Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin (C) characters belong to Watsuki Nobuhiro (All Hail), Shueisha, Sony Entertainment and perhaps some others but most definitely not to me. I am borrowing characters without asking permission and I am not making any money out of this. Also I am not worth suing as I am a broke student. However this story and any characters I create do belong to me.
I hope anyone who takes the time to read this will enjoy it.

This chapter is dedicated to Tatsuko-san, Serizawa Kamo-san and Sariah-san for helping with how the actual exchange should take place. Thank you, your help has meant that the scene changed a lot from my original intention but I think it is better. (My fingers want to kill you though because it got longer and I thought this chapter would be short. They are dying from typing. ^_-) Also thanks to Tatsuko-san again for clarifying some of Kenshin's moves. This chapter is also dedicated to Naga-san for checking on the scene movements for me and to Sylvia-san for her insistent nagging. (I'm never going to tell her what happens in a fic again. She can be very persistent. ^_^)

:: :: Non spoken conversation
#   A line of these means that the scene has moved from Tokyo to Kyoto.

Kokoro - Heart, Mind and Soul
Part 9
By Jade One

Time Frame: Day 7 The Exchange aka An Explanation of Actions

Tokyo - Empty Field

The sun burned white in a cloudless blue sky, harshly lighting everything, driving away the shadows. But despite the sun, a chillingly cold wind blew. A wind which cut through several layers of cloth almost seeming to pierce to the bone. Two figures stood, waiting at the edge of the trees, standing in what little shade there was, facing the city. One was male and the other was female.

The man was tall, his manto was snapping playfully in the wind. He waited, his emerald eyes half closed, a sense of expectation wrapped around him. He wore one sword at his waist but another lay at his feet. His hair was tied securely.

The woman was smaller but well proportioned. Her long hair had been tied in a high ponytail and she was dressed in a silk blue kimono which matched her eyes. Her under kimono, obi and hair tie were pink. While she waited expectantly, hers were obviously different. She held her hands before her, ignoring the fact they they were tied, securely but carefully at her wrists. Her eyes held defiance but she was careful to keep them cast down when she glanced at her companion. A card board box was to her side. It contained her old kimono and she was longing to be in it. The new one was beautiful but it reminded her of her situation. She wanted nothing more than to get away.

Her captor had assured her that he meant her no harm. His actions confirmed that but his eyes held a hunger when he looked at her. He had further assured her that he meant no harm to the man he had called to meet them here today but the chill knot of dread in the pit of her stomach would not be moved but such words. Only the warm arms of that man, his soft voice and his bottomless amethyst eyes would reassure her. Only waking up to morning practice, to see his smile, to hear her friends and even the cries of 'busu' would assure her that life was as it should be. The man next to her had taken that away. She would not feel safe until this man was gone.

Akihisa stood at ease, eyes half closed to cut down the glare but all his senses were alert and so he felt them long before they came into view. He smiled, feeling the energy that the small group radiated. Ni, san... He frowned, considering the feeling. Ah, yon. Now that he had isolated them from each other there were definitely four individuals.

Ichi. A woman?... Ah, must be that doctor. Ni. Hmm, the one I saw before. He's gotten stronger. San. The Wolf. Yon. The Hitokiri Battousai. He held back his desire to laugh a loud. It was all coming together. He concentrated instead on the sensations he was receiving from them as they came into view slowly. The Hitokiri was the last to appear from the slight incline.

Saitou Hajime. The tall man was the first to appear. While he opened his eyes to watch them approach he was watching with more than just his eyes. The man was as immaculate as ever, his uniform sitting exactly right on his frame. His katana was strapped to his belt, the angle it hung at appeared odd but it did not impede his ability to draw it. He was calm, his thoughts betraying only a mild curiosity about the events to follow. He was almost bored, as if the encounter was of only the most passing interest but Akihisa knew that this was not so. He caught one thought that was out of place. Kid's and guns. Who the hell smuggles guns in a grave yard. I wonder who will kill the Shadow Daggers for it? Akihisa frowned, confused at the images accompanying the words before he smiled, his expression returning to normal as he silently answered Saitou's musing question. I will, of course Saitou. You will not know it until it is too late but they were stolen from me. He shifted his focus, noting absently that although Saitou was part of the group there was a slight distance separating him from the others. They didn't quite trust the Wolf.

