From: "Kathy F" All right - here we go again. If you don't get a completed fic this time, that loud noise you would have heard would have been my head exploding!! Anyway, as I said before, please let me know what you think. (And thanks for your patience!) Kathy * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PORCELAIN by kathryn WARNING: A little violence, and some Sanosuke-style language. **All standard disclaimers apply. **Based on part of the Better Than Ezra song of the same name. (Couldn't make the last verse fit, so I'm ignoring it.) "We can do that! We're the authors!" [ ] - denotes character thoughts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey you've got a lot of nerve, to show your face 'round here. Hey you've got a lot of nerve, to dredge up all my fears. --Better Than Ezra Megumi hesitated inside her door one last time before mentally berating herself. "This is ridiculous," she thought. "Just because Sagara Sanosuke has happened to be walking by the last few mornings when I was on my way to work doesn't mean he'll be here today. It was probably just coincidence, anyway." She sighed wistfully before she caught herself. "This has to stop!" she admonished herself. "I don't need him around. I don't even like him most of the time! With that silly hair, (luxuriant - begging to be touched) and he never says anything intelligent, (but I love that deep voice) and always fighting, (so strong!) and that fish bone..." At that thought both heart and mind had a moment of perfect agreement. That fish bone HAD to go!! She leaned back against the door and covered her face with her hands. As she realized how much a part of her life he had become, her hands began to tremble. She wasn't ready for this. There was no place in her life for these feeling. Her every moment was dedicated to helping others, to try to make amends for her past sins. Following Kenshin's example, she'd put her private life aside and selflessly served the people of the community with her medical skills. One part of her admitted that her lack of a personal life was only a defense. Just like her insincere flirtation with Kenshin, it was a protection against the real emotions that she was not yet ready to face. She didn't want to feel too deeply, to care about someone, to take that emotional roll of the dice. She'd been betrayed in the past, and it had taught her to build a fortress around her very soul, to use her inner strength to make the walls high and unbreachable. The very thought of someone finding their way inside her defenses filled her with dread. But she had to admit that Sano had slowly scaled the walls of her heart, and now stood pounding at the inner gates DEMANDING entrance. It had been such a gradual thing that she hadn't even noticed it at the time. He'd been passing by in the morning when she walked to work. He'd gotten into the habit of having lunch with her at the clinic. ("Always looking for a free meal," her cynical side insisted.) She recalled the time the local Yakuza had stopped by, thinking of causing trouble. That was once when his past as Zanza, the Gangster, had come in handy. And it seemed he was always going her way as she left the clinic for her home each evening, even though the times varied wildly. Sometimes she'd even look up to see his back and the fluttering tails of his bandana as he walked past the clinic windows. He'd taken it slowly, and she'd become more accustomed to his presence every day. Now she was to the point of looking for him...waiting for him. That's what frightened her the most. But Megumi was no coward. [Maybe it IS time....] She straightened away from the wall, squaring her shoulders resolutely. Never one to turn her back on the truth, she tried to consider the situation rationally. For all his bad points, Sano had plenty of good ones too. Sometimes he even surprised her with his insight. Not often... but sometimes. With a new determination, she opened her door and stepped out into the street. With a light step and the hint of a smile on her usually introspective face, she began her walk to work. As she passed a side street, she caught a glimpse of red and white from the corner of her eye. Her steps faltered to a halt as she turned to stare down the nearly deserted street. There was no way she could mistake the tall slender form she saw. His back was toward her, but she couldn't read the kanji "bad" on the back of his jacket. It was obscured by someone's arms wrapped tightly around him. As she watched in shock, his head bent down to the person in front of him. Shaking herself back to reality, she forced herself to continue her journey. Dr. Genzai would be waiting for her, and her patients needed her. As she arrived at the clinic, Dr. Genzai paused to take a second look at her face, after his usually cheery greeting. [Someone's hurt her. I haven't seen that look in her eyes for months. It's as if she's totally closed herself off again.] Respecting her desire for privacy, he merely directed her to the sick child