From: "Jan Story" This one needs a spoiler warning; it's from one of the Ch. 251 manga scans at Kenshin's Rurouni Resource Center. PRAYER A Rurouini Kenshin fanfiction by Jan Story I don’t know what to say to you. Ever since he first told us about you, I’ ve wondered what you were like, what you thought, how you felt. I read your diary and tried to see him through your eyes, the person he was back then. The boy who only wanted to protect people, lost in a madness of blood and fire. You freed him from that, and I hope you know how grateful I am. You started to love him when you saw the hurt, lost boy hidden behind the mask of the cold assassin. I fell in love with him when I learned that behind the mask of the gentle, silly rurouni was the legendary swordsman whose matchless skill had helped build the new era… not for that, but because his ideals were so very like my father’s, that strength should be used to protect rather than kill or tyrannize. And when I saw he was willing to break his vow in order to save me… I knew I’d throw away my own life to keep him from doing that, because the man he’d become was… was someone I wanted to be with. Forever. I still get scared sometimes. At first he said he never knew when he’d go wandering again. Then I was afraid he might die before we ever had a chance to be together. And now… now sometimes I’m scared that… that I can’t make him as happy as I think he deserves to be. He’s been through so much… sometimes I really wonder if I can give him everything he needs. I’m so much younger than he is… even younger than you were… the only thing I can do is try. I guess that's the thing I need to tell you. That I'll try. I'll do my very best to protect him and make sure he's happy. I promise. --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ---------------------------- ONElist: your connection to people who share your interests. ------------------------------------------------------------------------