DISCLAIMER!: Don't own 'em... please don't sue. ^^x All right... this is a pitiful attempt, but I promised I'd give it a shot if my funny bone kicked in again, so... here goes. I don't really know any of you either, but I did try and let everyone say something. ^-^ Please don't shoot me. -Tae "SAITOH!" Rurouni exclaimed, "it's about time you got here!" Saitoh looked calmly around the Akabeko as everyone else stared at Rurouni. Well, everyone but MadamHydra. She was eyeing her fiance and plotting mayhem. "Um, Rurouni," Kaoru-sensei said after a moment, "do you mean to say you were *expecting* Saitoh?" "Heck, yes!" Rurouni's response was emphatic, to say the least. " Who better to help us find Pan? Now that we've lost her trail, SOMEBODY has to help us. So I sent a note around requesting Saitoh-san meet us here." "You've got to admit, she's got a point," Nadya-Kaoru chimed in. "He is a police officer. And insufferably clever. Just not as cute as Kenshin." MadamHydra happened to have tuned back into the conversation at this point, and felt obliged to object... even though she was still annoyed about the whole "wife" thing. "Hajime's plenty good looking! And at least he doesn't look like a GIRL!" "Ororooo!" Kenshin exclaimed in surprise, while Sanosuke cracked up laughing. Saitoh still stood calmly just inside the doorway, but an attentive observer would've noticed the large sweatdrop clinging to the back of his head. Fumbling a little, on account of her eyes still being mostly shut, Tae approached the officer and took his order for soba. It wasn't normally on the menu, but who was she to argue? Narrowly avoiding Tsubame and the other waitresses, she headed for the kitchen to take care of it, while Saitoh finally sat down at the fanficers table. "All right, what's this about looking for some bread? You do realize this is a restaurant, and that you can probably order some, don't you?" "No, no... not some bread, PAN!" Tracy Lim corrected. "She's a person. She's just NAMED after bread. We were chasing her through the city when we ran into Kenshin and Hiko-sama...." Tracy trailed off, her eyes going soft and moist as she let her gaze stray to the master of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu. "And we got distracted," Nadya-Kaoru finished for her, when it became obvious that Tracy was more interested in Hiko than in explaining things to Saitoh. "You have to help us find her." "Yeah, and then Nadya-Kaoru and I can argue over who gets to carry out our Revenge." The way Rurouni said it, the capital R was clear to hear. Although his expression didn't really change, Saitoh somehow managed to convey his disdain for any group of people who would let themselves get distracted in the middle of a chase. "Revenge is against the law. If we find this person, her punishment should be left to the authorities." At this the fic writers exchanged glances which clearly sent the message: Oh yeah? Says who? Saitoh cleared his throat. He was unwilling to show it, but he wasn't used to a group of people -- much less strangely dressed women -- failing to be intimidated by him. "So the suspect's name is Pan." Everyone nodded. "What did this Pan do, and what does she look like?" END PART 2 RurouniKenshin@listbot.com 3/10/98