awaiting her attention. She was calm, quiet and very controlled as she went about her duties. Dr. Genzai noticed the absence of the sunny smile she had been unconsciously wearing these last few weeks. The fact that she no longer chatted happily with her patients did not escape his notice, nor did the unusual tightness around her mouth. [That idiot, Sanosuke. What's he done now? ] Just before lunch the two doctors were assailed by a rowdy group of young men, who had obviously been drinking, despite the early hour. They half dragged, half carried one of their comrades into the clinic between them. Megumi gasped when she saw the spreading stain on the front of his shirt. "Bring him in here," she instructed, as she cleared a table for the wounded man. "How did this happen? Never mind, " she interrupted as the entire group launched into a series of wildly conflicting stories. Dr. Genzai's face was serious as he examined the patient. "We must close this cut immediately," he told Megumi. "Please keep him calm while I prepare." The young man had begun to thrash and moan, the pain of his wound reaching him through his alcohol induced stupor. She reached across to hold his shoulders and to stop him from rolling off the table. Suddenly his arms closed around her, catching her off balance. She half fell across her patient as she desperately attempted to keep pressure of the gash across his stomach. "Sayuri," he called, "are you there? Why won't you answer me?" He moaned in delirium, "I'm so sorry! I promise I'll never stay out drinking with the guys again, if only you'll forgive me! Please...I think I may die! Please say that you'll forgive me! Sayuri.....!!!" Dr. Genzai peeped in from the other room to say urgently, "Megumi! You must keep him still and quiet. If he thrashes about, he may bleed to death before we can get him sewn up." Knowing how to handle her patient, and heaving a sympathetic sigh for the unfortunate Sayuri, Megumi laid her hand against his cheek and whispered in his ear. "Of course I forgive you, my love." Suppressing her true desire to inform the young man that he completely deserved his present situation, she continued, "I understand. These things happen. Just lie still for a little while and then we'll go home together." She was totally unprepared for his strength as he pulled her face to his and kissed her! Doctor's wisdom overcame woman's instinct, and knowing that to struggle could hurt him even more, she gritted her teeth and impatiently waited for him to finish. "Really, his stamina is amazing," she thought, as his kiss went on and on. "But the blood loss and alcohol should get to him right," she sighed in relief as his arms fell away and his head dropped back down to the table. As he lay in a daze she finished her preparations for Dr. Genzai. She was too busy to notice that Sanosuke had appeared at the window while they'd been in the middle of the kiss. The hands thrust deep in his pockets balled into fists, as he silently turned away and stalked down the street. Those who got a good look at his face quickly moved out of his path. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I wish I could shake some sense into you, and walk out the door But your skin is like porcelain. Yeah, your skin is like porcelain. --Better Than Ezra Sagara Sanosuke was not a happy man. The one acquaintance who thought to stop him was rebuffed with a growled "Ototoi Koi!", and left standing in the street staring in amazement. As he made his way down the street, his thoughts were as confused as his rambling route. [Chikusho!! How could she?! Doesn't she know how I feel? Hell, I just accepted it myself. I KNOW she doesn't love Kenshin, even though she says she does. I saw through that smoke screen a long time ago. She was so stuck up when we first met, but so beautiful...with that long silken hair, and skin almost translucent... But lately she's started to appreciate me. I can see that! I've been there everytime she's needed me. (Recalling the incident at the clinic with the Yakuza, he felt a moment's concern.) I hope we got all THAT business straight. I haven't asked her for anything in return. Well, I did let her feed me a few times, but that was just because SHE wanted to. Doesn't she know that we belong together?] Gradually his own special brand of rationality started to kick in, and his anger began to cool. [Hey, the guy was on a table at the clinic. Maybe something really bad was wrong with him.] He stopped suddenly in the street as an unholy smile lit up his face. Surely that was it!! The guy must have been dying or something, and Megumi was just comforting him in his last moments. The thought so cheered him that he began to whistle as he continued his ramble. He'd wanted to tell Megumi who he'd run into this morning. He'd been amazed when the little sister of one of his old comrades called out to him on the street. She'd thrown herself into his arms with the abandonment of the child she had been last time he had seen her. As she began