Subject: Tattered Angel - Part I I've never been on a mailing list before. I haven't really sent fics across the net either (sweatdrop) this how you're suppose to send fics? It looks funny in this kind of text!! Can anybody tell me how to post fics in Html?? Pweeease....!!:) -Mihoshi Disclaimer: All original characters belong to Nobuhiro Watsuki and the Jump team. Please don't sue me....I have no $$!!! Warning, MAJOR spoilers on the Revenge Saga. (Mostly about Tomoe) This fanfic belongz to Mihoshi (me! :), don't use unless you have my permission. (Like anyone in their right mind would steal this fic!) ENJOY!! Fear the reaper, Adorned in night. Feel it's scythe, Bloody with fight. Struggle no more, Embrace your fears, Feel his fingers, Upon your tears, Angel. Tattered Angel A Rurouni Kenshin story, by Mihoshi When Past and Present Part "Who's there?" Insane blackness welled up the tiny room. The air was strangely thick with a sick putrid aroma. The frightened girl curled up like a tight ball, her lush lips quivering. That smell That coppery smell, Blood. Her big blue eyes opened wide as she felt the tremor of footsteps vibrating against the cold ground. "Who's there?" Her mouth refused to work. She strained her neck forward and peered at the misty darkness. Who's there? Oh God.... please. The silhouetted figure stopped in front of her, bathed in shadows. She caught a glint of a sword, the blood stained steel emitting it's own glow. Her body trembled as the figure towered over her. She felt something wet plink against the crown of her head. Surprised, she looked up at the intruder. The cold tears continued to fall. She looked at her hand as she felt the icy wetness, her eyes opened in alarm as she gazed at her pale wrist. Bloody tears. "Please.." a silvery voice floated up to her, half sad half angry. Strangely compelling. Spellbound, she managed to keep sane while waiting for the voice to continue. It did, but this time it was a lunatic growl. "Don't fear the reaper." Suddenly the room was swimming before her eyes. The figure had disappeared and now the room was throbbing with cold blackness. She screamed for help but nothing escaped her lips. Then she felt the icy water swallowing her whole. Crimson water. "AHHHHHHGURRKKK!" Kaoru's eyes snapped open as she struggled to scream, water pouring out the corners of her mouth. She sat up and sputtered before turning angrily to meet the face of a young boy. "YOU TWERP, I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!" The young boy merely smiled and dashed away with a bucket in hand. He turned around in the door and stuck out his tongue. "Like to see you try it, ya hag!!" Yahiko disappeared from the door way. She fumed angrily in her soaking sheets, her head ached from the icy water. Kaoru would have chased after him, but her clothes were badly tasselled from her haunted sleep. She felt her vision blur as she once more felt the sea of crimson. No, no it was a dream. just a dream. She got up and started for the kitchen, her clothes revealing more than their part. Ignoring her appearance she entered the kitchen, hand on her head as she tried to surpress the strange throbbing headache. "Kaoru-dono." a familiar voice called out to her. Tenderly, she rolled her head to the side and winced when the pain doubled. Another voice chimed in. "You look like hell, jo-chan. What's up?" "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" her own voice screamed out. Shocked, she put her hand over her mouth. Sanosuke cocked his head to the side, angrily. "Damn it jo-chan!! It was just a fucking question!!!" Something was wrong. "I..I..I'm sorry." Kaoru stammered as she rushed out the door. "Kaoru-dono!!" Kenshin was ready to follow, when a bandaged hand held him back. "Leave her be. Right now she's fucked up. She's gotta learn to control that bloody temper of hers." Kenshin's pupils dilated as he pushed Sanosuke's hand away. Something was terribly wrong. Her trembling hands clutched the temples of her head as the pain shot up in sharp needles. The forest was dark with shadows as her bare feet travelled through the soft, spongy moss. The ragged breathing that escaped her lips was alien to her. Scared, hushed breaths. Suddenly the ground flew from under her. She lay there sprawled in the wet moss, a sharp pang travelled up her bare legs. She turned