DISCLAIMER!: Not ours don't sue. Spoilers for those Book 18 and up. Daybreak at Kamiya Dojo... Kenshin: Aa de gozaru... just another normal day in the dojo... I wonder what's for breakfast today... no no, I can't wonder, or I'll be eating my face for the rest of the week. I should cook breakfast myself today, less... (Kenshin walks into the main dojo hall, to find a spotlight shining at him) Kenshin: Oro?!?! (Kenshin is greeted by thunderous applause) Voice: And we welcome the host for today, Himura Kenshin-dono!! (The applause goes into megabass mode) Kenshin: HUH??? Kaoru: (goes up, nudges him) Say something, Kenshin! Kenshin: Oro? Ora? Ore?!?! What the heck is going on??? Kaoru: It's a special day today. Kenshin: Whose special day? Kaoru: Make a guess. Kenshin: I give up. Who? Sano: You're no fun, big boy. Kenshin: I wake up when the cock crows, come to the dojo looking for breakfast and I get a whole hall of people staring at me, some UFO light bulb pointing a strange white light at me and you expect me to be fun?? What is going on?? What is going on?!?! (Kenshin looks around, notices a banner floating around a makeshift stage) Kenshin: What's that?!?! Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu Fanfiction Archive? ORO??? Yahiko: Cool down, Kenshin... Kenshin: I want my breakfast! I want it now! Kurama: People, this is Kenshin just awakened. A rare sight of a cool rurouni, so get your popcorn ready. Hiko: Who's the red-hair baka deshi lookalike? Saitou: Who knows... ~puff~ Why is it that we RKers always get pulled down to some boring convention with just a twist of those pencil-pushers they call 'fanfic writers'? I have more things to do than hang out with Battousai and company... Hiko: I saw you hanging out the laundry on my way here. Saitou: ~puff~ Hiko: "Better things to do"? Saitou: Women. Kaoru: Anyway, we are here to present the Annual Rurouni Kenshin Fanfiction Award to deserving candidates who have done exceedingly well in contributing to the fanzone of RK. From a meagre handful of plus minus 20 fics when the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu Archive first started, to the erm... 'horrible mutation', as the maintainer of the archive states, the judges have, through months and months of waiting and toiling, finished judging the fics for the categories. So sit back and relax, and while I bring Kenshin to the kitchen for some food, let Sano and Yahiko entertain you guys. Be back later! (Kaoru disappears with Kenshin into the kitchen) Sano: *Ahem.* (holds up a piece of paper and reads stiffly) We are pleased to announce the first category of fics to be presented by prominent fanfic writer Talya Firedancer-dono from the Yuu Yuu Hakusho ficzone. (Kenshin and Kaoru re-enters the makeshift platform, Kenshin with a huge plaster on his head in a vain attempt by someone to hide the bulging bokken wound which had arisen) Sano: (still as stiff) With. Out. Fur. Ther. A. Do. I. Would. Like. To. Invite. Ta. Lya. Fi. Re. Dan. Cer. On. To. Sta. Ge. To. Pre. Sent. The. Award. Kenshin: Thanks for sounding like a block of wood Sano. Sano: You're most welcomed. (Kenshin disappears and is, in a moment, beside Talya. He holds out a hand, and then realizes that Talya is taking too long, so he simply whisked her along and placed her on stage) [audience applause] Talya: Ometedou gozeimasu!! *confetti explodes* *party-horns toot* The day has come that surely RK-fandom has anticipated greatly! Himura Kenshin, the great and formerly fearsome Hitokiri, the master of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu, the feared and famous swift swordsman with more than a hundred enemies thirsting for vengeance to test his famed blade....... .......is absolutely ravishing in a kimono! (a puff of smoke occurs, and Kenshin finds himself in one of Kaoru's under- sized kimonos. Leg hair anyone? ^^x) Yahiko (points): Bwaahaha! He looks prettier than you, ya old dog! Kaoru (growls): Omae...! (rolls up sleeves to pummel him) Sanosuke (awestricken): Ke-kenshin...you're... ALL: You're GORGEOUS! Kenshin (flees): Orororo!! Of course, many questions await...who can win the heart of the fair Ken-chan? ^_~ The possibilities are endless. Soon, Kamiya Dojo may be swamped with suitors seeking the mysterious beauty's hand, instead of bloodthirsty enemies seeking the legendary Hitokiri's head. Kaoru: And with any luck, I can sucker---er, get them to help with repairing the dojo... (laughs behind her sleeve) The honor of Best Comedy goes to "No Way Out," by Akane! But hopefully things won't become as gender-confused as Akane's hapless fiance Ranma... ^_^ Sanosuke (eyeing kenshin): Oi. I've heard of a place called Jusenkyo... Kaoru (brightens): If Kenshin really *were* a girl, the dojo would be safe forever! Yahiko (chuckling evilly): If Kenshin really *were* a girl, you'd never get married with him around! Kaoru (makes to throttle him) Ranma Saotome (pops out of nowhere): Yeah, you uncute tomboy! Kenshin (reels weakly): Oro... Congratulations, Akane, on winning first place. Ometedou and three cheers! *Wai!* *Wai!* *Wai!* Many happy returns and don't keep us in suspense...we wanna know what happens next! ^_~ Kenshin (wails): No! Don't encourage her! Kaoru (approaches with big green ribbon): Ken-chan, it's time to go back to Costuming... Kenshin (subsides with puff): Hai, Kaoro-dono... ....Oro.... [translation: I'm done for.] [audience applause] Yahiko: BWHAHAHAHAH! The legendary Hitokiri Battousai, in a kimono! NAHAHAH!! Sano: (stiffer than ever) Akane-dono please take stage to recite with dead monotony- OOFF! All right all right! To deliver with utter enthusiasm your winning speech. Akane: [insert winning speech] Kenshin: (reappears) Thank you so much Akane-dono... but I'm not thanking you for the fic, so... ::sniff:: Anyway, on with the ceremony. Soujirou: Ara... Himura-san... Kenshin: Be quiet, Soujirou. You are not to talk with me until you've found the answer as a rurouni. Soujirou: But, Himura-san... Kenshin: Up next, to balance with the funnybone fic presented earlier, we have in store for everybody a most interesting combination. Soujirou: Himura-san... Kenshin: The second category of fics is to be presented by... ?!?!? ORO?? Soujirou: Himura-san, the presenter couldn't make it in time... Kenshin: *Shimatta... !* Is that what you've been trying to tell me, Soujirou? Soujirou: Yes... Kenshin: *pats him on the head* Good boy. *back to the microphone* The presenter for the second category is Seta Soujirou of Rurouni Kenshin fame. *AHEM*. Soujirou-dono, please... Soujirou: ARA?!?! [audience applause] Shishio: *takes a look at the programme sheet; slaps a hand on his forehead* ... Soujirou: Ahahahahah... hahahah... hahahah... Ahahahhahahahahahahh... ahahaha hahahahhahhhhhaaaaa haaaaaahahahahahahah ahahahahah hahahahhahahahahaha ha... haaa... HATCHOO!! Ara... mata hitori bochin no chatta na... demo nan da ga chi tou sabeneshi ku nai desho... hen desho ne, Shishio-san? [Enter "Journey" music] Soujirou: Boku wa, boku no basho e yukou... mada, nani mo mienai keredo... Shishio: The boy is a disgrace, let's leave... Kenshin: Anyway, the next category is the Most Angsty fic category. Tough competition here... but the winner... the winner is... Jinchuu's End by Tracy Lim!! Tracy-dono, please take stage! [audience applause] Tracy: Best Angst... ? Well! Well first of all, thanks again to the Anoymous Organizers for awarding Jinchu's End as Best Angst. Concerning the fic itself... well to avoid being shot dead with Battousai Glares of Death for spilling spoilers, let's just say that this insane, crazed slip of a girl really can't do angst anywhere as close as the Masters out there - for instance, Watsuki Nobuhiro sama himself. Let's give Watsuki-sama a big tribute!! *applause, applause* And to continue with my thanks list, I'd like to express my utmost gratefulness to Rurouni for naming the fic. Also, thanks to Edgar Allan Poe for writing "The Masque of the Red Death", which successfully got me into the