From: Jade One Hi there, I only got this done so fast because it was half written when I put chapter 2 up. For those of you wanting action then sorry, this chapter isn't it. Come back a bit later, chapter 4 or 5 or onwards and there will be some. I like fight scenes, mostly. Thank you for the comments on Chapter 2. I will be commenting on your comments in due course. Previous chapters at Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin (C) characters belong to Watsuki Nobuhiro (All Hail), Shueisha, Sony Entertainment and perhaps some others but most definitely not to me. Mokona belongs to CLAMP and any others I don't know about. I am borrowing characters without asking permission and I am not making any money out of this. Also I am not worth suing as I am a broke student. However this story and any characters I create do belong to me. I hope anyone who takes the time to read this will enjoy it. <> Thought ** Emphasis %% Speech in Kousaten's native tongue Rurouni Knight Hazard - The Heirs Companions Chapter 3 By Jade One The far doors swung open. Two men entered the room with a miltary step. Aoshi thought they were guards but they weren't human. "The dragons of legend and other creatures stranger, live side by side with the human inhabitants." The creatures who had walked in, although human like in form were reptilian. They were a dull green color. And were covered in fine scales. Although their faces were flatter than a reptiles they were pointed and their eyes glittered from the sides of their heads. The mouths were elongated, a thin red line crossing their faces. But that wasn't what had so caught his attention. Instead it was their long protruding tails, the extra joint in their legs and the odd rhythm that made to their walking which had captured his attention. They were both dressed identically and in their clawed hands they held long spears. A short sword and dagger was belted at their waists. They entered the room, clawed feet clicking lightly against the wooden floor and carefully, although prefunctionarily peered around the room. They obviously believed the room was secure. And then they stood at attention at the door and it was that action which captured his attention all over again. They didn't merely stand there, they quivered. Some one, it could be something, Aoshi corrected himself meticulously, they respected but also feared was approaching. Aoshi frowned, he couldn't feel anything like that approaching. Several voices preceded the arrival. "... although he wrote it in the language of Kousaten..." "... there are wards around it. We cannot touch it..." Several beings in flowing robes entered the room. They were followed by... <*Hiko Seijuro!?*> He swept in regalley, several more of the robed people around him, informing him about some book. The guards had stiffened as he'd passed. "The King of Kousaten is the ultimate being..." The words returned to him. A few paces behind Hiko, Himura trailed accompanied by his own entourage. Although his face was polite, Aoshi thought he could see signs of long suffering patience. The guards reaction was not nearly as sever to him. Although they did give him a wary glance, it was coupled with a feeling of disbelief. Several guards and more robed people trailed behind. "No one had been able to touch the book. We cannot even read the cover. It has been sitting here since the third King placed it here. The priest, Aoshi assumed he was a priest continued, leading Hiko-san towards the pedistal Aoshi had recently been drawn to. Aoshi glanced back. The book was still there but it lay open. The memory of him flicking open the cover flashed by. "But I'm sure you, as King will be able to." The priest pulled up, giving a gasp audible to Aoshi as he turned, gesturing towards the book. The priests eyes widened and he frantically looked around muttering to himself. "...bakana... ...Library is warded... ...greater than the temple... ...impossible for his people to get here... ...masaka..." "Is there a problem?" Hiko asked mildly. He seemed his usual amused self. "Iie, your majesty," came the forceful reply. "Honto ne?" "Un, your majesty." The priest paused. "There is a problem but one which is an impossiblity. The book is here, shikashi..." "Shikashi?" "The book is open. That is not possible. No one has been able to touch it. No one from Kousaten could have opened it. Although it is not one of the Books of World, *he* has been trying to steal it since it was written by the First King. That is why this library is not used much at the moment, it is heavily warded. And there is a warding on the book itself we don't understand. It has not allowed us or anyone near. No one from Kousaten could have touched it," he repeated. "But someone from else where should have no trouble, ne Shinomori-san?" The question hung in their air, causing silence after several startled gasps and frantic glances at the shadows. Hiko and Himura