Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin (C) characters belong to Watsuki Nobuhiro (All Hail), Shueisha, Sony Entertainment and perhaps some others but most definitely not to me. I am borrowing characters without asking permission and I am not making any money out of this. Also I am not worth suing as I am a broke student. However this story and any characters I create do belong to me.
I hope anyone who takes the time to read this will enjoy it.

Acknowledgments: Please see end notes.

:: :: Non spoken conversation

Kokoro - Heart, Mind and Soul
Part 6
By Jade One

Time Frame: Day After Kaoru's Kidnapping  (Day 2)

Out skirts of Kyoto

Hiko sat at the kiln, slowly sipping his sake, watching the fire. He had had a strange night and couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. For the life of him though, he couldn't nail it down. All the feeling he had was some vague thought that Kenshin was in trouble. He shook his head. That's stupid. His deshi was more than capable of getting himself out of trouble. And into entirely new troubles, his mind provided helpfully.

He shook his head, clearing his thoughts. What ever it was, it was not his concern.

On the road

The horse moved beneath her, racing along the mountain road, whipping past breathe taking views but she did not notice. She clung grimly to the saddle, her knuckles white with strain, her teeth gritted against the agony of the ride. She had long ago given up on holding the reins, in favour of remaining seated. They now flapped uselessly, tangled in the horses mane. She was terrified of falling. The thought brought a wane smile. There was no way she could fall, no way she could escape for that matter. Beside her, on both sides, rode two of Akihisa's servents. They sat their horses with a practiced ease and lead reins had been snapped from her horses bridle to their mounts. They had instructions to make sure she stayed seated and she knew that included simply tying her to the saddle like a sack of grain if necessary.

To her right rode Yasunari. She knew him. He was the man who had brought her to Akihisa, for a purpose she still did not know. He treated her with absolute politeness but lurking beneath the surface she could see the terrifying image of the man who had accosted her in the street, who had... No she would not think about it. But how could she not, when every second of every day she was reminded by her captivity. Why had she agreed to help him?

To her left rode a woman. Tsuya she had called herself. She rode with an almost liquid grace. Her face radiated her content, her happiness, prehaps from her nights spent with Akihisa. And every time she looked towards Niijima-sama's back her dark eyes softened and a smile creased her lips. Yet even though Tsuya was every bit as polite as Yasunari, even to the point of shielding her from others, she couldn't accept her, couldn't talk to her. She was alone and she had no hope of escape. What ever Akihisa planned to do with her, he would, without fear of consequence, without consideration of her feelings.

She rode grimly on, on towards Tokyo, where Akihisa had said he needed her, for what she did not know. Half of her did not want to know but the other did, if nothing more than to provide a sense of security. A single firm point in a life which had become unstuck. She had just gotten used to the training they expected her to do, when one day, Akihisa had walked in. He had been happy about something and had told her that they were leaving. The next day, at dawn, she had found herself bundled atop a horse and the ride had begun. Akihisa was still in a good mood. He had smiled at her and said he couldn't do it without her, but do what? She knew she did not want to know. She did not want to drag others into her plight but some how she knew she would. She did not want to cause them pain. Her own was enough to bear.

The only things that had not changed with the travel was her daily visit with Akihisa when he would. She did not know what he did. She was still afraid of them. What scared her more was that she could barely remember what her life had been like before this had happened. She could barely remember her name. Yumiko? Kamiko? Was that it or was it something else? She wasn't sure any more.

She was cared for, still treated well and unhurt by all of the people accompanying Akihisa on this trip. They treated her like some sort of glass ornament, all desparately afraid of what would happen if she broke. She rode on toward Tokyo, fear and dread mounting inside her. She was still a pawn, she could not escape her fate.

She looked up at Niijima Akihisa. He rode at the head of the small group, his cloak whipping behind him, revealing fully his armor, his clothes, his sword. He was a very handsome figure. He was still happy. She knew that, he felt different, joyful and expectant, the last few times she had been sent to see him. She as still afraid of those sessions but strangely his expectant air, softened him, softened the harsh changes he was making to her. But the fear remained.

Suddenly he sat back, pulling back on his reins, jerking his horses head up, forcing the animal to a slower pace. His movement gave her the slight warning to brace herself as the whole group skidded to a halt. They had come to a cross road.

"Yasunari!" She flinched away, trying to hide in the saddle as Akihisa turned his horse, not towards her, but to her escort.

"Hai! Niijima-sama."

"The Dragons have already shown a willingness to stray from the path. Go to Kyoto. They will need a reminder of who their Master is!" Akihisa commanded, holding out a small bead. "They will recognise you by this."

Yasunari accepted the bead, bowing as best he could. His gaze flicked to the sign post, seeking directions. "I will leave at once," he cried, unstrapping the lead rein and turning his horse. He pushed the animal to a gallop, eager to please his Master as he disappeared down the road.

Akihisa looked towards her, smiling gently. "My angel. This will be over soon. You should not fear." With that he turned his horse toward Tokyo, resuming the journey but for the moment the pace was kept to a more sedate walk. As Tsuya pulled her horse to follow, she sighed, gingerly picking up the reins, looking down at her hands. Her nails, cut short, had thus far survived her ordeal but her skin, her soft white hands would never be the same again.

Else where

"Masujiro-kun!" the man exclaimed, snapping out of his meditation.

"Hai, Shishou," his student, a master of the technique but ever respectful, answered.

"Can you feel it? Akihisa has done something, he's moving."

Masujiro frowned, examining the sensation. "He has moved before Shishou," he felt the objection had to be noted.

"Aa, but this is different. This has the definite force of purpose." He closed his eyes, analysing the feeling, but his student voiced his conclusions and despite the worry, a small flicker of pride welled through him. While Akihisa was a master of Kouken Sokuuchi Ryu, Masujiro was the master of everything Akihisa was not. The same forms and techniques, two opposig focuses.

"Shishou, he hasn't mastered Tamashii yet but," Masujiro's voice took on a thoughtful tone. "I think he has captured the Tamashii Hitokken inheritor."

"The man must be a master like no other to have escaped detection for so long, and to have resisted the attempts I'm sure Akihisa has made."

"Yes, but he will not be able to hold out forever. Especially not if Akihisa gains Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu and I can think of no other reason for him to be moving unless he had made arrangements to get one of the other techniques."

