From: "Kathy F" Hello everyone! Please forgive the recent lack of comments, but my computer recently crashed!! Hope to catch up with the million e-mails in my box very soon. Meanwhile, here's my response to the ML Christmas challenge. Hope you enjoy!! As always, C & C requested. (It is rather long - sorry about that!!) Thanks, Kathy _______________________________________________ The Magic of Christmas An RK Christmas Challenge featuring Sano and Megumi by kathryn NOTES: Series accuracy? Who needs it?!? Historical accuracy? Never heard of it!!! Loads of WAFFy Christmas spirit? You bet your sweet patootie!!! [ ] - indicates character thoughts **All usual disclaimers apply. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I hate you, Rooster-head! Why don't you just get out of here and leave me alone?" "With pleasure, Fox! I never wanna look at your spiteful face again!" Dr. Genzai winced as the strident voices rang through the clinic. A few moments after a cold wind through the room indicated Sanosuke's departure, a red faced Megumi appeared in the doorway. Dr. Genzai sighed. Although he hated to intrude on her private life, it hadn't been so private lately. Her fights with Sanosuke were becoming legendary. "Megumi-san, that's the third fight this week. I hate to say anything, but, is everything all right between Sanosuke and yourself?" "Between...between...! There is nothing BETWEEN the Rooster-head and me!" sputtered Megumi. She stared at Dr. Genzai, looking really closely at him for the first time in ages. [When did Genzai-sensai gain so much weight? And he really needs to shave!] "Now Megumi-san, good little girls shouldn't tell stories, you know! You don't want to get put on the naughty list, do you?" [Good little girls? Naughty list? Genzai-sensai has been working too hard lately.] "Genzai-sensai, are you feeling all right? There aren't any patients right now, so why don't you take the rest of the afternoon off? Your cheeks are very flushed, and you may be coming down with something." "Thank you, Megumi-san, I could really use the rest. I have a lot of work to do later tonight." "Work tonight, Genzai-sensai?" "Yes, delivering...umm....BABIES! In case any babes are born tonight, I must be rested and prepared." Megumi stared thoughtfully after the kindly doctor as he beat a hasty retreat from the room. But soon her thoughts returned to the object of her early anger. She sighed in frustration. [Sanosuke no baka!!] That was a sentiment she seemed to be having far too often these days. Just when she thought they might be getting it all together, he'd pull some ridiculous stunt, like today. If he came to the clinic one more time with his hand re-injured, she was going to kill him. He wouldn't have to worry about whoever he was getting into fights with. He'd have to worry about HER! And why, oh why, couldn't he get a job? And tomorrow was Christmas. She thought of the gift that she had for him. She'd really racked her brain to come up with the perfect present, and now he'd ruined everything. Typical!! * * * * * * * * * * "What am I gonna do, Kenshin? She just makes me so mad! She's always on my back,! I found her the most perfect Christmas present, and now she's ruined everything. Typical!!" "Calm down, Sano. Just relax and tell me what's going on between you two. You seemed to be getting along so well earlier this year, and then all the sudden you're fighting again. As well as you have been doing, I never thought you would get this way again. What have you been fighting about?" Sano suddenly found his view of the tatami mat very interesting as he studiously avoided Kenshin's steady gaze. Hunching his shoulders defensively, and stuffing his hands deep in his pockets, he mumbled something inaudibly. "What was that, Sano," asked Kenshin, only to receive the same mumble in reply. "I'm very sorry, but I can't understand what you are saying..." "I SAID, WHAT DO WE ALWAYS FIGHT ABOUT?" "Oro...!!" "Sorry Kenshin. I didn't mean to yell." "Daijoubo, Sano. Is it fighting, gambling, drinking, or your lack of a job this time?" Sano bristled defensively as he searched the violet eyes for any sign of condemnation or rebuke. Finding only Kenshin's calm regard, he relaxed slightly. "Well, I did run into one of those Yakuza dudes who tried to kidnap Megumi last spring. We had a nice...discussion, and he was... resting when I left," Sano grinned with satisfaction. Kenshin sighed, "Well that explains the new bandage on your hand and today's fight. What else, Sano?" "Aawww, Kenshin, you