From: Jade One Hi there Minna-san Thank you for the comments on Chpt 11 and sorry but I won't be able to respond to them for a little while. I got a job and it's severly cutting into my free time. As for commenting on everyone else's fics... Slinks guiltily away... I have read some of them and hopefully I will get around to commenting on them Hmmm, previous chpts are up at the Teahouse. (Thank you thank you for posting it.) Comments are as always welcomed and I promise I will eventually reply to them. Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin (C) characters belong to Watsuki Nobuhiro (All Hail), Shueisha, Sony Entertainment and perhaps some others but most definitely not to me. I am borrowing characters without asking permission and I am not making any money out of this. Also I am not worth suing as I am a broke student. However this story and any characters I create do belong to me. I hope anyone who takes the time to read this will enjoy it. < > Thought * * Emphasis :: :: Non spoken conversation Notes: I am assuming that there is a train line from Kyoto to Osaka. I know in the manga they (Kenshin, Saitou, and Sano) took a carriage but it is convenient for my fic so I'm not really interested in it's actual existence or not. For fic purposes I say a train line exists between Kyoto and Osaka, so it exists. Secondly, pulling out the atlas shows the trip by sea from Nagoya to Tokyo to be shorter than that from Osaka to Tyoko although the overland distance from Kyoto is a little longer and there appears to be a bit of a mountain/hill in the way. Fic purposes again, they (Hiko, Aoshi, Misao, Shinichi and Masujiro) are travelling Kyoto to Osaka by train, then Osaka to Tokyo by ship. Part of the reason is that I assume Osaka is/would have been a larger city/port and so more ships would have been available for hire. Enough babbling though... On with the fic. Kokoro - Heart, Mind and Soul Part 12 By Jade One Time Frame: Day after Exchange Elsewhere - On the way to Tokyo Seir stumbled onward toward Tokyo concentrating mostly on raising one leg after the other. He was breathing heavily and his body was screaming for rest, but he'd almost been caught again twice and he wasn't about to let that happen again. Not now. Not when his captor had two of the three techniques he desired. Not when all he required was knowledge Seir possessed. He frowned, remembering Akihisa's anger... He pushed on toward Tokyo rising resolutely each time he fell. Tokyo - Akihisa's Base Akihisa thought, slowly chewing his rice. He continued eating although he did not have much of an appetite. It was an early meal for him. He had many things to do after this. He pushed the food away, reaching for the tea which had been placed near it, reviewing the instructions he had given to his operatives, and those he had yet to instruct. He had spoken to her last night as she had tenderly but properly bandaged his wounds. She was so useful and so easy to manipulate. The Okashira would regret not paying attention to her pleas. She had been gentle last night but beneath it, beneath her soft words and delft hands he could see her fear, not of him, her only fear of him was the some day he would ignore her, and he wasn't ready to do that. Not yet. No, she didn't fear him, but another man, another she served and not willingly. He had seen that and had deliberately waited until she had finished her ministrations before he had reached out and pulled her in, closing his arms around her, whispering the comfort, the reassurance she longed to hear. As before she had resisted only for an instant but unlike the last time she had turned, squirming in his arms to face him, musing her hair. She had looked at him then, tears shining in her not green eyes, her blood red lips slightly apart and had made a plea to him. The same one she had made to her former masters, although not quite in the same way. The one which due to their lack of action had planted the seed of betrayal. Unlike them, he had answered her, whispering softly as he stroked her hair. "I know little one, I know. And it will not last forever and though it pains me thus for the moment I must ask you to endure." She had gasped and stiffened against him. "I must ask you to endure," he repeated, gently entering her mind to sooth her pain. "But only for a little while longer. Soon... little one, soon everything will be complete and you can begin anew, with no bindings from the past. I will not force you Hasekura," he said. "I will find another way if I must..." he had trailed off, knowing she couldn't disobey. She would continue as she had no matter what happened and she couldn't betray him. She belonged to him. Beneath his hand he had felt her shake her head slowly and quietly draw breath to speak. "Iie. That will not be necessary Master. I have been with him for sixteen years, I can wait a few weeks, months longer for you." Her eyes had softened and she had buried her head in his chest. "You ask me to serve, you do not order and that is why I chose you. I will be patient until you give the word." She had risen then, drawing back from his embrace, the one she wanted so much, sensing that tonight he wished to be alone. Akihisa watched her leave. So easy the thought came again. Hasekura had her instructions and would continue to serve. Akihisa reached out, sweeping his base for the familiar presence. "Bairei!" he called as other servants entered to remove the remains of his meal. He watched as the young man bowed before him, motioning for him to sit. "Niijima-sama." "I trust your morning went well?" "Hai," Bairei replied. "Although Yukishiro has disappeared the fragments of his