Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin (C) characters belong to Watsuki Nobuhiro (All Hail), Shueisha, Sony Entertainment and perhaps some others but most definitely not to me. I am borrowing characters without asking permission and I am not making any money out of this. Also I am not worth suing as I am a broke student. However this story and any characters I create do belong to me.
I hope anyone who takes the time to read this will enjoy it.

Acknowledgments: Please see end notes.

:: :: Non spoken conversation

Kokoro - Heart, Mind and Soul
Part 8
By Jade One

Time Frame: Day Four (The Third Day after Kaoru's kidnapping.)

Tokyo - Some Back Street

Huff, huff. They're dead! They're all dead. Aha. Aha. Ahaa. Who was that? What was that? Ahaa. Oniji raced down the dark streets and alleys of Tokyo. He could barely see where he was going but that didn't matter. Gotta get away. He stumbled around corners, racing on hands and feet until he got his legs under him again, running not caring of the noise he was making.

"Pathetic," the voice came from behind him.

Oniji pulled up, skidding to a halt and slowly turning. He knew he was caught.

"Pathetic," the voice came again and Oniji found himself staring at a tall man. It was not anyone he knew. The man was Sword Police by his uniform but he carried a katana. His hair was slicked back but precisely four tendrils of hair were allowed to trail over his face. His eyes were cold, a darker yellow than the man before but they were the same, only slightly less intense. Oniji backed away, feeling his body lose control but he was beyond caring. Fear blanked his thoughts.

"You challenged the dragon but lacked even the courage to stand with your fellows and face him, ahou. Where is the woman you took?" The man stepped forward, maintaining the distance between them. Oniji shivered in fear. He knew he wasn't going to get away. His back hit a wall and he turned, straight into the naked cutting edge of the katana. When did he draw his sword? The man's eyes gleamed in anticipation of the kill.

"Iya!" Oniji cried, collapsing against the wall.

"Pathetic. Where is the woman?" The man repeated, lowering his katana and placing the tip under Oniji's chin, forcing him to raise his head.

"I don't know! H... H... He took her!"

"Who took her?"

"That bastard Niijima Akihisa." Tears streamed from Oniji's eyes. I don't wanna die. Not for him, not here, not like this.

"Where did he take her?" The question was asked in the same soft humorless manner, quiet and and assured.

"I... I... d... don't know," Oniji sobbed, trying to swallow around the sword tip.

"You can do better than that! Where did he take her?" He pushed his sword forward, breaking skin and watching the thin trickle of blood run down Oniji's neck.

"No, I mean it. I really don't know. He came today and he took her. He said something about her presence causing us problems."

The sword was pulled back as little as the eyes narrowed. Oniji felt like he was being measured and his lifes worth determined. "Describe him." The sword was withdrawn with the order, its tip placed on the ground as the man steadied it with one gloved hand.

Oniji sniffed, gulping for air. "H... He was tall, about your height," Oniji began, looking down at the ground. "His eyes were green and he had long hair, well to his shoulders. It clumped together in thick tendrils and was wavy. He had earrings but he wasn't a gaijin. He had a katana and he wore light armor but you couldn't really see it." Oniji moved slowly, wrapping his arms around his body and shifting his legs as he spoke. He was the picture of abject misery. "His voice, it was smooth, cultured. He didn't have a accent. He wasn't wearing any rings that I could see and he didn't take off his boots even though he came inside," he continued describing what he had seen of Niijima Akihisa, allowing the details to come randomly. The cop just stood there, his palm on the pommel of his sword, keeping it upright. At ease.

"Go on." It was not a request.

"He, he had a manto. It was cream and had a liney pattern around the edge," Oniji frowned trying to remember. "His boots were knee high but they didn't have spurs. He had hakama on, blue and his shirt under the armor was patterned. I think that was some gaijin design," Oniji finished.

"Is that all?"

"No that's not all you stupid cop," Oniji screamed, uncoiling and pushing himself up from the ground, drawing his sword. "Ahhaaa..." His eyes opened wide in pain and surprise as he looked down.


The cops sword was through his stomach. He hadn't even seen him move. Oniji could feel his fingers growing numb, and he dimly heard his sword clatter to the ground, forgotten as he clutched at the blade impaling him. He gasped for air.