mood to write the final version of Jinchu's End. Erm, I ask of your patience to bear with my long-windedness, but I'd like to say something about angst, or rather, feelings of despair and such. There is simply too much sufferings, frustrations, tears, sadness in this world, this life. Much as we'd like to avoid them, such things do exist. Unfairness, sneerings because of differences, injustices... we encounter them anywhere, anytime. They're everywhere. Some of us may be fiery and spirited enough to persevere, to fight for what we believe to be right, while at other times, we may feel as if it's much more easier to end everything neatly by giving up and admitting defeat. Sometimes, things do come out the way we'd like them to be, that we get to taste the precious fruit of satisfaction of victory. But on some more unfortunate occassions, we simply lose. No matter how well planned it may be beforehand. Everything is gone, just like that. This is life, and this is the real world. But at the same time, we remember that there is laughter as well. As there is sadness, there is joy. Is the world a living Hell, or a Paradise on earth? Perhaps all is simply in one's mind: indulge yourself in pessimistic views at every turn, and you're in the deepest depths of Hell. Yearn to see a Paradise, and you find yourself flanked by loved ones and miracles, small though they may seem. I'd just like to make a wish, for everyone of us (myself included) to have the strength and faith to continue. To continue, irrespective of the outcome of an episode - if it's a great success, congrats and give yourself a hearty thump on the back, and may that confidence accompany you in all your future undertakings. If something went wrong, it's perfectly all right to feel dejected and to be down in the dumps. But as time passes, wounds heal, accept that cruel things do happen, and find the courage and faith in your loved ones and your life to continue. I suppose it's really futile and too idealistic to wish for a Perfect Utopia where there is no pain, no tears - at least, not here on Earth. But at least, we can give a hand to those in despair, to help ease the pain and to reduce it to a minimum. I want to express my thanks, from the very core of my soul, to our families, and to a Mr A, who'd helped my friends and I through a particularly testing ordeal recently. Like you said, such things may be blessings in disguise, strengthening us. Mr A, mom, dad, Chuan Woei, Siew Peng, everybody - you might never see this, but I'm sure that we all feel the same. Thank you, to everyone, in each of his or her own course of life, who have ever given a helping hand, a kind word, warmth and support, to people who are in need or need cheering up. God bless us all, and thank you, for being the goodhearted people that you are. From the bottom of my heart - Thank You! (Tracy is escorted off-stage by Hiko... unlikely, but true. ^_^x) [audience applause] Kenshin: How dare they make *that* the best angst fic... why couldn't it be something else? Anything but a speculation of that, right? ::sniff:: Anyway, once again we are here to appreciate the efforts of various authors on their wonderful works, and this actually acts as a wonderful base to encourage aspiring fic-writers to get off their bottom and do something. Well, words aside, this ceremony was sponsored by the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu Fanfic Archive. Please visit it to read about all the winning fics! Okashira: ... Kenshin: Oro. I think I see the presenter. Okashira-dono! Here! Over here! (Megumi goes up to escort Okashira) Misao: *whistles as she takes microphone* The presenter for the next award is the Okashira of the Singapore KFC (Singapore Kenshin Fan Club). Fortunately for us, we managed to catch this rare persona before he departed for 3 years of army training. Okashira-sama! Douzou... [audience applause] Okashira: *ahem* I am not very eloquant. I don't even know how to spell eloquant. Please bear with me for a