Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin belongs to Watsuki-sama and whoever else has the rights to it. ^_^ I'm just borrowing the characters for awhile.

The First Meeting of The SMDC
(Saitoh Must Die Committee)

by Meimi (aka Robin Kloster) [santiger@internetpro.net]

Various male cast members of Rurouni Kenshin mill about a large table. Kenshin (the hero) steps up to the head of the table and pounds his sakabatou loudly against the hard surface.

Kenshin: I, Himura Kenshin, President of the SMDC now call the meeting to order. Please take you seats.

Sanosuke (with ever present fishbone) mutters: Why the hell do YOU get to be the president?

Kenshin snarls: Because it's MY show!!!

Sanosuke grumbles some more: Whatever.

Soujiro clears his throat and stand: I of course, as treasurer will be making the log of our meeting. If you would all please state your names for the record.

Kenshin: Himura Kenshin, President.

Aoshi: Shinomori Aoshi, Vice President.

Old Weirdo from the Aoiya: The Senior.

Soujiro: Ano... don't you have a real name?

The Senior: I don't know. The author isn't all that good with remembering names.

Soujiro: Oh...kay.

The two other Oniwabanshuu dudes from the Aoiya: ......

Soujiro: Alright already. So she doesn't know your names. No big deal, you guys aren't all that noticeable.

The two other Oniwabanshuu dudes from the Aoiya: HEY!!!!!!!!


Yahiko: Myojin Yahiko. AND DON'T PUT A CHAN IN THAT!

Soujiro smiles pleasantly as he rights down Myojin Yahiko-chan in his log: hai hai!

Sanosuke: Sagara Sanosuke.

Shishio: Shishio Makoto... and I should be President I might add.

Soujiro: Hai Shishio-sama! Well that takes care of that.

Kenshin: Now we all know why we're here correct?

Aoshi: No we don't. Why are YOU here Shishio? You've got that babe Yumi!

Shishio: Yeah, all the good that does me. I've got a time limit for god's sakes on TOP of being a crispy critter. 15 minutes IS NOT enough time!! Not for a good one at least... and why the hell are you here you loser? You've got that Misao brat to play with!

Aoshi: Oh give me a break Mum-Ra, I don't go after jailbait unlike some. (glances at Kenshin)

Kenshin coughs: Kaoru may be many things, but she is certainly NOT jailbait.

Yahiko: Well she definitely doesn't sound like it when she voices her appreciation of your attention.

Sanosuke HOWLS with laughter as Kenshin GLARES daggers at Yahiko.

The Senior: Hey at least you guys have a CHANCE... possibly. Look at me, they've made me a pervert on TOP of being an older man. *grumbles* Damn stereotypes.

Hiko stomps into the room at this point: Sorry I'm late... *glares at Kenshin* A certain baka gave me the wrong directions.

Aoshi: What about you Sanosuke? Don't you have that Megumi chick?

Sanosuke chokes on his fishbone: Are you crazy? She doesn't go for guys... *ahem* Why do you think she's always fawning on Kenshin? You don't actually think she's interested in HIM do you?

Yahiko: Yeah she's hot for Kaoru.

Kenshin chuckles: Well that'll never happen.

Yahiko: Oh really? Then why are they always sneaking off to the clinic together? Alone?

Kenshin freaks: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!??!?!

Hiko looks thoughtful: Oh well if that's how things swing maybe I could interest them both in a threesome.

Everybody facefaults and sweatdrops.

Hiko: What? What do you expect?!? I'm 43, have a perfect physique and they won't let me have a woman!!!!! It's so embarrassing, for me THE 13th master of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu to not have a woman!!!

Sanosuke: Why in the hell does Saitoh, Mr. Crab-Head get to be the only one of us who's married?!?!?!

Shishio: All he ever does is Gatotsu, Gatotsu, Gatotsu, Gatotsu.

The Senior: How telling can that be?

Soujiro: So why is somebody.. as rigidly methodical as him the only one of us who gets some on a regular basis?

Everbody fumes: Saitoh Must Die!!!

Elsewhere the subject of such hatred is smoking on yet another cigarette (I'm surprised he hasn't keeled over from lung cancer by now).

Saitoh: Morons! It's not my Gatotsu that attracts Tokio. It's my endurance level.


The End