The old man sighed as his students words confirmed his own deepest fears. He could no longer delay. Prehaps it had been inevitable from the beginning, no matter how much he hoped this day would not come. "Alright Masujiro-kun," his voice was tired. "I fear we have no choice but to move as well." He rose, surprisingly spry for a man as old as he was, moving towards the sheathed katana on display against the wall. He drew the blade, its length a shining arc of unmarked steel in the darkness. murmuring, "Segawa Shinichi the 23rd Master of Kouken Sokuuchi Ryuu, has one last task to perform."

He turned to his student, "Ryusaki Masujiro, Segawa Shinichi the 24th. Your generation shall not face the battle alone."

He resheathed the blade, threading it through his belt. "We will go to Kyoto first, it's on our way. Explaining the situation to Hiko Seijuro should prove to be interesting." He grinned suddenly. "I always wanted to met the master of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu. I wonder what he will do when he learns there are other techniques the equal of Hiten." His eyes were mischievious, before he turned serious again. "There may be some others who will help and we must find the current Yasutaki Ryuichi. It is his successor Akihisa may hold. Say good bye to your family tonight. After we have done this we can present a united front and destroy the stain on Kouken Sokuuchi Ryuu once and for all."


Yahiko slept on. His breathing was less laboured than the night before but the morning light did not make his wounds any less serious.

Tsubame lay slumped beside him, her head resting on her arms. She still held his hand but her face was peaceful, her eyes closed as she slept. Someone had covered her with a blanket when last night, she had finally surcombed to the little sleep oni.

Kenshin sat crossed legged against the wall. The sakaba rested against his shoulder, on arm was wrapped around it and its hilt was partially covered by his long red hair. His head was bowed, his chin resting against his chest and his beautiful expressive eyes were closed. He looked to be asleep but looks could be deceiving.

That was the site which greeted Sano when he followed Megumi into the clinics room. Megumi went straight to Yahiko, after glancing at Kenshin, checking that he was still there, physically at least. Sano had not told her of his personality swings from last night. He'd somehow 'forgotten' the note too, when she'd cornered him last night demanding to know what they had been doing. There was no need to worry her.

Megumi gently shook Tsubame, coaxing the sleep befuddled girl into a sitting position so that she could examine Yahiko. Tsubame rubbed her eyes with her free hand. Megumi began to examine Yahiko, as Sano and Tsubame watched. Her hands gently moved over his body, checking the work she had completed last night. Finally she nodded to herself and looked up, smiling at Sano and Tsubame.

"Yahiko-kun is doing fine. I will change the bandages later but," she frowned, recalling the anger and disappointment she had felt from the two men last night when they returned. Although they had said nothing she was almost sure they had no idea where to look next. No, it's better for them to hear this now rather than later. That way they won't annoy me all day. "I gave him a fairly strong dose of drugs last night. Now while his condition merited it, they will make him stay asleep prehaps a bit longer that usual. He won't wake up until tomorrow, and even when he does he is going to be weak and disoriented for a while. Do you understand?"

Sano nodded, "It's probably for the best anyway..." He turned toward Kenshin, who hadn't moved. "Oi Kenshin, I saw the Police Officers off and thanked them for their help. Heh, even if they didn't do much. Demo, Kenshin..." He paused, seeking a response. He received none. While Kenshin was still the Rurouni, he was not the same man they all knew. A darker personality was coming forth.

"Kenshin, you meant what you said to the Fox Lady last night, well I meant what I said too. In my ex line of work, as much as you might want to at times, you can't keep the location of your main base secret for long. Supply points, dumping grounds and other things, yeah they can be kept secret but your main base, that's impossible. And a matter of simple concern. After all certain people have to know where to find you. You couldn't do business otherwise. Anyway, it cost me some favors but I've got everyone I used to know looking for those thrice dammed Phoenix's and for whoever this..." He trailed off. Megumi was still here. "I know it sucks Kenshin," Sano quickly started again, before Megumi could impose the obvious question. "But all we have to do is wait. Someone will find the Phoenix's for us and then we go and collect Jo-chan."

Kenshin's eyes opened and he looked up at Sano and Megumi. Sano breathed a small sigh of relief at the deep lavender shade looking at him, even if the eyes were narrowed, focued like the hitokiri. Kenshin nodded at Megumi, "Arigato for checking on Yahiko-kun, Megumi-dono. You will keep him here for a while?"

Megumi nodded.

"Aa. Sano, thank you for having people look, it is time we continued to search." He smiled wanely. It never reached his eyes. "And in the interests of your future state of health, I suggest you tell Megumi-dono about the note and Niijima Akihisa before you need to see her for any treatment!" he finished weakly. The normal teasing sounded forced.

Megumi looked outraged. She knew she hadn't been told everything, then her expression turned smug. Ken-san agreed that she should have been told and Sano hadn't. Sanosuke for his part, surprisingly had enough pride to appear ashamed.

"K'suo. I try to protect the Fox Lady and..." The rest trailed off.

"Daijoubou Sano. She would have found out anyway," he turned to Megumi, rising from his position from the floor. "Will you watch over Yahiko, while Sano and I search the Dojo again? You will be safe, they will not come to finish the job."

"Hai, Ken-san but why the Dojo? You searched last night."

"Sano and I may have missed something in the dark," Kenshin did not sound convinced of this. "Besides which, I was halfway through preparing lunch yesterday Kaoru-dono does not appreciate vermin in her house. I will need to clean up the food. And Megumi-dono, the Dojo is the likely place. It is the place people know I have made my... my... home." his voice was a whisper, the last words choked.

"Ken-san." Megumi said quietly, her voice heavy with emotion as she placed her hand on Kenshin's shoulder in sympathy.

"Arigato, Megumi-dono," Kenshin said, fixing his katana at his waist before moving to the door. "We'll come back by tonight, to tell you what has happened."

Kenshin and Sano walked through the Tokyo's streets. It was early, there were few people abroad. The morning streets were wet with sparkling shining dew. The dew made surfaces glare where the morning sun hit them. They moved quickly, there was no need to hide their purpose from any watchers. There wasn't that many things they could be doing, that many places they could be going.

They saw the note from a long way off. It had not been there last night and as Kenshin reached up to remove the shuriken from the wood he knew that the note had not been there long. The rice paper was crisp, dry. It had not been exposed to dew. He carefully slid open the door, allowing Sano to pass through before closing it behind him.

"Inside," he said, jerking his head toward the Dojo.

Sano nodded. There was no need to show reaction to those who may be watching.