Sagara Sanosuke... He has indeed gotten stronger. The pointy hairstyle was unmistakable, tied off with a red bandana. The white of his clothing was almost too harsh to look at but Akihisa squinted against the glare, assessing the man. He hadn't changed much physically, except this time he wasn't recovering from the effects of Saitou's attack but he radiated an assurance as if he knew everything would work out. Akihisa probed deeper, beneath the surface. Ah, he isn't nearly as assured as he appears. And he's scared. Beneath the confident exterior there was an almost pathological wariness of the Battousai coupled with a crippling doubt, a question, a fear of what would happen if they failed to get the woman he had taken back. Be at ease, Sagara. I fully intend to give her back, when the Battousai gives me his technique. I did not come here to fight.

The third one, the woman. Takani Megumi... The beautiful woman doctor. She walked carefully, carrying a large box. Her thoughts were outraged, angry. That someone would attack, kidnapping Kaoru-chan and beating Yahiko. That someone would want the Battousai. Underlying that there was a concern and fear for the safety of her Ken-san, Rooster Head and for Kaoru-chan. She did not want a fight, she feared for them with the strain they put on their bodies in combat. She was deeply concerned for the bones in his hand? That didn't make any sense. Still, it's all up to the Battousai, my dear! Akihisa narrowed his eyes as something else became clear. She carried also a further concern for Saitou and an even dimmer one for... Me?... Ah, she truly is a doctor, concerned about all but I wouldn't bet my life on her choices. He turned away from her, to the man he had sought.

Hitokiri Battousai.

He could not feel ki but the force the man radiated was impressive. His brilliant hair was loosely tied, those wisps which had escaped streamed like crimson ribbons in the wind. He wore a dark blue kimono with white hakama. His sword hung at his waist. Akihisa looked at its binding closely. Still the sakaba. Perhaps I can offer him something more appropriate, he thought reaching deeper. Anger, hatred, determination... Huh?! Nanda? Niijima watched the man who was coming fully into view. That presence, the force was suddenly gone and his mind had even become quiet, focused. He could barely feel him. Unease stole around Niijima's heart and he fought the urge to step back from the flowing yellow eyes. Baka me! This is the entire reason I want him. Akihisa reminded himself. I am his equal! And the ability to damp his presence, to focus everything on one point is merely an extention of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu he learnt as a hitokiri. I am his equal but soon I will be far more than that!

He bent down, picking up the sword at his feet as they came into view. The woman beside him brightened, her face breaking into a smile as she saw the group.

"Kenshin!" she cried, her voice brilliant with joy. Her entire being glowed in response to one man.

Akihisa placed his hand between her shoulder blades and gently pushed her forward, stepping into the light. He felt their eyes upon them and could almost feel Kaoru-dono's worry and fear grow when she clearly saw the man before her. She shook her head slightly, her eyes wide with disbelief, her mouth open as her breathing became shallow. Her steps faltered slightly. But the fear vanished, replaced by anger as she turned on him, hands clenched into fists and her eyes burning. "What have you done to him?"

The approaching group stopped in surprise. He felt the Battousai's eyes flicker over him, no doubt noting the two katanas before they came to rest on the woman, softening slightly. Akihisa turned to her, reaching out to gently tap her nose as he lent forward, "I Kaoru-dono? I have done nothing to him. He had done this to himself. I will admit that this is the result I desired. But I did nothing to him. He did this to himself," Akihisa repeated, his voice pitched to carry. "He did this to himself in response to what I have done to you."

Her expression of shock and outrage was so precious as he turned back, smiling as the two groups faced off.

Hiko cringed at the crash. Kami-sama! They're making a lot of noise! There were two people approaching him. They had been getting closer all morning but seemed to constantly stop to check where they were. At least, Hiko assumed that's what they were doing. They were not hostile. He'd felt that immediately and while they did not feel like a threat they were seeking him, Hiko Seijuro, not the potter Kakunoshin Niitsu. He waited by his kiln. They wanted something, he could tell that. Well, whatever they want they can come to me!