know how it is! Who want to go looking for a job? Anyway, I make pretty good money gambling...well... most of the time, anyway." [Really? I would not let Tae-dono know that if I were you, Sano!] "The only reason I've been so broke the last few weeks, was because I...because I..." "Because why, Sano?" "Because I spent every damn bit of money I had, plus made a loan for the Fox's Christmas present, OK?" "Sano..." Kenshin breathed in awe. "And I'm not tell you what it is, so don't ask!" "Of course not." Sano eyed Kenshin suspiciously, but the Rurouni returned his gaze with an innocent smile. [What in the world could he have spent that much money on?] Suddenly a thought crossed Sano's mind, and an evil grin split his face. "So what have you gotten Jou-chan for Christmas, Kenshin?" "Kaoru-dono? A present? Orororo....!" * * * * * * * * * Back at the clinic, Megumi was trying to find something to fill her time. "Of course! No one is silly enough to get sick on Christmas Eve. Maybe I could give this place a little cleaning. Now where did I see that broom? Hello, what's this?" As Megumi searched for a broom, she wandered into a seldom used back room. She'd never know this room was so full of junk! And what on each were those great big bags, all tied up at the top? As her hand reached to loosen one of the ties, a frantic voice sounded at her back. "Megumi-san! What are you doing in here?" "Eeeek..." squealed Megumi as she spun around with her hand to her heart. "Genzai-sensai, you nearly gave me a heart attack. I thought you were resting. What are you doing up?" "I just thought you might be lonely here all by yourself, Megumi-san. Why not sit and talk to me for a while?" As he led her away from the room, he surreptitiously kicked the bundle of red cloth he had been carrying into the mysterious room, and slid the door shut. Dr. Genzai seated himself in the clinic waiting room, and motioned for Megumi to join him. She sank to her knees in front of him. As he studied her face, he noticed her tell-tale red eyes. [Crying again. And on Christmas Eve, too. We'll have to do something about that.] Megumi-san, can you tell me why you're so unhappy? I know I have no right to pry, but I'm very concerned about you. It's Christmas Eve. You should be happy today. " As Megumi crumpled into tears, Dr. Genzai knew what he had to do. He patted the bowed head of the woman he'd come to regard so highly. As he comforted her, he thought very hard about his decision. He then excused himself, and left the room. [I haven't done this in so many years! It's only meant for very special circumstances. But after everything they've been through...I'll do it! I'll bring the Magic of Christmas to these two hearts.] Dr. Genzai walked to the cabinet where he kept his medicines. He pulled out a small drawer, and reached behind it to activate a hidden release. A section of the cabinet swung open, revealing a secret compartment containing only two items. First he removed an obviously ancient wooden box, slightly larger than a closed fist. It was beautifully decorated with the carving of a snowflake. [Such a small amount, to last all these centuries. But it has lasted. I wonder who will guard it after I am gone? Ayame-chan? Suzume-chan?] He carefully removed the compartment's other item, a small bag made of red silk, and embroidered in white with the same snowflake symbol carved on the box. From the bag he extracted a delicate glass carved from a single piece of rock crystal. Deftly he rinsed the glass, and filled it with fresh, clean water. Unclasping a small scoop from the side of the box, he gathered up a tiny amount of the box's silvery contents, and emptied it into the glass. The mystical powder flashed like a trail of live sparks as it fluttered into the glass, and seemed to disappear. [The flakes of a pristine Christmas snowfall, preserved for nearly 500 years by magic. The power must be incredible!] * * * * * * * * * * "So, Sano...what are you going to do?" "Damned if I know, Kenshin." Kenshins' eyes darkened as his voice took on a more serious note. "Sano?" "Nani?" "If you truly love her, let nothing stand between you. If circumstance builds a wall between you, then climb over it. If it is a river, then swim across. If a mountain appears in your path, then go around, but never give up. Don't let anything, or anyone keep you apart, including yourself!" "Myself?" "You are a good man, Sano. You have had disappointment and loss in your life. I can understand those feelings, but do not do what I did for so long. Do