organization are efficient when they can shake off the Police. Others are also moving into the territories so it was not difficult to replace that which was stolen." "That's good to hear." "Although, Niijima-sama?" Bairei looked faintly worried. "Nani?" "I know you didn't order it thus, Niijima-sama but I took the extra precaution of ordering the shipment to be placed in several sites. It has been scattered around Tokyo." Akihisa smiled warmly. "There is nothing to be afraid of Bairei. You are allowed to take sensible independent action and in this case it is warranted. I have no wish to repeat the Shadow Daggers," he paused considering the path before him. "Your father has become involved in my plans," he began again. "Forgive me, Niijima-sama," Bairei replied quickly, bowing low. "There is nothing to forgive you for. It was to be expected that eventually he and I would met again." "You know my desires on the outcome of such a meeting," Bairei's voice was firm. "I do," Akihisa replied, amusement in his tone. "And I will not disappoint you, but his involvement means I will require your presence back at my main base with me. So I have one last errand and task for you while we are in Tokyo." "Hai." "I require you to collect and information package from Inoue. She needs to remain with her husband for the moment." Bairei's eyes flashed, amused and he caught the general feeling of dislike and contempt. "I know," he chided gently. "But even her former masters recognised the value of her position. She is useful and easy to use, so be nice. Enough of this though, I also require you to contact Morihiro I haven't spoken to him in a while and have not used him at all in this so they will be perfect for watching over Tokyo. Please inform him I wish to see them later tonight and after that, your time is your own. However be ready to leave tomorrow morning. Tokyo is too noisy as I am sure you have noticed and I have no wish to linger any longer than necessary." "Hai, Niijima-sama," Bairei snapped, bowing low before leaving quietly. Akihisa thought before focusing on his next contact. Although she would be unaware and her presence dampened, the strength she had, her pure brilliance still called him daring him. Soon he would take up its challenge but until then he required distance from her, distance from the song she sang. Akihisa focused inward before reaching out, travelling out from Tokyo along the route to his base... There! A dazzle like the sun on water, and beside it two lesser presence’s. ::Katsunan, Tsuya!:: he called, waiting for their response. ::Niijima-sama.:: They responded, Tsuya's seductive tone mingled with Katsunan's formal thought. ::How goes the journey?:: he questioned veering away from the perfect brilliant kaleidoscope of color and music which was with them. He promised himself. ::Well, Niijima-sama, as you predicted she has given us no problems and is placid. We will reach the main base as scheduled. Do you wish us to look for the Tamashii adept? Tsuya does know his feeling,:: Katsunan responded. ::No, I will attend to that problem shortly and it is not as urgent as it once was. I will require some time to integrate Hiten Mitsurugi. It is more important for you to reach safety as soon as possible. Tsuya, when you arrive, you are to search for them then. I require you to merely locate and lock on to his position.:: ::Hai, Niijima-sama,:: she responded. ::Katsunan, I will be leaving tomorrow, prepare a recapture group but hold them in readiness. I will give the order when I am ready for Tamashii Hitokken. For the moment, your primary concern is her. Do I make myself clear?:: Akihisa questioned harshly, imprinting his will upon them. ::Hai, Niijima-sama,:: they snapped in response as he withdrew from them. They knew his desires. They would not fail. He traveled on, following the path they had yet to travel, to their eventual destination. There was a shimmering off to one side. Akihisa paused slightly and examined it. It was very general. He traveled further. There were two other small shimmers. He stopped again above the town, watching as its inhabitants went about their daily business. In Tokyo, his black eyes gleamed. They were his, this town would always be his and soon he could extend his reach... Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Yokohama... Japan. It would all be his and she would be standing by his side. He descended into the village. ::Sedra!:: The man jumped, looking around wildly before realizing what was happening. He cringed both mentally and physically but did not resist contact. Akihisa sighed, those he rarely contacted could be so transparent at times. ::I am no longer upset about Murakami, Sedra. Although you should direct the search to the south east sections. He is heading towards what little protection Tokyo can offer.:: Akihisa instructed, gleaning details of the search from Sedra's mind. ::Hai, Niijima-sama,:: Sedra seemed relieved at his Masters acceptance of the situation. ::Also those guests I warned you about will arrive today.:: ::We have prepared rooms for them, Niijima-sama.:: ::Good. They will not cause trouble. Katsunan is on his way and should be there in two or three days. Transfer command to him until I arrive and call the Yokohama people. I want them in position between there and Tokyo as soon as possible.:: Akihisa paused, considering his options. It would not hurt to be fully prepared. ::Get in contact with Utsunomiya, Toyama, Kanazawa... Iya, Kanazawa is too far, go for Niigata and Sendai and see if anyone else wants to play. Bring in everyone who does. Katsunan will fill you in on the details.:: ::Hai,:: Sedra replied but Akihisa