He sipped is sake, waiting.

Shinichi and Masujiro approached the small hut and its clearing carefully. They were approaching a Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu Master who had obviously gone to some lengths to ensure his privacy despite his proximity to Kyoto. And even though both of them were his equal, using their own form of combat, this was his home ground so a few precautions were called for. But as they came into sight of the hut they could see that the individual in question was waiting for them. He looked up at them, lowering his cup and turning his head to watch as they emerged from the trees. There was a wariness in his eye. This man took nothing for granted.

"You took your time," he said watching them intently.

"Hiko Seijuro, I presume," Shinichi said lightly, stepping forward, careful to keep his hands in view. Misunderstandings here could be troublesome.

"That depends on who's asking."

"Ah..." Shinichi was slightly taken back. Not at the man, the man was everything he had expected, tall build, finely muscled. Everything a master swordsman would be. No, he was surprised at the depths of intelligence, the depth of compassion that he could feel in this man. The Master of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu was far more than a skilled, handsome man. "Allow me to introduce myself. And then perhaps I can explain why we have come to see you, Hiko Seijuro."

"Well, this is quite a little gathering," Akihisa addressed his audience. His voice was calm, smooth, relaxed. "I guess I didn't say anything about coming alone. I doubt you would have listened anyway," he seemed to laugh. In fact the whole situation seemed to amuse him.

"Niijima Akihisa, I presume," Saitou spoke.

"At your service, Saitou-san," Akihisa bowed mockingly, his eyes never leaving the group before him. "Or do you prefer Fujita-san?" he asked slyly

  Saitou ignored the question but it was Sano who continued after glancing quickly at the cop and Kenshin. "You know why we have come," he still gestured towards Kenshin despite the inclusive words he used. "But what do you hope to get out of this?"

"I'm not hoping for anything. It is what I will get Sagara-san," Akihisa responded. "You at least understand better that Saitou-san here, how much this woman is worth." He smiled brightly, reaching out and gently running his finger tips down her cheek. Kaoru flinched away but stared back, eyes defiant.

"Kisama! Take your hands off her!"

"Why? You going to make me? You don't have the price I want. Only the Battousai does," Akihisa looked at the man and added, "and at the moment he doesn't seem inclined to discuss it... So what are you going to do?" He ran his fingers through her hair.

He could feel Sagara's anger rising, hot and undisciplined. He could also feel mild distaste from Saitou and an odd sense of thankfulness coupled with confirmation, that some decision he had made was right. Why would he feel that? He looked deeper. A woman?... Tokio? So that's his wife's name. Heheheh. That explains a few things. He tucked the information away. He knew Saitou was married but a name had so much more impact. It could prove useful in the future, especially if Saitou was being inconvenient. Takani was revolted by his actions and the Battousai... His anger was instant, cold and abiding. So long as he did not hurt Kaoru, although the pain he had inflicted by taking her was intense, the Battousai was prepared to bide his time, let Akihisa take the first step, and then to act in the only way he knew how. Swift, violent and permanent. Akihisa relished the coming battle. But not yet... I want to play some more! He stroked Kaoru's cheek again.

"Kisama! You're no match for Kenshin!"

"Really? While I'd like to find out Sagara-san, I didn't come here to fight," Akihisa said mildly.

Sanosuke opened his mouth again but before her could say anything Akihisa continued. "For a while Sagara, be quiet! You were not invited here and you are not a part of my solution," he snapped, the words loosing any amusement and becoming cold.

"Oh yeah bakayarou! Well, I'm a part of my solution!" he screamed running forward after a brief look of surprise.

Akihisa smiled. Sagara was so nice, providing him with some light exercise and an opportunity to demonstrate his technique so the Battousai would understand. He drove the sword he carried into the ground and skipped forward to meet the attack, his eyes becoming black flecked with emerald as he focused on the battle. He spared a glance for Saitou and Battousai. No, they will not take Kaoru-dono and leave, not unless Sagara beats me. Something which will not happen. They want a final solution!

While he did watch the remaining group, he missed the quiet conversation.



Kenshin didn't acknowledge Saitou's surprised glance, but instead was focused on the fight before him, assessing only one of the combatants.

