshin smiled, remembering her impish grin. She had taken his face
in her hands and kissed the tip of his nose before spinning away, "I will
not wait forever," she had laughed, but the promise of eternity was in
her eyes. Soon... Soon, Kaoru-koishii, soon. I will bring only memories
to our marriage. A deeper part of him whispered "Ai shi te ru, Kaoru,"
in wonder at the woman who could desire so much, love so much but was still
willing to wait, to accept that he would always love the woman Tomoe, but
now loved only her. And a still deeper part of him lay coiled in darkness,
amber eyes closed, waiting against a time when desire would break the the
vow, would break the power of the Ougi.
Kenshin broke out of his memories, looking at the
pile of vegetables before him.
"Oi, Kenshin."
He sighed, calling "Sano!" reaching for another
diakon as Sano rounded the corner of the yard, heading towards the kitchen.
There was a grin plastered on his face. Nothing made Sano happier than
the prospect of a free meal.
"Kenshin." Sano greeted his friend, coming to stand
in the door frame. You could almost hear the joyous, "Ooo Lunch!" hovering
in the air.
"Sanosuke, what brings you here today?"
"Just visiting."
A smile flickered across Kenshin's face as he cut
the vegetable. Just visiting? A noon? But he knew Sano, it would
be unusual if he had shown up at any other time. "Aa... Rice and pickled
vegetables and they will be ready soon," he answered the unspoken questions.
"Kaoru-dono and Yahiko will be back soon." He turned
slightly to regard Sano, looking passed him to the bucket, standing in
the corner. The gesture was not lost on the young man. "Could you get some
water for the rice?"
"Aa," Sanosuke moved towards the bucket. Fetching
water in return for the meal was not a bad deal and Kenshin's cooking was
better than Kaoru's so he should show his appreciation where ever possible.
Kenshin turned back to the vegetables but just as
quickly snapped his head back up, eyes narrowing. Something was not right,
again. Sano was cursing the wells rope, the birds were still at peace but
something was wrong. A shiver had passed over his soul.
"Huh, huh." The whisper of sound reached his ears.
A sharp quick beat soon accompanied it. Sandals hitting the road outside,
someone running. He paused, frowning slightly at the sound. Someone small
running... He turned to the door, his hand reaching out to take his sakaba
with him. The gesture was automatic. The steps weren't fast enough for
Ayame or Suzume and the aura was one of distress. Yahiko?! Kenshin was
moving before the thought had fully formed. "Sniffle. Huh, huh. Kenshin-san!"
Kenshin-san?! Not Yahiko. Tsubame!
Sano looked up as Tsubame staggered through the
fate and Kenshin, sword in hand, exploded from the house. "Kenshin-san,"
the girl sobbed.
Kenshin looked around with calculating eyes before
threading his saya through his belt and moving towards the child. Tears
streamed down her face as she sobbed, panting heavily from running. "Kenshin-san."
"Shhh... Tsubame-dono... Shhh..." he said, comfortingly,
placing his hands on her shoulders. Sano hung back, unsure of how to deal
with the distressed child.
Kenshin's heart, his instincts were screaming that
something was wrong but his mind remained in control. He knew something
was wrong. Yelling at Tsubame would not help and would only serve to frighten
her. "Tell me what's wrong, Tsubame-dono." His voice was gentle, encouraging,
betraying none of his worry.
Sniffle... "Yahiko... visits... Akabeko... Clinic,"
Tsubame fumbled over her words, sobbing still with grief and panting from
"Shhh... Tsubame-dono, tell me what's the matter,"
Kenshin crooned at her, his voice at odds with his eyes which were narrowed
and hard. Yahiko and Kaoru had gone shopping. He supposed they could have
stopped to visit Tae-dono or even visited the Clinic but why then was Tsubame
"Shhh... Tsubame-chan. Tell us what's wrong so that
we can fix it," Sano added comfortingly. "Nothing will hurt you now."
Sniff. Tsubame took a deep breath, trying to calm
herself. Kenshin-san and Sanosuke couldn't do anything unless she told
them. She trusted them but she was scared. They could fix anything but...
Neither could change the past, neither could change what had happened.
"Yahiko... attacked... hurt... eeerrahhh." Sniff. "Clinic and... Kaoru..."