to cry, he'd first looked around in consternation, and finding no help on the otherwise deserted street, he'd kissed her on the forehead and comforted her as best as he could. Her brother had been a friend of his all those years ago, and had been one of those killed by the treachery of the Ishin Shishi. He hadn't seen her in years, and it had taken the whole morning for her to bring him up to date on her life. In contrast, he brought her up to date in about 15 minutes. Most of what he'd been doing the last 10 years, you didn't share with your old friends' baby sister!! She was engaged, she finally told him. She'd heard he lived in Tokyo and had come to seek him out. She had to see him just one last time before she married. She had thought of him all these years, she told him. Hiding behind her hair, she had shyly wondered if there was a chance that they... Blushing wildly, he stopped her by telling her there was someone he cared about, someone he might be making his own promises to soon. Admitting it aloud for the first time, he was satisfied with the feeling of rightness that overcame him at the words. Well, she'd just had to be sure, she sighed. And actually, her fiancee was a wonderful match. So with only a tear or two, she left him with another hug and a discreet kiss on the cheek, acceptable for such old friends....and he'd gone to the clinic and found HER kissing another man!! A momentary frown crossed his face before he mentally reassured himself. That one was surely dead now, so need to worry about him!! But what to do with the rest of the afternoon? Well, he could always visit the dojo and watch Kenshin do laundry. Maybe he had even cooked something good for lunch!! The thought quickened his steps as he made his way to his friends' home. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Just the other day I felt, I had you on a string Just the other day I felt, we could be everything. --Better Than Ezra Megumi stretched her aching back, and sighed in exhausted satisfaction. They'd saved a life today. That's what she lived for now. Just for a moment, she covered her eyes with one hand. [No! I won't think about HIM. I should have know it wasn't true. He was obviously out for what he could get. At least I never gave him the satisfaction of knowing he'd gotten to me.] She wiped away the lone tear that rolled down her face. Briefly she considered the life they might have had. She sighed and put the though aside, and only her sad eyes belied her determination. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * But now when I see you, you're somebody else With somebody's eyes And your skin is like porcelain Yeah your skin is like porcelain. --Better Than Ezra Across town at the dojo, Sano suddenly felt the weight of someone's gaze. Jerking his head up, his eyes met the lavender ones that calmly watched him. "Why are you staring at me," he growled irritably at Kenshin. "Because I've asked you the same question three times, AND you've been staring at the same rice ball for 20 minutes, " Kenshin replied in his usual soft voice.. The silence stretched out between the two friends before Sano finally worked up the courage to ask, "Aaahhh...Kenshin...what would you do if you saw Jou-...I...I mean someone you cared about, kissing another guy?" Squirming uncomfortably, he kept his eyes firmly planted on the plate in front of him. [So THAT'S what's going on] Kenshin quickly hid his grin, and decided to have a little fun at his friend's expense. "Well....," he began slowly, as if in deep thought. Sano's eyes flew to his face as he continued, "Well, if she truly cared for this person, and he really made her happy, I don't think I could stand in her way. After all, I don't thinksomeone I... ah..."cared about," would be kissing someone they didn't intend to marry. Do you?" He sat back to await the explosion he was sure was imminent. But Sano, as usual, caught him totally off guard. "Oh well, it's OK. I guess it really doesn't matter. The guy's probably dead by now anyway." "Oro?!?" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I don't know what I'm saying Well I don't know if you're there In the words you are fading Do you even care? --Better Than Ezra If was quite late when Megumi left the clinic. As she pulled the door shut behind her, she glanced up, then down the street. She froze as the light from the window of a neighboring house silhouetted a familiar figure. As if to calm the mad pounding of her heart, she pressed her closed fist against her chest. "What are YOU doing here?" she hissed. His eyes widened in surprise at the venom in her voice. "Megu...." "Stop it! Don't even say my name! If you didn't want to be seen, you should have met your "friend" somewhere other than a public street.!" Her hands flew to her mouth as she cut off her words in horror. "Too late...Now he'll know..." she wailed silently. Sure enough, the grin was returning to his face. "Fox, you shouldn't jump to conclusions," he smirked. "That girl was a childhood