seemed the only ones at peace. Aoshi narrowed his eyes. Hiko had thrown the question out, it was up to him to reply. There was really no choice. Hiko knew he was there and there was no longer an advantage in remaining hidden. Perhaps Hiko would know where the others were. He shifted his kodachi slightly and deliberately made a foot fall as he moved out of a deep shadow between shelves. "Aa, Hiko-san, for someone not from Kousaten, touching that book is no challenge." He walked up to the pedistal and flicked the book closed again before he picked it up and offered it to Hiko. Several of the priests shied away, their actions revealing that they expected dire consequences from his actions. He flicked his eyes over the priests before turning back to Hiko. "Your party seems diminished. Didn't the others arrive with you?" He hadn't really believed Hiko-san's story about Kousaten, who would? But there was no point in highlighting that fact now. Himura responded, shaking his head sadly. "The others didn't arrive with us. This was not planned but has happened. We can only hope that they are safe." He smiled briefly, it seemed almost self mocking. "It's not as if they can't take care of themselves." But then a more rational part of his mind, that which had observed Himura fight both Shishio and Enishi countered. "But you'd feel better if you were there?" "Aa." "They shouldn't even be here." The voice was muted and obviously the comment was not meant to be heard. But it was a comment which should never have been made. Two sets of eyes narrowed dangerously, heads snapping around to behold the speaker as hands gripped the hilts of respective weapons. "Who should not be here?" The question was quiet, the softness belying the chill in the voice. Aoshi spared a quick glance for Himura and was surprised to see his eyes flash, just for an instant, the yellow of the Battousai. The speaker backed up, eyes widening at the violence which was threatening to descend upon him. He brought his hands up, trying to placate the two who were glaring at him. "I think you should report to your monastary," Hiko broke in. Hie voice held none of its usual sardonic amusement. "The choice was not yours to make on who came and who remained. We can only hope that the transition to Kousaten, which you assured me would be easy and non dispersive, has left them safe and in a position to best serve the land. You are dismissed," Hiko finished contemptously, not bothering to look at the priest. Instead he turned his attention to the book Aoshi had placed in his hands. Both Kenshin and Aoshi watched the man leave, and it was only after he'd left that they relaxed, allowing their weapons to settle comfortably again and turning their attention back to Hiko. "Idiots are everywhere," he cautioned briefly before opening the book. "This should tell us what we need to do?" he questioned the High Priest. The man gulped. While the King had been fair, he was very abrupt. "It should," he began. "Because we haven't been able to read it, I'm not exactly sure what is contained within it." He took a deep breath, calming his nerves. "It was written by the First King, the man I believe who developed your sword technique. I suggested it because the other Kings both said that it was instructive, although exactly what it told them is unclear. The Priest of the day could not determine that either." Hiko nodded, and began flicking through the pages. He would have time to read it more fully later. For now he just needed to see this book. It make the Priests stop nattering to him about it and give him some peace. The script inside was neat and well formed, the brush strokes were precise, like the movement of a sword. Hiko the First had obviously been more that a mere kenshi. This was the writing of a man taught the art by professionals. But nothing within the book called out for him to read it. He turned to Aoshi in the darkening room. "Did you get anything from it?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Un," Aoshi shook his head. "I just got it open." Hiko flicked a knowing glance at the shelves but said nothing before he passed the book back to him. "Well, you can read it after the evening meal." He turned back to the priests, "I presume it is getting near the time to eat?" It was not really a question. Behind him, Kenshin approached Aoshi and quietly asked if he too, could look at the book at some time in the future. *** "Alright, let's get started," Hiko looked at the priest. "Why don't you start by telling us exactly why you and the ruling council decided to call me." Aoshi nodded in agreement, remembering Hiko-san last night. After they had eaten, he'd looked knowingly at him. "You didn't really believe me Shinomori-san, did you?" Even as he'd been speaking Hiko had been shaking his head. "No, don't answer that Shinomori-san. There is no need. It's not as if it was a readily believeable story." He'd flicked