around to see what had tripped her. A long branch was protruding from the ground, it's thick brown colour sickened her. She could've sworn that she had never seen it before. She stared at it with dark narrow eyes. It retracted and coiled. Surprised she crawled away from it in a hurry, scratching her hands in the fresh pine needles. A head sprang from the coil, a slithering tongue lashed out at her. A snake?? It slithered under the bushes. A low hissing noise, like an angry kettle, erupted from it's retreating form. Kaoru looked at the bushes frightened, then her feelings turned to anger. The whole damn forest was mocking her. An abnormal fatigue swept over her, an odd violet haze enveloped her vision. She felt a soft, moist fragrance lull her to a tranquil sleep. Before she let the aroma take her whole, she gave one last whisper. Low yet urgent. "....white...plum.." Blackness. "Sano, something strange is happening." Kenshin stepped across the room and entered the yard, Sanosuke on his heels. Kenshin eyed the yard with low grim eyes. "So you can feel it too, eh?" Kenshin's eyes glowed a dangerous amber. Something was in the forest, a heavy pestilence. He immediately followed the strange presence. Feeling it grow more and more as the dark evergreens came to view. Kenshin stopped abruptly as he sniffed the air. It smelled of a vaguely familiar scent, something to do with a loved one. Sanosuke had caught up to him and was taking a couple of deep breaths. Kenshin surveyed the still forest. Then it hit him. That smell.... white plums...... TOMOE?? With super-human speed he dashed through the forest. She was back, he could feel her everywhere. His dearly departed wife had come back. The suspense nearly threw him off balance as he rounded the bend. For a moment he saw her, sprawled on the ground. Her long black hair undone and sprinkled over the greenish yellow moss. But when he neared her, he saw that it was his dear Kaoru-dono. "Kaoru-dono!! Kaoru dono!!!" he shook her shoulders as he pulled her from the ground. Sanosuke towered over them, his features etched in worry. Sanosuke grabbed her limp hand and felt for a pulse. He was relieved when he found it, but then something terrible began to happen. The pulse which was as strong as a boy that had just finished a run, had began to disappear. "Bunch a bullshit!! This can't be happening!!" He swore at the faint pulse that was beginning to deminish. Kenshin gathered the slender body into his arms and made his way to the Dojo, Sanosuke following swiftly behind. As soon as they reached the front yard Sanosuke made a sharp turn to the left and ran out the Kamiya Dojo gates. As panicked and scared as he was, he needed to keep a cool head. Megumi would be able to help her, not him. I regret that I bitched at her. His bitter thought was interrupted by the dying wail of Yahiko as Sanosuke rounded a street corner. "Kaoru!! Kaoru!!!" Yahiko was desperately trying to wake his teacher from her enchanted sleep. Kenshin pulled off his shirt and folded it under her head. He kept a hand on her pulse. "It's ok Yahiko, she's just sleeping." he needed to keep Yahiko under control, he couldn't handle a paranoid boy at a time like this. Yahiko fell back in a sitting position and sat there like a lost little boy. It was stupid to think that Yahiko would be fooled, after all he had the same fighter's sense that Kenshin had as a little boy. Yahiko started crying in the sleeve of his shirt. Kenshin felt her pulse grow fainter yet. Tomoe, what have you done? "Hurry up!! Jo-chan's dying!!" Sanosuke spat. Megumi was gathering up her tools as fast as she could. Sanosuke grabbed her hand and began running. "Is it really that serious???" "Shut up and RUN!!" They bounded down the street hand in hand. ************************ A warm breeze drifted down the hill, playing with Kaoru's silky strands. The jade green meadow was showered with spring flowers. The colours near blinding. Above her the cloudless blue sky stretched across the far horizons, it's golden captor sending soft beams of light across the field. Am I in heaven? The question almost made her burst out in laughter. Of course she was in heaven, now all she needed was a set of golden wings and a tiny harp. Who was she kidding? She let herself slide to the grassy floor, a single tear slid down her flushed cheeks followed