From: disclaimer: this time its Tsutomu, he is actually the first son of the real Saitou and Tokio, but he's like almost 3 in this story. this one is a bit long, but oh well, Chapter 3: Kenshin I was jolted awake by the banging on the door But that wasn’t what woke me up, it was the feeling of desperation and the pain coming from the door. It screamed at me, demanding attention. So I decided to see who was at the door. Saitou was kneeling before the door, his hand still fisted against the door the other palm down on the door. He looked so small. For a moment I didn’t know how to react to such a scene. When he told me the story in broken gaps I realized that I had never seen him like this. Broken, human, and worst of all so lost. His eyes were blank, his face pale, and he had the day’s dust on his police uniform. He looked as if he had not stopped to take a break on his way here. And when Kaoru came, he looked up at her and I saw his eyes come to life. They looked pained. That was when I realized the danger of the delicate balance of loving the woman you love and letting her be free to be safe. When you love someone, you want to be with them every moment, every day. I almost think its in fear that I don’t want to miss anything important. But that can stifle a person. Kaoru would be no exception. One of the qualities I love about her was her independence and will. After all she was the one that ran the dojo after her father’s death, and how I met her. There are moments when I would sit outside her room and listen to her soft breathing to remind myself that she was alive and safe. It calmed me to think that she was happy and safe. To lose all that would mean to lose what was secure. To lose my security. To Saitou it was the loss of his world. It broke him. I don’t want that to happen to me, I don’t know what I would do. Or how I would react. Sometimes I dream about Kaoru, she is in a field. Yes, that kind of dream, where I am watching her laugh and pick flowers. And then she’s gone, the field of flowers is gone, the sky is dark and I am alone, so alone and cold. I wake up cold and shivering. My heart is racing as if I ran from Kyoto to Tokyo. So I walk the few steps to her room and listen to her breathing to make sure she is there. One day... one day when life calms down and all I have to worry about is laundry... is when I will tell her that I am here to stay. Because we both know that to leave each other is to lose our world... It was decided after breakfast that Kenshin and Kaoru would go with Saitou to his home which was near Aizu. Kaoru insisted on going, neither Saitou nor Kenshin disagreed with her. So they quickly gathered supplies together. Kenshin sent a line to Megumi who was in Aizu. Saitou managed to pull himself together and secure train tickets. Kaoru worked out business at the dojo. She managed to convince Yahiko to agree to stay and teach the classes while Kenshin and Kaoru went with Saitou. The trip to the Fujiwara perfecture was about three days walking time, but they were able to get on the first train which got them there in less than a day. No one said much during the trip. Kaoru had fallen asleep and was using Kenshin’s shoulder as a head rest. Kaoru had brought a basket of food that went untouched for the first few hours. Kenshin reached inside and pulled a rice ball out. He tasted it and then made a face. “Ahh Kaoru-dono your cooking has improved” Saitou looked away when he saw Kenshin’s tender smile directed Kaoru. They arrived at the village. Chou greeted them at the house. “Any news?” Saitou asked. “Not any you are expecting to hear.” Chou said apologetically. Saitou sighed. He turned to Kaoru and Kenshin, “I hope the Doctor has a place for the both of you, I’d offer a place but as you can see its in police custody.” “Its alright.” Kenshin said, “Megumi-dono has assured that we can stay at her home.” Saitou sighed, “Alright then, I’ll take you there. I’m headed to Aizu myself. I have business with the police station.” “Kenshin! Jou-chan!” Sano shouted from the door. “Sano?” “Heh. Surprised?” he said. “I happened to be here when Fox-lady got your wire.” “More like he was free loading.” Megumi said as she appeared behind Sano. “I’m here to help if you need it.” Sano said. “That is greatly appreciated.” Kenshin said with a smile. “Let’s go in and get you settled.” Megumi said. She turned to Saitou, “Would you care to join us for some tea?” Megumi said. “Actually I’ll have to postpone that.” he said, “I’ll be back another time.” He left them with no explanation. He wasn’t going to give one if they asked. He wasn’t in the mood to reveal any more than he revealed already. He turned to the driver, “To Takagi Kojurou’s house please.” “Right away sir.” the driver said as Saitou climbed into the carriage. He looked out the window emotionlessly as he waited out the trip. Finally the carriage approached his destination. Isloated by white walls from the rest of the world, lived Takagi Kojurou who was a man that had a great deal of pride in his family, his home, and his flower gardens. From the tops of the immaculate white walls were the tops of trees and the telltale leaves of vines. The outside of the Takagi home was clean. Kojurou had made it a point to keep the home clean, a habit of his days as an official for Aizu. ‘He always did have an eye for beauty.’ Saitou thought to himself as he approached the Takagi home. “Wait here.” he instructed as he left the carriage and stood before the doors of the Takagi house. He was admitted into the house quietly, normally he would have had the household in an uproar because he rarely visited. “Can I see him?” he asked a servant. “I’ll get him right away.” she said as she scurried off. Saitou wondered if it was his presence that frightened people. ‘Tokio was never afraid of me.’ he thought sadly. His heart aching at the thought of his missing wife. He walked out to the courtyard ignoring memories. If he let himself, he would have seen a ghostly Tokio standing near a low stone wall smiling at him. He lit a cigarette as he waited, knowing they were bad for him but the action itself calmed him. He knew something else would calm him- “Ata!” Saitou dropped the barely used cigarette to the ground and ground it out with his shoe. “Tsutomu-kun!” he called turning. He ran a hand over his hair as a nervous reflex. “Oto! Oto!” Tsutomu called as he ran to his father with his arms out stretched, clearly happy to see his father. His little pudgy legs pumped as hard as they could go. Saitou knelt with one knee to the ground as he reached for his son, catching him before he fell. He fluidly caught him and with a swoop stood up and tossed him into the air and caught him again. Tsutomu laughed. “Oto!” he said with a clap. “Again!” Saitou complied tossing his son into the air again. Laughing at his bubbly laughter. “Have you been good?” Saitou asked. “Haiiii!” he said. “Oto! Oka?” he asked innocently. Saitou sighed, “Okaa-san is- ay!” he exclaimed as Tsutomu placed his hands on his father’s cheeks and moved his father’s face around as if it was clay. He giggled and did it again, clearly amused by the flexability of his father’s face. “Okaa-san is away.” “ ‘kari*?” Tsutomu asked his father. “Not yet.” Saitou said. “Oto ‘kari?” “Yes, but I will be working.” he said. “No! No!” Tsutomu cried. “I have to. I’m sorry.” he said. “How about we play for a while?” Saitou stepped into the carriage and said, “Since when have you been there?” Kenshin smiled, “I left Sano to watch over your family while we’re away.” “I’m surprised the gangster came this far.” “Admit it,” Kenshin said, “you’re thankful for his help.” “At least he’ll be here and not being loud.” Saitou said as he placed a cigarette in his mouth and left it there unlit. ‘If I find her, I will stop smoking.’ he mentaly promised himself. “Are you going to ask what I was there for?" “Actually I wanted to show you something.” Kenshin said as he showed Saitou a piece of cloth. “Does this look familiar?” “Not really.” Saitou said. Kenshin turned it over, it was a piece of black silk. It had a symbol on it, a partial symbol. “Someone who took your wife obviously put some thought into his plan, but didn’t hire the right men They were careless.” Kenshin said. “I found it at your home.” “Would they go after Tsutomu?” Saitou asked. “I don’t think so, but Sano would be there to watch over the Takagi family, incase any of them are in danger.” “Thank you.” Saitou said. The words felt stiff but between them it meant a great deal. Kenshin nodded, “I know, I was married once.” Saitou looked away, “Tsutomu is my son.” he said, “He’s only two years old, but he’s very intelligent. He asked about Tokio.” “Ahhh.” Kenshin said. “I wanted to make sure he was still safe and happy. He’s too young to understand what is going on.” he lit a match and brought it up to the cigarette but remembered he was in a carriage so he snuffed the match out and left the cigarette still unlit. He hit the roof of the carriage and then said, “To the Aizu Police station.” ------- actually I like this chapter best ^^ its a bit of Saitou, Saitou the dad. Anyways, Takagi Kojurou is Tokio's father, and I sort of guessed on the amount of time it would take to get to Aizu, its a bit further than Kyoto, so I guessed it would take 3 days walking or something. this was written during the last few chapters of the manga version of Kenshin, so I used Megumi's move to Aizu to my advantage and had Kenshin and Kaoru move there. ^_^ * “ ‘kari ”- Tsutomu’s attempt at saying kaeri, or to go home. anyways enjoy! Ch 1 to come. flames, comments, chocolate (the last one was a shot in the dark ^^) always welcome. Rurichan --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ---------------------------- For BUFFY or BABYLON 5, SPAWN or SOUTH PARK, sells the cool stuff you want. Shop now and get your FIRST ORDER FREE!! Click Here ------------------------------------------------------------------------