From: Joy Finally!! Here's chapter 4, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Nicky for pre-reading this. Thank YOU!!! And to everyone who has commented on the previous chapters, thanks as well, I really appreciated them :) ********************* Disclaimer: The characters from RK do not belong to me, however, if they do not appear in RK, then they are mine! Comments and such are appreciated and are most welcomed!! Let The Reason Be Love by: Joy ********************** Chapter 4: Aoshi read the report again, not believing the last paragraph. The seal of the Dragon was burned into the skin of those who dared try to betray the Oniwabanshuu. He had given the order for for the death of quite a few men, but he always kept a coded record of it. He was certain the name Makimachi had never been on his list. He stood up and walked out of the secret room. Before he'd become Okashira, some records were burned or lost. Shinomori Kashiko, his father and the leader before him, was assasinated in Okinawa almost twelve years ago. He was just fourteen when it happened. Some of the Oniwabanshuu were working in Okinawa, and Kashiko had decided to visit. He had been brought along since his father was grooming him to be the next Okashira. One night, their base had been ambushed, and Okina was ordered to take him into hiding. Several important documents had been in that house. The first thing that Aoshi had ordered when the news of Kashiko's death reached him was to retrieve every record possible. If the Makimachi family had work for the Oniwabanshuu before, there had to be a record of this somewhere. If he had to speak with every single Oniwabanshuu member in Japan himself, then he would do so. If the Dragon seal was recognised by the authorities, it would ruin the secrecy he was working so hard to establish. He would never let the Oniwabanshuu be disgraced, or let the people who had helped them suffer. **** Not far from the Aoiya, a new girl and her cousin had moved in. Kamiya Kaoru and Kamiya Yahiko arrived in Kyoto in early morning. Kaoru looked at the surroundings and sighed. It was going to be tough, starting at a new place, but she was determined to make it work. She looked at Yahiko who was lying down the floor, exhausted. "Yahiko, if you'll go get cleaned up, we can go out to eat." she told him. Yahiko grinned and stood up. "Just now? What about afterwards? Don't tell me you'll be cooking. You couldn't cook if your life depended on it, old hag!" The smile on his face immediately dissapeared after Kaoru produced her bokken. "Yyyyaaahhhiikkkooo!" Kaoru growled as she chased after the boy. "Maybe we should skip lunch! You're getting slower -sensei-," he called out, laughing. However his laughter was short lived. Not looking where he stumbled and fell. Kaoru swagered over to him, with an almost sadistic twinkle in her eyes. "Eeeee... looking good today, sensei..." "Nice save. Now get up before I break this bokken on your head!" They were strolling around the streets of Kyoto when they came across some flyers about the restaurant called the Aoiya. The advertisement claimed good food and fast service for a reasonable price. As they walked through the entrance, they were greeted by a girl who introduced herself as Misao, and informed that she would be their waitress that day. They chose to sit near the window and gave their orders. A short time later, their food arrived, and the two started eating. "If only you could cook like this!" Yahiko commented, slurping his soup. Kaoru scowled at Yahiko who just grinned back. The Aoiya was very large and inspite of this, also very clean. Their food was excelent, with friendly waitresses serving it. Misao reappeared just as they finished their meal. After paying, Misao herself accompanied the pair out. "Thank you Misao. We really enjoyed the meal." Kaoru told the girl, who beamed. "Come back again!" "Hmph. With her cooking, we might be here everyday!" Yahiko said, earning a smack on the head from Kaoru. Misao looked at the two walk away with interest as they continued arguing. ****** After the Aoiya had closed for the evening, Okon and Omasu lingered in the kitchen to gossip, trading stories about their customers for that day. Aoshi found out a lot of things had been happening, such as Okon and Omasu adressing Misao as -chan and not -san when they were having their usual gossiping sessions. Okina also informed him of the many admirers Misao had earned while working, and the fact that Okina had been having her followed everytime she went out to the market. He had finished reading all the reports that had come in that day. While wandering through the Aoiya in search for Okina, the sound of hysterical feminine laughter floated out of the kitchen to greet him. Something must have happened to have them giggling so hard. He looked at the three of them and stared at Misao, who looked almost out of breath. Okon had been attempting to tell a story, but wound up laughing instead. He noticed that this was the first time he has seen Okon and Omasu acting in such manner, he continued to walk to Okina's room only to cringe inwardly at the shriek that Misao let out. Okon and Omasu roared with laughter at Misao's reaction. The girl was easy to tease. Misao looked at the two women, blushing. Just that day, Misao received another suitor. She would have thought by know that news have spread that she was married. Misao never got used to the attention she was getting, and it was starting to get uncomfortable. "He was pretty good looking, ne?" Okon asked. Omasu nodded in agreement. "And that butt!" "OMASU!" Misao cried out blushing. Her reaction only caused the two to laugh even