Kenshin entered the Dojo's hall. The wood glowed dully. Dust hung in the air, shining points of light in the sun beams that entered through the windows. 'I want the Rurouni...' a voice whispered. Kenshin started, forcefully pusing the memories away. Now was not the time. He pushed away the rage that came with the knowledge that the voices owner was not here, not smiling at him. He closed his eyes, seeing her face, green ribbon highlighting the startling blueness of her eyes, her hair long, black and glossy. He wanted to feel its silkiness through his fingers again. Her smile, her entire face alive. Iie. Now is not the time. Amber eyes flashed before retreating again into the dark.

Kenshin opened his eyes, rage was now a smuldering anger. It was controlled for now. He unfolded the note, thankful that Sano had not bothered him to be faster. He read aloud, his voice a monotone, betraying no pain, but his inflections were dark.

"Hitokiri Battousai, and others by now I presume. You must forgive me for the note last night. It was rather blunt and impolite but it was the truth. I will not attack again and the Phoenix's are nothing more than pawns. I have the beginning of what I want. But I will require something more than your mere attention, something which will require a more personal meeting, a prospect I'm sure you will look forward to. However, at this time I regret I cannot give you details concerning the time of such a meeting and for this I appologise. I can assure you though, that you will not have to wait long for such a meeting. Ten days at the most although I am sure you share my fervent hope for a sooner encounter. So until such time as we meet, I will keep Kamiya Kaoru-dono. I will not hurt her. I would never hurt perfection and I will return her to you upon the day we meet. Again, I must ask your forgiveness but I need your complete attention, Hitokiri Battousai and I will not be intruding upon your life for long. Niijima Akihisa."

"Why that no good, dirty..." Sano began on a creative tirade with language involving Niijima Akihisa, his probable parents and other non related but equally offensive items and ideas. He punctuated his outburst, by punching and kicking the Dojo's floor. Several large craters appeared in the wood. Jo-chan would not be happy but Sano was not happy now. No one took his Jo-chan, no one disturbed the life he had now, not unless they were willing to stand still so he could pound them. No one.

"Kenshin," he snarled. "You can have that bastard Niijima. I'll hold your saya while you cut him into little pieces. But I want to hurt those he used to take Jo-chan. Pawns or not. No one does this and gets away with it." He turned towards Kenshin with his offer and came to the belated relisation that he was gone.

This almost brought a new outburst but he limited himself to a few choice words. As long as Kenshin didn't do anything without him, he could be forgiven. He had better return soon. Sano moved towards the kitchen. Kenshin, Himura Battousai, whoever he was now probably didn't care about such things as food left to rot.

Kenshin's fist closed on the thin paper, his eyes flashed amber before returing to blue. 'I will keep Kamiya Kaoru-dono.' His fist tightened on the paper, shaking with the force he exerted to control himself. He glanced towards his friend and decided. For the moment he would be of little use. He still had learn to control, to focus anger and put into motion, actions which would ultimately lead to the easing of such feelings. He slipped out of the dojo's hall, reaching his hand into his sleeve for the paper he had put their last night. It was time to decipher Misao's childish writing.

Kenshin read the note and left, racing though the building morning traffic, his feet light on the road as he sought his destination. Kaoru-koishii, Phoenix's, Niijima Akihisa. They will help in the search for all. The Battousai planned and considered alternatives, pushing away the pain of the Rurouni but sharing the thought. Hold on Kaoru-koishii. Wait for me. I'm coming. I will not leave you for long...

Elsewhere in Tokyo

The woman lay slumped in the corner. She had regained consciousness last night but a quick application of the cocktail of drugs Bairei had supplied had knocked her out again. She was quiet for the most part, the drugs did not cause her to lose consciousness completely but she was unable to move, except to thrash pathetically, tangling herself more in the blanket coverig her, if anyone came to close. Her pupils were dilated. She was not going anywhere and except for the occasional mewing for a man called 'Kenshin' she could be ignored as the Phoenix's settled into their new head quarters.

Bairei had lead them through the dark Tokyo back streets last night. He had never relinquished the woman and although the path he had chosen was circuitious, had never shown any signs of tiring. Eventually he had lead them, quickly, hurrying them down some broader streets which were partially illuminated by flickering gas street lights. The lighter had not done his job well. The lights merely provided islands in the dark. Bairei did not let them linger and finally lead them into one of the properties on the street, announcing that for now, this place would be their new home.

The building and its surroundings had proved to be more than adequate. It was quite a step up from their last abode. It was fenced and defencible, and internally the walls could be arranged according to their needs. Better yet, Niijima-sama was making it a gift to them, as compensation for his actions causing the loss of their old head quarters. This on top of the money he was paying them for their service to him.

Except for the fact that they were confined to base, things were fairly good for the Tanto Phoenix's. A couple were sitting playing dice, their loud chatter was contented. Others just talked, some smoked or worked on their blades, the steely hiss of whet stones underscored the general noise of the room.

"Heh! Ooo, our keepers gone!" A small man elbowed his neighbour. Several curved daggers, matching the curve of his nose, were slipped through his belt. He was not particularly clean.

The other man looked around. He was no more clean than the other but his kimono was in a slightly better condition. "Is he now? What do you suggest?" His gaze moved to Kaoru and the creamy smooth skin and gentle curve of her breasts which had been revealed in her attempts to move.

The man nodded. "The little dragon ought to be sweet," he said, licking his lips, turning as he rose towards Kaoru. "I wanna try the bitch before we hafta give her up..."

"Heh, heh. Bairei said to bring her back unharmed but he said nothing about after." He rubbed his bruised shin, where Kaoru had kicked him in her attempts to escape. She had not been a willing prisoner. "A woman should be shown her place..."

Thunk. Thunk, thunk. "Eeearriii..."

The two men fell, their screams cutting through the din of the room leaving silence as their companions saw their fate. The larger man was rolling on his back, his arms wrapped around this torso, fingers clutching the daggers protruding from each shoulder. He was screaming in pain.

The smaller man lay beside him. He was curled into a foetal position. His hands were lost in the folds of his kimono, clutching somewhere lower than his shoulder, somewhere no man wished to be injured. Tears streamed down his face, even as a red slick spread out around him. No one moved to help him, but no one continued their activities. A woman stepped out of the darkened corner behind Kaoru. Her kimono was dark, midnight blue, tied with a green obi. Her hair was pinned securely in the traditional manner but the pins were highlighted with green. She held up her hand. Steel glinted between her fingers. A cold sardonic smile was on her blood red lips, daring them to attack, daring them to avenge their fellows.

