############ DARK DESIGNS A Ruroni Kenshin Fanfic Crossover by Jedi Brother Horace (WARNING: This chapter contains many spoilers for the end of the Ruroni Kenshin manga. So don't read on if don't want to know what happened.) Disclamer: Ruroni Kenshin is owned by Nobuhiro Watsuki and Shueisha. Don't sue me cause you won't get a penny. As for what the other series is. Tough luck, I'm not telling anybody yet. CHAPTER 3: Dinner at the Dojo "ITAI!" Kenshin winced as Yutarou fell down in pain once more. He'd been doing that for the last half-hour, ever since he and Yahiko began sparring. The young man was going to seriously hurt himself if he didn't yield. He decided he should intervene. "Ano, Yutarou-kun, I think you should stop right now." "Iie, Himura-san!" the young man spat out, getting up to his feet painfully. "I'm not quitting until I beat this guy!" "Geez, Yutarou!" Yahiko groused, standing nonchalantly with his shinai in one hand. "Listen to Kenshin willya!" "No way!" Yutarou shot back, readying himself with his shinai. "Let's go!" Kenshin sighed as Yutarou charged in on Yahiko to deliver a swing to his midsection. But the strike was blocked, and before he could even blink, Yahiko was to his side and delivered a wide arching swing to his back. Yutarou let out a cry of pain and fell face first to the ground. Yahiko looked down with pity on his rival and friend. "C'mon Yutarou," he spoke, holding out a hand to him. "At this rate you'll be too bruised to hold a chopstick. Let's just call it a match? Okay?" Yutarou gritted his teeth, but had to admit that Yahiko had a point. Taking a long breath, he accepted Yahiko's hand and slowly stood up. Kenshin sighed in relief, thankful that their little sparring session was over. Yutarou dusted himself off before speaking. "Fine, you win. I suppose it'll be a while before I can really give you a match." "Hah! Believe it!" Yahiko gloated. "It'll take you a years before you can reach my level!" Kenshin and the others sweatdropped. Though Yahiko had grown tremendously in skill, he still needed to know a thing or two about humility. Yutarou glared briefly at him, before a sly grin grew on his face. "Explain to me then why you haven't gotten far with Tsubame-san." At that, the self proclaimed Tokyo Samurai went red. He pointed his shinai straight at Yutarou's face. "Watch it." he growled. "Oi Yutarou, leave him alone," Sanosuke spoke up, seated near Kenshin. "You know Yahiko would never take advantage of Tsubame-chan like that." Kenshin and Yutarou blinked, as did Yahiko. The former gangster was actually defending him? "Gee, thanks Sano-" Sano wasn't finished. "Not with Tae hanging around. Then he'd really-" He never finished, as the furious Yahiko jumped on him and was biting on his hair. Yutarou was lying on his back, laughing hysterically at the two. Kenshin on the other hand looked at the cloud of dust forming with a nervous expression. "What a rowdy bunch," commented Megumi, seated beside Kenshin on the porch. "I guess they'll never change. Ne? Ken-san?" "Aa." The ruroni agreed as he watched Sano and Yahiko continue their wrestling match. Megumi by then moved to check on the still laughing Yutarou's injuries. Yes. I guess they'll never change, as if that was ever a bad thing. He thought with amusement. True, everybody had grown up, and had changed in some ways. But as he thought about it, they still acted like the same old bunch from times past. Yahiko and Yutarou for example, were no longer little boys, but rather two young men who were making a name for themselves in the world. Yahiko had grown a lot. His attitude and maturity were growing in coordination with his height, which was now on par with Kenshin. But on occasion, he'd revert back to the ten-year old nuisance he and Kaoru had taken in years ago. Yutarou meanwhile, had differed greatly from the confused boy they once knew. He'd grown in height as well, though a few inches taller than Yahiko. Yutarou hadn't wasted his time in Europe, taking time to study many things, such as art, medicine, history, business, other languages, and so many other things that it still made they're heads spin. More importantly, he took lessons in being a gentleman, and impressed Kaoru and especially Tusbame with his polite mannerisms and etiquette, much to Yahiko's chagrin. Despite all this, Yutarou was still set on mastering his kenjutsu under the Kamiya Kasshin Ryuu, and was eager to beat Yahiko once and for all. As he watched both Yutarou and Megumi try to separate the still feuding pair, Kenshin heard behind him a short laugh in a soft childish voice. A smile grew on his face, and he turned to find a small figure duck behind the screen door. His smile grew wider as he heard a soft giggle from behind the screen. He decided to amuse this little stalker. "Koneko-chan, you know it's no use hiding from