Kenshin's pupils shrank, he had heard enough. Kaoru!
He reached out, gently patting Tsubame's head before racing passed her,
towards the gate. "Sano! Bring Tsubame-dono. I am going to the clinic."
He cleared the gate in a smooth leap and disappeared down the road, his
eyes sharp blue and narrowed with worry. Tsubame's words ran through his
mind... "Yahiko, attacked, hurt, Clinic... Kaoru." What had happened?
He ignored the startled looks of people as he darted around them, a blur
of red hair and blue kimono.
Sano looked in bemusement at the place Kenshin had
been standing a moment ago, reminded again exactly how good, how fast Kenshin
was. But he too knew something was not right. "Tsubame-chan, gomen," he
said as he scoped her up as gently as he could, following in Kenshin's
wake towards the clinic.
The silence of the room was broken only by the labored
breathing of the boy lying on the pallet. Tsubame, Tae, Sanosuke and Kenshin
all stood lined up against the wall eyes wide with disbelief. Tae had a
comforting arm around Tsubame, who clung to her for support.
Yahiko lay on the pallet with Megumi bent over him.
Her hair was tied back at the nape showing her face to be beautiful but
slightly scary for its intensity. She could not afford to make a mistake.
Kenshin's eyes narrowed, watching the scene before
him. Yahiko was struggling to inhale, those breaths he took rasped horribly
in his throat. He had several cuts on his arms and one deep stab wound
through his right calf. Wounds made by a katana. He knew the signs even
better than Megumi. The slashes were bad enough but his attackers had not
stopped there. His chest was turning purple and several ribs had been broken
by the assault although thankfully none of them had punctured a lung. His
face was black from the beating he had received. It was surprising that
he had survived long enough to be taken to the clinic for treatment. Kenshin's
eyes burned blue, who ever had done this would live to regret it but he
could wait to ensure that, for now... Kaoru? Where was Kaoru? Kenshin touched
Tae's shoulder, whispering in the silence, "Come."
He slid the door open stepping through silently
before moving to let Tae and Tsubame through. "Watch over him, Sano," he
ordered quietly, gliding down the hall after closing the door, following
Tae and Tsubame. He had to know what had happened.
Tae and Tsubame knelt together across from Kenshin,
both sets of eyes were cast down. Kenshin sat before them, his sakaba laying
beside him. This was not going to be easy on any of them. There was a cold
hard knot of dread in his stomach. He had not felt this way for over ten
years, not since the black envelopes. "What happened?" he asked quietly.
Tsubame started at his voice, tears appearing in
the corners of her eyes. Her hands clenched into fists, resting on her
"Kenshin-san," Tae responded. "Kenshin-san, I will
tell you what I know but... But neither Tsubame-chan or myself was there
so we don't really know for sure."
"Aa... Just tell me what you know. Where is Kaoru?
What happened to Yahiko?" Kenshin's voice was cold. A coldness directed
at whoever had hurt his family. His eyes were narrowed, a hard ice blue.
"Kaoru-chan and Yahiko-kun came to the Akabeko this
morning to see how we were doing," Tae began. "They only stayed for a little
while but left before the noon lunch rush. I guess Kaoru-chan wanted to
get back to the dojo for lunch with you, Kenshin-san. It would have been
about five minutes after they left when we heard a commotion outside. That
wasn't to unusual but this one was accompanied by screams. I don't really
know what was happening, Kenshin-san but I assume that..." Tae swallowed
around a hard knot in her throat, forcing herself to continue. "I assume
that was when Yahiko-kun was attacked. Tsubame-chan and I went out to look
Kenshin-san but by the time we got through the crowd, Kaoru-chan was gone
and Yahiko... Yahiko was lying on the ground. Tsubame ran to Yahiko and
I don't know who but someone had already contacted Megumi. Once Yahiko-kun
was moved here, I sent Tsubame-chan to fetch you Kenshin-san." She paused.
"Kenshin, I am sorry, but there was nothing any of us could do..." Tae
fell silent, she had been horrified by what had been done to Yahiko-kun
and could only hope and pray that Kaoru-chan was all right. She hoped Kenshin
would survive loosing Kaoru again for however long it took to get her back.
But she couldn't help but fell a small gladness accompanied by guilt at
the feeling, that for now, she and the Akabeko were not involved this time.