The tension was broken as the far door slid open as Bairei entered the room, surrounded by sunlight, which didn't seem to touch the woman. He looked around the room, meeting the eyes of each man. They understood the lesson. But now... Now he would drive it home. He nodded to the woman as he crossed the room. She stepped forward, slowly, carefully avoiding the blood before bending over the prone man. She placed her hands on the hilts of the knives, the cold smile still in place, her eyes glittering. She closed her fingers, her manicured nails flashing red and pulled back viciously, ripping her knives from his body. His back arched, his head tilted back in a scream as his hands slammed into the floor, fingers cut to the bone. The woman skipped out of the way of the blood before she bent again, carefully wiping the blood from her daggers on the mans kimono before a quicksilver glitter and they dissappeared.

Bairei continued forward, through the Phoenix's, as she stepped back, retreating to a position behind Kaoru, but looking at the prone woman with a sadness, a regret that was not noticed by those present. She pulled the blanket back over Kaoru. She stayed in the light, allowing herself to be seen, now. The message was clear. The woman was guarded. Niijima-sama was not leaving anything to chance.

Bairei stopped before the prone men. The smaller's eyes were glazing, his pooled blood mirrored in his eyes. His blood before the woman, that was the last thing he'd seen. It was fitting. Niijima-sama did not appreciate disobedience. The other man was still in pain but he would live if left only with those wounds. He would serve to educate the Phoenix's, drive the lesson of the woman's untouchability home. The other Phoenix's were still watching. They could do nothing else, their gazes were drawn to their young keeper as he knelt before the man and gently reached out, taking his face in his hands, two fingers behind the mans ears, two in front and his thumbs beneath the mans eyes. Bairei lifted him by his head, his eyes focused concentrating only on the man before him. The Phoenix's watched as Atsumichi, one of their strongest began to scream, and thrash, trying to break the boys grip. Bairei's eyes were intent, a slight smile was on his face. He looked contented, replete. What ever he was doing, he let it go on and on. Atsumichi did not stop screaming. Many of them flinched and tried to look away, but a fascination transfixed them. Finally Bairei let him fall, silent now, froathing at the mouth, as he rose and regarded his audience. He looked relaxed.

"I trust this little demonstration clarifies Niijima-sama's position on this woman. She is not to be touched. You were warned to the consequences of disregarding Niijima-sama's instructions. There will be no further reprecussions from this incident." He turned away from them. "I will watch her for now. Hasekura-san, could you please deal with this mess?"

"Hai, Bairei-san. But we should contact Niijima-sama first. There are things, apart from this, which I need to report."

He nodded as he felt her reach out. The Phoenix's returned to their diversions, pointedly ignoring the bodies although there were some grumbles. It appeared Atsumichi and his companion had debts which now would not be collected. Life was full of these little disappointments.


::Aa, Hasekura?:: The voice was distracted. A vision of trees speeding by came to her and the steady rocking motion of a horse.

::Niijima-sama, as you anticipated, the Hitokiri Battousai did contact the Oniwa Banshu. He was very insistent.:: She flashed the feeling of a grin. ::He contacted the Police as well. I'm told it was more of a threat than a request.::

::Good. Taking Kamiya Kaoru was the correct action to bring out the Battousai. Continue.::

Inoue felt Niijima's pleasure fill her. ::He was very insistent. Even keeping the Phoenix's confined to this place, I can only stall for a day or so. Eventually someone will find this place. Also there was some minor trouble. Bairei-san and I have dealt with it.::

She felt her master reach out and could only marvel at his strength. This was why she had chosen him, chosen to abandon that which she had known, and had served for so many years. This man had the strength of worlds. She had not been wrong. Bairei's presence came to her as Niijima-sama included him in the conversation.

::Alright, Inoue. Both of you understand this. If necessary, forget the Phoenix's. Keep Kamiya Kaoru-dono safe and away from Himura Kenshin at all costs. I will be there in two days time and then we will move her again. As for the 'trouble' leave the bodies somewhere they will be found, but dress them formally. Bairei, write something appropriate to reassure him that I am keeping his woman safe. I'm sure the Hitokiri will get the message. Do you understand? The Phoenix's are expendable. Kamiya-dono is not..."

::Hai, Niijima-sama,:: two voices snapped.

Inoue hid her heart as she felt Niijima-sama withdraw, her eyes tight shut against the pain. She would guard Kamiya. She would please Niijima-sama, even if it meant her life.

At the Clinic

Kenshin walked through Tokyo's streets. He was in no particular hurry as could be determined by the way he carefully skirted around people, stepping aside to allow the passage of large carts. He had set the wheels in motion. Now, unless something else happened, all he had to do was wait. The hitokiri was good at waiting. Then he would deal with Niijima Akihisa and that would be that. The hitokiri was good with final solutions. Everything would work itself out in time.

The Oniwa Banshu of Tokyo had been more than willing to help him. He had asked them not to summon their Okashira. He had no doubt they would contact Shinomori but there was no need for him to come to Tokyo. By the time he and Misao could have arrived, he intended to have this wrapped up.

The Police too, would give him all the help he required. Yamagata's timing couldn't have been better. They would see to it that his actions were legal and they would help him to track down Niijima Akihisa and the Phoenix's. A slight smile passed over Kenshin's face. Yamagata's orders had been clear and although he knew he should be worried that he had been aware of the situation so quickly, Kenshin was prepared to let it pass. As long as he did not interfer in Kenshin's life now... But Yamagata knew the hitokiri was dead and really his orders were only what the Police should be doing anyway. It was their duty to chase down and prosecute Yakuza, wasn't it?

The sun was setting when Kenshin turned into the Clinic's yard and ducked, before running around his opponent, his left hand steadying his saya. He came to a halt behind the man and found himself regarding the kanji for 'Aku.' Black against white. Sano still stood there, fist extended. Sano spun, round house kick. Kenshin leant back and watched the foot sail by. He skipped backwards, dodging left and right, avoiding Sano's attempts to connect with either fist or foot.

"Dammit, Kenshin. You've been gone all day." Kenshin paid him no heed. He kept dodging, running back and forth the length of the yard several times. "Kuso!" Sano lunged, right hand aimed towards Kenshin's chest.