not shut yourself away from the one person who can make your past bearable, and your future heaven. When you finally decide to put your heart into her care, you will find a peace you have never know before. Trust me when I tell you that this is true." Sano followed Kenshin's focused gaze across the courtyard to where Yahiko and Kaoru were just coming out the dojo. As if f eeling the intensity of his stare, Kaoru lifted her eyes to his, and gave him a joyful smile. >From his position beside Kenshin, Sano observed the effect Kaoru's smile had on his friend. Kenshins' hands clenched, then released as the warmth of her love seemed to travel over his body like an electric current, actually raising the fine hairs on his arms. Sano continued to watch as Kenshin accepted the love in her smile, and returned it with one of his own. With a small shiver, Kenshin looked away from his beloved. His deep amethyst eyes returned to Sano. "When you find your hearts' true companion, never doubt them, and ever deny them, or yourself," he said in a hoarse voice. The two men sat in silence for a few moments, each lost in his own thoughts. Finally Kenshin roused himself, and climbed to his feet. "I'd better go shopping, if I don't want to get into trouble. Why don't you come with me, Sano, and we'll have lunch at Akabeko?" "I'm not very hungry, Kenshin Would you mind if I just sat here for a little while? I have a lot to think about." [NANI? NOT HUNGRY!?! ORORORO...!] "You are welcome to sit as long as you like, my friend. Just think about what I told you." "I am, Kenshin. I am." * * * * * * * * * * "Megumi-san....Megumi...stop crying please." "I'm sorry, it's just...just... Why did it have to be today, of all days?" Megumi struggled to pull herself together. As she brushed the tears from her cheeks, she saw the goblet in Dr. Genzai's hands. "Megumi-san, you would do me an honor if you would join me in a Christmas tradition. It is a long standing practice of my family to offer a drink from this goblet to a special friend on Christmas Eve. Legend says it was given to an ancestor of mine by their spouse, several centuries ago. The story also says that the Magic of Christmas is contained in its form, and whoever drinks from it will keep the joy, the love and the true spirit of Christmas in their heart for the rest of their lives." [The legend also holds that if two who are destined to share their lives drink from this glass on the same Christmas Eve, their hearts and souls will be forever joined. It is said that all barriers between them will fall at midnight, at the first moments of Christmas, never to be erected again. But you don't need to hear that part of the legend right now, daughter of my heart...] Megumi stood and then bowed deeply before the older man. "Genzai-sensai, your offer honors me. I would gladly share in such a touching tradition." With a tremulous smile, she accepted the small goblet. "You must drink it all at once, to maintain tradition," admonished Dr. Genzai. Megumi drained the tiny drink in one swallow, and lowered the glass with a gasp. She swayed on her feet, and Dr. Genzai steadied her with a smile. Looking into her slightly glazed eyes, Dr. Genzai restrained an undignified urge to giggle. "Megumi-san, you look very tired. Why don't we close the clinic for the rest of the day and get some rest?" Arigatou, Genzai-sensai. I suddenly feel very...strange." "Will you be at the Kamiya Dojo tonight?" "I'm not sure. I may just stay at home and rest." "You must do what you think is best, my dear, but I think you should come. We would all miss you if you were not there. Now, have a nice rest this afternoon!" Dr. Genzai saw Megumi off, and closed up the clinic behind her. Walking back into his office, he rinsed and dried the goblet, and returned it to it's bag. Then, without hesitation, he measured a tiny scoop of the mystical substance onto a piece of paper, and sealed it with a twist. He returned the box to it's hiding place, and taking the glass in it's red silk bag, and the precious silver powder, he set off to find Himura Kenshin. * * * * * * * * * * Feeling a familiar aura approaching through the crowds on the street, Kenshin paused to wait for his pursuer, "Genzai-sensai, is anything wrong?" "No, Himura-san. I thing everything is going to be just right!" Dr. Genzai explained what he had done, and told Kenshin what he must now do to complete the ritual. "Does he have to drink it in water," asked Kenshin doubtfully. "I do not think I can get Sano to drink water.." "No, no, it