"The Meiji this may be but I live by one rule and one rule only. 'Aku Soku Zan.' You have outlived your usefulness," the cop said pulling his sword back and absently wiping off the blood with a cloth.

Oniji slumped back to the ground, trying to stem the flow of blood but he knew it was too late. The ground was warm. And as his eyes registered only darkness his mind focused on one word. Zan. They're all dead. Even me. The Phoenix is dead.

Tokyo - Clinic

"How are you feeling, Yahiko-kun?" Kenshin asked, being deliberately bright as he entered the room.

Yahiko ignored the question and instead, clutching at the blanket asked, "Did you find her?" hope rising in his eyes. But then he saw Kenshin clearly. While his eyes were blue, they did not have the endless compassion of the man Yahiko knew. "I'm fine," he responded to Kenshin's question when he saw the shallow nod at his surmise.

Kenshin sat down, placing his sword next to him as Yahiko protested, "Kenshin, I'm fine. You don't need to guard me. You should be looking for Kaoru."

Kenshin's head snapped up and he glared at the child with unconcealed rage. Yahiko gulped but stared back. I'm not afraid, he thought to himself, even as his hands balled into fists so tightly they shook from the strain.

Kenshin blinked, once carefully containing his emotions before lowering his head again, shaking it slightly. Yahiko does not deserve this, he told himself firmly. "Sumanu Yahiko-kun. I didn't come here to scare you," Kenshin said looking up again, his eyes softer. He reached into his sleeve. Yahiko saw a flash of green silk. Kaoru's ribbon, tied high around his arm but it disappeared as Kenshin withdrew a folded piece of purple silk. In better light, its color was revealed to be the exact same shade as the Rurouni's eyes. Yahiko's eyes widened at the site of it.

"Where did you...?" He trailed off, shaking his head carefully, mindful of the pain movement could bring him. "It doesn't matter," he sighed.

"Kaoru-dono had it with her, didn't she?"

"Hai, Kenshin," Yahiko nodded, forcing back tears at the memory. "She was in..." he paused, frowning as he considered the best words. "She was in a silly, well playful mood when she saw it. She bought it for you. She said something about 'The wisps are always escaping, now he can tie back his hair with a ribbon which matches his eyes.' I don't know, something like that," Yahiko finished.

Kenshin nodded, his thoughts turned inward, memories of his own consuming him. He could easily see her. She was so beautiful in his mind. Her eyes were so happy, the blue so vibrant and alive, sparkling. A slight smile creased her lips, as if she was trying not to laugh. It transformed her face into that of an angel. Her cheeks were flushed with amusement and the way she moved... She seemed to dance, to fly. She was so playful, so happy, her kimono bright in the sunlight. She was so beautiful, so alive. She was his.

"Arigatou, Yahiko-kun," Kenshin said, pulling himself away from his memories and rising quietly. "Oyasumi nasai." He turned down the corridor. He still had that note to read and a meal to eat. His eyes flicked, looking into a room. Good, it was empty. He slipped inside, sliding the door shut behind him. Kenshin lit the light and settled down, reaching into his sleeve to pull out the folded paper. He closed his eyes, steadying his nerves as his hands unfolded the paper. Here was not the place to lose control. He opened his eyes again and flicking his hair out of the way looked down at the note.

"Hitokiri Battousai. You continue to please me, confirming to me that you are the one I want. I am sorry for leaving you the Tanto Phoenixes. They were not worthy of you but for the moment they are all I can give you. Kamiya Kaoru-dono is no longer with them but is under my personal protection. I will return her on the day we met. It will not be long now. I will contact you again when I am ready to make the exchange. Niijima Akihisa."

Kenshin's eyes blazed, his anger cold and controlled, the Battousai was awake within him. He quietly promised to hunt down Niijima to the ends of the earth. The promise all the more frightening because of the calm control of the voice which uttered it. He has taken her and in doing so hurt me and hurt her. He has ripped apart my peace and I do not think he can afford the price. He will suffer for taking her. No one will ever touch her again. His mind planned, as his fist tightened on the paper, thinking of new ways to torture, new ways to inflict pain, greater than that which he felt.

Time Frame: Day Five. (The fourth day after Kaoru is kidnapped.)

Tokyo - Akihisa's Base

::?:: The touch was tentative but was not hostile.