friend of mine who has come to Tokyo to shop for her wedding." He conveniently left out the little part about her crush on him. Her eyes narrowed as she caught his gaze shifting away from hers. "Anyway, I didn't yell at you because you kissed the dead guy. I guess that means you're the jealous one, not me," he finished smugly. It was her turn to stare at him in total amazement. She could only mouth the words "dead guy" in confusion. He rushed to clarify, "I know he wasn't dead then, but it must have been soon after that, right? Oh no!! He didn't die WHILE you were kissing him, did he?" He made a disgusted face, and she finally understood. She stared at him for a moment longer before she answered in a cold voice. "He didn't die at all. He went home with his wife later this afternoon. We ARE doctors. Saving lives is what we do here. And you, Sanosuke Sagara, are a complete idiot." With that she turned and began to walk away. After a little way, she looked back over his shoulder. He was still standing where she'd left him, staring at her. With a tiny sniffle, she turned away. [I will not cry. I WILL NOT!! I knew he was just playing with me. Well, this game is over.] She knew she'd done the right thing to walk away. She tried to feel strong and righteous, but all she could manage was cold and lonely. So wrapped up in her emotions, she didn't even notice that Sano had silently followed her untill he caught her front door as she began to close it behind her. With a gasp she whirled to face him. Angrily she snapped, "Don't you understand? I want you to go away. Just leave me alone. You can't fool me any longer. I don't need..." To her dismay, her voice cracked as tears began to roll down her cheeks. He stood like a statue, one hand effortlessly holding the door open as she tried to pull it shut. She sobbed in frustration as she continued to tug on the door to no avail. "No, Megumi. I DO NOT understand." Although his words were perfectly controlled, something made her look closely at his face. Instinctively, she took a step back. Sanosuke was ANGRY. She'd never seen him like this. Not even when he'd found out about her past had he looked at her this way. His eyes told her that she had hurt him and he was here to make her pay! As he took a step forward, and she took another back, he turned and closed the door behind him. "This is ridiculous," her mind tried to convince her panicking heart. "Stay calm. This is Sano. He would never hurt you." As he took a final step her nerve broke, and she spun around to run from the room. He caught her at the open door, and scooped her into his arms. She struggled for a moment, before relaxed in his arms to wait for his next move. To her surprise he walked across her bedroom to the futon and set her on her feet. Keeping hold of one hand he spread the thick cushion on the floor and pulled her down the sit on it. He watched her closely as he sank down to sit on the floor next to her. As she waited for him to speak her thoughts raced behind her calm facade. [Why did I run from him? What does he want from me. Surely he doesn't think I'm stupid enough to believe...] But a quiet voice inside her was making itself know. [If this is just a game to him, where did all this emotion come from? Why does he seem so upset and angry?] She waited. Those were the questions she most wanted to have answered. Finally he seemed to get control of himself, as he wryly shook his head. "Fox, what the hell is happening to us?" he asked. For a moment she sat, frozen like a startled animal, only her rapid breathing betraying her agitation. Then with a sniff, she answered him "I know there is more to what I saw on the street than you are telling me. You can't lie to me, Sanosuke. I know you too well." Her voice broke off as he seemed to continue the thought. "That's right. You do know me too well. You know me too well to think that I'd be kissing some woman on a street, when what I feel for you, what I feel for you is..." It was his turn to falter to a stop, uncomfortable with the track his thoughts were taking. They sat silently for a moment, staring at each other. Abruptly Sano pulled Megumi into his lap. "I'm better with actions than I am with words," he grinned down at her startled face. As her eyes widened and she drew in a breath to speak, he laid a finger across her lips. "Sssshhh, Fox. You know you've wanted this to happen for a long..." His suddenly unconscious body slumped against her as the man she'd been trying to warn him about dealt him a sharp blow just behind his left ear. Megumi mentally cursed both Sano and herself. How could they have been so involved with each other not to realize that three members of the Yakuza had been hiding in the next room? As two of the men dragged the incapacitated Sano to the other side of the room, Megumi scrambled to her feet. The leader of the group addressed her with an evil smile. "Are you gonna come along quietly woman, or do we have to give you the same treatment as your boyfriend over