can be in anything at all, as long as he drinks before midnight." "Sake?" "Sake would be fine." "Then I think we are in luck!!" After sharing a laugh, the two men began to go their separate ways, when Dr. Genzai suddenly turned back to Kenshin. "Himura-san, you haven't forgotten what we must do tonight, have you?" "Genzai-sensai, you may depend on me to be at your side as you deliver the toys." "Good. It may be quite late, you know. We can't begin until all the children are asleep." "I understand. It is fine. Please do not worry." "I will have faith in you Himura-san. Until later then." A short time later, a very puzzled Tae watched Kenshin's back as he disappeared into the crowd. [Why on earth would Himura-san come begging to "borrow" only one serving of sake?] Back at the dojo, Kenshin entered quietly by the back door. In the kitchen, he carefully prepared the potion as Genzai-sensai had instructed. As he upended the contents of the paper twist nto the sake, he was amazed at the release of power he felt. [Whoever created this was an incredibly skilled magic user!!] Holding the glass in his hand, he felt the energy of the spell actually begin to warm the sake.. He found Sano still seated, looking out the door, where a low mass of clouds was beginning to darken the afternoon sky. "Sano?" "Hai?" "You did not mention that you and Megumi-dono had fought about your drinking, so I brought you an early Christmas present. I even warmed the sake for you. It would be good on such a cold day, ne?" Sano eyed Kenshin with a new respect. Was the rurouni finally turning into a man's man after all, having a drink with the guys...? "Where's yours, Kenshin?" "I...ah..that is...I only brought enough for you." [Not a man's man after all my friend. But it IS a free drink ...] "Arigatou, Kenshin! This is good!" Sano smacked his lips as he downed the brew. [Thank goodness he drinks just like he does everything else - all or nothing!! I do not know how I could have told him not to sip it.] "Merry Christmas, Sanosuke!" Suddenly Sano raised his hand to his head. [That was some sake, Kenshin!!] "Is anything wrong, Sano?" "I'm fine. I just felt a little...funny." "Why don't you lie down and rest for a little while.? You can use my futon." "Thanks, Kenshin. I was out kinda late with Tsunan last night. I guess I just need some sleep." After returning the precious glass to its' bag, and seeing Sano bedded down and sleeping, Kenshin gazed out at the threatening sky. [I think it's going to snow. I wonder if I have time to try shopping again before the weather gets bad. I have to find Kaoru-dono the perfect gift.] As everyone else prepared for the evenings' festivities, Megumi and Sano each slumbered the afternoon away. * * * * * * * * * * Later at the Kamiya Dojo "I can't believe Old Ugly finally turned out a decent meal. It must be a Christmas miracle!!" "Just for that Yahiko-CHAN, you can wash all the dirty dishes!! "Aaawww Kaoru, that's not fair! And DON'T CALL ME CHAN!!" The group erupted into laughter. As everyone continued to tease Yahiko, Kenshin snuck a glance as Megumi. She was trying hard to keep a happy face, but he could tell her heart just wasn't in it. [And speaking of your heart, Megumi-dono...] Kenshin wondered if either of them realized that they were both trying to watch each other, without getting caught. He restrained an amused chuckle as Sano almost caught Megumi staring at him, as he nonchalantly tried to keep an eye on her. As Kaoru watched the couple worriedly, Kenshin gave her a reassuring smile. [Oh, Sano my friend...what a life you are in for with this woman!! You will definitely never be bored.] The party broke up relatively early, since everyone had a full day planned for tomorrow, beginning with present at home and moving the dojo for lunch. As Kenshin accompanied Dr. Genzai to the door, the older man stared intently at the sky. "Do you think it's going to snow soon, Himura-san?" "Probably not for several more hours, Genzai-san. Don't worry, we will get those presents delivered, no matter what happens." "So you'll come to the clinic a little later this evening?" "I will be there. Genzai-sensai, about Sano and Megumi...I didn't notice any change in them. "There won't be a change until the first actual moment of Christmas. Even then, if they aren't destined for each other, nothing will happen. In this way, we are only giving fate a hand, and not changing it's course." After returning the silk bag to Dr. Genzai, and reassuring him again that everything would go as