Strange human.... The searat had been on many ships and docks in its existence, but it had never seen anything like this room's occupant. The rat jumped back into hiding as the cocoon engulfing most of the small room pulsed and a weird moan escaped it. This human girl, pretty by human standards, it guessed, with the long dark hair down her back got on board the ship with this other strange group of people two days ago. Even then, the rat could sense something wrong with this human, unlike anything it had encountered in it's existence..... So it had watched her from that point on, with morbid interest....not completely understanding what it had seen in that time.....The girl's behavior changing from normal to more animal like as day approached. The stalking and attacking of random members of the crew unfortunately alone and unaware at the time, feeding of some red mist that rose from the victim as she grabbed them by the throat until they almost died of strangulation....always letting go and retreating to her room. Looking more and more like a corpse as she spun a cocoon around her and slept within until dusk, restored back to her previous beauty. And the cycle repeated. Ignoring it's instincts to stay the hell away from the cocoon, the rat walked up it's sticky, translucent surface to stare inside. What are you? The girl's eyes snapped open, glowing. The rat barely had time to squeal as it's pondering and short existence was extinguished by her hand snapping through the cocoon to crush it as easily as paper. The cocoon melted away to reveal a naked Tomoe. She looked at the crushed rat in her hand, a small wispy cloud of red mist rising from it and snaking around her body before she inhaled it with a deep sigh, and smiled ferally as she examined herself. Human again, Thank Kami-sama. Animals weren't enough anymore. Now she could only get enough of the life-force needed to keep her 'alive' from humans. A complication she did NOT need. Damn you, Ashura. She tried to ignore that little voice in her head as she dressed in one of Karou's Kimonos she borrowed. The one telling her that she didn't have to live like this....that there was another way to prolong the time she would be human and not have to worry about Kenshin seeing the side effects of 'starving' herself. Never....She growled. I refuse to murder just to extend my.....'New lease on life'.... She ripped off the cocoon slime holding the door shut and walked out into the ship. "To feel the sun and be with you, again, Kenshin....If only......" Premium Spirit Productions Presents... A Rurouni Kenshin/Ninja Scroll Crossover Darkness before Dawn. By Sentora Rurouni Kenshin and all it's characters belong to Nobuhiro Watsuki, The great guys at Sony and Jump magazine, I'm just borrowing them for this crazy fic. The new ones, however, belong to me...So ask nicely if you want to use them, Kay? ^_^ Chapter 3: Six-guns and Sakabas America....Kenshin grinned. Never thought I'd be going there.... Not as if he had a choice, he mused as he leaned on the railing of the ship. According to Shuriken, her father was the only one who knew the full legend of the swords, so they had to seek his advice. So the Kenshin-Gumi were going to New York....And so far it wasn't a pleasant trip. Yahiko sick as a dog most of the time and arguing with Shuriken the little time he wasn't. A moody Sano avoiding Megumi, Megumi spending more time with Jubei as a result. Soujirou taking it all in stride as usual, although Kenshin figured the constant training he was doing was so he wouldn't snap and Kill somebody..... And that didn't even count his problems.... "Kenshin?" He was so wrapped up in his thinking he didn't know she was there until she touched his shoulder, startling him so badly he almost jumped off the boat. "K-Karou-dono!" He sighed, willing his heart to slow down. "You scared me." Karou's eyes flashed dangerously at hearing him calling her dono again, Kenshin missing the warning signs. "Gomensai, Kenshin." She faked a smile. "Enjoying the view?" It was a lovely night indeed....a clear night lit only by the stars and full moon.... The only thing better was standing beside him. "Hai." He gave himself a hard mental shake. Stop that, he berated himself. How can you think like that when..... "Stop it." "Nani?" Karou looked at him with such anger he took a step back. "You've been avoiding me ever since we got on this damn boat, Kenshin, and I'm sick of it! What's wrong with you?!" Kenshin just looked away. "It's Tomoe, isn't it?" Kenshin not answering was enough for Karou, who made an effort not to whack the Baka before she said what she had to say. "Look at me, Kenshin." She squeezed his shoulder. "Please...." Despite his mind warning him not to, he did....and regretted it when he saw the sadness in her eyes. *My fault, as always.... No matter how hard I try I still hurt her.