From: Joy Hello everybody! I saw another old tape and once again, after hearing a song, I thought about Aoshi and Misao. Oh, and thank you to everyone who replied to my questions!! The song came from a musical, which I forgot.. *bows head in shame* I got the song from a multiplex tape! *looks in horror at admission* *********** Disclaimer: The characters and the lyrics do not belong to me. Comments and such are appreciated! He's Got To Be Someone ***************** He's Got To Be Someone by: Joy Misao stalked off, leaving Sano on the ground after she punched him in the guts. "Serves him right, that baka" she muttered. Kaoru apparently thought about Sano the same was as a cry of 'Baka' was heard, followed by a loud masculine 'Ouch!'. Misao assumed that Kaoru hit that idiot with a bokken. "Next time, I'll use my kunai" she said as she continued to walk away from the Kamiya Dojo. Just a few minutes ago, she was having a wonderful time with Kaoru, telling her about everyone back at Kyoto. Sano opened his big mouth and started talking about Aoshi. Yahiko followed, but had the brains to stop his insults when Misao threatened to use her kunai. Sano on the other hand... Misao rubbed her right hand which was hurting as well. "At least that idiot is also in pain" She has always heard Sano and Yahiko make fun of her Aoshi-sama, but she was getting sick of it. How dare they call him those things? They don't know him like she does. They never saw him the way she did when she was young, when Hannya and the others were still alive. Still frustrated, she climbs up a tree, and tried to remember how Aoshi was before everything happened. [Music Starts] [You don't know him, like I know him] (It's already past midnight and a sleepy Misao watches Aoshi, the new Okashira doing the paperwork.) [he must be allowed to stand proud] (Aoshi, at seventeen, with the older Oniwabanshuu members bowing before him, accepting his orders.) [if you shame this man] (Aoshi wounded, facing an equally wounded Kenshin) [and make him crawl, he'd be no man at all] (Kenshin trying to get through Aoshi, telling him about Misao taking over the Oniwabanshuu.) [no man at all.] (Hannya and the others dying to save his life.) [He's got to be someone] (A much younger Aoshi teaching Misao how to climb a tree, and catching her when she fell.) [who wakes every morning, and takes on the world for a dream] (The sun has barely risen, yet young Aoshi is already up, preparing for the meeting with those who needs his help.) [who touches your hand and, makes you fall for only him] (Misao, crying after the death of her grandfather is gently pulled away by Aoshi as the body is being prepared for the funeral.) [And he's got to be someone] (Aoshi returning with Sano and Kenshin, to be greeted by Misao, Karou, Yahiko and the others.) [who's strong as a lion] (Aoshi fighting Shishio to buy Kenshin time to gather his strength.) [yet sweet as a meadowlark's song] (Outside the Aoiya, Misao and Aoshi sits on a tree, with Aoshi telling Misao stories about the spirits of their dead ancestors, as they look at the night sky.) [who makes any dream seem,] (In her room, she asks Aoshi to stay with her for the night and tell her again about her grandfather's spirits, and asking him about her parents as well.) [like you'd love to go along] (Aoshi reasurres her that her grandfather and parents are happy, and will be waiting for her patiently.) [Oh, everything about him, is a contradiction] (Aoshi, silently meditating. He seems at peace but his mind refuses to stop seeing the deaths of Hannya and the others.) [built a bountless empire, with the heart of a child] (Okina presenting Aoshi as the new Okashira to the Oniwabanshuu.) [I'd trade it all if I could just recall, the last time the emperor smiled] (Misao, on a tree branch, trying to think of a hundred and one ways to make Aoshi smile.) [and he's got to be someone, who burns with a passion] Aoshi fighting Kenshin, so he can be the 'strongest'. [that never ever sets him free] (Ghostly visions of Hannya and the others looking over at Aoshi who still refuses to forgive himself for their deaths.) [oh please say tonight, might relive him of his misery] Misao sighs as her mind debated about Aoshi's previous actions against them, and the way he meditates every day. Sure he was wrong, but hadn't he paid for it already? Aoshi has changed a whole lot, from the young Okashira who replaced her grandfather, to the man who has not allowed himself to be redeemed from his actions. [and bring back the someone I knew, to me] Taking a deep breath, Misao walks back to the Kamiya Dojo, and prayed to the heavens above for Aoshi to be set free. ~EnD~ I have no idea what prompted me to do this... Well, anyhow, I hope you all enjoyed this. Did it make sense? I hope so. Good night! Ja! Joy --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ---------------------------- You can WIN $100 to! If you join ONElist’s FRIENDS & FAMILY program. For details, go to ------------------------------------------------------------------------