while, I'm sure you'll enjoy what's to come later. This year,as always,many fanfics involve original characters,which complement the existing characters,and display the imagination and creativity of the writer.As in any story,be it a fanfic,novel,or movie,these characters may play only a minor role,or be given the lead role,which is pretty much a daunting task.It is essential that a well-created character should of course,be portrayed such that the reader can envision the look and feel of that character.The most important element of a great character is that the readers should be able to feel the emotions of that character,so much so that it doesn't seem like a new character anymore,and has left a certain mark in the reader's mind. Without further ado,I present to you the winner of this year's Best Character Creation Award: Sabishi from 'Star' by Kawaii-san! [audience applause] (Misao escorts Okashira off-stage as Kawaii-san bounces onto stage) Kawaii-san: ::bows bows:: ARIGATO GOZAIMASU MINNA SAN!!! I can't thank everyone enough for choosing her as the best original character! ::hugs everyone:: THANK YOU THANK YOU!! But inspiration for her came from my dear friend (and secret co-writer) CHIBI-K~!!!! ::bows:: And of course for my TERRIFIC FRIENDS who should know who they are, but i will mention anyway since i am SOOOO long winded ::gets knudged by Chibi-K:: oh yeah... they are.... THE WONDERFUL RUROUNI SAN!!!!!! ::cheers the owner of hp Hiten Mitsurigi Ryu...(gotta visit) THE TERRIFIC FWAH SAN (The name's Pan, thank you. ^^x) !!!! ::claps:: the owner of MANY terrific fics... (gotta read) THE GREAT KITSUNE SAN!!!! ::whistles:: my personal editor for several of my fics... (gotta love her ^^) I THANK YOU ALL AND EVERYONE ELSE FOR ROOTING ME ON!!!! You all deserve a reward for being such great people!!! THANKS!!!! [audience applause] Kenshin: Oro de gozaru (gulps the no da down). Next is a very intellectual subjective, objective, mind-stimulative... Kaoru-sensei: (knocks Kenshin away with a bokken) Hello otaku! Kenshin: Otaku? Oro? Sano: Don't forget to greet the foxy Doc Yahiko: Don't forget to say hi to the hag! Kaoru: WHY YOU! *WHACK* Megumi *evil anime villainess laugh* Saitoh: *drags on his cigarette* Tokio: *glares at Saitoh for smoking* *AHEM* *Misao and Aoshi come from off stage, and Misao gladly throws the daggers that Kaoru-sensei is glaring at people* Do you think things can proceed quietly from here on out? *Yahiko and Sano nod their heads uneasily, Kenshin and Kaoru smile, Saitoh smirks* Anyway.... I am presenting the award for best music video, or as some refer to them, filks. It's hard work finding just the right song to fit with what you're trying to portray... So without further ado let's find out who the winner is. Aoshi, the envelope please... *Aoshi reaches inside the bow Misao has tied around his waist with a blank expression and removes the envelope from the confines there handing it to Kaoru-Sensei* Aoshi: Doozo Domo... *all the females in the audience covertly snigger at the bow and give Misao subtle winks* Kenshin would you be so kind as to open the envelope please? *Kenshin slides into a stance and performs the succesion technique causing the envelope to be sliced into 9 different parts* Um....... thanks...... *rolls eyes* Saitoh: Battousai, can't you do anything right? *while still smoking he leans over, picks up the pieces and hands them to Kaoru-Sensei* Um one moment folks.... *jeopardy music plays as Yahiko and Sano make bets who the winner is, and Kaoru and Megumi give them disdainful glances* *Kaoru-Sensei emerges with some semblance of order from the scraps of paper, squints her eyes switches out some paper and smiles* the winner is...... *Misao does a drumroll on Yahiko's spikey head* Yahiko: HEY! Misao BIDA! *RUNS* Yahiko *runs after her* Minna *SWEATDROPS* As I was saying *glares at everyone* The winner is Geraldine Cheong for "Falling into You" Congratz! Kenshin *nods his head in approval as his violet eyes mist up with tears and he recalls the scent of plum blossoms, and touches his scar thoughtfully* Kaoru: Ken...shin.... Saitoh: *puffs on his cigarette and goes backstage, Tokio glaring daggers in his back for smoking* Sano *escorts Megumi backstage.