"There are three techniques which are special, Hiko-san. You might also say 'God touched,'" Shinichi explained. They had moved inside and were seated facing each other. Masujiro was behind him. "The techniques change occasionally. At the moment our one, Kouken Sokuuchi Ryuu is the oldest. I'm the twenty third master. Your one is the youngest. Not that there is anything wrong with that. It just indicates that there can be change." Hiko's expression did not change.

"Given that there are three techniques, they all have different specialties. Tamashii Hitokken Ryuu deals with the spirit. While I haven't seen a master of this technique fight, I believe it is a technique designed for the next life or to increase your position for your next reincarnation. I'm not sure what they believe though." Shinichi smiled a bit before continuing. "Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu deals with physical problems. You are trained physically very harshly. Don't misunderstand, from what I can see you develop your mind and spirit but that is not the main focus. Hiten was designed to fight multiple opponents at once. Am I right?"

Hiko nodded curtly. His eyes darkening at the depth of knowledge this man was implying to have access to by his words.

"Hiko-san, I know what I know because Kouken has been in existence for a long time. We have observed the other techniques since they became the special, ultimate if you will, technique. Previous Kouken masters were watching, learning about the techniques. Even the one which existed before Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu." Shinichi smiled gently, trying to project calm before he continued. "As for our own technique, Kouken Sokuuchi Ryuu, it deals with the mind. It was designed especially for one on one combat and while we can fight groups of people, the clash of so many minds becomes distracting, noisy. It's very uncomfortable... But the discussion of the relative merits of each technique is not what we came here for, no matter how much I enjoy the topic."

Shinichi closed his eyes for an instant. When he opened them they had lost the slightly absent but gentle look of an old man but were instead focused, Segawa Shinichi the twenty third, Master of Kouken Sokuuchi Ryuu. He addressed Hiko as an equal. "The point is one technique of the Kouken School is to completely take, absorb if you will, any other technique from someone who uses it. That includes Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu or Tamashii Hitokken Ryuu."

"Actually, all users of an ultimate technique can, it's just easier for the Kouken School," Masujiro broke in, some what sheepishly.


"I'm sorry Hiko-san," Masujiro shook his head. "That's something you are going to have to work out for yourself," he added with a small shrug.

"The point is, it can be done."

Right, left punch followed by a sweep kick. The thoughts were so easy to read. Dodge right, dodge left, jump. "Heheheheh!" Akihisa laughed, bringing a chop down on Sagara's right shoulder before he jumped back, avoiding Sagara's stumble. He hadn't drawn his sword yet. He looked over at the ex gangster smiling, "Would you like to try that again?"

"Temee!" the man snarled, running forward again.

Oh! A continuous left right attack! Akihisa raised his arms, blocking each punch, stepping back as Sagara advanced. If he's not stronger that this, I won't have to use a proper Kouken attack. He stepped left, ducking the punch and extending his foot slightly. Sagara went flying, sprawling through the grass. The pristine whiteness of his cloths was stained green as he rose, coughing slightly to clear the grass.

"I thought you were stronger that this. Obviously I was wrong!"

"I'll show you strong," Sagara cried, his mind darkening with concentration.

Akihisa stepped back, placing his right hand on his sword hilt. Finally! He's getting serious! His eyes darkened becoming completely black as he widened his consciousness, preparing, if necessary, to use his techniques. He watched Sagara prepare himself.

Sanosuke smiled, opening his eyes. The bastard Niijima was standing casually prepared to draw his sword. As if a sword can block my technique! "I'll show you my strength," he said softly, flexing his right hand before he ran forward. One hit and he's dead! "Futae no Kiwami!" His punch met empty air as Niijima skipped backwards but he pushed on punching and kicking at his opponent. One hit. If I can get him once, that'll leave him open!

Megumi sighed quietly at the words. Baka! She drew her attention away from the fight and placed the box she was carrying on the ground before her. She knelt beside it and after untying the thongs which held it closed, began patiently to pull out several long thin bandages and some ointments. Perhaps I should just permanently splint his hand.

Akihisa stepped out of the way. He had seen the intent in Sano's mind. He knew what Futae was potentially capable of.

