Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin (C) characters belong to Watsuki Nobuhiro
(All Hail), Shueisha, Sony Entertainment and perhaps some others but most
definitely not to me. I am borrowing characters without asking permission
and I am not making any money out of this. Also I am not worth suing as
I am a broke student.
I hope anyone who takes the time to read this will enjoy it.
These are two very short senarios that I thought of while I should have
been paying attention in applied hydraulics. Memo to self: pay attention
in class.
<> Thought
## Written text. (It makes more sense when you have read this.)
Saitou stood at the door of the Kamiya residence.
He sighed. There was no easy way to do this but this was undoubtedly the
best time. It was the best time that was available to him. The brat was
helping out at that restaurant. The other child, the rooster head, was
out gambling. The Fox, her sensei and his relations would be occupied until
later today. That just left the Battousai and Kamiya home. And for the
life of him, he couldn't figure out how to get Kamiya out of her own home
long enough for him to talk to the Battousai. Humph! If she knew he was
here she would purposely cancel any plans just to make sure her precious
rurouni did not wander off. This was as good a time as he was going to
His eyes narrowed. He was fairly sure though, that
after he explained the situation to the Battousai he would leave her here.
As much as he hated it, this crisis would require them both and left no
room for amateurs. All he had to do was explain it correctly. Saitou moved
his hand to the door, not bothering to hide his presence.
He walked into the yard, looking for the Battousai
and his keeper. Hmm, the laundry is done, the yard has been swept. He sniffed
the air delicately. There was no one cooking. So where were they? He usually
didn't have to wait this long for a fellow professional to notice his presence,
especially when he had invaded their territory. He knew they were here.
He had checked the river first in the hopes of catching him alone.
That's when he heard it. A muffled curse, the sound
of someone moving hurriedly and the shouted question, "What is it, Saitou?"
He turned towards the voice. It was the Battousai's
but it wasn't coming from his room. "I have to speak with you."
Another voice answered, from the same direction
as the Battousai. "Piss off Saitou. I didn't invite you in. We're busy."
"Gomen, Saitou. Try again later tonight." The Battousai
was definitely distracted.
"Tomorrow." The second voice added the word forcefully
before it broke into giggles.
Saitou's eye brow rose. Kamiya was definitely growing
up. Who would have thought? Well, it was definitely not the right time.
Kamiya would probably skewer him herself if he interferred with her afternoon.
He sighed. He was going to have to handle this mission
He lifted the lid on the small wooden box beside
the door, removing the folded papers before allowing the lid to fall back
into position. He pushed the small red flag down before opening the door
and stepping through, sliding it shut behind him.
He removed his shoes, casually pushing them aside
neatly, while calling to the occupants of the house and one in particular,
"Tadaima, Darling."
A faint response, "Okairinasai, Love," came from
the kitchen. A smile crossed his face as he walked through the house in
the direction of the call following some delicious smells. He absently
flicked through the mail focused more on determining exactly what the elusive
smell meant for dinner. <Is that? Letter from Uncle Shinji. No, it couldn't
be. Catalogue from K and K's. Yes, I think it is...> He stopped briefly,
unbuckling his katana and leaning it gently against the wall. <Note
from Aunt Kaede. Yes. It's definitely. Subscription from Swords and You.
Kake Soba! Letter from Kamiya Dojo. Yes, my favourite, Kake Soba! Memo
from work. Kake Soba... Nani? Letter. From. Kamiya... Dojo..?>
He flicked back through the mail and carefully checked
the senders address. It was indeed a letter from the Kamiya Dojo. <How
did..? They do not know this address!> A closer inspection revealed that
the letter had been forwarded from Tokyo Central Police station. That was
slightly reassuring. He didn't like enemies knowing where to find him and
he'd just got this house arranged to suit him. Not to mention the ten kinds
of Hell Tokio would put him through for moving her again. Worse still,
she would probably demand an explanation about who this time and she'd
probably conclude that he was not a risk. There were some things she did
not understand.
It wasn't these thoughts which drove Captain Fujita
to open the letter then. It was the faint hope that this, however unlikely
that may be, was the answer to his prayers, a formal challenge from the
Battousai. If it was a formal challenge, it would be one from Himura in
the Battousai's name since there was no way the Battousai would be able
to get the challenge past his more moderate side. He smiled. It would be
a challenge from them both. He unfolded the page.
#Dear Captain Fujita-san,#
Well, it was a polite beginning to a challenge letter
but then Himura had probably written it.
#I am writing with regard to the damage done when you and Sagara Sanosuke
fought in the grounds of the Kamiya Dojo. As the result of that fight,
an opening was left in the wall...#
Yes, yes he knew all of this. So this was the reason
the Battousai decided to fight. To make up for his followers loss? <He
should be thankful I left the puppy alive.> Saitou skipped forward several
lines. He didn't care why the Battousai wished to fight. He licked his
lips in anticipation of the long hoped for words.
#...the direct result of your actions and your conduct unbecoming of
a police officer. You are requested to pay the sum of XXX Yen to cover
the repair of the Dojo wall. Inclosed is an invoice breaking down the repair
Sum of? Repair? He blinked, carefully. No the kanji
had not changed. He blinked again, slowly. His hand began to shake, his
fist tightening on the paper. He breathed in, his whole body stiff, tense
with anger. <This can't be.> He ground his teeth together. Tokio did
not appreciate him bringing home his problems. He breathed out, slowly
unclenching his hand as he looked at the signature on the letter skipping
passed several more lines of text.
Kamiya Kaoru#
<Why the nerve of that child.>
There was a soft step. He looked up, his face no
doubt still showing his anger but that quickly faded as he saw the person
who had appeared. Tokio. She was so beautiful, even when she had come straight
from the kitchen, her hair slightly mussed from her days work. Her face
was alight with a smile of greeting. She choose not to ask about what had
made him angry.
"Welcome home, anata. Dinner's almost ready so please
go and wash up." She walked past him, no doubt to tell the boy, giving
him a gentle kiss as she went by.
He would deal with the letter later. Right now there
was Kake Soba to eat.
But Kamiya had not heard the end of this.
Hmm I am not sure this was the correct use of these words but it was
the best I could come up with. ^_^
These were just a couple of short senarios that I wanted to write but
they didn't work out exactly as I wanted them to. Ah well. Sometimes they
do, sometimes they don't. The mail one is especially not meant to be accurate
in any way. I don't even know if they had a proper mail service in Meiji
Japan but I do know (I'm fairly sure.) that the little mail boxes with
flags did not exist then. Do Americans really have that type of mail box?
They seem so cute! ^_^
Hehe. I hope people enjoyed them. C&C even on these non serious
fics is appreciated.
Jade One