"Thank you, Tae-dono. For now though you should
return to the Akabeko. I don't think there will be further attacks, and
you have your evening custom to attend to." Kenshin rose, gliding silently
to the door. "We'll send word to you if anything changes." And then he
was gone.
"Tae-san," Tsubame said quietly. "Please, I'd..."
Sniff. "I'd like to stay for a while, if I may?" she finished quickly.
A slight smile creased Tae's lips at the child's
hesitant admission of affection for the young man. She reached out to embrace
the child, "Of course Tsubame-chan. If you are not in the way, you may
stay with Yahiko-kun. Come on, let's go see Megumi-san, and check on Yahiko-kun."
Kenshin entered the room. It was still silent but
Megumi's face had lost some its intensity as she placed small neat stitches
into Yahiko's arm. Sano was white, stricken that such a thing could be
done to Yahiko. Sure, they'd been in danger before and yes, Yahiko had
been injured, injured badly by Hen'ya and Kujiranami but that, while not
acceptable had been at least understandable. They had been the enemy and
so were expected to attack. This, while there was probably a reason, was
just a wanton act of violence against a child. He turned to Kenshin, "Who?...
Who could have done this to him?"
Kenshin did not answer but his eyes, the way he
held his head, his whole body was a promise. A promise that whoever had
done this to Yahiko, whoever had taken Kaoru would live to regret it. Sano
shivered slightly, at the sheer strength, the anger in his friend and turned
back to Yahiko. It didn't matter who, they would not get away with it.
"Sano, could you please stand guard until I get
back?" Kenshin asked quietly. Sano had been aware of the dangers before.
He had seen them, he had felt them. He had seen Yahiko and Kaoru injured
before. But to him this was unnecessarily vicious. An attack on a child.
Inwardly Kenshin sighed, despite Sano's past he had yet to see truly the
darker side on man. Maybe seeing the damage that could be done by such
a random and quick attack on a child he would learn. He should remain here
while Megumi treated Yahiko. It would educate him.
Sano's head snapped up, turning back towards his
friend, "Kenshin, don't you dare..." he growled, trailing off as Tsubame
and Tae entered the room behind Kenshin. Tsubame's eyes went wide as she
sensed the tension in the air.
A flicker of a smile flashed across Kenshin's face
as he remembered the past and the promise he had made. "No Sano, I will
not do anything without you. I merely wish to accompany Tae-dono back to
the Akabeko. But somebody needs to stay with Tsubame-chan and Megumi-dono,"
Kenshin finished, correctly stating the reason Tae and Tsubame had come
Sano looked slightly dubious at the Rurouni's words
but conceded their logic. "Aa Kenshin. Tsubame-chan come sit here."
Tsubame moved around Kenshin and sat on the offered
mat in the corner, her eyes never leaving Yahiko's form.
There was still a crowd gathered at the site, watching
the Police. Kenshin threaded his way through the press and slipped between
the Police holding back the crowd. Several of them were cleaning the blood
off the street. It was so casual. Something inside Kenshin weakened. Kaoru,
Yahiko, the blood... It shouldn't be this way.
Kenshin looked around, spotting the Police Chief
before moving. "Chief," he ignored the mans surprise. "Tell me what happened."
"Himura-san," his face darkened. "I'm sorry, we
do not know where Kaoru-san is. But I can tell you what happened..." He
was interrupted by an underling.
"Chief," the boy was young, and respectful. He looked
at Kenshin, the question obvious.
"Yes, Hisan-kun?"
"Chief, we have nearly finished cleaning but we
found several items." He held out several items. One was a green silk ribbon
stained black in places. And he held across his palms a broken shinai,
Yahiko's sword. Kenshin reached out, gently taking the ribbon. It was Kaoru's.
He remembered her hair tied back this morning, was it really only the morning,
the green ribbon contrasting sharply with her eyes, making her look even
more beautiful. He tucked the ribbon into his sleeve before picking up
the shinai. Yahiko would want it back. Hisan would have objected to his
actions but his Chief's look kept him quiet.
"We will continue the clean up, Sir," Hisan said
before departing.
"What happened, Chief-dono?" Kenshin asked.
"The eye witness reports say that a large group
of men, singled out a young woman and a child, Kaoru-san and Yahiko-kun.