there?" "Where are you taking me," she asked, already knowing the answer. "The Oyabun wants you to pay him a little visit." Suddenly one of his comrades spoke up, "Can you believe this guy? He's already trying to get up!" The group turned to watch in amazement as Sano tried to struggle to his feet. "Hit him again, then tie him up." The groups' leader watched as his men carried out his instructions. "The rope was for you, sensai," he drawled the honorific sarcastically, "but I don't think we'll need it, will we?" Favoring him with an acid filled glance, Megumi answered, "No, I have no desire to be carried away bound and unconscious. If we are going, let us be on our way. I would eventually like to get some sleep tonight." The kidnappers exchanged bemused looks, before the leader sneered, "Brave words, woman. Let's see if you stay that brave all night." "Hmpf. You're not going to hurt me, I'm valuable to your Oyabun. I'll make him a lot of money. He won't let me be damaged." As they angrily dragged her from the room, Megumi spared one last thought to the man now lying helpless on her floor. [Sanosuke no baka!!] * * * * * * * * * * Sano slowing fought his way back to consciousness, only the be assaulted by a wave of retching that left him shaking and writhing in agony. [She's gone too far this time. She had no reason to hit me so hard. I was only gonna kiss...Wait a minute!! Kuso!! The Yakuza were here! They took her! OK - why can't I move?] After Sano finally managed to free himself, he lurched to his feet. He paused to lean against the wall for a moment, as pain and dizziness threatened to knock him out again. Moving very carefully, he made his way slowly from the house. He as still leaning against the front door when a loud voice split the night, causing him to wince in pain. "Hey, Sano!! You drunk again?" Sano eyed the boy with displeasure while he tried to find the strength to answer. "No, Yahiko, I'm not drunk. What are you doing out so late, anyway?" "I'm on my way home from working at Akebeko. If you're not drunk, what's wrong with you? Hey, you look kinda bad!" "Megumi just got kidnapped by the damn Yakuza. They probably want her to start making opium again. I'm going to get her. And Yahiko," he reached out to grab the boy's shoulder, "I don't any help. You understand?" "But Sano, you can hardly even stand up!" "Yahiko!!" "Hai, hai. Whatever you say, Sano." Sanosuke eyed the suddenly agreeable boy suspiciously. His gaze was returned with wide-eyed innocence, which only made him more nervous. Unable to spare the mental effort of figuring out what Yahiko was up to, he decided to accept his capitulation at face value. Absently, he patted the boy on the shoulder, his aching brain trying to plot out a plan of action. As he began to stumble down the street, he didn't bother to look around to see Yahiko racing off in the direction of the Kamiya dojo. * * * * * * * * * * Megumi stood defiantly before the head of the local Yakuza, willing herself to show no fear. As he continued to sit and watch her silently, she grew more and more nervous. When his voice finally broke the room's silence, she jumped in surprise. "So you're Kanryuu's little opium maker. What else did you do for him... hmmmm?" As the room erupted in laughter, Megumi stiffened in shock. The laughter increased at his next remark. "Not that you're doing any better now with that worthless ex-gangster, Zanza." As she launched herself at they Oyabun, strong hands gripped her arms and dragged her back into place. In the room's sudden silence, the sound of his footsteps was clearly audible as the Oyabun crossed to stand before her. The sound of his open palm connecting with her cheek echoed through the room. "Don't think of defying me, Tanaki Megumi. I like to make money, but I also enjoy hurting pretty girls like you. Don't make me wonder which role you would better serve." He studied her blank face for any signs for defiance. Frustrated at being unable to find any clues to her state of mind, he ordered one of the men to lock her in a nearby room. Watching through the window as the Yakuza leader slapped Megumi, Sanosuke readied himself to rush into the room. Before he could open the door, a firm grip on his arm pulled him around. Off balance, he swung wildly at his attacker. Calmly ducking the blow, Kenshin continued to pull the struggling Sano away from the door. [Whew, I just made it in time. It is a good thing Sano was moving slowly.] "Sano, stop fighting me! What is going on in there.?" "Chikusho! Let me go, Kenshin. He hit her!" [That damn Yahiko. I'll pay him back for this one. I could have handled it on my own!] Kenshin stepped back from the window. "Well, she is not in the room now. That means we have a chance to get her out without having to fight everyone inside." Eyeing Sano's mutinous expression, Kenshin sighed, "Sano, you are in no condition to fight them now, and I do not want to hurt them unless I must, to rescue Megumi-dono." "I want to hurt them, Kenshin. I want to hurt