planned, Kenshin returned to the kitchen to help Yahiko with the dishes. * * * * * * * * * * Kenshin stifled a laugh as Dr. Genzai carefully arranged the red and white Santa Clause hat on his head. "Genzai-sensai, I do not understand why you feel it necessary to wear this costume. If the children will all be asleep, why is it so important?" "Himura-san, what if one of them wakes up? If they see me in this suit, then they will know they have not been forgotten by Santa Clause. So many orphans, Himura-san. The Bakamatsu may have stolen many of their parents, but I won't let it steal the joy from their Christmas any longer. That is why I have been Santa Clause to this orphanage for the past few years." The two men shared an understanding look, before Kenshin answered with a sad smile. "Hai, Genzai-sensai, the Bakamatsu took so much from so many, and the time has come to give something back to these children. That is one reason why I am here to help you tonight. After they gathered the toys in companionable silence, Dr. Genzai suddenly eyed Kenshin's clothing in apparent concern. "Himura-san, what are you wearing? When you agreed to be my helper, I know I sent you the appropriate costume!" "Hai. I am very sorry, but the costume did not fit." "Himura-san, how unfortunate! Not even the hat or shoes...?" "None of it, Genzai-sensai." The implacable finality in Kenshin's voice brought a halt to the conversation. Dr. Genzai turned his head to hide a wide smile at the rurouni's scarlet face. [Kenshin, my friend, I think the costume of a Christmas elf would have suited you very well!] Hoisting the large bags of toys to their backs, Santa Clause and his lone elf set out for the orphanage. * * * * * * * * * * Sanosuke and Megumi were tossing and turning in their respective futons. Ironically, each was having nearly identical thoughts, but from opposite points of view. "If only he would calm down..." "If only she would loosen up..." "If only he would accept a little responsibility..." "If only she weren't so serious all the time...." "Then maybe...." "Then maybe..." The round robin of thoughts continued for hours, as the couple struggled with their emotions. Finally Sano, unable to bear the inactivity any longer, bounded to his feet and pulled on his clothes. He shivered with cold, and the thin cloth of his jacket provided him with little warmth. Leaving his apartment, he set off to Megumi's. [It's time the Fox and I worked this out for good. We'll probably never agree on everything, but these really bad fights have got to stop. Either that or we have to go our separate ways, 'cause we can't live like this any longer.] His face grim with determination, he arrived at Megumi's door, and raised his hand to knock. Before he could complete the motion, the door suddenly opened in front of him. To his astonishment, there stood a fully dressed Megumi, wrapped in a heavy coat. "Fox! Where are you going at this time of night?" "I was...never mind where I was going, Rooster-head. What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Suddenly each was right back where they had left off, at the end of their last fight. As he stared into her eyes, he saw a seemingly unbreachable wall of determination. As she met his eyes, she saw her own resolve reflected back at her. He felt his dreams begin to fade, as she sensed her heart beginning to shatter. Suddenly Sano was startled by a cold, damp caress against his cheek. As he peered up into the falling snow, somewhere across town a clock begin to strike midnight. As the last ringing note faded, Sanosuke stepped forward and placed his heart in Megumi's hands. "Fox, I know you want me to change. You wish I was more serious, and that I wouldn't fight, or gamble. I don't know how much I can change, but I'd be willing to try...for you..." "Sano, I was wrong. Sometimes I worry about you. I worry about the life you lead. But you bring something to my life that was missing. There's something about you...a spark of excitement that I would never have found with anyone else. That's one of the things I love about you. I love you, not in spite of who you are, but because of it. You balance and complete me. Don't change who you are for me, because I am discovering that I like you just the way you are. That's where I was going tonight. I was coming to tell you this." For a moment Sano felt that his heart might burst. [She LOVES me!!] Suddenly he lifter her into his arms with a whoop, and spun them both around with abandon in the snow. Dizzy with more than love and excitement, he