Wearily Akihisa put down his bowl. He had been up all night, working on preparing the first and second companions, and after he had eaten and had a short nap he would continue today. What he was doing was not easy and required delicate precise steps. He had built the foundation. It was solid and would not break. Now he was beginning to build but it was difficult and sapped most of his energy. He closed his eyes reaching out. ::Yes! I am here.::

::Niijima-sama.:: The voice carried the deepest respect. If the person had been present they would have been grovelling before him. Akihisa's suspicion aroused, as he identified the person, Gaho, one of his guards he had left in the village.

::What is it, Gaho?:: he questioned, bracing himself for the worst.

::Niijima-sama. I, that is we... What I mean to say is...:: Gaho stumbled over his words as Akihisa's trepidation grew.

::Spit it out!:: Niijima ordered. He was tempted just to rip the information out of Gaho's mind but fatigue sapped his will, forcing him to wait for the information to be voluntered.

::WhatImeantosayisMurakamiSeirhasescaped.Pleaseforgiveus, Niijima-sama.::

Akihisa opened his eyes, frowning. Anyone observing him at this time would see that they were an opaque black. He ran through the last sentence again, eyes widening as the meaning became clear. Anger gave him strength, fueling him as he reached out. ::Murakami has escaped! How?::

::We're not sure. We know he coerced the guard but after that he seems to have disappeared. We searched everywhere.:: Details of the search came to Akihisa. It was all very logical, very correct. The fact that they had caught nothing was not their fault but he didn't care. He had invested a lot of time and effort into locating the Tamashii Hitokken Ryuu inheritor. And despite the trouble he was having taking the technique he did not wish to search again for the man.

::Chikusho,:: Akihisa swore, gripping Gaho's mind. He closed his eyes again, his expression changing, snarling as he closed his grip.

In the village, several guards who were watching Gaho contact their Master flinched back as his body began to convulse, frothing at the mouth. But through that he screamed, collapsing in to a quivering ball before he shuddered once and died, his face frozen in terror. They all heard their masters roared orders, ::Find him! He is not a Hiten Master and he does not have my abilities, you should be able to find him and hold him, in chains if necessary. Half dead is also acceptable but he must be alive. Do whatever it takes but find him. I need him.:: Akihisa's wrath was clear. But he paused before continuing in a slightly more reasonable tone. ::You will also find several people who are headed your way. Treat them well, I sent for them. There will be a woman and two children.:: Images accompanied his words and then he broke contact, returning to himself muttering curses down on his entire organisation. That they couldn't hold one man...

He looked back to his breakfast, appetite gone, considering the situation. Without much enthusiamism he picked up his food and began to eat again. Whether he wanted to or not, he had to eat now. Seir was gone. The knowledge brought anger to him, burned him. Seir was gone. The fact that his people had some chance of finding the prime did little to sooth him. If it was a Hiten master who had escaped, they would have had none. Seir was gone. His chopsticks broke under the strain, a piece spinning off bouncing against the door before falling to clatter gently against the wooden floor. He dropped what remained, raising his hand to rub his temples. Seir was gone. True. "But he is marked by my touch," he whispered, eyes narrowed, looking out from behind his hand.

I found him once, and now that he is marked by my touch he will be easy to find again! Akihisa smiled, considering the thought. There is no way he can get here in time to prevent my... discussion with the Hitokiri Battousai. No way he can warn anyone. And I will require some time after I have Hiten to assimilate it. No... This may be for the best. The taste of freedom before the dispair of an easy capture. And in the time it takes to arrange that, I will have mastered Hiten. He can not stand against the combined strength of Kouken and Hiten. He removed his hand from his temples, fisting it before him, laughing. He will not escape me.

Tokyo - Dojo

"Well Yahiko-kun. How does it feel to be out of the Fox Lady's tender mercies?" Sano asked, biting into his fish.