They knew they had been surrounded but... According to reports, they told
Yahiko to leave but he wouldn't. He attacked them with his shinai. Several
people have said that he was yelling at Kaoru-san, telling her to leave
but she wouldn't leave him to them."
Kenshin nodded at the report. Kaoru would never
have left. She couldn't leave someone in danger. She didn't abandon those
who she cared about. She had such spirit, such love...
"Himura-san, even if she had tried to leave there
was no where for her to go. They came up to her and even though she avoided
them for a time there were too many. Eventually they cornered her and subdued
her." The Chief winced at his choice of words. 'Subdued her.' The reports
weren't clear on this matter so he wasn't sure if they had knocked her
out or drugged her. He didn't think Himura would discriminate either way
though. One thing was certain, Kamiya Kaoru had not gone with them of her
own will.
"When Yahiko saw this, he tried to drive them off
her. He did succeed in injuring a few of them but... It was then they used
swords. We're told there were at least twenty of them. No one else could
have helped them. Himura-san, they had come for her, only for Kaoru-san."
The Chief shook his head sadly. "We're not sure,
Himura-san. We do know though that it was a splinter group of Yakuza but
we don't know which one. Himura-san we will do every thing we can to find
them, to find her."
"She was taken because of me."
"Perhaps, but despite your past you cannot know
that for sure."
"Chief, I would appreciate it if you could have
some of your men watch over Yahiko-kun tonight."
The Chief closed his eyes. This was not a man he
wanted to anger. "Aa, Himura-san. I will send them immediately."
"Also, may I look around for a little while?"
"Hai." The Chief gestured around. "We have already
searched the area and are nearly ready to leave but you are free to examine
the area."
Kenshin looked around, ignoring the press of people
watching. To them this was just a diversion from another ordinary day's
shopping. Shopping...? Kenshin's eyes narrowed as he spun around,
to examine the remains of a market store. It was just a frame, with fabric
strung over it to provide customers with shade and shelter as they made
their selections. The fabric was brown and ripped in places and the wooden
frame was broken. The whole structure was falling in on itself. It had
not fared well in the battle. There! That piece of fabric.
Kenshin moved to the store and tugged at the ripped
fabric. A small piece came free and as he held it against the rest his
suspicions were confirmed. This piece did not come from the store, it came
from somewhere else. It was red, red enough to have blended with the brown,
but its shading changed along its length. He tucked it into his sleeve
before returning to the Chief to collect those guards he had requested.
This was not the place to examine it. And he could do no more here.
The streets were crowded with people, returning home
after work or running last minute errands but a path opened up for Kenshin
and his escorts. It didn't matter that the streets were packed. there was
always room to let the Law through, especially when they traveled with
a man who radiated something. It would be best not to interfere with them.
Although they traveled in a island of space Kenshin could feel that it
was mostly a distance created by respect, despite his presence. Although
that was causing its own feeling of curiosity, that a civilian, an armed
civilian should be leading the Police Officers. Still Kenshin was thankful
for the distance, it allowed him to move that much more freely and to reach
the clinic that much faster than he had anticipated with the four Officers
the Chief had detailed to him to stand guard for tonight.
Outside the clinic he gave them instructions on
where to guard before entering and proceeding to the room where Megumi
had been working on Yahiko. He knew before he reached the room that she
had finished. He could feel three strong auras within room and a fourth
one which was injured and in pain. He knocked quietly before entering the
"Ken-san," Megumi cried as he entered the room,
turning to examine the Rurouni.
Kenshin looked around the room. Yahiko's now bandaged
form was still lying on the pallet but a blanket had been drawn over him.
Tsubame sat beside him, gently holding his had. Sanosuke was brooding darkly
in the corner and Megumi had been sitting quietly beside the door.
"Megumi-dono," Kenshin greeted her, sparing her
a brief smile. He could sense that she was relieved about something. "How
is Yahiko-kun?"