Kenshin saw the punch coming, could see that it was not Sano's normal attack but was instead Futae no Kiwami. His eyes narrowed. This was more serious. He dodged right, raising his left arm to connect, making a cross against Sano's right arm, directing the punch else where. Sano's eyes widened as he realised his attack had been stopped. He swung in with his left hand but Kenshin was not longer there. This didn't register. Sano arched back in pain as a force, something twisted his right arm back and around, holding it against his back. It was a grip he couldn't break and he knew there was only one man who could hold him thus.

"Dammit Kenshin! I care for Jo-chan too!" He screamed at the man. Why wouldn't he let others help him?

There was no reply forthcoming and the pressure on his arm did not abate.

"Kenshin you promised me you wouldn't go off by yourself. I care for Jo-chan too, maybe not as much as I..." Sano trailed off as the pressure on his arm was abruptly gone. He saw Megumi emerging from the Clinic and blushed. Just in time. That could have been embarassing. He rubbed his arm. Dammit but the man was strong.

"Sumimasen Sano. I know you care. I will not leave you when the time comes. But don't ever attack me again." The voice was a whisper. The voice was cold. The voice carried the threat of pain. It was not the man Sano knew.

He raised his hands. "Aa, Kenshin. I won't. But remember you promised me. You had better not be planning to leave me behind."

Megumi motioned for them to come inside. "Where did you go, Ken-san?" she asked as if nothing was wrong. It may be the best way to deal with the man before her.

"I merely went to see the Oniwa Banshu and the Police. Both now, are looking for Kaoru-dono, the Tanto Phoenix's and Niijima Akihisa. They will contact us if anything comes up." Kenshin replied as he entered the Clinic, moving through the darkened corridors and entering the room were Yahiko slept on.

"He hasn't awoken all day," Megumi said quietly as she entered the room with several trays of food. She set the trays down. One in front of Sano, who was still absently rubbing his right arm, one to Kenshin and one to herself. "You both need to eat, even if you don't want to. Neither of you will be able to help Kaoru-chan if you fall over from hunger!"

"Aa, Fox Lady. We know, we know."

"Don't call me Fox Lady, Rooster Head."

Kenshin flicked his gaze over the couple. He was fully aware of what Sano was about to say before... Their banter was amusing.

Time Frame: Day Three (The Second day after Kaoru was kidnapped.)

On the Road

Akihisa stood in the dawn sun moving through the motions of the fifth Kouken kata. It's warmth was soft against the bare skin of his back. The movements were practiced, calming and relaxing despite the fact the dew drenched grass was soaking his feet. He finished the kata, holding the final position. The horses were nearly saddled. It would be time to go soon. He seathed his katana. It was not the hitokiri's blade. He would wield that one only when he had the technique that it knew so well, when he possessed Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu.

He reached for his shirt, pulling it on before sitting on a rock to place his armor. The movements were practiced. He was comfortable with them and sent his mind out, sweeping the land, watching the sun rise over Japan.

Huh? A resonance. What was that? He focused on the feeling. Something had changed since he had last done this. He contracted his focus, swooping over the forests. There it is again! A note, a single note of music. That's what it felt like but it was more than that. He knew it was the presence of another sensitive to the forces he used, another who saw the world as he did. He opened his 'eyes' brushing gently against the points of resonance, not hard enough to be recognised, just hard enough to identify them. There weren't that many people they could be anyway. But he had to be sure.

Ah, Shinichi-sensei and Masujiro are moving. My old Shishou seeks to stop me. How amusing but he will learn, he will learn he needed no other than me... He was too late but he should not have given it to another. ::Yasunari! Answer me!:: His voice was a snarl.


::Where are you?::

::I'm on the road to Kyoto, Niijima-sama. I expect to be there in a few days.::

::When you arrive, contact the Kyoto Dayside Dragons as intended. I have an extra job for them.:: He project the image of the two he had just touched. ::Find these two, they are headed your way. I wish them taken.::

::Taken? Do you wish them taken alive?::

::I will understand if you have to kill them. Though try to keep the old man alive, he is a prime after all. He deserves to see the ultimate extention of his technique. The other...:: hatred colored his tone. ::The other is a usurper and deserves all the respect of a junk yard dog. Stop them any way you can, take them alive if possible but I will understand.:: Niijima broke the contact. Hmmm. It is interesting that they chose to move but I think I should take some precautions.

::Come to me!:: He sent the call out, broad sending the thought. Those it was intended for would answer and obey. It should prove interesting if they were required. Masujiro should appreciate this gesture. A wild joy, close to a gloating expectation filled his heart. They couldn't stop him now but their attempt was bound to be amusing.

Tokyo - The Clinic

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.

Time dragged slowly on wards for the occupants on the room. Breakfast had long since past but they waited without complaint. There was little else they could do, a fact which, although unchangeable added noticably to the tension of the room.

Tsubame was not required at the Akabeko until later that day, although she had instructions to report in with a full report on his condition, and so was spending her free time sitting by Yahiko, gently holding his hand. She knew he had been hurt before but he had always viewed his previous injuries as battle scars. Hurts taken in battles he had won. They had never seemed as bad as these. She knew he wouldn't see these in the same way, either. More likely he would see them as evidence of his failure. She didn't want that.

Sano had given up pacing long ago. Although the waiting was getting on his nerves he had eventually decided to slump in the far corner of the room, away from Kenshin. The twitching of the samurai's hand as he had passed him each time had only influenced his decision a little. He feared though, what would happen this time if... Iya! That would not happen. But the doubt would not leave him. What would happen this time, if they did not get Kaoru-chan back? What would the Battousai do?

Sano glanced at him. Whatever Kenshin was thinking was concealed behind his fringe, his head was resting against his chest. Probably thinking of new ways to kill Niijima Akihisa, Sano thought irreverently. Kami-sama knows that's what I would be doing if Fo... Iie! Enough with those thoughts. We have to get Jo-chan back. Who would know where the Phoenix's are? Think! You used to be one of these people. Think! You really don't want to see the Battousai angry again. That one time with the idiot cop was enough. Think! Sano's attempts to rack his memory for some clue were not very fruitful.

Kenshin was sitting on the other side of the room. His thoughts were turned inward but he was alert for the slightest whisper that something was amiss. Nothing would intrude upon his family again

They waited. Megumi-san had said that Yahiko should wake up today. And so they waited, fearing but needing to hear his version of events, to learn if the Phoenix's had left him with any message to relay and to reassure themselves that despite his wounds Yahiko-chan would be alright. Eager to know that their family could survive this.