harder. Omasu smiled at the girl. "Oh Misao-chan... you look absolutely adorable! You know we're just teasing you" Misao sniffed at this. "I know... but haven't you had enough?" "Iie. I don't think we'd ever stop teasing you Misao-chan. It's too fun!" Okon replied. "Well, we'd better get some sleep. It's going to be another busy day tomorrow." "Hai.. Oyasuminasai" Misao said as got up. "Oyasuminasai" Okon and Omasu replied as Misao walked to her room. *** "I have already sent a few people to investigate this." Aoshi told Okina, who could only stare at the documents in shock. "What I want to know is how this seal escaped the attention of our local contacts. This is something that's not hard to miss." Okina nodded garvely in agreement. "This is not good, Aoshi." "I know." he replied. The two sat in silence, both thinking of the situation at hand. "Any other news?" "Hai, our contact from Europe should arrive shortly with the goods. Okina looked at Aoshi "There's been... rumours." Aoshi looked at Okina in interest, "Rumours?" "There has been sitings of the assasin that dissapeared years ago..." There was a certain gleam in Aoshi's eyes. "The Hitokiri Battousai. So he's back. What makes them sure that it's the Battousai that has been sited?" "He has the mark.." Okina replied, pointing to his cheeks. "The one that you gave him years ago...." Aoshi smiled coldly. "He killed four of my best men.." "It was a war, Aoshi. People die in wars." Okina reasoned out. "You still blame him for Hannya and the other's death?" Aoshi didn't reply. The older man sighed in defeat. "As I said... they are rumours." "Good night Okina." Aoshi said curtly as he stood up. "I will see Makoto tomorrow, bring him in the room when he arrives." Okina stared at Aoshi who left the room shaking his head in sorrow at the cold, and bloody premonition that whispered in his ear. "This will end in blood..." ***** "Kaoru.. I'm tired.", Yahiko complained. The two had been so involved in fixing up their new home, that they hadn't noticed that the sun had set. "...and I'm hungry." Kaoru looked at the boy apologetically. "I know Yahiko.. I'm sorry. I should've brought something from the market." "They won't find me anymore, will they Kaoru?" he asked, turning to look at her. "No...." she replied softly. "And even if they did, I wouldn't let them take you away." she added. "I promise." Yahiko nodded, and looked as if he was going to say something, but a loud knock in the door interrupted that. "I'll get it!" he cried out, running to see who was at the door. A few seconds later, Yahiko came in carrying a box, with a big smile on his face. "Oi Kaoru! You'll never guess what this is!" "What? What is it?", she asked curiously. Yahiko sat down again and opened the box, bringing out a fresh aroma into the room. "It's from that girl Misao.. some guy said that she asked him to bring it here, remembering that we just arrived! It's food!" he said eagerly, taking the food out and started eating. Kaoru looked at Yahiko in wonder. "How did she know where we live?" Yahiko rolled his eyes. "You TOLD her, remember? this morning?" he asked between bites. "Your memory is getting worse, old hag" "What did you call me?" she asked angrily. "Old hag!" he replied. His eyes grew wide as Kaoru placed her food down and stared at him. "Uh-oh.." he knew that in a matter of seconds, Karou was going to get him, and did the only thing a smart boy could do. He ran. "Come and get me Old hag!" "YAHIKO!" **** At a town called Nagano, one house was still bright with lights, while the neighbouring houses were dark, and silent. Inside, were three people. An old couple, and a younger, elegant woman wearing an expensive kimono. The woman looked at the couple in anger. Her nails drumming on the table was the only noise in the room and provided a rythm of discomfort to the man. She looked at him straight in the eye and cleared her throat. "Let me get this straight.." she started icily. "Misato-san and Kyo-san have been dead for no longer than a day, and you already sold her?" There was no reply. "By how much?" "Aaahhh... three cows, five chicken, plus they eliminated our debts, including her parents..." "And you agreed?" she asked, her temper rising every second. The wife responded instead, "We had no choice! we can't afford to keep her in, we are already in debt, if we don't pay.. they'll kill us!" At the last words, the woman's eyes narrowed at this revelation. "Are you telling me that you borrowed money from the Yakuza?" Again, there was no reply. She stood up and took a small pouch from her kimono. "Where is she?" "What do you plan..." "That is none of your concern", she responded harshly. "Where is she?" The old man relented under her fierce gaze. "In Kyoto, a place called the Aoiya. She's better off.." As he continued to talk, the woman merely dropped the pouch in the table, which contained a reasonable amount of money and walked out. "Back at the inn. Get some rest. Tomorrow, we'll go to Kyoto" she ordered the carriage driver. "But I thought..." "Change of plans." she replied simply. Looking back at the house, she felt a small stab of guilt. *I'll make it right, Misato-san. I promise. I don't know what I'll do, but I'll save Misao-chan. I swear it* she thought vehemently. With that, Takani Megumi stepped in the carriage, and rode away. **TBC** Well, that's done.. Chapter 5 will probably take longer to do. Once again, comments and such are appreciated, and Nicky, thank you! Joy --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ---------------------------- ONElist members are using Shared Files in great ways! Are you? 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