sat her on her feet. Placing a gentle finger under her chin, he tilted her face up and kissed her lips firmly. After a moment, she broke free from his embrace and walked to her door. Turning, she extended her hand to Sano, where he stood in the soft snow. "I'm not sure we can always agree on everything, Fox." "Of course we won't always agree, Sano, but we'll work it out." "I love you, Megumi." "I know that Sano. I've known ever since you had your concussion. You talk in your sleep," she giggled mischievously, as she continued to hold out her hand. As he approached, he asked her, "We're gonna get married, aren't we Fox?" "You bet we are, Rooster-head, but not if you freeze to death here in the snow." "Your love'll keep me warm, Megumi." "It always will, Sanosuke." And with those words she lead him inside and closed the door firmly behind them. * * * * * * * * * * Dr. Genzai and Kenshin walked home from the orphanage, tired but satisfied. Dr. Genzai had been right to wear his costume, Kenshin mused. The sight of the tiny girl perched on Genzai-sensai's knee would be a memory he would cherish for many years. He wondered how long the magic of the moment would stay with the child who gotten out of bed for a drink of water, and found Santa Clause instead. As they rounded a corner, Kenshin suddenly reached out to pull his companion into the shadows, pointing to the scene of Sano raising his hand to knock on Megumi's door. Silently the men watched the events unfold before them. As the clock struck twelve, Kenshin gasped as he watched the Magic of Christmas take hold of the lovers. Sano and Megumi's auras flared brightly for a moment then each reached out lazy tendrils to twine through the midst of the other. Even when the couple separated, as Megumi walked to her door, each aura retained the imprint of the other. As the door closed behind the pair, Kenshin turned to Dr. Genzai. "It seems our efforts were successful, Genzai-sensai." "Hai, Himura-san. Sometimes even fate needs a helping hand." * * * * * * * * * * Kenshin and Dr. Genzai sat, almost dozing, replete after a delicious Christmas meal. Everyone else was occupied elsewhere, and the two men finally had a quiet moment to talk. "Thank you for your help last night, Himura-san." "It was an honor, Genzai-sensai. Thank you for allowing me to share in your kindness to those children. But I've been wandering... why do you keep what you do such a secret?" "If you were me, Himura-san, would you try to publicize your actions, or would you keep them private, in your heart?" The two men shared a moment of perfect harmony, as they smiled at each other. "Genzai-sensai, what did you think of Sano's gift to Megumi?" "An ancient scroll on medicine! I have never seen one so old in such wonderful condition. Did he say where he got it?" "Tsunan found it for him, he said. But I do not now where Megumi-dono found someone to make a new jacket for Sano. Who would have thought that she could not sew?" "She does a wonderful job stitching up patients, but I suppose the embroidery on the back of a jacket would be a little different," laughed Dr. Genzai. "Did you notice that this jacket is an exact copy of his old one?" "Megumi-dono told Kaoru that it was the kanji "Bad" on the back of the new jacket that made her realize that her heart had accepted him before her mind did. She could have left the kanji off, but she did not. That kanji was a big part of who he is, and she knows that. But did you notice how thick and heavy the new jacket is? Megumi-dono does not want Sano to catch cold," laughed Kenshin. Joining in the laughter, Dr. Genzai replied, "That's out practical doctor!" They sat in companionable silence for several moments before Dr. Genzai broke the quiet. "Himura-san?" "Hai, Genzai-sensai?" "We do good work together." "We do indeed." "Himura-san?" "Hai, Genzai-sensai?" "Next year, are you still sure you wouldn't consider the hat, or maybe just the pointed shoes?" "Not in this lifetime, Genzai-sensai. Not in this lifetime." "Merry Christmas, Kenshin." "Merry Christmas, Genzai-Clause." ___________________ END ___________________ Free, fast e-mail accessible anytime, anywhere --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ---------------------------- GRAB THE GATOR! FREE SOFTWARE DOES ALL THE TYPING FOR YOU! Tired of filling out forms and remembering passwords? Gator fills in forms and passwords with just one click! Comes with $50 in free coupons! Click Here ------------------------------------------------------------------------