They had moved Yahiko back to the dojo this morning. While his injuries were serious, Megumi had done what she could and since he was recovering and beginning to demand that he come to when they rescue Kaoru, he had been moved back. At the moment he was sitting on the verandah chewing discontentedly at his fish. Kenshin was slumped against a post, sword on his shoulder but to the relief of all, he hadn't been forced to eat. He had instead accepted his fish without a word and begun to eat it with almost mathematical precision. His eyes may have been blue with a golden ring but they were slowly becoming flecked with gold. But the man was colder than his eyes suggested, except for brief stints where Kenshin was animated but still a mere shell of the man they knew. He was almost completely someone else. It was not a comfortable time for them. Kaoru was the centre, the hub of their world and without her, only faultering habit was maintaining their lives. It hadn't been this fast with Yukishiro but then they had had a goal, something to focus on and the man they knew was still there. Kenshin was gone now and he may never be coming back. Their lives were shattering.

It's empty. It's too quiet. "Fine, Sanosuke, it's great," Yahiko responded, his voice like a lead weight.

"Oh," Sano replied, letting the subject drop, continuing to eat his fish. I know Yahiko. The dojo does not feel right without Jo-chan but until that bastard Niijima decides to contact us, there is not much we can do.

They continued to eat their meal in silence. When they were finished, Sano quietly collected the skewers and plates preparing to wash up. Yahiko couldn't really move and Kenshin was not likely to do it. He collected water from the well, hauling it over to a position where he could keep his eye on Kenshin and Yahiko. He doubted Yahiko would be going anywhere but he didn't want Kenshin disappearing on him. He was so busy shifting water that he didn't notice the man's eyes flick in recognition of a presence approaching.

Last bucket, Sano thought. He didn't see the small stone until it was too late. "Itai!" he screamed, clutching his toe, sending the bucket flying. "Che!" the shout changed when he realised what had happened to the bucket and began to jump around trying to catch it. What resulted was one sodden chicken head. He'd managed to catch the bucket, upside down and only after its contents had left it, flying through the air to land mostly on him. Yahiko was laughing hysterically, or was trying to. Broken ribs put a damper on his efforts.

"Ahou," a familar voice stated from the gate.

"Saitou," Sano snarled, half turning. "This is not a good time."

"Aa, I can see that," Saitou responded, smirk firmly in place as he moved into the dojo's yard. "Well Battousai, you've stirred up a hornets nest," he sounded amused. "I didn't think you still had that kind of pull."

Sano put the bucket down, and rubbed at his hair, flicking most of the water out but he was watching Saitou. The psycho cop moved carefully almost wary of the man he was approaching. Sano almost laughed when he realised that although Saitou was not scared of the Battousai, he did have sense enough not to provoke him without reason.

"You're too soft, you know, leaving the Phoenix's alive but I thought you would appreciate the information I came to give you," he explained his presence.

Kenshin didn't look up but he still managed to portray an impression of attention. He was watching Saitou's every move.

"The Chief told me it was, or has been claimed that Niijima Akihisa kidnapped Kamiya. Well, as it so happens," Saitou began, lighting a cigarette. "Niijima is someone I was assigned to investigate but it's an old case. It was actually related to you. Before Shishio appeared there were several attacks on ex Ishin members," Saitou began explaining without being prompted. "They didn't really remember much about each attack but they always remembered the question 'Where is the Hikokiri Battousai?' I'm sure you can see why it was worrying for the Government. While I didn't have any definite leads or suspects on that case, it was still shelved because after Shishio there were no more attacks."

Saitou took a drag from his cigarette, ignoring the looks of amazement from Sano and Yahiko before continuing. "The only reason I mention this case is that this Niijima Akihisa seems to have a similar technique to those that were used then. Also the physical description I got off Tani and the one last night seem to fit a little too well."

"So what does he look like?" Kenshin voiced the question, he didn't look up.

Saitou did not appear surprised at the question. "He's tall, about my height. He's very fond of wearing a manto but he also wears some sort of armor beneath it. Both Tani and the idiot last night mentioned that. He's not a gaijin although his eyes are green. He still wears his sword and he has medium length hair that's slightly wavy. Not the most helpful of descriptions I will admit but it better than what you currently have. Neither Tani or the others provided useful descriptions."

"Aa, it is better," Kenshin agreed, raising his head to look at Saitou. "Thank you for sharing it with me."

Saitou waved off the thanks. "I have my own reasons."

"I'm sure you do."

"Still when you get the note, give me a call. The Chief promised that your actions would have the approval of the law but you can't do that if you go alone. You will need to take an Officer with you," Saitou smirked, as if the decision was already made.

"No way!" Sano shouted. "If we gotta take a cop, we'll take anyone but you," he added firmly.

