From: Jade One Hi there Minna I forgot to mention on the last half of chpt 11 that the previous ones can be found at the T.e.a.h.o.u.s.e. Thank you. Tokyo - Akihisa's Base Akihisa thought as he finished his morning meditation. At least it was physically quiet within his compound. The noise of the city on his Kouken senses was as loud as ever. If anything though, it was more intense. Everything was more intense since yesterday. He rubbed his arm. It still hurt, but that was to be expected. His ribs pained him with each breath but they were bandaged and would heal. Considering what he had gained, and who he had fought, a bruised arm and some cracked ribs were inconsequential. He looked to the yard. Katsunan and Bairei had left yesterday, well before noon, taking with him most of the servants and her... She still dazzled him and though he missed her presence, until he was used to the new strength of his abilities it was probably better that they were apart. One day soon, he would lose himself within her, but the rational part of him would prefer to be able to find the way out. His eyes flashed before Akihisa took a calming breath, forcing himself to examine those threads he still needed to deal with. Akihisa frowned slightly, remembering. A flicker of motion, casual, slow but the gaze was too intense. The calm appearance but the cursing mind. His decision made, Akihisa rose and strode to the wall. Reverentially he reached out, picking up the sword. As always a jolt passed through him as he touched the blade, even through the saya, it was so powerful, so perfect. "I have the technique which is worthy of you now," he whispered to the sword. "Now you will not be dishonored." He slid the sword through his belt before he reached for the wakizashi. Something made him pause, his hand hovering over the wakizashi's saya. Akihisa's emerald eyes clouded, becoming black as something stirred within him. He closed his eyes, shivering slightly. His breathing became erratic. The thought was lost in a haze of red. ::Worthy of me?:: There was no voice but the question was there. Akihisa's eyes flew open. "Nani!?" The world was red and everything was hard, angular. Everything was flat with sharp edges. ::Worthy of me?:: It came again. ::Are you really worthy of me?:: He gasped looking down at his waist. Akihisa's arms moved unconsciously, drawing the sword, he had donned. he thought. In the harsh red of the world it stood out. Somehow it seemed to glow and while everything he saw was defined sharply, it seemed to be clearer. And it was waiting for his response. ::Kouken Sokuuchi even when used to its full extent is not a technique which is worthy of your perfection,:: Akihisa began. ::You should only be used with the technique of the man who wielded you through the Bakumatsu, the technique of a man whose skill is legendary to this day. Anything else would cheapen your worth, would be a dishonor to you.:: ::Yet you believe you are worthy of me, you believe that the combining of body and mind is better than the one alone I was used with before?:: ::Hai, the combining makes both of them stronger, both more precise. But it requires something else before they are perfect.:: ::I am a part of that?:: The question was there, but there was something else carried with the voiceless feeling... Doubt, he identified the feeling. Akihisa flared. ::You are a part of this. However your perfection could only be matched at the beginning by one technique, Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu. Now, as the times have changed and the purpose for which you were made had been fulfilled, it requires something more to match you. The combination of body and mind is the technique you are worthy of, now and I will wield you thus. In time, I will give you the perfect technique.:: ::Worthy of me?:: Again there was no voice, just the feeling of the question but the world he saw darkened slightly. ::Worthy of me? Are *you* worthy of me?:: Malice was in the tone. Akihisa shuddered, there was not even the hope of forgiveness in that tone should he step wrong. ::*I am,*:: he snarled at it. ::I am the only one who will wield you to your full potential. I am worthy of you,:: he replied forcefully. ::Worthy of me.:: It came again before the world disappeared and everything changed... Akihisa shivered. A force crashed down on his confused thoughts. The snow lay thick under the trees all around him. It's crisp whiteness was beautiful but the ground before him was marred. The snow was trampled and churned. It was no longer white but was stained and splattered with red. His breath burned within his throat, one more small pain which barely registered. His ears... Blood was flowing freely from them. His mouth tasted of nothing but blood. His eyes burned, the sparkling brilliance of the explosion still dazzled them. His arms felt heavy and his hands gripped the blade only from long habit. His whole body hurt, a throbbing pain. But that was nothing. He still had work to do. One more enemy remained before him. One more between him and rest. He tensed and jumped forward. One more. One last blow and this would all be over. He pulled back and began, driving the sword down. *"IYA."