* "Leave me be...." "And let you drive yourself into the ground over nothing? Is that what you want?" Karou was starting to lose her grip on her temper. "Haven't you learned that hiding from me doesn't work?" Nothing she says....Kenshin felt a small rush of anger. Why can't she ever wake up? If there was ever a sign that two people weren't meant to be, his former wife coming back to life was one of them. And now, I'm not sure I've really let her go in the first place.... Karou swore. Not just swearing, but a full Sano style rant that made Kenshin's ears burn. Then after she finally ran out of words she sighed and looked him deep in the eyes. "Tomoe and I had a long talk the other night." Kenshin raised an eyebrow in surprise. "And to make a long story short, She wanted me to remind you of what she told you that night...and you should think for yourself once in a while because you deserve to be happy." Kenshin blinked....Then his surprise turned into a rueful grin. Sly as always.... ne, Tomoe? "It's unfair for two to team up on me, you know...." Kenshin watched the worry and hurt bleed out of her eyes, feeling cleansed himself. Agratou, Kami-sama, for blessing me with these two. "Although I have a feeling that's not all you two talk about...." The wicked grin that slowly appeared confirmed his fears. "Tomoe did have some...." Her tone was mischevious. "interesting stories to tell...." Kenshin's complexion rainbowed. "Ooorrrrrrooooo...." Karou was so happy to hear him back to normal, she hugged him. >From the shadows, Tomoe watched with a smile. "They belong together, ne, Jubei?" To her amusement, Jubei swore in surprise, slinking out the shadows to stand beside her. "Yeah, I guess so." He glanced at her. "And you're ok with it?" Tomoe chuckled. "Am I jealous, you mean? A little...But Kenshin's happiness is more important than anything to me now, and if that girl has healed his poor heart then she has my blessing. Besides...." Tomoe flashed him on of his trademark sneers. "I had him first.... and I know I will always be a part of him, as he is a part of me." "Oh, I see." Jubei snorted. "Never figured you to be the martyr type. Then again, I never understood you anyway, Tomoe." Tomoe sniffed haughtily. "Flattery didn't work last time, Kimagami-san, It won't work now." Jubei snickered. He remembered that time he came for Battousai while he was still married, thinking he could charm his way past Tomoe as an 'old friend.' Not only had Tomoe seen past that, but she warned him in a oh so 'conversational' tone that she wouldn't like someone bothering her husband for a fight today. He also didn't fail to notice the cooking knife she 'subtlety' waved at him while she said it. So he ended up staying for dinner and waiting for another day, when she wouldn't be around, hopefully.... And make Battousai pay for that knowing smirk he had to put up with the whole time. "As you wish, Tomoe-sama." He said sarcastically. Tomoe sighed. I just hope it lasts..... ## And while this sweet scene was transpiring.... "BBBBLLLLLLEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Megumi tried not to make a face as Yahiko puked his guts out for the hundredth time into the bucket in the corner of her room, and failed miserably. "I warned you not to eat so much, Yahiko-chan." A green faced, bleary-eyed Yahiko glared at her briefly, "Don't call me..." He started before puking again, Megumi sighing as she stirred the medicine. Her mind anywhere but on task. "Oi, You in there, Fox?" Sano.... She took a deep breath and let it out, fluffing her back into order as she glanced in the mirror. That didn't take long.... Men are so predictable. She opened the door and looked at him. "Well, look what the cat dragged in." Sano didn't rise to the bait, much to her disappointment. After all the flirting she had been doing with Jubei, she expected Sano to put his fist through the hull with Jealousy. Dirty tactics indeed, but she had enough cat and mouse games between them so she was taking drastic measures. The little voice in her head decided to ask her those two lingering questions again *But why not just tell him?* *And is it just 'flirting?'* Shut up, she mentally snapped. "Just came to check on Yahiko, that's all." He had a smirk Megumi didn't like. "Don't wanna get in the way..." "Is that all?" *Careful, Megumi, don't sound too suggestive....