otouchan." "Waiii!" the little voice shouted out, and with that the figure behind the door revealed itself to be a little girl, not more than two years old, with a strikingly adorable face that was framed with dark red hair. She was wearing a blue sleeping kimono and loose white tabi. Her eyes where the same soft shade of violet as Kenshin's, and were wide-eyed and beaming at him with pure innocent joy. "Waii! Touchan is so smart!" Miyako rang out again in that husky alto, as she ran to him and plopped on his lap to hug him. Kenshin returned the gesture, kissing his daughter on the top of her hair. He then heard another pair of feet running from inside. The door then slid open to reveal two young girls panting heavily. "There you are!" The older one scolded. She looked to be about ten yet was tall for that age, exceeding even Yahiko before. The younger one behind her was about a head shorter, and was looking at Kenshin and Miyako with a look of weary resignation. Kenshin smiled at both Ayame and Suzume. "I see you two lost something," he teased gently. The two girls blushed, embarrassed that they failed in their assigned task of babysitting. "Gomen ne, Ken-nii," Ayame apologized. "We were distracted a bit when she got away from us." "Sumanu, Ken-nii," Suzume said, bowing. "Maa, maa. It's all right." Kenshin smiled sweetly. "I know how much of a burden this little one can be." He then tickled the little thing behind her ear, earning a bubbly laugh. Ayame smiled, and reached to take little Miyako from Kenshin. "Should we put her back to bed?" "Iie. It's nearly time for dinner. Why don't you go play with her until Kaoru and the others come home?" "Hai!" The two chorused. Ayame then set Miyako on her feet, and the three ran off to play. As Kenshin watched them run off, another voice was heard coming from the house. "Aggh! Can't a man get any sleep around here?" Kenshin turned to find the haggard form of Dr. Genzai slowly emerge from inside. The good doctor was getting along in years now, and now had to walk around with a cane in hand. "Ah. Genzai-sensei. Did you sleep well?" The doctor sat beside Kenshin. "Very well, in fact. Till that racket woke me up." He pointed at both Sano and Yahiko, who by this time were being separated by both Yutarou and Megumi. Kenshin laughed softly. "Sumanu. I'm sorry if they disturbed you." The doctor laughed gruffly with him. "It's alright. Though it should be time for dinner. Don't you think?" "You're right." Kenshin looked up the sky, and saw that the sun was slowly setting. It would be dark soon, and Kaoru and the rest still had to prepare. "I wonder what's taking them so long?" He needn't have worried, for no sooner had he said those words, came the sound of people entering the gate. The voice of his wife greeting "Tadaima!" was immediately accompanied by the shrill cry of his daughter rang out with a cry of "Kaachan!" He smiled, and stood up ready to walk to the gate when Miyako's frightened scream was heard through the dojo. The effect was like that of ice water being thrown in their faces. Kenshin ran as fast as he could, worry tugging in his heart for his wife and precious child. Yahiko and Sano immediately forgot their argument, and ran for the gate like two madmen. Yutarou ran behind them, franticly asking what was wrong. Megumi stood up to help Dr. Genzai head towards the scene. Kenshin arrived at the front door and flung it open. "Kaoru! What's wrong.Oro?" Kenshin faltered, the worry and concern that had gripped his heart momentarily forgotten. It was replaced by a startled puzzlement, as he eyed those gathered around the front steps of the dojo. Kaoru was there, apparently unhurt, cradling their daughter in her arms as the little one hid her face in her bosom. Tsubame was there also, and was being hugged by both Ayame and Suzume, hiding their little faces in her chest as well. Misao stood apart from the chaos, the confused look on her face telling him that she had no clue what was wrong. The last two people had caught his eye the most. The woman he recognized as Takutsuki Toki, inwardly wondered what she was doing here. But the man behind her had truly surprised him. He was huge, and from Kenshin's estimation just as tall as Hiko Seijuro, if not more. Even with his western style clothes, Kenshin could still see the strong, athletic body underneath. His handsome face was currently in a state of puzzlement, and as Ayame and Suzume bravely peeked over Tsubame's shoulder, they hid themselves once more in her shirt when they found the huge giant watching them. Kenshin was still clueless as to what was about, when the threesome of Yahiko, Yutarou, and Sano arrived at the doorway. "Oi Kenshin! What the hells-" Sano stopped, as he and the two young men were left speechless by the presence of the gaijin. Kenshin decided he should say something, as