by more. She broke out in sobs, hugging herself with her shivering arms. No. I still had so much to do. I have a Dojo to keep, I have friends to take care of. A loyal student to teach. "A man to love." her whisper was faint but painful. "A man to love." Kaoru turned around at the sweet voice that echoed her own words. Her eyes widened as a tall slender woman approached her. She was beautiful, yet empty like a dried well. Almost cold. Her hair was the same shade as her eyes. Coal black. "Who are you?" Kaoru watched as the woman came to a stop infront of her. Her white kimono flowed around her like a wedding veil. Kaoru stared at her, awaiting an answer. "Himura Tomoe. Welcome to the plane between the worlds Kamiya-san." Kaoru's blue eyes widened. "Quick go get a bucket of cold water and a towel!!" "You got it!!" Yahiko raced out the door. Megumi turned to Kenshin. "How long has she been like this?" "About 40 minutes." "Enough with the questions, fox lady!! How is she???" Sanosuke knelt down beside the doctor. Megumi sighed in exasperation "I told you!! She's in a very dangerous coma. It'll be hard to tell what exactly her current condition is. The only thing we can to is try to keep her alert, or her body alert. We can't let her slip any further!!" Kenshin eyed Kaoru with dim violet eyes, his hand rubbing her hand, intertwining her fingers with his in a attempt to bring her back. A very feeble attempt, but it was the only thing he could do. Kaoru-dono, please... He could not bring himself to think any further. "Himura...Tomoe?" Kaoru breathed the words as if they were sacred. The beautiful woman nodded. Her fragile features made her look like an ebony angel. "Why am I here? Do you know?" The woman closed her eyes. "I am the one that summoned you here." "The snake..??" Kaoru said in wonder, the woman opened her eyes and gently probed the light blue eyes of the opposing girl. "The snake was the second sign of the true evil that is going to befall. Before it could poison you, I had to bring you here. Do not worry, you are still alive in the mortal world by a thin line." "But..But why?" Kaoru sputtered. "Why are you here? What evil?" "This will take some time, Kamiya-san, please be patient." she sat down and motioned to Kaoru to sit beside her. Kaoru sat beside her and was surprised to be facing the ocean. The tranquil waves of aqua blue mesmerised her. Tomoe began to speak. "There is a group of people in southern Tokyo called 'Kurokagei (black shadow)' They have an abnormal power of blood binds, in which allows them to unleash the jakuna kokoro (dark side) of a person. Himura-san is frightfully strong in his Hitokiri Battousai form. Until now, he has been able to keep it under control. But although he shows that he is happy, his darkness out weighs his happiness a thousand fold." Tomoe's eyes dimmed. Kaoru stared at her, wanting to say something but not wanting to interrupt. Tomoe drew in a deep breath. "I know this because I have peeked into his soul and found nightmares beyond imagination. I had been with him in his assassin days and never did I think such guilt had weighed him down. I know that when he finally lets his darkness swallow him whole, he will become very dangerous as well as terribly strong." "But Kenshin has changed!! He protects, not kills! He won't let his jakuna kokoro take him!" Kaoru's heart was pounding. Tomoe looked at her. "No one can change that fast Kamiya-san. He has only bottled it up and pretended that he has discarded his guilt." Silence. Kaoru wondered why even the sea had stopped. "My time is nearly up." Tomoe grabbed Kaoru's hands and looked at her with soft black eyes. "Himura-san truly loves you." Kaoru felt her heart skip a beat. She wanted to look away but she couldn't break the gaze that they were sharing. Tomoe got up, pulling Kaoru with her. For the first time Kaoru realised that Tomoe had no feet. Yurei? (Ghost?) Then the rest of her began disappearing along with the scenery. The woman smiled a sad smile. "You're the only person in the world that can save him from his own guilt. No matter how many obstacles come between you two, you must always keep faith." Now the only thing that remained of Tomoe was her face and a bit of her chest. The meadow was being penetrated by a dark shadow. Kaoru looked around, scared as the cold blackness slipped under her