Dodge, dodge, jump, duck, flip! He drew his sword and after a moments consideration flicked it around. I did not come here to kill him and he is amusing... Time to retaliate though before I show him something interesting.

Dodge left, duck under his arm, sword out and step forward.


The flat of Akihisa's blade slammed into Sano's midrift forcing the air from his lungs. Sano fell to his knees, gasping for air. The hit should have been fatal and he knew it. Akihisa took a few steps forward before he turned back to the prone man. "This is fun! But you'll have to do better than that if you want to defeat me," he goaded Sano, preparing his defense. Kouken third technique should be amusing. He flicked his manto over his shoulders as Sagara rose to one knee, coughing slightly, but still steadying himself for attack.

"Alright." Cough. "Niijima, you asked for it," Sano said, shaking his head slightly. He looked up, his eyes focused. "Futae no Kiwami!" he cried driving his fist into the ground before him, sending a spray of dirt and rock with a shock wave forward. He jumped, following his attack with one from above.

"Heh!" Sano looked down. Yeap. There he is. As he had expected Niijima had raised both arms, hunching over slightly, defending his face and chest from the dirt. His sword was held at an odd angle but was useless for defense. At least, that's what he saw. Sano drew back his arm. This would end it once and for all. He angled his punch, it would not be Futae though. I'm no killer. A guaranteed hit on the temple and Niijima would not be fighting any longer. "Arrr..."

He brought his fist down on Niijima's temple. Huh? Through?! The thought barely registered before he connected with the ground. Nani?! He jumped up or tried too. He had not been prepared for such an impact and was aware of several pains coming from various joints and his bruised chest. His whole face hurt from the impact. "Doko?" he whipped about, trying to locate his opponent. "How?... Eiiarrhh!"

Sana screamed, falling back to his knees clutching his head in both hands as pain ripped through his mind. From the corner of his eye he could see the flash of a katana angling in but there was nothing he could do about it. I'm gonna die! He could see Niijima, sadistic grin in place, stepping towards him, following his blade. Jo-chan, Kenshin, forgive me! I wasn't strong enough. Megumi. An image of her, fox ears in place appeared to him. Ai shi... The blade hit home.

"Sano!" Megumi screamed, rising from her position, intending to run to him. A weight on her shoulder held her down.

She looked up to see the astute form of Saitou. He shook his head slightly and as she rose after he removed his hand he added quietly. "He's not dead. He used the flat of his blade." He didn't even glance towards her.

Akihisa watched Sano fall as he resheathed his blade before he raised his narrowed eyes to the Battousai and Saitou. He saw Takani rise but couldn't hear the words Saitou spoke to her. No matter... It's time for a little demonstration. He kicked Sagara over before he knelt beside him. He glanced once more at the small group before extending his hands, picking Sagara up by his head. He placed his thumbs on his cheek bones, below each eye, his fingers wrapped around his skull.

"I'm not going to kill him," he said as he saw both Saitou and the Battousai tense, considering the distance and their means of striking. "If I wanted to I would have done so already. Consider this a demonstration," he added before turing his attention to Sanosuke. A small part of him continued watching. Got to be quick, he thought, focusing, sifting through Saitou's mind for the technique he desired. This was an extention of Kouken's second and arguably primary technique but even what he did now would need to be modified for the Battousai. Ah. Got it. His head snapped up, eyes widening as he took the technique.

Akihisa lowered his hands, placing Sano on the ground. He looked back at the waiting group, before flicking his hand out, grasping a fist sized stone. He stood, stepping away from Sagara. "I said I wasn't going to kill him. I hardly intend to bludgeon him to death with this," he said mildly as Megumi came forward. He had felt her desire and was impressed at her restraint. She had only come forward once he was far enough away that she would not be a second hostage. The Hitokiri Battousai and Saitou followed her as he continued to back away, keeping himself between them and Kaoru. He still had an exchange to make.

But first, the finale of my demonstration! "Sagara has an interesting technique," he started, drawing their eyes back to him. "Very unique." He fisted his right hand, holding the stone out in his left and then brought his hand down.