if to defuse the situation. "Ano.Kaoru? Doushita de gozaru ka?" "Gomen, Kenshin," his wife spoke, her tone apologetic. She then went up to him, still cradling the frightened Miyako. "I should have told you we were having guests." The graceful figure of Toki stepped forward, the giant close on her heels. She then bowed in front of him, and spoke politely, "Konbanwa, Himura-san. I'm glad to see you once again." Straightening up, she smiled as she moved to make way for the gaijin to introduce himself. "Greetings," he said formally, bowing low. "I'm John Cadwell of England." He straightened himself, looking a little embarrassed. "You must be Kaoru-san's husband. I'm sorry if my appearance frightened your children." Kaoru waved her hand at him. "Dajobu! Cadwell-san! They're just a little shy of strangers is all." She then turned back to her still dazed husband. "Toki-san and Cadwell-san will be joining us for dinner." Sano, Yahiko and Yutarou didn't utter a word, while Kenshin merely let out "Oro?" *********** The kitchen was now a bustle of activity, with four young women helping to prepare tonight's dinner. As Kaoru prepared the sukiyaki with Toki's patient instruction, Misao and Tsubame were making onigiri from the rice. They were so absorbed in their work, that none noticed Kenshin as he walked in. Well, there doesn't seem to be any smoke, and everyone seems to be alive. Kenshin thought to himself, taking it all as a sign that his wife was cooking well in the boundaries of human taste. Kaoru noticed her husband and turned to glare at him. "Mou! Kenshin! What are you doing here?" The redhead smiled sheepishly at her. "Sumanu. I just wanted to check that's all." He yelped as something small and metallic zipped passed his head and imbedded itself on the wall behind him. Kenshin looked nervously at Misao. "That's a lame excuse if I ever heard one, Himura." she said gruffly, her hand ready with another kunai. Tsubame in turn, joined in scolding the hapless ruroni. "Kenshin-san, you promised to let Kaoru-san cook tonight." On one side, Toki was laughing softly, thoroughly amused by the antics of her companions. Kenshin sighed, knowing even he would not win against these women. "Hai, hai. Sessha shall leave now." He then stole a glance at Kaoru before heading out the door. Kaoru grit her teeth, she knew exactly what that look meant. Something was bothering him and he needed to talk to her, the look was one of the many subtleties he used to voice his concerns to her without using words. She then turned to Toki. "Toki-san, would you mind watching this? I need to check on something first." "Of course, Kaoru-san." She replied, moving to take over the sukiyaki. Kaoru then exited the kitchen, and moved to search for her husband. She didn't need to go far, as she found him standing near the door. Kenshin feigned surprise at seeing her. "Oro? Aren't you supposed to finish dinner?" Kaoru rolled her eyes. "For someone who was so feared for his sword skill in the Bakamatsu, you have as much subtlety as a brick." Kenshin still wore an innocent look on his face. "Sessha wa?" Kaoru glared at him. Was he making fun of her? Taking a deep breath, she decided to be upfront with him. "Kenshin. Are you.bothered by Cadwell-san?" The ruroni blinked, surprised by her directness. He should have known better than to hide anything from her. "Well.a little." "Oh Kenshin," she said softly, before continuing. "I know it's a bit sudden. But please try to understand." Kenshin reached out to touch her cheek. "Maa, maa. What's done is done. But don't worry koishii, I'm not mad. Just surprised." She smiled, glad that he wasn't upset by the Englishman's presence. "If you're wondering, it was Toki-san who suggested he come." Kenshin blinked once more. "Toki-dono?" "Yeah, and it was the least we could do, after he saved Tsubame." Kenshin smiled. "I know that." Kaoru sighed in relief. "That's good. Well, I better get back, before Toki-san wonders where I am. Are you sure you're okay with it?" "I am," he reassured her. Though I'm not sure about the others. *********** Miyako squealed again in laughter, jumping up and down and clapping her hands in excitement. Ayame and Suzume joined her, utterly amused as well. Br iefly John Cadwell turned to Dr. Genzai. "Are they always this excited?" The old doctor merely smiled at him. "Almost everyday." Currently the girls were listening attentively to a story the Englishman was telling them. For a moment ever since he arrived, it looked as if the little girls would studiously avoid him because of his imposing presence. But they quickly warmed up to him once they found him a friendly and playful sort. Megumi meanwhile came up to them carrying some tea. "Would you like some tea Cadwell-san?" "Yes, thank you," he accepted gratefully. As he grabbed the cup from the tray. Megumi stared in