Subject: [KFFDisc] Please don't hate me, or throw me off this list.... [Some Lemon content, and really sour lemon at that...] Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 12:22:38 -0500 From: JD Farber Reply-To: To: Kenshin Fanfics List Okay.... Some Hellspawned demon is in possession of mine soul... Someone, please Aku Soku Zan me before it's too late.... damn.... Too late! ******************* It was a nice, peaceful, quiet night in Tokyo. However, five minutes before... Kenshin looked over to his new wife as she lay there, naked and tired from the matrimonial olymipics they were engaged in mere minutes before, and smiled widely. He never knew that one such as him, one stained with the blood of too many, could ever know love not once, but twice. Leaning forward, Kenshin brushed his lips tenderly over Kaoru's brow. "Ne, Kenshin? There's been something bothering me of late..." Kaoru trailed off as Kenshin snuggled closer, committing such felonies as stealing kisses and glaces. Such felonies were hastily ended when Officer A. Feel made an entrance. "Maa.... You dirty man!" Kaoru chuckled. "This is kinda serious. I know we never talk about your family, but I really want to know." Kenshin lay back for a moment, just gazing into Kaoru's eyes, and, with a deep and heartfelt sigh, he told her about his parents. "I was born in XXXXXXXXX, to a peasent family. Although they were farmers, my father was rather good with a sword. But they died of cholera when I was very young." Kaoru leaned closer, to console her husband. After a while, she looked up at him, and asked, "What were there names?" "My father was XXXXXXX XXXXXXXX, and my mother was XXXXXXX XXXXXXX." Kaoru went pale. "XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX? Masaka!!!" "What's wrong, Kaoru-chan?" Kenshin asked. "Those... that's.... THAT'S THE SAME NAME AS MY PARENTS!!!!!" Kaoru screamed as the new-found siblings jumped away from each other. The narrator would like to take this time to reiterate the opening to this fable. It _WAS_ a nice, peaceful, quiet night in Tokyo. ******************* Okay, I was watching Loveline on MTV, and this woman called up, and explained that she just found out that her boyfriend was really her cousin. I sat there, watching it, and this popped into my head. BTW, incase you didn't get it.... Officer A. Feel <===> Cop a feel. See? (Turns to Saitoh) I'm ready for my execution, Mr. Saitoh. -- JD Farber email: alt email: Shinsen Gumi wa Shinsen Gumi, Ookami wa Ookami, Soshite, Hitokiri wa Hitokiri... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ eGroup of the Day: Aframjews - a discussion group about African American Jews eGroup home: Free Web-based e-mail groups by