Megumi's eyes flickered back to her patient. She
was tired but she had done her job. Yahiko would be healing for several
weeks and he wouldn't be challenging anyone for some time but he would
live and in time, providing nothing else happened he would be fine. "Ken-san,
Yahiko-kun was badly beaten which resulted in extensive bruising and three
broken ribs. I've bound them up as best I can but the bruising and swelling
will just require time so that it can heal." Kenshin's eyes flickered to
a pile of bloodied and torn clothing, lying in a hamper. Megumi followed
his gaze before continuing, answering the question. "He lost a lot of blood
Ken-san but I got the bleeding stopped and I have stitched and bandaged
the cuts. They will need to be kept clean though or they won't heal." He
voice was calm, detached, professional as she documented his injuries and
the treatments she had administered. "I'm going to keep him here over night
just in case, since he will be unconscious for a little while yet. Tsubame-chan
has agreed to stay with me, Ken-san," Megumi finished, nodding at the girl
who barely heard her.
"Aa. Arigatou Megumi-dono. I went to see the Chief
and he has assigned some guards to the clinic tonight. They are outside
now. I don't believe they will be necessary though. It doesn't feel right
for further attacks," Kenshin told Megumi. "Besides which they've got what
they wanted," he added bitterly, quietly.
"Ken-san!" Megumi exclaimed in dismay, hearing the
note of guilt in his voice. "Ken-san, you will find Kaoru-san. Shishio
could not keep you away from her and Enishi could not keep her away from
you. Everything will work out, Ken-san. No one will keep you apart from
Kenshin did not look convinced. This morning, he
had been sure that for the moment the immediate dangers had past. But then,
this had happened. Was he wrong to love when it caused this much pain?
"Sanosuke would you please accompany me to the dojo?"
Kenshin asked. "You, Yahiko and Tsubame will be safe for the night and
I would like to look for Kaoru-dono. I can not just wait, not when I do
not know who has done this and why." Kenshin moved over to Yahiko, bending
over to whisper in Tsubame's ear, "Watch over him," as he gently patted
Yahiko's hand.
"Aa, Kenshin. I'll help you look for Jo-chan," Sanosuke
replied, rising up from the corner.
The pair threaded through the streets, their mood
bleak. Kenshin's head hung down, his fringe concealing his eyes but he
radiated anger, an almost killing rage that lacked direction. Sanosuke
would not want to be in the way when Kenshin found his focus, when he discovered
who it was who had hurt Yahiko and stolen Kaoru. Rather Sanosuke had the
feeling he would probably stand back and watch as Kenshin took his anger
out on the perpetrators. In fact he may even offer to hold the sakaba's
"Kenshin... You don't really believe that Kaoru
was all they wanted do you? I mean, won't they want to come after you?"
"I don't know Sanosuke, but they will not get away
with hurting Yahiko and taking Kaoru-dono. If they want to fight with the
Hitokiri Battousai, they should come and challenge me. They should not
include others," Kenshin's voice was tight, controlled. "But... With Enishi
I knew what he wanted but this has been an attack for no reason, from a
enemy I do not know. And the Chief said that the attack today was for Kaoru.
They only wanted her, Sanosuke. They only wanted her."
"Dammit, that's not fair!" Sanosuke swore as they
approached the Dojo's gate. "Can't we catch a break?!"
The two men, entered the Dojo cautiously, expecting
an ambush, a thrown knife with note attached, anything.
Nothing happened. Nothing was out of the ordinary.
The Dojo was quiet.
"Search!" Kenshin ordered.
There had to be something. Some hint, some note
to tell them what had happened to Kaoru-dono. A kidnaping was always accompanied
by some sort of demand, especially when they had challenged the Hitokiri
The stars were slowly appearing in the darkening
sky. Their gentle light extended over the city but neither man noticed
this as they gathered in the Dojo's yard. They had searched the Dojo inch
by inch but had found nothing, nothing to tell them where Kaoru-dono had
been taken, nothing to tell them why Yahiko had been beaten, nothing to
tell them who.
Kenshin tipped his head back and screamed, anguished,
"Heh, did ja see the spurt when I got tha little
"That waz nothung. My hook at the arm was better."
"That little puke..." One of the men muttered vehemently,
nursing a broken arm.
"Ha! That waz yur own fault. Shouldda sliced tha
brat first," Another laughed. "But hoochi, ain't she a hot little number?"
He tossed his head towards Kaoru, who was slung over a burly mans shoulder,
her long hair hanging free in a glossy black mass. Despite her unconscious
state her wrists were bound as were her ankles. They weren't taking any
"Yeah, a real little dragon," spat a man, limping
ahead to the door which marked their stronghold, sliding it open.