wonderment at his hands. They were callused, of that she was sure, but these were unlike anything she'd ever encountered. These hands were callused all around, as if roughened from head to toe. Obviously these hands had been use to some extremely strenuous activity. Sugoi. Not even Ken-san or Sano have developed calluses like these. She thought in amazement. Cadwell however, noticed her sudden interest. "Megumi sensei? Is something wrong?" She blinked at his question, and immediately flushed. "Gomen. I'm sorry if I was staring." Before he could respond, little Miyako was off again. "Wai! Wai! Show us the lion again! Cadwell-oniisan!" Megumi raised an eyebrow, as Cadwell threw his head back laughing. "I was telling them about some of the animals I encountered in Africa." He explained. "Africa?" Dr. Genzai jumped in. "I've heard of it. A country with a hot sun all year long and many species of wildlife." "It is that," he said smiling, as Ayame and Suzume were imitating the elephant he'd demonstrated moments ago, much to Miyako's delight. "But it is also a dangerous place, unkind to many who are not prepared." "Is that where you received that scar?" Megumi asked, pointing at the faded blue patch of skin on his forehead. "Yes. A Zulu warrior tried to stab me with a spear." Megumi gasped, while Dr. Genzai laughed at the Englishman's story. "Well, thank Kami that you didn't bite the big one there and then." The good doctor laughed, and Cadwell joined him. Megumi however was not entirely convinced. Being a doctor, she'd seen many scars inflicted by sharp weapons, most of which were from Kenshin and Sano. But the mark on the Englishman's forehead was too crude to have been inflicted by a blade. She wondered then why he would lie about it. But those were questions not meant to be asked now. She then stood up, the teacup and tray in her hands. "I'm heading back to the kitchen. Would like me to bring back some more tea, Cadwell-san?" "No thank you," he said, waving his hand. "I'll just wait for dinner." She smiled, and turned to head back to the kitchen, when the threesome of Sano, Yahiko and Yutarou caught her eye. The three were peeping around a corner and ducked back when she saw them. Shaking her head in disgust, she silently made her way through the house until she found herself behind them. They were so absorbed in their activity that none of them noticed as she came up. Megumi then cleared her throat, loud enough for them hear. The three fell down in shock, and turned to glare at the foxy doctor. "Just what are you three doing?" She asked incredously. Sanosuke stood up furiously. "Jeez Fox! You didn't have to scare us like that!" Yahiko then joined in. "Yeah! We were just.uh.looking for bugs!" "Oh really?" she said, raising an eyebrow. "And do these bugs of yours happen to have long hair and brown skin?" At that, the three were forced to concede, hanging their heads in shame. Megumi then continued. "Honestly. The man is a guest. And despite your misgivings, we should treat him like one. And he did save Tsubame-chan today." "Yeah, well. I still say we should watch him." Sano blurted. "Ohhh! What am I doing here talking to you?" She said in frustration as she stalked past them in a huff. "Oi! Chotto, fox lady! Just be careful around him, willya?" Sanosuke called out. He then realized this was a mistake, as she turned back to him and gave him a sly smile. "Why Sano.I didn't know you cared." Instantly the fighter reddened, while Yahiko fought the urge to laugh. "He.Hey! T-that's not what I-" he sputtered, but to no avail as Megumi let out a loud "Ohohoho!" as she walked away from them. Damned fox. She still knows how to get under my skin. Sano thought morosely. Yahiko meanwhile, had let out the laughter that he kept bottled up. But this laughter quickly dissipated as he noticed the seriousness on Yutarou's face. The young man was still watching the Englishman intensely. "Oi! Yutarou! What's up?" Yahiko asked him. "Hmm? Nani?" Yutarou asked back in surprise. "You got all serious all of a sudden. What's up?" Yutarou merely furrowed his brow in thought, and turned to back to watching Cadwell. "I'm not really sure. But I can't shake the feeling that I've seen him somewhere before." *********** Dinner came and everyone gathered at the training hall. Kaoru and the others placed the food on the floor while Kenshin set the cushions in place around them. Sano of course, was in charge of the stash of sake that he coaxed Yutarou to buy for the occasion. Cadwell whistled in appreciation at the spread of food before him. "My goodness. You really outdid yourselves." Kaoru smiled in return. "Thank you, Cadwell-san. Please have a seat." The Englishman quickly complied, taking a place between Toki and Kenshin. Kaoru then clapped her hands loudly to gain everyone's attention. "Minna, before we begin. I'd just