a glance to the hovering High Priest before he'd continued. "Tonight is not the time to discuss the matters which have brought us here. You may explain it fully tomorrow. It will take us all some time to get used to the idea that a world other than our own and the world beyond that exists. A third world is unsettling even to those of us who are used to adapting. Besides which, the evening will give you and your people time to try to determine what happened to the rest of our party. There should have been nine of us, including myself, my baka deshi and Shinomori-san. We are missing six and we will need them all before this is over." Aoshi had been of two minds in waiting for the information, but he could see Hiko-san's point. Now though, he was going to hear the story. It would be nice, for once, to know everything, or as much as one side could tell, about the foe they were engaging. He looked over at Himura. They were sitting in what passed for Kousaten's throne room. That is to say, Hiko was lounging in the throne, while he and Himura sat on either side. The court was on an extended sojourn due the the crisis so the room was relatively empty. Himura was sitting calmly, apparently content to let his Shishou take the lead. The High Priest, Chomei sighed. "When you look at the incident which started this, at least we *think* it was that incident which was the beginning, it looks absurd." He stopped as the far door opened. "What is it, Garhow? Do you have any more prisoners?" "Only in a manner of speaking sir," the young man said with an embarrassed flush after bowing to the King. "Well?" Hiko questioned. "The High Priest informed all military and civilian outposts last night that we were to be on the look out for outsiders who were not coming from the Gate, that is to say, outsiders who form a part of your group, your majesty. It took us a while to work through the normal reports but yesterday several people were detained. They were dressed strangely but they came along quietly. That was unusual, since his people universally do not." "Get to the point, Garhow," Chomei snapped. "Hai!" Garhow snapped to attention. "The point is sir, we believe they may be some of the people you told us to look for." Kenshin smiled briefly. "Thank you Garhow. Are they here? Since they have been peaceful why don't you send them in. We will be able to determine if they are some of our party immediately. If not, you could probably let them go, it's probably a case of mistaken identity." "Hai, your highness." Garhow turned back to the door his face once again flushed. Hiko was smirking. He seemed ready to burst out laughing. Aoshi raised a eyebrow in enquiry. "Just a case of the mistaken identity my baka deshi was talking about," Hiko replied. Kenshin's face went red too. He tried to hide it by looking at the book written by Hiko the First. At that point Aoshi decided he probably didn't really want to know the full story. They waited in silence. *** Kenshin could feel his face going hot. He may have mastered Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu but his Shishou could still make him feel like a small child. He lowered his head to the book, flicking it open to a random page. The Queen shall have the power to match the King. They shall rule in partnership - a joining of equals. <"The Queen?" No one has ever mentioned the Kings being married.> Kenshin frowned but continued. However, while her power lies within, she will initially require a key to unlock it. It is unclear what this key is but it will suit her and it is her task to find it. Others may not engage in this quest, not even the King and it is during this time that they will be separated but it will be the joining of the King and Queens powers which will drive the evil from the land of Kousaten. Neither alone has the power required. No one alone has the power required. That didn't make any sense. Kenshin flicked the pages, looking for something which might be a bit more useful. "Good move baka! Staring at empty pages doesn't fool anyone!" Hiko broke in through his thoughts. "Oro?" Kenshin would have spoken back but Hiko had moved his attention elsewhere, idly chatting with Chomei. He looked back at the book. Well, at least this page isn't blank. Not that the other one had been. For all Kings unlocking the power over the land of Kousaten is accomplished in a different way. For the mantled King who shall come before the mated King the knowledge will seem instinctive. For the mated King, whose power must been joined with that of his Queen his mastery of his power shall come more slowly. Prehaps this is because he is but the Heir who is yet to become the King. His quest for the Books of World shall unlock and teach him his power so when the time comes to close the Gate, the right choice shall be made. The mastery will require both hate and love to be accepted. Only then will the mated Kings power equal that of his