them all. He hit her!! Hit her..on her beautiful face..." his growling voice faded away as Kenshin stared at him in wonder. "Aaahhh...those blows to the head have funny side effects, ne?" "Sure, Sano." Shaking his head in amusement, despite the gravity of the situation, Kenshin walked around the corner of the building, and down the alley. Reaching a set of closed shutters, he stopped so suddenly that Sano bumped into him. "Kuso, Kenshin, what..." "She is in here." "How can you tell?" "Listen." Sure enough, as Sano strained his ears, he could hear the scrape of metal on metal above her soft, but vehement mummer. "I will not! I'll NEVER do it again! I'll let them kill me before I make one more tiny bit of opium. I won't let them force me back into that life. I've only just begun to make amends, to put my life together again. And Sanosuke..." Kenshin spared a glance to catch Sano's smug expression, at being in Megumi's thoughts at a time like this. "Sanosuke, that utter fool. Getting himself hit not once, but twice! Like once wasn't enough. I bet he's got a concussion.** And whose going to have to take care of him? I am, as usual! If he threw up in my house, I'll kill him myself!" Kenshin glanced at Sano again to see his smug expression slide through embarrassment and into guilt. [I guess he threw up. Concussions will do that to you.] Kenshin shuddered in sympathetic memory. Suddenly the shutters swung open and the two men were treated to the site of a vibrantly angry Megumi, with a knife in one hand, and the window lock she had just pried loose in the other. Completely ignoring Sanosuke, she fastened her adoring gaze on Kenshin as she cooed, "Ken-san, I knew you would come to rescue me." Blushing as he tried to ignore her flirtation, Kenshin indicated the knife in her hand, as he inquired, "Megumi-sensai, where did you get the knife?" "I've been carrying it since I left Kanryuu's. Those fools didn't even bother to search me for a weapon. Now help me out of the window!" Silently Sano stepped in front of Kenshin to lift Megumi through the opening. "Watch your hands, Chicken-head!" "In your dreams, Fox!" "Excuse me," interrupted Kenshin in a soft voice. "We really do not have time for this. We should be going right away." "Yeah, I'm feeling kinda funny," slurred Sano as he raised a shaking hand to his exploding head. As he swayed in pain, a concerned Megumi slid a strong arm around his waist. "What are you even doing on your feet? Why didn't you just let Ken-san come for me? You should be..." Her voice broke off as he grabbed his chin and tilted her face to meet his suddenly steady gaze. "Nothing will EVER keep me from coning to you when you need help, Megumi. I will always be there for you, no matter what. I'll always do what ever it takes to protect you. Do you understand?" He broke off as his vision slid abruptly sideways, and got measurably fuzzy around the edges. Only her firm strength held him upright for a moment. Neither of them noticed Kenshin's look of pained remembrance as he stepped deeper into the shadows. [Do not make promises you can not keep, my friend. Sometimes it tempts the fates to intervene...] "Well, if it isn't the love birds. Where do you two thing you're going?" Registering what the abrasive voice had said, Sano turned to face the crowd of men at the end of the alley. [Two of us...? Kenshin, where the hell did you go?] "We're leaving. You weren't thinking of trying to stop us, were you," Sano inquired casually as he straightened away from Megumi. Giving her a quick wink, and a squeeze on the shoulder, he continued, "This is my woman." Ignoring her quickly indrawn breath, he continued. "She's mine to protect, and if any of you come near her again, I'll kill you. Do I have to make it any clearer to any of you?" Sano pulled Megumi up the alley as he prayed his bluff would work before he fell down. Trying to disguise his unsteadiness, he pulled Megumi tight against his side. She must have understood what he was doing, because she didn't struggle, but merely slipped her arm firmly back into place around his waist. "Just who the hell do you think you are, Sagara?" asked the Oyabun. "You know who I am, old man. You remember how dangerous I was when I had nothing to lose. Don't make me show you how serious I can be now that I have something to fight for. You had one free shot, tonight, when you caught me by surprise. That's a trick you can't use twice. I'll be watching for you from now on. This is the only warning you're going to get. Now stand aside, and let us pass." Sano nearly passed out in shock as the crowd parted silently to let them leave. In his confused state, he never realized that the groups' eyes remained fastened on a point somewhere behind them as they passed. Megumi understood what was happening well enough. When she'd seen the Oyabun's eyes widen in shock she had glanced over her shoulder to see Kenshin step out of the shadows, and take a protective stance at their backs. The sudden light of the moon as it