* Misao *throws the award at Geraldine and heads backstage, Aoshi trudging along behind her* [audience applause as Geraldine takes stage] Geraldine: Wow! I never thought that I would win. Thank you all for even reading my fic! First and foremost, I have to thank my dad for playing that Celine Dion album non-stop. I probably memorised every song in there by now... urk... I guess all those days of "Turn the volume down!" and "No! Not again!" really paid off. I mean, the songs are nice but too much sugar gives one diabetes right? When I first heard Celine Dion's Falling Into You, I fell in love with it. It's unique... not only that, it's slow [not those loud and rauchy music] and easy to sing. Also, it doesn't send me off to lala-land or give me a headache. The RK scenes just played out in my mind as I listened to it. It took less than an hour for me to complete writing out the MV. That's the shortest time I ever took to write a fic. That's right, I never plan my fics when I'm writing... I just write whatever comes to mind. Ok, enough crap! I should let the show continue... Kenshin: Thank you so much everybody! We now pause for a commercial break. Before we enter the second phase of battle... I mean... awards, we would like to present... "Rurouni Kenshin Special: The really ridiculous stuff"! Do not move your eyes away from the computer screen! [enter Sobakasu] Kenshin: In alphabetical order we present to you *the* catchphrase parade of the main and semi-main cast of Rurouni Kenshin, our best loved anime on the net and anywhere else. Oh and by the way, it's *my* anime. Hiko Seijuurou: Baka deshi. Baka deshi. Baka deshi. Baka deshi. Baka deshi. Himura Kenshin: Oro... Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu... RYUU TSUI SEN RYUU SHO SEN RYUU SOU SEN RYUU TSUI SHO SEN DOU RYUU SEN SOU RYUU SEN RYUU SOU SEN RYUU KAN SEN RYUU KAN SEN KOGARASHI RYUU KAN SEN ARASHI RYUU KAN SEN TSUMUJI SOU RYUU SEN IKAZUCHI HIRYUSEN KU ZU RYUU SEN AMA KAKERU RYUU NO HIRAMEKI RAI RYU SEN... Oops de gozaru. Hiko: Rai Ryu Sen? Baka deshi. Kenshin: Shishou, I've been watching fillers for the past 30 episodes of my show! ::sniff:: Kamiya Kaoru: Kenshin-sama! Komagata Yumi: Shishio-sama! Makimachi Misao: Aoshi-sama! Myoujin Yahiko: Tsubame-sama! I mean... Tsuyoku tai! Sagara Sanosuke: KORAAAAAA!!! TEEEMEEEE!!! Saitou Hajime: Aho ga. Back to Sano: ~sweatdrop~ Wasn't addressing you... Saitou: Aho, still. Sano: KORAAAAAA!!! TEEEMEEEE!!! Saitou: ~puff~ Seta Soujirou: Arahahahahhahahahahahaa-CHOKE- Shinomori Aoshi: ... Saitou Hajime, moto Shinsengumi san ban dai kumi chou... Shikijou, Beshimi, Hyottoko... Hannya... ~~! ... *drinks some tea* Shishio Makoto: BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! EAT NATIONAL CHICKEN! Kuni Tori! Kuni Tori! Kuni Tori! Kuni Tori! Takani Megumi: OHohohohohohohohohoh!!! Yukishiro Enishi: Jinchuu Jinchuu Jinchuu Jinchuu, Battousai must die, Battousai must die... I mean, Battousai must suffer... Battousai must suffer... WAH! I don't even know what I want Battousai to become! Yukishiro Tomoe: ... I have a mad brother and an unfaithful husband. I rest my case. [goes off-stage] Kenshin: Oro... TOMOE! (starts to chase her) Kaoru: Kenshin! (starts to chase him) Sano: Come on crab head! Time for the 1001th rematch! Come on come on come on! Don't stand there smoking your lungs black, COME ON! Saitou: ~puff~ Misao: Aoshi-sama! Aoshi: ... Misao: Aoshi-sama!! Aoshi: ... Misao: Aoshi-sama!!! Aoshi: Misao. Misao: Aoshi-sama, yes??? Aoshi: You're stepping on my foot. Jine: Neheheheh!! I'm back, Battousai! (grabs Kaoru) Kaoru: KENSHIIIIIIIN! Kenshin: Jine! Jine! Jine: BWAHAHAHHAHAAHAHHA!! Kenshin: Jine! Waterfall! Jine: BWAAAAAAAH! STAY TUNED FOR PART TWO The Organizers bread@bread.freeservers.com 16/12/98