had broken contact and was travelling south west towards Kyoto. He focused in, narrowing his attention to Kyoto, sifting though the multitude of presence’s for the one keyed to him. He frowned. A slight feeling of urgency rose. Akihisa narrowed eyes, clenching his teeth as he forced himself to calm. Akihisa snarled in anger although he knew what needed to be done. He expanded his focus. They weren't hard to find. They were a distinctive group. Hiko Seijuro stood out as clear image which was odd. He'd searched for both Hiten and Tamashii masters like this before and had found nothing. Akihisa decided delightedly. But that wasn't all that made them easy to find. The two Kouken 'Masters' were almost a beacon to him and as he had expected they had not begun any probe to determine who Yasunari belonged to. In fact, as Akihisa drew cautiously closer none of the group appeared to be paying any attention at all to their prisoner. Rather they were focused on the absorbing task of consuming lunch. But he was wary. While he could shield himself from his former master and the idiot he called a pupil, and from this distance the others posed no threat, there was always the possibility that they could trap him in Yasunari. And living in a body doomed to die was not how his future went. Mentally Akihisa braced himself, becoming if anything more intense but in a way while was difficult to detect, as he reinforced his shields, trying to mimic the quiet brilliance of the Battousai's focused mind, before he dove at Yasunari, merging with them so he could place his extra precautions.< A bit of reinforcing and a specific trap. They don't know I read the scrolls before they did and no matter if they believe them or not, they are sure to try to break him. Power calls to power, blood calls to blood but there is a defense against even that.> On the way to Osaka Hiko's gaze flicked between Shinichi and Masujiro as if in askance before he gave a small shrug. "I think it's time for another demonstration," he said, jerking his head towards the slumped form of their prisoner. "Unless you wish me to do it." "Why Hiko-san, whatever do you mean?" Shinichi asked innocently. "Don't be coy," Hiko snapped. "Just teasing Hiko-san. Indeed we were wondering how long you were going to let him sleep. Masujiro-kun, would you do it please? You have always been better at this than me." ::And Niijima is better at this than us both,:: Masujiro flicked the thought towards his master as he took their prisoners face in his hands. ::Unfortunately you are correct, but we all have our strengths.:: ::Hai, hai. I would just prefer to believe the possibility that this isn't one of Niijima's toys. I am shielded Master but I don't want any surprises.:: ::I'll anchor you then.:: ::Arigatou,:: Masujiro replied as he felt the calming weight of his masters presence move to his side. Masujiro gave himself a mental shake before he focused on the man in front of him. With his thumbs he peeled back the mans eye lids, focusing his own darkening eyes on the whiteness revealed. He reached out. ::Shishou, you feel that?:: Masujiro recoiled slightly form the man, his body jolting back but his hands did not loosen their grip. ::Hai, hai. I guess that answers that question. Anyone with shields that well developed belongs to Niijima. I have only seen shielding that... comprehensive,:: Shinichi replied carefully, ::once before.:: He flicked his eyes over the mans form before he turned to their waiting audience. He deliberately ignored the way Masujiro tensed. That time had not been good for anyone. "Well, this could take longer than we thought," he began. "There are ways of blocking our techniques and this man has been taught them. Not only that, his training has been externally reinforced. So while it may take a bit longer, it does confirm that he belongs to my former student." "Belong?" Misao asked in a quiet voice. "Yes, child. It's one of the reasons he is so dangerous. While the Yakuza this morning merely work for Niijima, those he allows close to him do not have that choice. They belong to him, mind and body. They are incapable of disobeying him, no matter what their personal desires are." He glanced at Hiko, aware that the Hiten Mitsurugi master would be able to read more from his words, so he volunteered the information. "This was one of the things which convinced us that he was no longer sane. There was an incident, however we detected it." He looked back at their prisoner. "This one was not so lucky. Masujiro, continue please." Masujiro nodded slightly, not catching the whispered addition, "I wonder how many more I am responsible for?" He looked back at the man, examining the barrier. He sighed, he thought he could break through it but then that would require days of exhausting work for both he and Shishou repairing the damage that would cause. Not to mention the probable months of reprogramming to free him of Niijima's influence. They had seen this once before. He looked back at the barriers, examining the patterning closer before annoyance set in. Masujiro squashed that thought before he narrowed himself down to a single point and mentally screamed, ::Wake up!!:: On to the next bit Jade One __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. All in one place. Yahoo! Shopping: --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ---------------------------- GRAB THE GATOR! FREE SOFTWARE DOES ALL THE TYPING FOR YOU! Tired of filling out forms and remembering passwords? Gator fills in forms and passwords with just one click! Comes with $50 in free coupons! Click Here ------------------------------------------------------------------------