A voice came out of the darkness, angry, not so
much at them, but at the time they had chosen to return. He had expected
them sooner. Bairei. Their overseer. A mysterious agent for their even
more mysterious new employer, Niijima Akihisa. "Where have you been?"
It was not really a question. They had learnt that they couldn't deceive
him and it wasn't a good idea to try. Several of them flinched in remembrance
of the pain. What had the little brat done?
The boy appeared out of the darkness. They didn't
know how old he was but he couldn't have been more than fifteen. He went
straight for Kaoru, checking her condition, before checking her bindings.
Niijima-sama would not be happy if she was damaged.
"You ordered us not to be seen with her Bairei-san,
so that's why it took so long for us to get back here. We had to hole up
for a while and then come back slowly, through the back streets. You did
insist that not hurting her and not being seen were the most important
objectives." The explanation was forth coming as they filed into their
head quarters, the man carrying Kaoru carefully lay her on a mat under
Bairei's watchful eye.
"That's good enough, I suppose," Bairei muttered
while giving Kaoru a more extensive check. He ignored the silence his doubting
words brought and the general attempts of some of the Phoenix's to slink
out of sight. "all right," he said rising from Kaoru's form and turning
to address them. "You have done well. Niijima-sama will be happy with your
work but for now, grab what ever you cannot bear to leave behind. We are
"We weren't seen!"
Bairei's eyes flashed, cutting off the complaints
but he knew, it was late, he was going to have to provide some explanation
if he wanted them out of here quickly. Niijima-sama had insisted that the
base be moved, to a point unknown to anyone. "This is not open for
discussion," he said harshly, before changing his tone, becoming more personable.
"I understand your concerns and I know you were not seen, but even if you
were not seen this time, others know about this place and they will undoubtedly
be receiving a visit from the man who owns this woman. I doubt their loyalty
in the face of death extends to protecting you. This woman will be followed
and Niijima-sama does not wish to be found just yet."
"But we have no where to go."
"I have taken care of that. Now, take those things
you cannot leave behind and come," Bairei said, turning back to Kaoru and
gently picking her up. "We are leaving immediately and none of you will
return to this place unless I grant you leave. You work for Niijima-sama
now." He turned to the door. Although he was young, Kaoru weight was not
a visible burden to him.
Behind him, the Phoenix's exploded into action.
They did work for Niijima now. They would not disobey.
"Kenshin!" Sanosuke addressed his friend as the man
slumped to the ground, the echo of his scream hung heavy in the night air.
"Kenshin! This isn't helping Jo-chan!"
Kenshin didn't move. He slouched on the ground,
his head bowed, as if he couldn't support the weight of his hair, the weight
of his grief. "Dammit, Kenshin, we'll find her! But not if you stay like
that." Sanosuke shouted, taking Kenshin by his shoulders and shaking him.
He had no effect, and from his new angle he could see the tears streaming
down Kenshin's face and dimly hear his whispered voice, "My fault... ...shouldn't
love, shouldn't care... ...wouldn't cause her pain... ...my fault..."
"No, Kenshin," Sano growled, angered by the self
reproach, the self loathing he could hear. "It's not your fault. Jo-chan
would never blame you. It's not your fault. It's the fault of whatever
psychopathic bastard ordered this to happen. It's not your fault Kenshin.
You have to find her Kenshin. If you don't look, it's that which will cause
her pain." Kenshin paid him no mind.
"Dammit, Kenshin. I don't want to do this," Sano
muttered, raising his hand and striking Kenshin with an open palm across
his face, hard. It was a mark of Kenshin's remorse that he allowed the
assault. His head rolled to the side, just before it snapped up, his eyes
a fiery blue. Sano rocked back, falling to the ground, at the force of
his gaze, the force of will that was suddenly, directed at him. The hostility
was almost palatable.
"Well, Kenshin, that's better," Sano said, conversationally,
he didn't think Kenshin would attack him. "Now, what are we going to do
to find Jo-chan?"
Kenshin ignored him, rising and stepping around
the prone man, heading towards the house. He entered his room. Sano just
turned and looked quizzically at his friend, what was he doing? As he rose
he could hear Kenshin moving around the room, before he reappeared in the
door way, folding a small piece of paper into his sleeve. He had added
a navy blue haori to his cloths. He carefully slid the door closed before
moving to stand before his friend in the Dojo's yard.