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Time crept slowly on ward.

Fuzzy? Why was the room fuzzy? Blink. Blink. No, that didn't help. Tbe room was still fuzzy.

Room..? Fuzzy..? KAORU! Get away! Run! Iya! Get away from her! "Kaoru! Run!" the voice was a whisper, throat parched from too many hours asleep but the intention was clear.

"Yahiko-kun!" Tsubame exclaimed, clutching at his hand

Yahiko frowned, and then grimaced in pain, trying to reconcile his thoughts with what he was seeing. "Tsubame-chan? Doko? Kaoru!" he gasped, his eyes clearing with the realisation of where he was and what had happened.

"Shhh! Yahiko, lie back down," Sano said, gently placing his hand on the boys chest and holding him down. "Megumi-san," he shouted, turning slightly to face the door. "Oi, Fox Lady!"

"Be quiet Rooster-head, I know," Megumi's voice came from behind him, making him jump. "I've been here for a little while," she answered his obvious question.

"Eh! Well?" Sano stepped back, gesturing for her to take his place and attend to Yahiko.

Megumi moved to Yahiko's side and gently laid her hand on his forehead, testing his temperature. She heard Kenshin step up behind her by the deliberate footfall he made. "Shh... Yahiko-kun. Everyone is happy that you are finally awake," She shook her head forestalling the question he was about to ask. "For the moment don't worry about Kaoru-chan, just let me examine you and then you can tell us what happened."

Yahiko nodded slightly.

"Good," Megumi smiled. "Now, does it hurt anywhere in particular?" She asked beginning to examine him.

Megumi patted the final bandage in place before allowing Yahiko the redon the yukata. She had rebound Yahiko-kun's broken ribs. Yahiko had sat there silently, waiting for her to finish. "Now Yahiko-kun, are you hungry? Thirsty? Or would you prefer to tell us what happened first?"

"I'd prefer if someone would tell me where Kaoru is!" Yahiko snapped, earning a look of rebuke from Sano. "Gomen, Megumi-sensei." Yahiko added quietly. "But where is Kaoru?"

"She was kidnapped." The response came from Kenshin, his voice cold. Tsubame's eyes filled with tears and she looked afraid. Megumi and Sano looked towards him in surprise. They hadn't expected him to speak. "But we are glad that you are okay, Yahiko-kun," Kenshin added, smiling at him.

"It doesn't matter," Yahiko whispered.

"It does," Kenshin moved to head off the boys particular line of reasoning. "You cannot help her if you are dead," he added bluntly, moving to Yahiko's side. "Yahiko you can help us now. You can tell us what happened," Kenshin encouraged the child.

"Alright," Yahiko shifted on his futon. "We had just left the Akabeko. Kaoru wanted to come back to the Dojo for lunch with you. So we left the Akabeko before the lunch rush. They must have been waiting for us because we had barely left the Akabeko before they began to follow us. At first there were only a few of them. They blended in with the normal passersby but more of them began to come out. They didn't fit in. Their clothes were rough, tattered," Yahiko frowned, shaking his head, remembering. "I don't know how many of them there were really but they surrounded us. There was at least twenty. They told me to go but I wouldn't. I tried to keep them away but," tears filled Yahiko's eyes. Not a fitting image for the young Tokyo Samurai. "But there were too many of them. I... I couldn't keep them away. Gomen nasai Kenshin. I couldn't protect Kaoru." A tear escaped. Yahiko gulped before continuing. "Eventually, they pulled me away from her, I tried telling her to run but she wouldn't. She tried to fight them but there were too many of them Kenshin. There was no way that she could get away... I don't know whether they knocked her out or used drugs but they came only for her. Heh! She managed to hurt a few of them. Kamiya Kasshin Ryuu's unarmed techniques are quite vicious. I think I managed to hurt some of them before they got to me but that doesn't matter. I wasn't good enough. Gomen nasai Kenshin, I wasn't good enough. I couldn't protect Kaoru. What type of student am I? I couldn't protect my sensei! I don't deserve to be a student of Kamiya Kasshin," Yahiko finished, his voice quavering, holding back the tears.

"Yahiko-kun!" Tsubame cried.

"Iya, Yahiko! It wasn't your fault," Sano reassured the boy.

"It was my fault. She trusted me. I couldn't protect her. I couldn't protect my sensei. I can't be a student of Kamiya Kasshin!" Yahiko flared. He didn't want to be reassured. It's all my fault. I wasn't good enough. I should have noticed them earlier. He coughed, pain flared in his chest as his ribs were stretched.

"No, Yahiko-kun. It wasn't your fault. There was nothing you could have done. Dying would not have helped Kaoru-dono. And you left us an important clue," Kenshin spoke again before reaching into his sleeve. He pulled out a small scrap of fabric. It was the piece he had picked off the stall.

"Aa, Yahiko-kun," Sano interrupted. "That's a piece of fabric from one of them. It's red and I should know, only the Tanto Phoenix's wear red." Sano stretched the truth a bit.

"So you see, Yahiko. You left us a clue. You told us who it was who took Kaoru-dono," Kenshin smiled slightly. "It wasn't your fault."

"Kenshin?" Yahiko asked, wiping away his tears. "Arigatou. But Kenshin, please, they came only for her. Hunt them for me. Please get her back Kenshin. Get my sensei back, get Kaoru back," he whispered.

"Aa, I will Yahiko. They will not keep her for long and they will know the pain they have inflicted," Kenshin said quietly.

Akihisa's Base

Hmmm... My captor hasn't visited for a day or so. I wonder where he went.

Seir shifted himself to lie more comfortably. The room Akihisa had chosen to keep him in was small and cold. Although the nights did not have the chill of winter they were uncomfortable. He recognised it as a tactic to wear him down, to break his will as prelude to taking the technique Tamashii Hitokken. He recognised the skill required to do that. It was something he could not do. Tamashii Hitokken dealt with the soul. It's true strength rarely touched on the world of the physical. It was not a technique for this existence but one for the future.

He lifted his hand, rubbing at his face, grimancing. Eh! But that hurt! I wonder what he was so angry at? It was only the truth. I wasn't fighting him. I haven't been for quite some time. I guess Kouken's more limited than we thought if he can't detect when I'm resisting to when I'm not. Heh! I'm not a Hiten Master, my skill is not physical. Only one of them could resist so long, and even they would be weakened. "Heheheh. I wonder why he couldn't imprint Tamashii Hitokken. It is the technique he wants, the ultimate spiritual technique. I wonder why..? Naze?"