For an instant nothing happened, then "Boom." A small explosion and the rock disappeared. Both Saitou and Battousai were controlled enough to show only the slightest signs of surprise but his little trick brought surprised gasps from both Megumi and Kaoru. Akihisa smiled, "But not so unique now!"

"Any technique can be taken by a Kouken Master," Shinichi continued explaining. "But the special techniques, the ultimate techniques have to taken in a particular way. They have to be taken somewhat voluntarily," his emphasis on 'some what' was dubious.

"'Some what voluntarily?'" Hiko questioned, catching the note in Shinichi's voice.

Masujiro responded. "Any technique can be taken by force. But the ultimate techniques can not be. It's probably because the techniques though different are equal. If you and I were to fight Hiko-san, with you using all Hiten techniques against my Kouken techniques, assuming neither makes an absolutely gaping error, we could be fighting for a very long time. In any event Hiko-san, we are not going to fight but an ultimate technique has to be given to the person taking it," he finished.

"By given, Masujiro means there are three ways," Shinichi continued. "The technique can be offered. Something which has never happened. The individual can be tortured until they break and the technique taken then."

Hiko smirked but quickly covered it. Not fast enough.

"Aa, Hiko-san. I realize it may take a while to break a Hiten Master and it would involve things most would find repugnant, but any man can be broken," Shinichi's voice was quiet, serious. Although the topic revolted him he keeps his voice matter of fact and composed. "The third way is to force the technique to be volunteered. Black mail, physical, emotional, it doesn't matter, can be a powerful weapon."

Akihisa looked up, "Well Saitou-san. Would you like to try?"

Megumi knelt before Sano, gently holding him, but ever practical, she was slowly rebandaging his hand, checking each bone for fractures. The fact that she was holding him was quite a change from her usual demeanor.

"I don't think so, Niijima. Kamiya-san is the Battousai's woman. I am here merely for legal reasons," Saitou said coldly.

"You're not curious at all about the man you were assigned to investigate?" Akihisa questioned, his amusement returning, "I'm sure I can come up with a defense for gatotsu," he laughed but he knew the officer would not fight him. He turned towards Kenshin. "I haven't told you my exchange price yet. Do you want to try to avoid the exchange?"


"This is a lovely story, Segawa-san, Ryusake-san," Hiko said after they had finished their explanations. "But what does it have to do with me?"

"It has nothing to do with you, Hiko-san. But has everything to do with your student, Hitokiri Battousai."


Clangshinnn... Two swords clashed, both combatant's extended. Akihisa's manto was thrown back over both shoulders, both hands on his sword hilt, holding Battousai back. His teeth were clenched with the effort. Battousai is stronger than I thought! He jumped back, breaking the contact and narrowly avoiding the saya coming in towards his stomach. When the hell did he draw that?

Doubt rose, a cold serpent, snaking its way through his gut. Iya! I am his equal! "You're stronger than I thought, Battousai. This should be interesting," he laughed, untying his manto, letting it fall to the ground. For this battle, against one who was so fast, he had not donned his usual light armor. It wouldn't have helped against such a man. He had added a weapon though. It's hilt peeked out from his right side, tucked into the back of his pants. "Now shall we start again?" He fell into the first Kouken position, sword held at the ready, his mind opened, focused only on Battousai's thoughts. What will he do?

The Battousai was a Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu master. Their training, their sheer level of skill made them equal. Although Battousai did not know it, the concentration he had when attacking and the speed with which he could alter his movements created a barrier for Akihisa. The knowledge of what technique to be used was not as easy to glean from him as it had been from Sanosuke. But that is why he is my equal.

The Battousai came in again. He wasn't quite ready to use a Hiten technique. He was still relying on his formidable general sword technique. Clang, clangshinn...

Block, block. High, low, slash, block. Nani?... Where'd he..? ... Behind. The feeling was indistinct but it was warning enough. Akihisa spun around, sword held vertically, his left forearm bracing it. "Arh!..." They held position for a moment before the pressure abated and both of them stepped back.

Aha, ahaa. Akihisa breathed deeply. "Oh yeah!" he grinned. "This is exactly what I wanted."

"This was just the opening. Do not think you can stand against me," Kenshin's voice was cold.