appeared from behind a cloud showed her a Kenshin she'd never seen. As his suddenly narrowed eyes peeped through his red bangs, she thought she'd never seen him look so....dangerous. She had heard the faint whispers swirling through the group that Sano was addressing. "Battousai! It's the Hitokiri Battousai! They say he's killed a thousand men! Battousai.... Let them go. Money's not worth dying for." There was a very faint sound as Kenshin thumbed his Sakaba sword loose in its saya, and the crowd parted to let the couple through. As they cleared the crowd, the Oyabun shouted after them, "This isn't over, Sagara!" "Yes it is," he mumbled in an exhausted voice. "Fox-lady, please take me home." Glancing back to see Kenshin discretely wave them on their way, Megumi retorted, "I'll take you home if you won't pass out on me, Rooster-head. You can't go to sleep, you know. You might not wake up." "What the hell are you talking about, woman? I'm gonna sleep for a week!" "No you're not. You're going to do as I say, and I say you have to stay awake. I am the doctor, remember?" "You're just trying to torture me 'cause I never did get to kiss you. You can't hit me!! I'm hurt, you know?" Their friendly bickering faded out of hearing as they moved slowly down the empty street. They never heard Kenshin's soft answer to the Oyabun. "This business IS over. It ends here and now. Those two are under my protection. If anything happens to them, I will be coming for you." He turned to walk away. "Battousai....?" Kenshin winced inwardly at the name, but answered anyway, "Hai?" "I've been told that you'd taken a vow never to kill again." Kenshin stopped in his tracks at the question, and answered without turning, "I did take a vow never to kill again, but..." He turned then, and they gasped at the sight of his amber eyes gleaming in the dark. "BUT....I don't have to kill you to make you wish you had never been born." Then with a small display of the god-like speed of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu, he seemed to vanish from the alley, leaving the Yakuza members staring at each other in horror. @@@Kenshin smiled grimly in the darkness. Allowing himself to be called "Battousai" again tonight had served a dual purpose. There had been no need to fight, and possibly seriously injure someone, and Sano and Megumi would not be bothered again. He'd been absolutely certain of that when he'd seen the terror in the Oyabun's eyes. He hadn't meant to go so far, however. It had shaken him when the Battousai had crawled up and peered out through his eyes. He'd felt the recoil of the entire group, and it had filled him with dark pleasure. He put such dark thoughts aside with distaste, and hurried home to the dojo.@@@ * * * * * * * * * * THE NEXT EVENING: "Megumi, I'm so tired. When can I go to sleep?" "Not too much longer, Sano." "You're just torturing me, Fox!" "Torture...?" "Yeah, torture, like when you were flirting with Kenshin last night, right in front of me!!" "Torture!?! I've been up just as long as you have. And who cleaned up the mess you made? And who waited on you all day? AND WHO WAS THAT GIRL?!?" "Aaahh....Megumi...?" "WHAT?" "It really hurts my head when you yell at me." "Go to sleep, Sano!" "Really? Are you sure?" "G-r-r-r-r-r-r" "I'm sleeping, I'm sleeping!" * * * * * * * * * * A little while later Kenshin stood watching doctor and patient curl together in sleep. A small, wistful smile tugged at his lips at the tender scene. Sano managed to look like an overgrown little boy as he snuggled his face against Megumi's kimono-clad shoulder. Sano was obviously fine, if Megumi was letting him sleep. For a short time he stood savoring the innocent beauty of the moment, then the room was occupied only by the two sleepers. Sano smiled as he dreamed... --END-- AUTHOR'S NOTES; **I have no idea if they knew what a concussion was in 19th Century Japan, but I needed to put one in, so here it is. @@@This is a little teaser for my next fic "The Killer Inside" which, (to my amazement) fits perfectly with this one. It's a story where Kenshin fights the re-emerging Battousai. Again. I know, I know - don't say it. TRANSLATIONS: I'm sure most of you know these already, but here they are again: Ototoi koi - "Bug off" (Literally, "Disappear yesterday") Chikusho! - Goddamn it! Kuso! - Shit! Oyabun - the "Godfather" of the Yakuza Yes, there's more!! Thanks to Daniel, and to Joyce who read this for me. This one is for Cheeky Chops and Pumpkin, who hate anime, but tell me they love my fics anyway. (And who ARE Megumi and Sano, by the way!) We're right there, babe!! Free, fast e-mail accessible anytime, anywhere --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ---------------------------- GRAB THE GATOR! FREE SOFTWARE DOES ALL THE TYPING FOR YOU! Tired of filling out forms and remembering passwords? Gator fills in forms and passwords with just one click! Comes with $50 in free coupons! Click Here ------------------------------------------------------------------------