like to say how happy I am you're all here. As you all know, this dinner was originally meant to celebrate the return of two very special people." She gestured to Sano, who gave her a sly wink, and Yutarou, who smiled sheepishly in return. "But today also brought in a few new surprises. Such as Toki-san, who's gratefully accepted our invitation to join us." Toki blushed a bit at all the attention and gave a demure bow. "And John Cadwell-san, with whom we owe our eternal thanks in saving Tsubame's life." The Englishman smiled, and gave a formal bow. Kaoru grinned to herself and raised her sake cup up high. "But enough talk, let's PARTY!!!" The majority of those present yelled in agreement. Toki and Cadwell were left speechless by the energetic response. He then turned to Kenshin who was laughing breathlessly. "Are they always this enthusiastic?" "Yes, and more," Kenshin chuckled as he cradled Miyako in his arms. "Cadwell-san, would you like some Sukiyaki?" Kaoru offered. The Englishman agreed, handing her his bowl. She then quickly filled it and gave it back to him. "Hmmm. It smells good Kaoru-san." After appraising it with his nose, he slowly drank the contents. "Delicious!" A big smile graced his features, but disappeared just as quickly as he noticed the stares directed at him. "Have I said something wrong?" "He's still alive," Sano noted. "And he hasn't turned green," Yahiko added. "That must mean." Sano continued. The two then pointed at the hotpot in the middle and yelled in unison, "IT'S EDIBLE!" Everone burst out in laughter. All except Kaoru and Misao, who both fixed the two idiots with a glare that could melt ice. "Yahiko! Sanosuke! Mou! You take that back!" Kaoru hissed. "Kono! You two could be a bit appreciative!" Misao barked out loud as well. Tsubame and Yutarou did their best to calm down the two women, despite the continued jeers and snickers from Yahiko and Sano. Toki watched the scene, laughing softly despite thinking it impolite. Ayame and Suzume laughed as well, while Dr. Genzai calmly sipped on some sake. Megumi covered her face in her hands, embarrassed at the display but nonetheless amused as well John Cadwell meanwhile, was clueless at the humorous interlude that had occurred. The Englishman again turned to Kenshin, who was calmly feeding his daughter some rice. It unnerved him a bit that the ruroni was being so cool despite such events. "Um.Is there something I should know?" "Daijobu! Daijobu!" The ruroni reassured him, laughing a bit. "This happens everytime!" The look on the Englishman's face was priceless. *********** Things had pretty much quieted down as the party progressed. The three young girls had fallen asleep and had already been tucked in. The rest were still awake, listening attentively to Cadwell as he told of his days in the British army. ".so it lasted for six months. The Zulu's had pretty much humiliated us, especially after they killed the French Prince." "So what happened then?" Kaoru asked, her face a bit red from alcohol, but one could tell that she was genuinely interested. The others leaned in closer to listen. Cadwell sipped at his sake before continuing. "Well, by that time reinforcements had arrived. And Cetshwayo knew his warriors would not match the sheer number of the British troops. So rather than face a massacre, he surrendered." He then took another sip, before adding bitterly. "Another great victory for his Majesty's Empire." Kenshin noted the lack of pride in the Englishman's voice. "I take it Cadwell-dono was not proud of his actions in this war." "Not in the least," he said. "I mean, these people fought us because we were trespassing in their homeland. Our presence was a threat to their very way of life. They deserved every bit of our respect. Instead, we treated them like savages, and fed off them like cats on a feeding frenzy." The people gathered were silent at his admission. He then sighed. "It's strange. I went to Africa because I wanted adventure and excitement. But all I found was the cruel and empty hand of colonialism." He then looked at all of those gathered. "You know, you people have every right to be wary of us gaijin. We're not to be trusted." He finished this with a wry smile. This elicited a few giggles from some. "Well, some gaijin aren't to be trusted," Toki said, smiling at him. "So after that, you left the army?' Kaoru asked once more. He nooded. "I took over my father's merchant business after I was discharged. Ever since the Suez Canal first opened, trade in this region has increased. So since that time I've been travelling to both India and China." "But.after being away so long, don't you miss your home?" Misao asked uncertainly. "England? Why? The food there is terrible." Laughter rang out among the group. "Damn right!" Sano laughed drunkenly. "Nothing beats a home cooked meal here in