"We will see Battousai. We will see," Akihisa replied, moving into a ready position again. Chi! He's thoughts are hard to hear and his speed... He narrowed his focus, seeing only one man, hearing only one set of thoughts. He shifted his feet slightly. The noise was impossibly loud.  What will he do..? Battou jutsu! He felt his eyes widen in surprise as the man before him fell into the unmistakable stance. This could be interesting. His emphasis on interesting was slightly worried.

Akihisa moved slightly, not into a similar stance. That would be pointless. Kouken was not about speed, it was more about knowledge of your opponents moves and knowing move for defense of attack, which ever was appropriate. Battou jutsu's could be a problem though. The move was set and while usually merely knowing the when your opponent made the decision to move was enough but with the man before him, who's very name came from the move, knowing when may not be enough. I'll make it enough! A new thought struck him. Hmm, my reach is longer. It might work. He shifted again, crouching slightly, sword held horizontally. Single thrust. It will not be fatal.

Battousai simply waited, watching Niijima as he considered his actions and decided on an appropriate attack. He hadn't missed the slight look of surprise when he'd shifted to his name sake technique nor the look of calculation which followed as he moved his sword into a horizontal position, still holding the hilt in both hands.

"Ikuzo!" Niijima snapped leaping forward, listening only for the decision to move. The man grew large in his vision. Right shoulder. He picked is target. His moved his sword, altering its angle slightly in response and driving it forward, straightening slightly as his sword came up. Now! He felt the decision made as Battousai's hand slammed down on the hilt of his blade, drawing it forward and Niijima knew. Iya! I'm not going to make it. He braced himself for impact, gripping his sword tighter. If he lost it... Kouken was good but it required a sword. He'd get away but he'd have lost the woman.

"Arhhh!" he cried out as Battousai's blade hit him. His right arm slammed into his chest and he was thrown left. He threw his left arm out, impacting, the grass cushioned his fall before he rolled along the ground gaining distance from Battousai. That's the last time I try that, he thought grimly. He could feel his right arm. It wasn't broken. He'd managed to twist slightly to avoid that by taking part of the hit across his chest. I've never been challenged like this. He's good and for now I am thankful for that idiotic sword. But he must give up that blade before I can get what I want... He rose to his knees as the Battousai watched, coughing slightly and tasting blood. He rubbed his arm slightly. It may be a problem.

He grinned, pushing the pain aside. "Heheh! You're good. I won't make the same mistake twice though," he shook his head slightly, flicking his hair back over his shoulder. "Will you? That hit should have been fatal, you and I both know it. I'm not backing away though, so you haven't won."

"So?" Battousai seemed disinterested.

"He speaks!" Niijima joked before turning slightly. The katana he had left behind earlier became visible. "So? I'm offering you the chance not to repeat your mistakes. You should recognize the sword. Hit me with it and you get to walk away taking Kamiya Kaoru-dono with you. No exchange and I become just a bad memory. I know of your deal with the Police. It's the least the Government could do for you so any action you take is legal."

Battousai's golden eyes narrowed slightly as his gaze flicked over the pro offered sword. His eyes showed no recognition. Prehaps the bindings have changed. But it is his blade. He will know it when he draws it.

"I assure you it has not been tampered with. It would be a crime to alter such a blade but if you find it unsatisfactory I'm sure Saitou-san will let you borrow his katana." Akihisa's voice was amused again. "But a man works so much better with his own tools."

"That's assuming you still want to try to avoid an exchange," he added maliciously, daring Kenshin to react. I have it now! The quietness of his mind is formidable but I have a complete link now. He will not be able to hit me again.

"Since you seem determined to die," he began quietly but the voice would have been heard in a battle. "I will look at the blade." Kenshin resheathed his sakaba and walked passed Akihisa to the katana. Niijima grinned and lent on his blade watching the man. He flicked a glance at Saitou but the man was simply standing there. He showed no intention of moving. Niijima turned his attention back toe Battousai, the sword and the woman who was waiting quietly, patiently a few feet from the blade,

She watched the man come towards her. It was the body of the man she loved and although she knew the Hitokiri Battousai was a part of him, it was the part both of them acknowledge but would be happy never to see again. Yet even though his eyes burned coldly in the glance he gave her they softened and the golden light was warm, like the gently warming heat of a fire. But fire could burn and as he looked back to the sword hilt the warmth disappeared. Iya! He can't have been right. Kenshin can't have done this for me! she wailed silently, tears coming to her eyes. She knew nothing she could say would stop him now.