* Sano's eyes narrowed, the smirk widening. "What, expecting.... company soon and want me out the way?" Megumi's eyes narrowed in response. "And what's that supposed to mean?" "Like you don't know," He said her nickname like a curse word. "Fox...." Megumi's eyes seemed to glow red hot with that remark. "I asked you what you meant by that." Sano crossed his arms. "What does a smart lady like yourself care what a baka chicken head thinks?" He taunted. An awful lot, Megumi admitted to herself. But you're pushing it.... "Good point, why should I care what you think?" Something flickered briefly in his eyes before she could recognize it. "Then why so upset, Fox?" He sneered. "So get out the way, woman." Mistake. "How dare you talk to me like that,!" "Oh, that was original....Guess you must be too 'distracted' to think of a better one." That tiny little voice reminded her that she shouldn't get mad since this was all her fault, but she ignored it. "And you're too jealous to think straight, it seems...." Megumi shot back. "Not that thinking was ever your strong point." She expected that remark to snap him back to himself, however.... Sano chuckled nastily. "You're right....especially when it came to you, Fox lady." That one hurt more than Sano expected, he could tell by the way she tightened her jaw and her eyes hardened, but he didn't give a shit at the moment. "Good night, Fox." He said before she could reply, turning and walking out. "Try not to stay up too late for Yahiko's sake...." She slammed the door in a scream, standing there with her fists clenched and face contorted with rage. That arrogant bastard.....How dare he....Angry tears came to her eyes, Megumi struggling to control herself as she wiped them away. No reason to cry about it, that annoying voice taunted. You got exactly what you wanted, a reaction.... "Sano." Outside.... Damnit.... Letting out some steam on Megumi didn't feel as good as he thought it would. In fact it felt worse. "Well, she deserved it." Sano told himself. "So why should I feel bad about it?" Because it's none of your business if she's interested in someone other than you, Blockhead. And you haven't had the balls to say anything before so you're jealous. "Damn right, I'm jealous! You happy now?" Sano swore again. Damn you, Megumi.... Sano leaned on the ship's rail, trying to ignore the dark thoughts running through his head. All involving Megumi and Jubei. He sighed. Why am I getting all bent out of shape cause she's flirting with the jerk? She's a big girl. I'm not her damn chaperone or something..... It's not like she's mine, much as I wish she was..... "Oi, Sano." He turned to see Jubei walking up to him. Gripped the rail to keep from punching him out. It wasn't that he was such a rotten guy. Jubei reminded him a lot of himself, and Sano didn't believe that crap about wanting to kill Kenshin, so he wasn't all bad. It's just that the bastard's messing with my Fox lady..... "Oi, Jubei....Nice night, eh?" "It'll do." Jubei commented a sad light in his eyes Sano recognized as loneliness. "Something bothering you?" "Nah," He lied. "Just not much for stargazing and stuff like that." Actually, he mused, it reminds me of....her.... Just as much as Megumi does..... "Say, Sano....I hate to ask this but...." "Nani?" "Tell me about.....Megumi. What's she's like?" Sano's expression must have turned frightening because Jubei backed up and raised his hands in surrender. "I mean her personality and all, of course." At first Sano was going to cuss him out when an even better idea popped into his head. Sano grinned. "Well...." ## Sometimes, Megumi wished her Conscience had an off switch. It nagged her constantly as she gave Yahiko some medicine for his sickness, and just to get some peace and quiet she went hunting for the baka to apologize. "Don't see why...." Megumi muttered. "He was the one who barged in with an attitude...." And whose fault is that? Her conscience piped up. Oh,Shut up. She snapped. She turned the corner, wondering what she could say.... And there he was, standing by the rail. With Jubei. Megumi swore before ducking out of site. Well, they're not fighting, that's a relief, just talking.... "Tell me about....Megumi." ABOUT HER?!!!! She tried to become one with the wood as she strained to listen. Sano scratched his head. "....What do you think about her?" Jubei shrugged. "I'm not sure...But she seems like a sweet girl. Doesn't hurt that she smart and beautiful, ether." Megumi blushed to the tips of her fox ears, hearts floating over her head and unable to help giggling a little... "Oh, man Jubei...." Sano shook his head. "You have no idea...." Megumi started to float in absolute bliss..... "....How wrong you are...." Then facefaulted back to earth so hard the boat rocked, the floating hearts cracking and dropping like files. Jubei jumped, hand on his sword. "You hear something?" Sano hid his grin by scratching his nose. "Nah...." Megumi slowly recovered with