Japan!" "Yeah!" Yahiko agreed. "So long as it's not Kaoru's!" "NANI?!" Kaoru growled. Again everyone burst into laughter, while Kaoru merely settled for grumbling to herself. Cadwell again turned to Kenshin, whose eyes were full of mirth despite the latter's reluctance to laugh at his wife's expense. "I see you people don't have a dull moment around here." The Englishman chuckled. The ruroni merely smiled sweetly in response. *********** The time indicated on John Cadwell's watch was five past eleven. By that reckoning he had to depart. He offered Toki to walk her home, which she readily accepted. As some of the dojo inhabitants were tired and pooped out, only Kenshin and Kaoru were at the gate to see them off. "Do you have to leave so soon?" Kaoru asked the Englishman. "Yes, unfortunately. I have some affairs tomorrow that need to be taken care off. Besides," he paused to lower his eyes. "I think I've overstayed my welcome." "Don't be silly!" Kaoru said indignantly. "You can visit us anytime!" Kenshin could not agree with his wife more. "We would be honored to have your presence again, Cadwell-dono." The Englishman smiled, and bowed low. "Thank you. I am genuinely touched by your kind hospitality." The couple bowed in return. Kaoru then turned her attention to Toki. "Thank you so much for inviting me here Kaoru-san," Toki said softly, and her eyes widened as Kaoru suddenly embraced her. "You're always welcome here, Toki-san." Kaoru said warmly, pulling back to look at her. Her blue eyes sincere. Toki felt her own eyes blur in response. These people actually considered her family now. She then gave shaky thanks before being embraced by Kaoru again. As Kaoru and Kenshin watched the two depart, they then settled in each other's arms. "Will they be alright?" Kaoru questioned, resting her head on her husband's shoulder. "Aa," The ruroni replied softly, resting his head on his wife's silky hair. "Toki-dono will be fine, so long as Cadwell-dono is with her." Kaoru smiled. "He's such a gentleman. I never thought that a gaijin would be such good company." Before Kenshin could reply, they were interrupted by the voice of Sanosuke. "Oi! Kenshin! Jou-chan!" The two turned to find the three figures of Sano and Misao approaching them. "Misao-chan! Sano! Did you get Megumi and Dr. Genzai to the clinic safely?" Kaoru asked. Megumi and Dr.Genzai had left earlier as she had some work left in the clinic. After Kaoru agreed to let Ayame and Suzume sleep for the night at the dojo, they said their goodbyes and left with Sano and Misao accompanying them. Misao was the first to speak. "Hai. But what are you two doing here? And where are Cadwell-san and Toki-san?" "Oro. We just saw them off." Kenshin said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "Eeeehhh?" Misao exclaimed. "Kuso. And I didn't get a chance to say goodbye." "Well don't fret, we'll probably see them again soon." Kaoru reassured her, then continued. "So did anything bad happen on the way to the clinic?" "Nah. Kind of boring really." Sano said nonchalantly. "I wish something did happen though. I've been itching for a fight since I came back." Misao rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right. Like you'd want to fight Saitoh now that he's-" "Misao-chan!" Kaoru exclaimed. The ninja girl then covered her mouth, cursing herself for her stupidity and wanting to take the words back. Kenshin and Sano however, did a double take, looking at the two in confusion. Sano then spoke up. "Oi! What's the matter?! Was it something I said?!" "It's nothing," Kaoru said desperately, hoping they wouldn't pry more. "Iie. Something's wrong," Kesnhin said simply, looking at his wife instensely. "Kaoru, what is it? What about Saitoh?" Kaoru silently cursed herself. She hoped she wouldn't have to tell him this. As it would have upset him. But seeing the determined look in his eyes, she knew he wouldn't let up. He could be so stubborn sometimes. Sighing to herself, she told the truth. "Kenshin, we saw Saitoh this afternoon." End of Chapter 3 Whoa. Hard to believe I finished this in less than a week. I must be getting used to this. Anyway, here are some author's notes: -I failed to mention in the last chapter of the changes I made from the original ending of Ruroni Kenshin. In here, Megumi has not left Tokyo to continue her practice in Aizu as in the manga. I love Megumi as a character and I wanted to her to interact with people like Sanosuke, so I opted instead to let her remain. Also, instead of using Kenji. Who was Kaoru and Kenshin's son in the end of the manga, I opted for a daughter. Miyako's creation owes a lot to Tae-san's Kiriko (By the way Tae-san, hope you don't mind me using the name "koneko" for Miyako as well). -The incident with the Zulus that Cadwell mentioned is the Zulu War of 1879. For more information, check your local encyclopedia.