Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin (C) characters belong to Watsuki Nobuhiro
(All Hail), Shueisha, Sony Entertainment and perhaps some others but most
definitely not to me. I am borrowing characters without asking permission
and I am not making any money out of this. Also I am not worth suing as
I am a broke student. However this story and any characters I create do
belong to me.
I hope anyone who takes the time to read this will enjoy it.
<> Thought
** Emphasis
## Non spoken conversation
Choices, Alone
Jade One
There wasn't any choice. I guess from the moment
I agreed to come with him, to stay with him, there had never been any choice.
But yet as I moved forward, as I felt the blade through my body and saw
the old mans death, I felt regret. Not that I was dying, not that I loved
him but that I had lived the way I had with him, that I had deceived him
for so long. He had never been anything but open and honest with me. I
regretted too that while I loved him, and I knew he loved me, he had expected
to die then, my actions would cause him pain but it was better this way.
Only if he lived, only if he carried on the fight could he put to rest
the souls who haunted him, the souls of those he had killed by showing
them what their blood had bought. By giving them the new age he so strongly
believed in. He had to live and my life, for my deception, for my love
was a small exchange for his. It was better this way.
Yet as I felt his warmth embrace me, I looked up
into his eyes and saw the blood on his cheek, I knew the true pain my actions
had caused him and the suffering this memory would bring. I felt the coldness
close around me and I knew that it should not be so. This man, the Hitokiri
Battousai did not deserve death and pain and loneliness as his only sustenance.
In the brief time I had come to know him, had come to love him, I had seen
him and I had understood him. He did not deserve death. He had already
seen and experienced that so much. He did not deserve loneliness. The Hitokiri
lived alone, truly trusting nothing, loving nothing. No... This man, Himura
Kenshin, the hated murderer of my fiancé, the killer of so many
others, my husband, my love should not be alone. And I screamed inside
that I should be leaving him, that he would be alone. I do not regret
my actions, it was the only way and it is better this way. But my husband
should not be alone, should not be hated and remembered as only the legendary
Hitokiri. He should be loved and remembered for the peace his innocence
bought. He should not be alone.
And then I felt it. The presence of death. The presence
my husband knew so well. I saw his tears. Their crystal brilliance ran
down his face and he was crying my name. A pang of guilt, that I should
be the cause of this hurt. But this whole mess was my fault and it was
better this way.
#Yes... It is better this way... But your regret,
your desires are impeding the process... Let go!#
#NOooo! I can't leave him alone!#
#You have no choice. Let go... There is nothing
you can do.#
#No. I won't leave him.# I remembered the first
time I had truly seen him. I had watched, smelt, tasted the red rain as
it had fallen. The chained sword was supposed to point out who he was to
me, he did, and although I know it was not planned thus, it worked and
I was with the Hitokiri, day and night, his companion in solitude.
#Let go. This choice was not yours to make.#
#No. He deserves more than death without end.# I
remembered the boy I had woken to find and I had nearly laughed aloud.
This boy, this child, was the legendary Hitokiri? This was the child
whose sword filled the nightmares of many samurai! He was too young. He
was too innocent. He was too gentle. And even though I could barely believe
it, the rain, the red, red rain had told me it was so. This child was the
legendary killer. This boy's sword, his innocence would buy the Ishin victory.
I had started my journey then, my mission. Find his weakness and then show
this youngling dragon's throat to the wolves. Avenge Akira.
#Let go!#
#NOoo!# But even as I answered I could feel the
blood trickling into my lungs, taste its sweetness in my mouth. And I could
feel the warmth of his body fading. I could not leave him alone but I was.
I heard him call my name once more.
#Let go! It is your time to pass. If you stay much
longer you will be stuck.#
There was regret in the tone. #Stay? He should not
be alone. He should not be remembered only as a servant to you.# I remembered
my brother. I had been shocked to see him but dreading the arrival of the
messenger I knew some day would come. I just did not think it would be
him and I had been hoping, some vague unformed longing, that this day would
never come. The Hitokiri Battousai had killed Akira but I was happy living
with him. Happy living the sham, the deception of husband and wife. It
was after all, just one more deception for me. And it was a time when I
could see that he was at peace. I knew the killing would begin again, in
time, when we returned to Kyoto but I knew now, he knew, he understood
what his goal was. I wouldn't have to fear one those days when he left,
the black envelop in hand. I knew now, that when it started again, that
he would always come back.