"Iie, Sano," Kenshin rebuked him slightly in an echo of the man he was. He turned to Saitou, "I will see that you are told at the appropraite time but you will be there only to witness. You will not try anything."

"Aa," Saitou agreed, turing to leave.

"Chikusho," Sano swore. "Naze? Why take that psycho with us?" he turned to question Kenshin, anger making him forget the man he addressed.

Gold eyes flashed, Saitou didn't even pause as he walked away but he could feel what was happening. Sano backed up slightly, aware that distance probably wouldn't save him. "Naze?" Kenshin repeated his question, he almost sounded confused, as if wondering why it should be asked. "Why? Because Saitou has an honor he will not break, Sanosuke. And any other Officer would be compelled to interfer. Saitou will accompany me when Niijima gives the word." Kenshin closed his eyes, settling back into his slouched position. The discussion was over.

Sano stalked off. He'd pushed his luck enough with the question, he wasn't about to correct the Battousai's use of the word 'me.' He can say what he likes. I am going with them.

Time Frame: Day 6

Tokyo - Dojo

Kenshin, Sanosuke and Yahiko sat quietly eating the rice that Sano had prepared for lunch. No one spoke although Sano and Yahiko shared frequent glances and continued to watch the man before them. Overnight, Kenshin's eyes had changed. No longer where they blue flecked in gold, the coloration was reversed, now only a few traces of blue could be determined in their amber depths. The man they knew was nearly gone. Even the way he ate was different. He mechanically ate the food that was given to him. Food was for sustenance but any enjoyment that may be gained from the appreciation of a well prepared meal was not present in this man. Granted it was Sano's cooking but Kenshin was still different.

They both knew it was not a different man before them but rathered the darker and prehaps defining half of the man they had known but that didn't quell their unease. They were both waiting now, as he had been for several days, for the katana to fall, for the note to arrive. Nothing else had worked. It was all they could do.
Tokyo - Akihisa's Base

The door slid open and Akihisa stepped through quietly. His head was bowed and his eyes were a dull emerald. He was covered in sweet, his clothing clung to his body. He breathed deeply and slowly. His steps were tied and almost dragged along the floor, despite the fact he had shed the weight of both manto and armor. He raised his hands rubbing at his temples as Katsunan approached.

"Niijima-sama?" he questioned carefully, making sure his master knew he was there.

Akihisa looked up. A slight smile on his face. He was tired but he was happy. His work was nearly complete. "I will be ready in the morning. Prepare to leave then," he ordered, not bothering with any preliminaries.

Katsunan nodded but there was a worry in his eyes. "Will she fight?"

Akihisa shook his head. "Iie. I've set some blocks on her. She will act a bit dazed, almost like a child but she will not cause any trouble until I remove the blocks. Treat her well though. I think you know the consequences if you fail in that." He closed his eyes, remembering the moment just past. They were both unconscious but his work was complete. They were truely the First and Second Companions. Identical. At least, that is what it would seem like. Both had perfect physical forms, soft but well muscled and flexible, hands bearing the calluses from weilding a bokken, hair a long silky black and eyes of a sparkling blue. Although he couldn't really see chi, the glimpses he had caught showed that both of them radiated innocence, compassion and a formidable will. But he knew the differences. Both dazzled his senses but only one expanded his being, only one burned white blue to his eyes causing him joy that was pain. He smiled. She was ready, now all he had to do was prepare himself and then they could make the exchange.

He looked over at Katsunan, who was still waiting for further orders. He needed a rest before he could prepare himself but first he needed a bath. Then he could rest comfortably. "Send Tsuya to the bathhouse, I need a good bath and then have Inoue report to my room. I will give her orders then."

Katsunan nodded and inclined his head. "Niijima-sama," he said as he walked away.

Akihisa tilted his head back, closing his eyes. Just that gesture gave his body a sense of resting. He fought the desire to sleep, remembering the perfection he had taken from the Battousai. Drugged for four days but still defiant. The sense he had felt in her had been impressive. It was the reason he had decided to keep her unconscious. It would not harm her but he would have liked it otherwise. I would have like her to meet me, to understand me. To sing for me, he added quietly. To love me. The thought was there but was not heard. He shook his head sadly, smiling. She would have caused too many problems. She has such spirit, such life! He laughed tiredly. I will have time to live her song soon and for now it is important that she does not fear.

