DISCLAIMER!: Rurouni Kenshin characters (c) Watsuki Nobuhiro and Shonen Jump and whoever owns it. Don't own anything, anyone, and don't want to, so please be kind and don't sue... ? ^^x Singaporean RK fans RPG Game. CHAPTER ONE ~ Pan In the 11th year after the Meiji Restoration, a red-haired girl? boy? was walking along the streets of Tokyo when... ~ Rurouni ... a... ~ Poping ... kodachi... ~ Rurouni ... hit him at the back of his head... ~ Poping ... shaving a bit of his hair. ~ Rurouni "ORORO..." "Hey!..." ~ Poping "... Battousai!" ~ Rurouni Someone slapped his back causing him to topple over. ~ Poping "Where do you think you are going?" It was Aoshi! Kenshin turned around to see his ice cold eyes hiding behind his hair. ~ Sano