#Let go. You can not remain any longer or you will
be here forever.#
There was desperation in the voice. An aching sadness,
a warning. Stay? Forever? Yet that was not what I wanted. #I can't
leave him alone.#
#Let go... Your time has passed.#
I remembered the night just passed. He had been
so warm, so gentle as he listened to me speak. If he heard my lies he did
not comment. I had smiled for him, something I had thought I would, could
never do for such a man. But he is a riddle of contradictions and despite
the hatred I had felt before, last night, wrapped in the blanket with him,
so close, so intimate I had been happy and I knew that he deserved more
than death.
#Let go...#
#I cannot leave him...#
I remembered the instant that I realized I loved
him. The hated, ruthless, cold killer who had killed Akira. And I had come
to love him. Irony? No just sadness and pain that it should come to this.
I knew the man now, and he would never more be hated, ruthless or cold
only loved, gentle and warm. I had stood there, looking out from the hut
and I had seen him, seen Akira. But as I had looked Akira's clothing had
shifted becoming torn and bloody, his hair had faded becoming long and
red and his eyes, they had changed from brown into the yellow of hate.
But yet I knew that amber gaze. It would not hurt me. My heart had exploded
and I knew I had lost. I loved him. And I had made my choice, the choice
that was no choice at all. And I knew he would be alone.
#I will go now...# I could see the pain in his eyes.
The loss, the anguish, the war...
#Good.# The tone was satisfied, relieved.
#I will go now... If...#
#If you promise me, he will not be alone.#
#Ssss... Alone, we are ALL alone.#
#Promise me! Promise me he will find peace, the
peace that dies with me...#
#Peace..? A Hitokiri will never know peace...#
#That is not so... Promise me he will find peace,
the peace my actions have taken away... The peace he felt, the joy of his
simple games with the village children. His laughter...#
#Joy? Laughter? Peace?#
#Promise me he will not be alone!#
#He will not be alone daughter. He is my servant.#
#No! He should know the peace of life, not the peace
of death.#
#Peace of life? Daughter... I know the future. And
even I must honor one such as he. He will not serve me forever. I could
not hold him that long. He will be alone daughter...#
#No!# I struggled to breathe, to live. I could not
leave him alone.
#He will be alone, but as I must honor him, I must
pay him for his service to me. He will not be alone. He will find the peace
you wish for him but you will not be the one to give it. It must come from
another. The other half of his soul. It will take time but he will not
be alone...#
#Hai...# I looked into his eyes, one last time.
I would not leave him alone and this had been the only way. The only way
he could give himself and the souls of those he had brought to death would
ever find their peace. He would kill again, I knew but those deaths would
buy the peace his soul desired and eventually when the new world dawn those
he had killed would understand and they would know the worth of their lives
and what their blood had bought. He would be at peace and he would not
be alone.
I do not regret my actions. It was the only way.
And now that I knew he would find peace I could let go. My time had passed
and I could dimly feel the one who would take my place. Her's was a soul
of light. I smiled feeling her heart and knowing my concern had been addressed,
I smiled so that he should remember me thus, smiling. He liked my smile
and I had not smiled for him often. I knew he would not be alone and it
was better this way. This way I could pay for my deception and my failure
to prevent this night. This way I could pay for my intention to lay bare
the dragons throat.
I love you. He should remember me happy,
smiling for the joy he had given me, knowing that I did not hate, did not
blame, did not desire revenge, that it should be he who took my life. It
was the price that I owed him and he had made me happy.
"It's better this way... So please don't cry..."
You will not be alone. I never got to say the last but I knew it
was true and it made my smile deepen. He would not be alone.
Well? Questions? Comments?
This is slightly changed when I realised that I had forgotten to have
Tomoe smile as she died. And I thought that the fact that she smiled when
she died was a very important point. Besides in the manga it was such a
touching scene, as was Kenshin and Tomoe's discussion of her past the night
before. She had looked really happy, I thought, smiling at him in the manga.
(Thank you Sylvia)
Okay. I believe that Tomoe had an important part to play in the RK story
and as such I am nuetral to her. If she was still alive then I would definitely
feel differently but she's not!