A new thought struck him and he laughed again. Such memories! He felt and saw it from her eyes, the sense of annoyance coupled with worry and the fall of the bokken on to a mans head. A man who had red hair. The mans response was a confused but endearing, from her view, "Orororooo..." He shook his head and began to walk tiredly to the bath. She really did that to the Battousai? Yes. She is the one he loves. She is the perfect weapon to weild against him.

Outskirts of Kyoto.

Clang! The two combatants clashed in the clearing. To those unfamilar with combat it looked as if both were trying to kill the other but those with slightly more experience would note the slight precautions taken by each. The slight tensing of muscles and hesitation before the swings. Still the combat was held at full speed and rips in the garments worn by both were testimony to the seriousness of this particular bout. One of the combatants was old. He had white hair which was cropped short and a beard. His clothing was traditional. His eyes still held the glow of youth and his movements were quick but it was experience which guided his blade.

The other was younger. His hair was black and long, tied half way down its length. It trailed behind him as he moved with the motions of combat. His brown eyes were intent on the fight. He held his sword loosely, angled across his body. His clothing was also traditional but his gi sported a cut across his chest but the skin beneath was unmarked. This was only practice. His eyes changed, pupil expanding in an instant as his concentration narrowed. Ah! Kouken third move. Projection. Shishou won't be expecting that.

Indeed as he implimented the attack, his master altered his angle slightly, swinging his blade at something that was not there. He still hit something, the younger man moved his sword to connect even though he was in no danger of the attacks. His angle had altered too, he was manouvering, right across the other body, for the final strike. Nearly there. Just a little more. Clang! Clang, clang. Now. He thrust forward, but at the same instant so did the other.

Silence. The two men were extended, their positions near identical, each sword horizontal, level with the others heart, tips resting on the left side of the chest. The older man smiled. "Hah. A draw!" He stepped back, transferring his blade to his left hand and bowed. His movements were echoed by the other man.

"I thought you would win, Shishou," the younger man said lightly, fingering the cloth of his gi.

"So did I, Masujiro." The mans voice was artfully mournful. "But I wasn't expecting projection," he sounded pleased. "It was a good move."

"Thank you."

They turned to watch the sun set. Neither of them spoke but instead focused inward, trying to see past the mounting dread both could feel. "Tomorrow we will see Hiko Seijuro," Shinichi broke the silence. "I have a feeling he will already be aware that something is wrong, even if he does not know the details."

Masujiro nodded. "Tomorrow is going to be an important day. But Shishou," he looked at the other man. "No matter what happens in Tokyo tomorrow, it was not your fault. You could not know that Niijima would go so far, that he would attempt so much of that which is forbidden. It is not your fault."

"It is partially my fault, Masujiro. I should not have taught him. I shouldn't have been blinded to the truth," Shinichi said quietly. "But no matter what happens I will see the mistake I made corrected."

Masujiro paled slightly at his masters choice of words. 'Corrected.' So cold. Prehaps it is better to be cold when considering death. If only Niijima would listen to reason! "Hai, Shishou. Tomorrow we will take the first steps to stop Akihisa."
Elsewhere - Forest on the way to Tokyo

Huff! Huff! Seir's legs burned as he ran or stumbled forwards. He had been running all day, the knowledge that time was running out pushing him onwards, past his limits. Spots danced in his vision. He shook them away, running onwards.

"Ack!" he cried as his foot was tangled by a hidden tree root. He fell sprawled on the forest path but pushed himself up, continuing onwards. He had out run his pursuers but he couldn't out run the sense of dread that had been growing in him all day. Branches reached out, arms trying to stop him. Chikusho. It's time like this I wish I was a Hiten master. He turned to look at the sun. Che! The sun was low in the sky. I'm not going to make it. Despair grew.

"Master," he gasped, still running. "Please Master. Help him." Huff. Ahaa. Ahaa. "I know you don't like to Master but please help him." Ahaa. Ahaa. "Help him. Onegai! For the sake of the world..." Another root tripped him up. He pitched forward, and darkness claimed him. Onegaishimasss...

