From: Miss_Led Hey all! As promised, Part 2. There is not much action in this section, it's more like one of those informative inbetweens, I'm setting up for the next chapter. I might have to post it in two parts. I don't know I haven't written it yet. I should have that one done by Saturday. Comments always welcome, I really love hearing what everyone has to say. I guess my proverbial pencil has been sharpened up quite a bit! Anyways, this has not been proof read. Forgive me and let me know if I managed to get anything bass aackwards, I seem to be good at that. -sigh- Night all! I have a quiz or two in the morning! -yawn, Miss looks at the clock which screams 2:46a at her- Miss ~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~ This fanfic is based on the story and characters created by Watsuki Nobuhiro. I’m just borrowing his characters for a spell, no copyright infringements were intended. I’m not getting paid for this Kiddies! This is my own private obsession! ~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~ True Gifts: 2 By Miss_Led Saitou walked the streets of the city, the scowl slowing fading off of his face to be replaced by Fujita Goro’s ever-present, pleasant smile. He had things to plan; the shopkeeper would be dealt with later. He thought about the upcoming course of events and began to brainstorm. Misao was not going to like his plan but she was Oniwabanshu, which meant she was trained to look out for herself, and on top of that she was a pretty, young girl. Just what his plans had called for. He rounded the corner and looked up. The cheery sign to the Shribeko greeted him, it’s delicious scent of freshly cooked food wafting out to gently enfold him and draw him inside. Saitou was greeted at the door by a smiling Sae, the smile disappearing the second she realized who he was. “Hajime-san,” She stated, her voice laced with wariness and sarcasm, “How can we help you today?” Saitou smiled arrogantly and paused for a moment. “Well, first off a good meal. Later, I have a real favor to ask, but the government will dually compensate you for the trouble. But, before I begin to talk, let me attend to my stomach.” Sae sat him in a curtained off area near the back of the restaurant. She took his order quickly and left with a distressed look on her face. ‘What does the government want now?’ She wondered as she went to serve another customer. ‘And why do I have the intense feeling that I am not going to like any part of it?’ Sae sighed and resigned herself to her fate. ~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~ Misao sat quietly in her room, her finished dinner tray off to the side. One hand supported her cheek as the elbow rested upon her knee. She had a vague look in her eyes; her face was molded by resignation. She had been this way for an hour. Having exhausted all the ideas she could come up with, Misao was overcome with depression once again. ‘I’m never going to be able to get the money I need!’ She mentally counted off the ideas in her head, ‘Robbery is out. I will not do that again! No one I know needs a bodyguard, so I have no options with that.., and me doing knife throwing tricks in the square will only get me in trouble with Okina and Aoshi-sama. No money there, nor am I willing to risk the chance of alienating Aoshi-sama. There’s nothing I can do!’ At this thought, Misao sighed and laid back on her futon. Her visions of Aoshi using his new journal, lovingly inscribed by her, turned to dust. Her feelings swarmed within her in turmoil. She rolled over and tired to ignore them, but the though lingered on. ‘Aoshi-sama will have nothing for his birthday, and my congratulations would never, could never be enough.’ Her eyes closed as sleep overtook her. Misao lay half on her bed fully clothed and uncovered. This is how Aoshi found her when went he went to check on her an hour later. He knelt down next to the girl and lifted her to a more comfortable position on her futon. She protested lightly in her slumber but stopped when, in a gentle tone, he told her to sleep. He almost swore he heard her sigh his name. He brushed a stray hair from her brow and covered her with a blanket. Aoshi watched her for the longest moment, content to steal this short minute in silence with her. Slowly he rose and turned to walk out of the room, he turned at the door to hear her speak in her sleep. “Money, have to get a gift…” Aoshi raised and eyebrow at that and closed the door behind him. ~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~ Saitou had watched Aoshi leave the house at the crack of dawn to go to the temple. He spent much less time there now, but he still had a morning ritual that would keep him out of the way for a good part of the day. He looked across the street to the Aioya. He could neither hear, nor sense anyone else moving in the building. He jumped lightly out of the tree he had been perched in and looked back the see Aoshi’s form quickly disappearing in the distance. He turned back to the building and quickly scaled a wall, fitting himself through an opening. His western shoes made no noise on the wood floors as he walked, any other man’s presence would have been noted instantly. Mibu’s Wolf was far from ordinary. He quickly moved to a door he had discerned as Misao’s and slid it open. She was asleep before him, breathing deeply. He leaned down and deposited a piece of paper near her head. Turning lightly, he left with the same stealth with which he had entered. ~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~ Misao awoke the next morning to find a letter on the bed next to her head. She opened it and read excitedly, not caring that she had slept in her clothes. ‘This letter is from Aoshi-sama!!!’ Misao, Meet me at the Shribeko in town at 2 o’clock this afternoon. There is a problem of the utmost importance with which have need to discuss with you. Don’t be late. Sae-san will bring you to my booth. And most importantly, don’t tell the others. This has to be completely private. Aoshi Misao’s heart beat double-time as she read the letter. She could not believe that Aoshi had chosen her for a secret job. And personally at that! Had he finally begun to trust her? To count on her? If he could do that, then there was a chance that there could be more for them in the future. Misao rushed out of bed and into the bathhouse to freshen up. She scrubbed her skin clean with fresh scented soap, them stepped into the tub to relax in the musk scented oils she had sprinkled into the water. By the time she stepped out her skin was glowing and baby-soft. She dressed quickly and brushed out the wet tangles of her hair before braiding the long tresses. She walked out of the bathhouse and back to her room. Picking up the letter and her store of weapons she left for town. She planned to go by the shop where she had found the book once again in hope finding inspiration. Then she would be on her way to the Shribeko to meet her beloved Aoshi-sama. ~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~ Misao wandered happily through the streets, in a state of pure bliss. Once again her worries were pushed aside as she dwelled in her daydreams. She finally can to the shop where her treasure awaited her. She walked inside with a bright smile on her face. The elderly woman tending the counter smiled in return. Misao turned to the shelf on her right were she had found the book the day before. Her eyes widened in shock as she realized the shelf was empty save for a few assorted writing utensils. She ducked down to look at the shelves below it and then around the store. The old woman came up behind her. “Have you lost something? Or is there something I can help with?” Misao straightened instantly, a small blush creeping across her face as she turned to face the woman. She sweatdropped and raised a hand to her head in consternation. “Gomenasai! I came in this shop yesterday and I saw a book, a leather bound journal. But I can’t seem to find it anywhere! It was very important, I wanted if as a gift for….” The blush on Misao’s face deepened and the old woman smiled knowingly. “Yes, I know the one. It had a small plaque on the inside front cover.” Misao nodded enthusiastically. “I’m not certain, but I can almost swear that I saw it logged as being sold yesterday.” Misao’s face practically fell to the floor and her eyes began to water over. “We can order another one but it will take about 2 months to get here. You have to pay upfront.” Misao nodded again, softly this time and gave the woman a tiny smile. “Thank you, but I will not be needing to do that, this was for a very special person and I do not want to wait that long. Maybe in the future….” Misao turned and ran from the shop before the woman could see her tears. She went to the riverbank to collect herself before she went to meet Aoshi. Even the thought of her upcoming meeting was not enough to cheer her. ~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~ Saitou walked up the street to the Shribeko feeling better then he had in weeks. His plans were all falling together, soon Misao would be at the Shribeko to meet “Aoshi”. ‘Wouldn’t she be surprised when she finds out who actually wants to meet her. But it’s not like I can send her a personal letter. She’d likely try to knife me to bits!’ Saitou laughed at the thought, ‘Well, she can try but she won’t get that far. I’m in no mood for silly antics today. I’ve got a job for her to do and she had best be ready to take it and shut up.’ Saitou entered the Shribeko and walked to that back to the curtained booth awaiting him. He settled in to complete some paperwork and organize some files before 2 o’clock rolled around. He tapped his pen against the tabletop in anticipation. The files in front of him contained the names and biographies of some of the more influential liberals in the Mejii government. They were making trouble by opposing laws being set by the new government. Work in the new government had been very hard due to their influence. Saitou believed that they were being bought by the northern Yakuza but he had yet to get concrete proof of the dealings. All he needed was some small connection or clue that would lead him to the needed information. Then the traitors would be removed quickly and quietly. He would erase them, none of their lives would linger in the surrounding area. It would be like they had never been born. People in the capital would talk for a few months, but before long the men would be forgotten as more important matters demanded the officials attentions. He hoped that the plan he had would lead him to the information he sought. One lousy and very expensive book would be well worth the trouble. ~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~<=>~ End Part 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ With more than 14 million emails exchanged daily... ...ONElist IS the place where the world talks!