mate, only then can the Heir become the King of Kousaten. "..., your majesty," Garhow finished. The formality of the words and the unexpected honorifics once again intruded upon Kenshin. "Send them in," Hiko nodded. All three of them sensed them before they saw who was about to be lead in. They were familiar. Kenshin smiled, even Aoshi had a slight curve in his lips. Misao bounced in, despite the fact she was still under escort. Megumi and Sano followed somewhat more sedately. Sano still had his fish bone and although he seemed slouched he was watching the people around him and interestingly he was in a position to cover Megumi if anything should go wrong. "Aoshi-sama!" It was beyond a shout. It was happy and high pitched. "Ken-san!" The voice was refined but still happy. Sano's eyes brightened and his position became less of a slouch. Hiko sighed. He'd known who it was before they entered the room but there was still room for hope. "I was hoping for someone to fight," he muttered before addressing Garhow. "You can dismiss the guards, Garhow. They are some of the people we were looking for." "Hai, your majesty." Garhow made a curt gesture and the escort withdrew. "Your majesty?" Three sets of eyes opened wide. Sano's fish bone fell to the ground. "I think it's quiet appropriate. It's only the acknowledgment of my genius," Hiko said matter of factly. "We can get the reunion over with later. For now all you need to know is that this is Kousaten. I, as I told you I am the King and this baka here is the Heir," Hiko got back to business. "I guess that makes the rest of you his companions because you certainly aren't mine," he finished with a sigh. "Where's Jou-chan?" Kenshin shook his head. "We all got separated during the transition to Kousaten. It wasn't meant to happen but it did." He hid the hurt and concern under the voice of fact. "She'll be fine," Sano reassured him immediately. He knew Kenshin wasn't as calm about the situation as he appeared but there was no need to pry. Hiko looked at Sano consideringly. He was slightly more tactful than he'd given him credit for, although he too hadn't missed the slight slumping in Kenshins shoulders when he had seen that his girlfriend was not there. "Well, why don't you continue Chomei. Tell us exactly why this all started." "Hai. As I was saying the event itself does not seem significant. It seems inconceiveable that it could come to this. I will need to explain a little of Kousaten before the full import is clear," Chomei paused as if asking permission. He began again at Hiko's acquisant wave. "Briefly, because in times of no King, all power rests with the Ruling Council, entering the Priesthood is a high honor and one which is bestowed on a few. In order to enter the Priesthood one must be highly educated, mere administrative skills are not enough. And that was the problem. The man who started this was rejected as a canditate for the Priesthood, because although he is perhaps nothing short of an administrative genius, he failed the majority of the standard tests which all must pass. His answers also revealed several prejudices which are not suitable for one who could aspire to be one of the Ruling Council. The tests were in part designed by the Kings so they are fair. We suggested several other forms of employment for him, our military branches would have taken him on immediately as an administrator but he would have none of that. He swore revenge. After that, everything began." "Are you telling me he was rejectd because he wasn't smart enough?" Chomei looked slightly pained. "Not precisely that. The tests *have* to be passed to ensure that the Ruling Council is competent. They were designed by the Kings." "You said designed in part?" "Well, yes. The outline was given to us by the Second King. It has been developed since though." Chomei didn't really want to answer these questions coming from those his majesty had called the Heirs Companions but he thought it best to before he was ordered to. Hiko's eyes narrowed and he nodded almost imperceptably. "Why don't you continue," he cut off further questions. "I'm sure there will be more questions after you have finished. He swore revenge, then what did he do?" To Be Continued... Definitions Nanda - what the Chikushou - Damn it Bakana - Impossible Masaka - I don't believe it, It can't be, Impossible Iie - No Un - No Honto ne - Really Shikashi - But Aa - Yes Kenshi - swordsman Baka Deshi - stupid pupil Hai - Yes Kousaten - Junction, Nexus Next time: A full explanation of why things are how they are in Kousaten. At the moment not much is happening huh? Chapter 4 - The Council's Pride (There may even be a fight in that chapter too! ^_-) Anyway, that's it for now, Jade One __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ---------------------------- Valentine's Day Shopping Made Simple. Click Here ------------------------------------------------------------------------