"Arigatou, Sano," Kenshin said quietly. He smiled,
a soft sad smile before continuing, "You are right. It is time to find
Kaoru-dono," he added, offering Sano a jacket to keep him warm against
the night air. "Then..." he added softly, his eyes hidden by his fringe.
"Then I will make sure no one ever takes her from me again."
'Ore?' Sano stepped back at Kenshin's voice. The
words, the inflections were those of the Battousai. Sano did not want to
deal with him. Kenshin sensed his distress and shook his head, looking
up at Sanosuke.
"Sano? It's all right. Put the jacket on and lets
get going. I will need your help for this."
Sano closed his eyes briefly, easing his worry.
Kenshin did have reason to be angry and it was not directed at anyone who
didn't deserve it. Besides, even if he went completely Battousai, Kaoru
could control him. Then the words registered, 'I will need your
help for this?' "Eh? My help?" he said, swinging the jacket over his shoulders.
"Shouldn't we be on guard at the clinic?"
"No Sano. I meant what I said to Megumi. It doesn't
feel right for a further attack. She, Tsubame and Yahiko will be fine at
the Clinic. The Police are mainly for her peace of mind. This isn't Enishi.
This wasn't done for revenge or anything like that. This is different but,"
Kenshin frowned slightly at the feeling. "I can't figure out why or how..."
he trailed off. "That doesn't matter. It doesn't matter why, I don't really
care. They took Kaoru, beat Yahiko, it doesn't matter why. All that matters
is finding them." I lost her once, I will not lose her again.
"Okay Kenshin, your feelings on these things have
always been better than mine but why do you need my help?"
Kenshin smiled coldly. "I don't know what this will
be like for you Sano, so I apologize in advance. I need your knowledge
as Zanza."
"Zanza!" His surprise was evident.
"Sano, the Chief told me that it was a Yakuza faction
did this. I need Zanza's knowledge to find them. Someone will know which
group took her but I don't know who to ask or where to look."
Kenshin's eyes flashed, "You can think of a better
"Now is fine," Sano said, gesturing placidly. "But
shouldn't Yahiko...?"
"No! Yahiko... Yahiko is a child. He has done his
best but it is time for those who did this to see exactly what they have
awakened," Kenshin snapped, returning to the Battousai. He closed his eyes,
breathing deeply, calming himself. Sano saw the change. He knew that the
Battousai lived beneath the Rurouni, beneath the swordsman but this, this
had brought him to the surface. Sano would not be standing in the way when
they found those responsible for kidnapping Kaoru.
"Okay, Kenshin. We'll handle this. Jo-chan will
be shouting that Yahiko's late for practice in the morning," Sano said
"Thank you Sano. Who do we see first?"
"Well, there are a few people. But I doubt they'll
want to see us." Sano grinned, smacking his fist into his palm.
Kenshin nodded, placing his hand on the hilt of
his sword. "I don't think that will be a problem."
Kenshin stood in the middle of the yard. The fallen
bodies of Yakuza lay around him but he paid them no mind. He turned, spinning
the sakaba, still sheathed, in a flat horizontal arc, at the final attacker.
It hit with a meaty thwack and the man fell, unconscious to the ground.
He turned back to the Yakuza boss, his eyes focused, blue, his face contemptuous
of the force he had faced, smug.
Sano lounged back watching Kenshin deal with the
last of the guards. A grin was plastered on his face. As with the previous
two times, Kenshin had not been challenged by the force presented to him.
They were young, arrogant and unskilled. Their effectiveness as Yakuza
lay more in their numbers. But numbers hardly mattered against an angry
and skilled Battousai. Sano turned back to the Yakuza boss, he had been
watching the man, ensuring that he would not escape, "Will you see us now?"
The man nodded. He was short and pudgy. His face
was pocked marked and his eyes small. He was not physically skilled and
had maintained his position mostly through blackmail, lies and the force
of those who were loyal to him. This... This man who had gone through his
guards without breaking a sweat was not someone he wanted to deal with.
His hands were shaking.
Kenshin turned his gaze on to the man, eyes startling
in their intensity. "There was an attack earlier today," he started, his
eyes cold. "A young boy and a woman. The boy was beaten and the woman kidnapped.