Seir shook his head, bemused. "Later! I can wonder later!" For now, the master of the house is out and I really have imposed upon his hospitality too much as it is! Like a good guest, I know when my stay is up. Time to leave. Tamashii Hitokken, the ultimate spiritual technique for fifteen generations ought to be enough to get me out of here. Seir rose to his feet, summoning his power and focusing both his mind and soul on the task at hand. The first step was to get out of this room, then out of this village and then to Tokyo, to warn Himura Battousai, if it was not already too late. And if it was, help him to stop Niijima Akihisa before he broke through whatever it was that had prevented him from taking Tamashii Hitokken Ryuu as his own.

First get out of this room.

Heh! Like that was the easy part!


A crowd had gathered. By standers took up every spare inch of space, blocking the road, crowding together on the bridge, everyone vying for a better view of the gruesome proceedings. On the river bank and at the small peir there was space occupied only by a few Police men. It was kept clear by a line of uniformed police holding back the crowds.

Nothing attracts a crowd like a fight or death. And in this case there was twice the entertainment. Two bodies had been drawn from the water. They were laid in pools of water on the peir, partially covered by straw mats. But that wasn't what was attracting the crowd, plently of bodies had been pulled from these waters. No, what was attracting the crowd was that both bodies had been dressed in blazing flame patterned red kimono's. And for those who knew, that fact screamed Yakuza, Tanto Phoenix Yakuza. Combined with the Phoenix's recent disappearance and the rumored viciousness of wounds inflicted upon the bodies, it was enough to attract a crowd of those who had a passing interest. And once gathered, that crowd had grown.

The Chief looked over the bodies, frowning. He didn't like this. Something was wrong. Dead Yakuza were common enough, there was always infighting but dressed so conspiciously and combined with the Kamiya kidnapping... It didn't feel right. He shook his head. One dead by unknown means. The shoulder wounds were not fatal but... He shuddered remembering the expression of terror on the man's face. What had happened? The other dead from a single wound. The Chief winced. Itai! Blood loss was the cause of death but before that, it must have been agony. And it was not the type of wound to be inflicted by a rival gang... No, they would remove the genitals completely.

Something was not right, and the obvious assumption that these men were responsible for the Kamiya kidnapping or knew about it did not really answer the question of why were dead. There was something else here, something he couldn't see, something that was challenging the Battousai. Huh? Where did that thought some from? There is nothing to suggest that. The Battousai... He shuddered again, remembering this time the dull gleam of the Battousai's eyes as he threatened to reveal every Ishin secret unless he got the help he desired. Iya! There is nothing to suggest at the moment that this is anything but a rival gangs work carried out with particular cruelness, with no ties to Kamiya or the Battousai.

"Chief!" Hideo called rising from his examination of the smaller man's body, absently flicking the straw mat back over the corpse. "I think you should see this." He held a small piece of bamboo about 15 cm (6 inches) long. Its ends were curiously sealed and soaked tassels hung limpy off it. Some twine was attached to it.

Hideo saluted, offering the Chief the bamboo. "This was tied around his wrist. I think it's a message tube."

"Well Hideo, open it! We're not going to find out its message like this!"

"Hai!" Hideo fumbled at the tubes ends, eventually working one of the ends loose. He upended the tube, shaking it once or twice letting a curled piece of paper fall into his hand.

"Odd. That a Yakuza body would be accompanied by a note."

"Aa," Hideo agreed, unrolling the note. He held it out, holding it in the sun. "Sir, it is definitely a note, addressed to the Hitokiri Battousai."

A dread filled the Chief. "This cannot be good. Wait a moment, Hideo. Kanbe!"


"Kanbe, you stood guard at Genzai Clinic, didn't you?"

"Aa, Chief."

"Please return there and ask to speak to Himura-san. If he is not there, proceed to the Kamiya Kasshin Dojo and you will find him there. Please ask him to come here as I have some information for him. If you can not find him, please leave a message with Tanaki-san, Genzai-san or even Sagara-san."


The Chief turned back to Hideo, gesturing for him to continue. I should find out if I have to attempt to restrain the Battousai or not first.

The Police Officer Kanbe lead Kenshin and Sano through the crowd. The trip from the Clinic had not been eventful and had been lacking any information. Kanbe was totally polite and proper, giving both of them full respect but he did not know why the Chief wished to see Himura, he only knew that two yakuza bodies had been pulled from the river and that the Chief, after examining them had some information to give to Himura-san. This did nothing to ease the nerves of the two Kanbe lead through the streets and eventually even he sensed this, finally settling for showing them the way in silence.

Sano was watching Kenshin. He was worried. Kenshin was changing before his eyes. Sure, Kenshin had been happy and open when Yahiko had awoken and he had promised the boy that he would get Kaoru back but there was something there, something lurking behind his purple eyes that had not been there a few days ago. And his voice, always wonderfully expressive now carried the undertone of steel or the harshest winter wind. The man he knew was disappearing, giving himself to the other, who had only had brief snatches of life since the wars had ended. Kenshin's soul was freezing without Kaoru's warmth.

Unconsciously Sano was preparing to at least try to hold the Battousai back, if he came out where he was not needed. Others deserve the only chance I can give.

Kenshin was aware of Sano's concern, aware of his friend's nearly constant gaze. And he knew he was the cause of the worry. He even knew the half formed plan in Sano's mind. He was not concerned. Until, Niijima Akihisa was nothing but a distant memory, one that others would shudder at, and until Kaoru was back chasing Yahiko for his taunts of 'Busu!', until everything was back the way it should be, he would continue to allow the Battousai life. The killer was a part of him, and the killer cared for the woman Kaoru too. Kenshin knew it would take the combined strength of the Rurouni and the Battousai to defeat this enemy. But the trick was in the balance and that was something which was sapping his control. The Battousai did not appreciate the Rurouni's restraint, he had his own methods of control. But at the same time, the Battousai knew that his ways were passed and so for the moment was content to wait, always present and ready to strike but a step removed from the situation.

