Rurouni Cabbit
by Keiichi-dono

(None of these characters belong to me)


During the end of the Hello Kitty era, a cute anime mascot and part-time assassin was called to Jurai. During his time on Jurai, the body count he racked up was so great--yet this mascot/assassin was so likeable--that it earned the nickname "Hitokiri Kawaii."

However, at the end of that war, said mascot disappeared from Jurai without a trace.

In time, the name "Hitokiri Kawaii" became almost legendary....

(Cut through most of the first episode, close-up of Ken-ohki's face, which is the same save for a cross scar on his right cheek.)

Ken-ohki: Himura.  Himura Ken-ohki....


..and if any of you want to do this, go ahead.