Kenshin saw her tears. He couldn't acknowledge them but as he reached out and drew the blade they were added to the list of things Niijima had to atone for. The blade came free from its sheath with a steely hiss. He held the steel before him, examining it for flaws. His eyes widened slightly as he recognized the blade. "Repeat your mistakes," he whispered his eyes darkening. For an instant he didn't see the sword but instead saw a white face with deep black eyes, smiling at him, a thin trail of blood running from her mouth. The memory still hurt even if he had faced it down. "Tomoe," he whimpered.

Akihisa narrowed his eyes feeling the depth of the response to the blade. He could feel the guilt, grief and pain. For the most part it had been dealt with but in the Battousai's mind a woman's face appeared. She seemed to be the sum of all he had killed. Another face appeared. It was more familiar. The woman who stood waiting for the outcome of the battle. Her presence in Battousai's mind was soothing, giving him joy and hope and the knowledge that those he had killed had not died in vain. Their lives had brought the new era he had desired.

Kenshin thumbed the length of the sharpened steel. It's finish was impeccable. Niijima had not lied. This blade had not been tampered with and was a sharp and clean as the day he had left it behind, accepting the sakaba and moving on. But his sakaba was not the right sword for this fight, he could not afford to repeat his mistakes, any of them. "Kaoru-koishii."

Kaoru started slightly in surprise. Kenshin's voice was soft and warm but it carried an undertone of steel, the authority to order. And he had called her the endearment he had only ever used privately. "Hai, Kenshin," she responded stepping forward. She ached to raise her hands even if it was only to touch his shoulder but she couldn't.

"Kaoru, please stay here. What ever happens stay here. Do not interfere with this fight. He does not wish to hurt you nor does he wish to hurt me. I don't know what he wants." The last was added in a whisper so quiet Kaoru wasn't sure she heard anything. Kenshin looked back up at her. "Whatever happens Kaoru-koishii, he will not hurt you any further. It doesn't matter about me, no one will ever touch you again." Kenshin pulled out the sheath and after removing his sakaba, threaded the saya through his belt. He looked at Kaoru gesturing for her to hold out her hands, before he carefully placed the tip of the sword at the bindings, slashing through them neatly. They fell away silently. He gave her his sakaba before turning away.

"Kenshin, be careful," Kaoru said quietly backing away.

Saitou smiled. There was almost a triumphant look in his eye. Megumi watched. Her eyes were wide with horror at the sword Kenshin had chosen to accept.

Akihisa said nothing. He simply smiled and stood, bringing his sword up, ready to resume combat with the Hitokiri. He is ready. I am ready, he thought, confirming the information through the link he had established. Now we can begin.

End Part 9

Japanese Terms
Sayonara - Good bye (But I'm told the implication is that you will never see the person/people again.)
Ai shiteru - I love you
Demo - But
Shishou - Master
Masaka - No way! It can't be. Impossible
Nan da? - What the
Mou - darn
Ikuzo - Let's go
Temee - very bad form of kisama.
Nani - What
Doko - Where
Ahou - moron
Kami-sama - God
Ichi - one
Ni - two
San - three
Shi/yon - four
Busu - ugly
Nani kuso - what the hell?

Tamashii Hitokken Ryu - Yasutake Ryuichi's and Murakami Seir's technique
Tamashii - soul
Hitokken - One Sword

Kouken Sokuuchi Ryu - Niijima Akihisa, Segawa Shinichi, and Ryusaki Masujiro's technique
Kou - Thought
Ken - Sword
Soku - Swift
Uchi - Strike

Fairly simple ne?
HUGE Thank you to Tatsuko for helping to create the names of some fighting schools.

Any other names that appear in this fic, eg names of people, while I'm sure they mean something, I did not pick them because of any meaning they may have. I picked them because I liked them when I was choosing names. Some I stole from other manga's and animes and one or two I made up myself.