feet. Now Tomoe's face was going transparent, everything was happening so fast. "I am happy I was able to meet you Kamiya-san." only her voice remained, nothing else. "Tomoe-san, wait!!" The last strand of grass disappeared. Kenshin's past and present parted. Suddenly Kaoru doubled over in pain, her head pulsing dangerously. The cold air seemed to have seeped straight to her bones. She moaned and dropped to the floor. Something warm was in her hand. Kaoru opened her eyes and found Megumi, Sanosuke, Yahiko and Kenshin seated around her. Sighs of relief could be heard all around, somebody sniffled. Her field of vision was hindered by something that was half draped over her eyes. She tried to pick the cloth out of her eyes but her hand was occupied with a warm presence. "..Ken..shin.." His hand had not left hers even when she was awake. She rolled her head to the side to look at him. His eyes were warm.... everything about him was warm. "Kaoru!!! Don't you ever try that prank again ya... ya....ya hag!!" On the other side of her, Yahiko broke in to sobs. Sanosuke patted his head. "There, there Yahiko-chan." "Don't treat me like a kid!!" Kaoru smiled. Everything was back to normal, but for how long. She silently repeated Tomoe's words in her head. She frowned. If the snake was the second sign than what was the first? Of course!! The dream....but what did it mean? Don't fear the reaper. Those words. It must have had some significance. "Megumi-dono, please make some lunch for us. Yahiko will help." "Anything you say Ken-san." she said in her teasing voice. Kaoru fumed. "Why do I have to help?? Sanosuke's been mooching food off us for years!!" "Do as the man tells ya, Yahiko-chan." "STOP WITH THE 'CHAN'!!" Megumi clasped a hand behind Yahiko's head and began leading him out of the Dojo. Yahiko's muttering stopped after the door slid shut. Sanosuke got up. "Jo-chan, you must be thirsty after your near death experience. I'll go get some water for ya." He winked before exiting. The door slid closed again. They were alone. Their was a long pause, almost an awkward silence. Kenshin began curling his fingers in Kaoru's. "Did you see her?" Somehow she knew that he would know. She smiled. "Yes, she's beautiful." His violet eyes grew soft. "What did she say?" Kaoru thought for a while. She was sure that if she told him everything, he'd be gone in a day. After all Kenshin would never want to hurt anyone, even if it meant going straight into danger himself. It was best if she left some things out. "She saved me from a poisonous snake. She saved my life." "Did she mention anything about a dark entity?" Kaoru bit her lip. This was the hard part. Lying. "No. Why?" "No..nothing." he didn't want to worry her. Even though they were in the Dojo, he could still sense the dark presence. Someone or something was still lingering in the shadows. "Kenshin, I....." Just then the Dojo door slid open and Megumi and Yahiko swept in carrying trays of onigiri. Yahiko's face was covered with the pile of onigiri, but grumbling was heard from behind the tray. "Damn flirt..." Megumi shot Yahiko a glare and set the tray down before Kaoru. Yahiko set his down and turned to look up at Megumi. "I don't understand why you and Sanosuke hafta use me as an excuse to flirt!! Try flirting by yourselves!" "We weren't flirting, ya stupid punk. We were teaming up on you!" Sanosuke walked in with a bucket of water and five tea cups. Yahiko shot him a dirty look. "Teaming up, flirting, same thing." They began eating, a noisy dinner since Yahiko and Sanosuke kept on fighting. Kaoru picked at her onigiri, deep in thought. Kenshin noticed this. "Are you not hungry, Kaoru-dono?" Damn it. Her actions are only going to worry him. She forced herself to take a bite. "I'm just a little dazed that's all. Mmmm, this is good." Megumi pushed her hair back and laughed. "Of course it is!! It was made by me." Yahiko grinned. "Yeah..maybe you can pick up some hints from Megumi on how to cook, Kao.." Wham. Square in the jaw. "OUCH!! What the hell did ya do that for!!" Kaoru raised her voice, playfully. "I can kick you out of the house whenever I want to. You better be careful what you say!" Yahiko grumbled and said some nasty things before chomping up a couple onigiris. Everybody laughed while Yahiko fumed. End Part One. (Um......did I do this properly??) ----