* But he could not stop... Did he want to stop? The snow, it's chill burnt into his legs was no longer white. It was red, completely covered by blood. He was holding someone, a woman. The Battousai... He knew this woman. Her white face was as familiar as his own but suddenly it changed. Her dark eyes becoming a crisp, vibrant blue but they were slowly losing their life. The whiteness of her face darkened, becoming a warmer softer shade but it was taking on the pallor of death. "K...k...kaoru... KAORU!!! Iya! I... I killed her... The thought was sickening. No, it wasn't, it was what he wanted... Then there was nothing but darkness. ::Worthy of me?:: Scathing. ::You *might* be.:: The tone was considering, calculating. A new image, a face, a man. Narrowed yellow eyes, four tendrils of hair trailing over the face while the rest was slicked back. A hard, determined face. One he knew, *Saitou Hajime.* ::Are you worthy of me? Prove it!:: "Yeargh!" Akihisa screamed, falling to his knees, dropping the sword to clutch his head as the words echoed again and again, rising to a noise beyond sound, ordering him, taunting, making the word spin. ::Prove it. Prove it. PROVE IT!:: And then a whisper. ::And *then* I will consider you worthy.:: The world shattered, the flat red tinted view fell like glass before vanishing. The world returned to normal. Akihisa remained still, bracing himself on hands and knees as in between painful gasps for breath he wretched. But there was nothing to come and he was reduced to a series of coughs. Akihisa gasped, tears squeezing their way out of his eyes to roll down his face as he coughed. Finally he gritted his teeth, drawing himself back to sit kneeling. He was covered in sweat and his body shook from strain. "Stubborn thing aren't you?" he muttered, trying to breath deeply as he brought himself under control. "Vicious too. But you're right. Death is too easy." He smiled slightly as he reached out again and carefully sheathed the sword. "A challenge but I expected nothing less from you and from the woman. But I will do it. I will bring him to his knees. I will prove to you that I am the only one for you. I will do what you want." He chuckled slightly as his tone became faintly scolding, "but I never would have thought you would have been so vain." Akihisa sighed. "Time to go. Recruiting is such a drag but I should be able to show you what the combination of Hiten and Kouken can do." he turned from the wall, leaving the wakizashi as he cast his mind over the city, searching for those he could use to deal with the Shadow Daggers. "Maybe I shouldn't have let them have the Tanto Phoenix's but I guess there was no choice," he muttered as he located a suitable group. "This should be fun though." Tokyo - Elsewhere and Later Akihisa strode through the streets. A little careful confusion, misdirection ensured that no one noticed his passage, not even when he entered the shabbier part of town, confidently heading towards his destination. He could feel the curiosity of the blade. ::A little different from what you're used to, hmm?:: he questioned, amused before turning his attention away. He stopped and drew back slightly into a comfortably dark alley, looking over at his target. He considered his options. He sighed irritably, arguing with himself more reasonably. he grinned viciously. Akihisa reached up, running his hands through his hair before tying it back with a scrap piece of leather before letting his hands fall. He reached out, determining the location of each target. Akihisa smothered his amusement, closing his eyes and drawing in his power. He opened his eyes slowly, their emerald brilliance was dull. He extended his focus, pulling his manto tight around his body as he spun his mind down, spiraling around and around forming a cloak of thought, one that would cause the world... no not the world, just the humans, to ignore him. He lunged forward, running from the alley towards the small compound which contained the one's he had chosen. His manto flowed behind him, its geocentrically patterned edge rippling, catching the sun but he didn't notice. Akihisa jumped to the top of the wall, landing lightly before leaping down and dodging left into a deep shadow cast by the morning sun. He narrowed his eyes, considering the building. he searched for the thought, opening himself to those around him, gently probing before he mentally pulled back and began moving along the wall. The room was bare and was surprisingly quiet. One man sat on a slightly raise dais and he was the only occupant, although guards, if they could be called such, lounged within shouting distance, gambling and drinking away whatever money they had. They hadn't begun their usual work of extortion or terrorizing the local populace for today. Akihisa leant against the wall, his arms folded under his manto. The man hadn't noticed him yet, he wouldn't until Akihisa decided he was ready. This was easy to ensure although it had taken a bit of work to get into the room, to make its occupant ignore the door as it slid back enough for him to gain access to the room. The yakuza boss was not a typical specimen. As far as Niijima was concerned there were two types. the strong man who enforced order by means of his bulk or the snake, usually diminutive or fat, but with a crude, cunning mind who could blackmail others into submission. This one didn't appear to be either. He appeared to have had some formal training and was sitting in some semblance of a meditation pose. His clothes were not rumpled and were clean but there was nothing extravagant about them. Indeed he could probably walk through any street and be seen as nothing more than a man with a medium build and a respectable profession. Akihisa reached out, first in a general way, confirming the location of the others before he narrowed his focus upon the rooms other occupant. <...forward, left arm down, right leg back, arm high, turn...