Kenshin watched the world through eyes that were purple, ringed by amber, allowing the parts of him to merge. But all of them asked Naze?! Why had he taken her? And why did he seem so intent on awakening the amber eyed dragon? Naze?! And the darker sides of him promised vengence, a vengence the more reasonable part of his mind was become less inclined to stop with each moment that passed that Kaoru-koishii was held against her will. Held away from him.

The small group jostled their way through the crowd, earning stares which quickly flicked away at the sight of Kanbe's uniform. They cleared the line of Policemen and proceeded down the stone steps to the peir.

"Chief-san!" Kanbe called, saluting his superior. "As requested I have brought Himura-san and Sagara-san." Kanbe reported in, noting with trepidation the concerned look on the Chief's face. He couldn't be sure but for an instant, at Himura-san's name, did the Chief show fear..? Kanbe looked at Himura-san. He carried a sword, yes, but was that enough to make the Chief show such fear. He was small and polite, what was there to fear about him?

"Arigatou Kanbe," the Chief acknowledged his salute and gestured for him to return to his peers. "Himura-san, you may wish to examine the bodies first," he greeted the man before him, not bothering with the customary greetings and talk. Yamagata-dono had made it clear that being direct was the best method. He motioned to the bodies before stepping back to allow Himura to pass.

Kenshin stepped forward and crouched before the first sodden mat. He noted that several of the police officers were watching him with more than just curiosity, almost as if... How amusing! Crowd control for one. He flicked back the mat and looked down at the man. He had been tall. His hair had been close cropped and his body had the scars from badly healed sword or knife wounds. His hands were criss crossed with white thin scars. A knife fighter then. But that was not what Kenshin noticed first. In death his face was frozen into an expression of utter horror, utter fear overlain with pain that could not be explained simply from the stab wounds. What had done this to him? Kenshin, in his long years, both as a rurounin and as the shadow assassin had seen many things, but never anything quite like this. A chill passed through his bones as he flicked the mat back over the body. There was more here than met the eye. He moved over to the second body. The second man was smaller and his nose appeared to have been broken and not set some time in the past. His body too bore scars but the manner of his death was what caught the attention in this case. A single wound resulting in blood loss. While that itself was not unusual, the positioning... A single thrown dagger to the genitals. Something very deep inside Kenshin winced in sympathetic pain. The rest of him observed coldly, that no matter how they died, there were two less Tanto Phoenix's for him to deal with.

"Well, Chief-dono. They died unusually and they are Tanto Phoenix's but that in itself is hardly reason for you to have called me." Kenshin stated, rising from the bodies and turning back towards the Chief and Sano. Those officers he had noted earlier, the one's watching him, tensed at his voice.

"There was a note accompanying them, addressed to you, Himura-san, but..." He paused, knowing the man would not want to hear the next part but feeling obliged to tell him anyway. "But you may not want to read it, Himura-san. It was written with malice, you should not read it."

"Chief-dono, I know the note will be designed to make me angry but I promise I will not attack your men. I will not lose control here. You are not my target. I will save my rage for the Phoenix's and for Niijima Akihisa, within the law of course." Kenshin replied, glancing at the officers who had been assigned to restrain him. They collectively heaved a sigh of relief that was echoed by Sanosuke. While the man was small they had been warned that he possessed an almost ungodly strength and the will to use his sword if necessary. Restraining him had not been a task they had been looking forward to. Most of them relaxed a little but all of them remained alert. A promise was nothing unless it held. The man had not yet read the note. Kenshin held up his hand. "The note please Chief-dono. I would like to read it."

"Aa, Himura-san." The Chief held out the small piece of paper.

Kenshin accepted the paper and unfolded it, ignoring Sano as he came up behind him. Sano was careful not to block the light and tried to be as inconspicious and as unthreatening as possible.

"Hitokiri Battousai, you must be wondering about these bodies. These men were after all my servants. They are dead to assure you that I am taking care of Kamiya Kaoru-dono. These men tried to hurt her but she is guarded. I would not let anything hurt her perfection. She will be returned to you untouched. All my servants know the price of touching her. You may also be reassured that Kamiya Kaoru-dono does not know any thing about this. She is protected. RB for Niijima Akihisa."

Kenshin flicked his eyes back over the bodies. If they had indeed attempted to hurt Kaoru-dono then the price they had paid was appropriate. But Kaoru was still not with him. He could not trust her safety to another. Eyes flashed amber. Protecting her or not, he should not have taken her. He will pay the price this pain demands.


Kenshin handed the note back to the Chief, ignoring Sano's outburst. "Thank you for notifying me of these events. If the note is true then these men have paid the price for touching her. I will be at the Clinic or the Dojo if you need to contact me again. Arigatou for your help." Kenshin turned to leave.

"We will find her, Himura-san. We will find her, and this RB and his master Niijima Akihisa and they will suffer the full extent of the law," the Chief assured the departing man, but he did not think that he was heard.

Kenshin threaded his way back through the lessening crowd. It was easier than going the other way, they parted to let him pass. Parted to let through the man who radiated an icy rage and who's eyes burned gold.

End Part 6

Comments and Criticism, even questions are appreciated.

Next time: Akihisa arrives in Tokyo, Saitou shows up and finally the date for the exchange is set.

Japanese Terms

Hai, Aa - yes
Iie, Iya - No
Daijoubou - it's alright, I'm alright
Kuso - darn, general curse word
Arigato - thank you
Deshi - student, pupil
Koishii - beloved
Sumimasen - Pardon me/I'm sorry (Although Kenshin's not really sorry.)
Kami-sama - God
Naze - why
Itai - ouch
Doko - where
Busu - ugly
Gomen nasai - I'm very sorry
Kisama - You/That bastard. Something like that.
Yukata - light summer robe

Tamashii Hitokken Ryu - Yasutake Ryuichi's and Murakami Seir's technique
Tamashii - soul
Hitokken - One Sword

Kouken Sokuuchi Ryu - Niijima Akihisa, Segawa Shinichi, and Ryusaki Masujiro's technique
Kou - Thought
Ken - Sword
Soku - Swift
Uchi - Strike

Fairly simple ne?
HUGE Thank you to Tatsuko for helping to create the names of some fighting schools.

Any other names that appear in this fic, eg names of people, while I'm sure they mean something, I did not pick them because of any meaning they may have. I picked them because I liked them when I was choosing names. Some I stole from other manga's and animes and one or two I made up myself.

A HUGE thank you to Sylvia for loaning me her copies of the manga! Even if I can't read Thai any better than I read Japanese, I can look at the pictures to see the order of events.