Where can I find the woman?"
"I... I... I don't... don't know!" the man stuttered.
"It... it wasn't my group." The boss was a coward but there were penalties
for revealing the plans of others.
Sano snorted in disbelief, placing a hand on the
man's shoulder. The man flinched away. He had seen what Sano could do with
his fist. The evidence was there to see, or rather not to see, by the lack
of the doors and several supporting posts. "You can do better than that,"
Sano winked at the man. The man flinched again. He knew Sano had been Zanza,
he knew the danger which sat next to him and given the deference Sano was
displaying to the swordsman he knew he did not want to know who he was
but... He didn't want to die now or later when the others found out he
had betrayed them.
"Who did it?" Sano questioned. "We're not leaving
until you tell us."
"I can't tell you. The others will kill me!" he
Kenshin's sword was unsheathed and flipped, his
fist bunching the man's kimono and the sakaba's cutting edge dug into the
mans throat, "I'll kill you now, if you do not tell us," he hissed,
his eyes wavering between blue and amber.
Sano patted the mans head. "There will be no recriminations,"
he said reassuringly, trying ineffectually to pry Kenshin off the man.
"The others told us that you would know who took the woman. Where is she?"
The thin veneer of the door disappeared an instant
before the two figures charged through the dust. They skipped to a stop
just inside the darkened room. There was no one there. The room was empty.
Those things which were there were over turned as if someone had searched
through them. Or as if many people had left in a hurry.
Outside, a shadow backed away from the room, disappearing
into the night. It appeared Bairei was right. The woman had been followed
by Zanza and someone who was impossibly better than the ex gangster.
Sano walked around the room, punching or kicking
disconsolately at the occasional overturned box. Dammit! They were so close
and these were the head quarters of the men who had taken Jo-chan. But
where were they?
Kenshin stood still, examining the room. His eyes
fixed on the barely discernible emblem on the far wall. "What color do
these Tanto Phoenixes wear?"
"Eh? Kenshin. They usually wear red. Well they used
to," Sano replied, the confusion obvious in his voice.
"It was this lot who took her. I have a small scrap
of fabric which belongs to one of them. But they have gone from here and
from the evidence I doubt they will be coming back," Kenshin said quietly,
gesturing around at the room.
"Kenshin, we'll find them," Sano replied earnestly.
"One thing you couldn't keep in my ex-line of work was a secret, well not
about where a base was. We'll find them. Someone will know where they have
Kenshin shook his head sadly. "I don't think so,
Sano. But they will not get away with it," he concluded moving over
to the far side of the room. He reached out, taking up the small folded
paper that was there. Sano followed his movements, picking up a small over
turned lamp. He carefully lit it, moving over to give Kenshin some light.
Kenshin unfolded the paper, reading the words that
were written there.
"Hitokiri Battousai," he read aloud. "If you are
here, you've discovered that the Tanto Phoenixes have taken Kamiya Kaoru.
But I wouldn't bother to hunt them down, I paid them to do it. You can
look for me if you like but you will meet me soon enough. I will not attack
again. I have what I want. Be patient and I will be gone soon enough. Niijima
Kenshin turned back his head and screamed.
End Part 5
Comments and Criticism, even questions are appreciated.
Although not mentioned in this chapter here are the names
of some techniques which are used in this fic.
Tamashii Hitokken Ryu - Yasutake Ryuichi's technique
Tamashii - soul
Hitokken - One Sword
Kouken Sokuuchi Ryu - Niijima Akihisa's technique and
a few other peoples as well
Kou - Thought
Ken - Sword
Soku - Swift
Uchi - Strike
Fairly simple ne?
HUGE Thank you to Tatsuko for helping to create the names
of some fighting schools.
I'm hoping that what ever happens to Enishi is compatible
with the fairly general ending I have assumed.
A HUGE thank you to Sylvia for loaning me her copies of
the manga! Even if I can't read Thai any better than I read Japanese, I
can look at the pictures to see the order of events.
Thank you to Serizawa Kamo, Tatsuko, Sarah Williams, Elizabeth,
Larraine Lage, P. Rico, Reform School Girl (Julie Anna) and Madam Hydra
for other things. See previous parts notes for exactly what.