> He stifled a snort. His mind was running through katas! On the surface at least. Akihisa pushed deeper. Various plots and half formed schemes floated around him but they confirmed what Niijima needed to know. This particular batch of yakuza did not have any affection or animosity beyond the norm for the Shadow Daggers. Akihisa thought, pulling back. It did show him one other thing. This man, despite his appearance he had a complete lack of morals that was a prerequisite for anyone in his position He looked at the man through his long lashes, his hand moving to the hilt of his sword. It was time to get his attention. He moved, lunging forward as he drew the Battousai's, no his sword, leveling it at the man's throat. The man's eyes snapped open as he felt the sudden burst of hostility but by then it was too late. Niijima stood before him, sword tip digging gently into his throat, as his manto fluttered around him. The man's eyes were wide and his gaze strained between Akihisa and the sword. "You could scream," Akihisa informed him pleasantly. "But I will kill you before you can draw breath for that." His face took on a slightly saddened look. "And that would be such a waste, since I didn't really come here to kill you," he paused, meeting the man's eyes. "Now do I have your attention?" The man nodded slightly, carefully. "Good," Akihisa purred. "I trust you'll let me talk for a little while, hmm? Things could get very unpleasant if you don't." Akihisa smiled at him. He could feel the man's confusion, the turmoil of his mind. He nodded again. "Ah," Niijima nodded back, withdrawing his sword, but not resheathing it as he stepped back lightly. "Now Ibi Hiroji, I believe your name is, I have a business proposition for you..." He felt the decision before Hiroji was even aware of it but he decide to let it go, it would make things more interesting. Akihisa made no move as Hiroji screamed for his guards. He merely glanced contemptuously around with half closed eyes assessing their reactions. After all, their inner sanctum had been invaded and they hadn't even noticed. Ibi smirked, obviously assured of his superiority by the presence of his men. "No. I have a proposition for you... You get to die!" He sounded triumphant. Niijima sighed, tiredly. "I already said I wasn't here to kill you baka! If I wanted to, you wouldn't even have noticed me. Heh! You *didn't* even notice me enter this room... So what makes you think you have the advantage now?" he questioned, planting the doubt. Hiroji shook his head. "You're good and amusing but you *really* shouldn't have tried it this way... Kill him!" "How boring!" Niijima sighed again, his arm already moving, snapping up, sword still held horizontally, gripped by his little and ring fingers. The other two were extended straight, pointing towards Hiroji. "Restraint," he snarled, suddenly angry. This was such a waste of time. He should be checking on the Battousai and then he could leave to be with her. The dull throb from his arm did not help his temper. Everyone, every single man within the compound froze, held by Niijima's will. Akihisa stepped towards Hiroji, who was doing his best to cower back despite the fact he couldn't move. "Now," Niijima whispered. "You are going to listen to me." His eyes burned into Ibi's, black overpowering the brown. "And you are going to obey me... willingly or not. And should you think about payment for your services..." Akihisa's arm snaked out and the shining length of his sword flashed once, cleaving cleanly through the chest of one unfortunate. They fell without so much as a strangled cry. Blood splattered noisily on the floor and popped form the lungs. "You get to live for payment..." End Part 11 Definitions Ougi – Final technique Deshi – pupil, student Kodochi – Aoshi’s short sword Ara – general exclamation of surprise Gomen - Sorry Hai, Aa - Yes Saya – sword sheath Okashira - Leader Kunai – Misao’s weapon of choice Wakizashi - the short sword that a samurai carried Baka - stupid Kire – beautiful (no sure if it applies to people. Any one want to clarify that for me? ^_^) Nani – what Iya - no Mou - darn, general female exclamation of frustration or annoyance Minna - everyone Tamashii Hitokken Ryu - Yasutake Ryuichi's and Murakami Seir's technique Tamashii - soul Hitokken - One Sword Kouken Sokuuchi Ryu - Niijima Akihisa, Segawa Shinichi, and Ryusaki Masujiro's technique Kou - Thought Ken - Sword Soku - Swift Uchi - Strike Fairly simple ne? HUGE Thank you to Tatsuko for helping to create the names of some fighting schools. Any other names that appear in this fic, eg names of people, while I'm sure they mean something, I did not pick them because of any meaning they may have. I picked them because I liked them when I was choosing names. Some I stole from other manga's and animes and one or two I made up myself. Hope people liked this chpt. Jade One __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. All in one place. Yahoo! Shopping: --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ---------------------------- GRAB THE GATOR! FREE SOFTWARE DOES ALL THE TYPING FOR YOU! Tired of filling out forms and remembering passwords? Gator fills in forms and passwords with just one click! Comes with $50 in free coupons! Click Here ------------------------------------------------------------------------