Kyoto - Forest near Hiko's House/Hut

Hiko stamped his way through the forest. His sword flashing occasionally in the setting sun. The feeling had not gone away. After five days, the feeling that something was wrong had done nothing more than get more intense. It was not something he appreciated. Dammit. I gave Kenshin the Ougi. Why can't he handle his own problems?! Something was wrong and it was something which involved his baka deshi. A rock disappeared, nine simultaneous hits making it shatter. He stormed onwards almost wishing for some idiot bandits to attack but he had chosen his home because it was isolated and he did not have to deal with the world in general. A single slash felled a tree. The mounting sense of dread did not help his mode as he continued to move through the forest, attempting to take out his frustrations on the hapless vegetation.

Tokyo - Dojo


The kunai embedded itself in the wooden post a metre or so above Kenshin's head. His head snapped up, eyes narrowed as he tracked its flight path back to its source. He wasn't surprised that it was there but he needed something else. There! A whisper of movement flicked through the trees. They were skilled but they would not get away. He reached up and pulled out the small dagger. It's deliverer may have gotten away. He was not interested in tracking them down at the moment. That could wait until later. He had the song of their chi memorised now. There was something familar about it though. He had felt it before. He shook his head, irritably. It doesn't matter. I can and will find them again now. They are an accomplice. They will not get away for long.

He untied the note and read it in the fading light.

"Hitokiri Battousai. I am sorry for the delay but I am ready to make the exchange. Tomorrow at noon, in the field near the ship. I will return Kamiya Kaoru-dono to you then, when I have what I want from you. I will elaborate further tomorrow in person. Until then Hitokiri Battousai, I wish you good night. Niijima Akihisa."

Kenshin's eyes narrowed, their glow becoming more intense and consuming the remaining points of blue. 'In the field near the ship.' He nodded. I know the place. I fought Zanza there. Tomorrow Kaoru-koishii there will be a reckoning and after I am finished, no one will ever touch you again. I will pay whatever price he demands. It does not matter what happens to me but Niijima Akihisa will not survive.

Kenshin stood and let the note flutter in the air. His sword flashed, drawn in an instant. "Kuzu Ryu Sen." The force was focused on the paper, Kenshin wishing it was Niijima beneath his blade. Tomorrow. He would have to try it tomorrow. The paper fell in a fine confetti. Kenshin's eyes glowed. Tomorrow Kaoru-koishii. Tomorrow this will all be over and you will be back were you belong. What ever may happen, nothing will hurt you and nothing will ever touch you again. I promise you. Even if it means my life, Niijima will not survive tomorrow.

End Part 8

Japanese Terms
baka deshi - stupid pupil/student
Onegai, Onegaishimas - Please
Naze - Why
Itai - Ouch
Chikusho - darn
Chiburi - the motion of flicking blood off a sword.
Oyasumi nasai - Good night
Sumanu - I'm sorry
Aku Soku Zan - I don't have to explain this do I? ^_^ Sin/Evil/Bad Swift/Quickly Slay/Kill
Ahou - moron
Shikashi - But
Masaka - It can't be. It's impossible.
Biwa - four stringed lute. (Thank you Jan Story-san!)
Che - Shit
Shi - four, also means death (I liked it better here than 'yon'.)
San - Three
Ni - two
Koishii - Beloved
Kisama - Bastard
Matte - Wait
Shishou - Master
Arigatou - thank you
Gomen nasai - I'm very sorry
Kaachan - mother, mummy
Oyaji - father (but not a very nice way to address your father; it means "old man" in a condescending, disrespectful way but then Bairei does not like his father, neither does Niijima.)
Hai, Aa - Yes
Iie, Iya - No
Anata - you, but when a wife uses it, it refers to her husband, beloved.
Doko - where

Tamashii Hitokken Ryu - Yasutake Ryuichi's and Murakami Seir's technique
Tamashii - soul
Hitokken - One Sword

Kouken Sokuuchi Ryu - Niijima Akihisa, Segawa Shinichi, and Ryusaki Masujiro's technique
Kou - Thought
Ken - Sword
Soku - Swift
Uchi - Strike

Fairly simple ne?
HUGE Thank you to Tatsuko for helping to create the names of some fighting schools.

Any other names that appear in this fic, eg names of people, while I'm sure they mean something, I did not pick them because of any meaning they may have. I picked them because I liked them when I was choosing names. Some I stole from other manga's and animes and one or two I made up myself.