a groan Whaaaaaatt.... "Anyway, as your friend I think I should warn you about that girl, cause she's nowhere near a 'sweet girl.' In fact, DEMON would be a better word..... That.....That....That...Megumi clawed the wall in rage.... "She's smart alright, though it's more smart-ass than intelligence....." More wood chips started to fly.... "In fact she can be a downright snob most of the time, thinks she knows more than anybody even when she doesn't know jack shit....." The wall looked like a three day scratching post now..... Jubei thought he heard a weird scratching sound, but dismissed it as rats. "This is the same Megumi we're talking about?" Sano nodded gravely. "Quite a shock, ne? Then again, the cute chicks always are. And don't get me started on her temper...." "You are so dead, Sano!" Megumi hissed. "So dead doctors haven't even come up with a term for it!" "Bad?" Jubei asked. "Words can't describe, although 'hotter than hell' comes close." If Megumi gritted her teeth any harder, the sparks she was making would burn the boat down. "To make a long story short, Jubei, since I'll be up all night finishing the list, that girl's a demon. And I'm not saying it to scare ya off, since you can have her for all I care. Just don't say I didn't warn ya." "Thanks, Sano." Jubei sounded relived, sending Megumi into spasms of rage. "Guess I better think twice, ne?" "Glad to be of help." Megumi slunk off to her room as Sano and Jubei chatted on an another subject, so mad she could hardly see straight. Grrr...That lousy, Chicken headed, spineless, backstabbing, scum sucking....Megumi ran through her entire vocabulary and still couldn't find enough insults to describer him. *How dare he slander her so! I should....* A wicked thought interrupted her tirade. *No...Even better, I won't do anything...* Her fox ears returned. *Except turn up the heat, hee, hee....* Sano kept a straight face despite laughing his ass off inside. *That'll teach her,* he thought, knowing she was there the whole time. *Two can play at this game, Fox....And I'm gonna win.....* *Demon, ne?* Jubei thought to himself. *Sano might be right about regretting it, but I think I'll enjoy the chase.....* *You think you're jealous now, Sano?* Megumi sneered. *Just wait....* *Sagara Sanosuke doesn't give up that easy, Fox....* *I like my women sharp and wild.....* Jubei grinned inwardly. *More fun that way....* All three cackled evilly on the inside, thinking the same thing. *The game's only beginning.....* ## One and half-miserable days later, The Kenshin-gumi and co. finally reached New York. The whole experience of it all was too overwhelming to describe in a word, though Sano had in his particular way to come pretty close. "Daaaammmmnnnn....." It was if two worlds were smashed into one, both complimenting and contradicting itself all at the same time. The docks weren't a good first impression, in fact it reeked of stale salt and other unidentifiable smells, probably from the huge whale carcasses the whalers were skinning and butchering right there on the docks. (Which wasn't a pretty sight and killed any appetites that they had or in Yahiko's case, to keep anything in their stomach.) It wasn't helped the way the sailors were hooting and gesturing at them lustily ether. (Which didn't last long thanks to Karou's viscous aim with some of the rotten fruit lying around.) But once out of the docks things improved...or worsen, depending on whom you asked. The architecture wasn't just different, it was awe inspiring....Brownstone and brick buildings that seemed to reach just short of the sky...yet gothic and not very welcoming. Cobblestone streets instead of simple dirt but choked with so many horses and carriages it seemed ridiculous, Karou wondering how they ever got anywhere. And more people of different sizes and races in one place than they'd ever seen in their lives, Black, Irish, Italian, Chinese, English, Jewish....But the noise was so overwhelming they thought they'd go deaf. And most of the people were staring at them in a way that none of them liked. Especially at the women. Karou unconsciously edged a little closer to Kenshin. In short, The Kenshin-gumi were both impressed and scared witless. Shuriken, of course, was so comfortable it made everybody a bit envious. Then again, with Soujirou and Jubei flanking her at both sides, (And Megumi on Jubei's left, holding his hand and leaning a little too close for Sano's comfort on his shoulder.) swords in plain view and the death glares they were firing off at anyone glancing her direction, It was pretty obvious why... "Sorry about the crowds and all," She explained. "But this is pretty slow for a normal day." Everybody winced at that. "We'll have to stay the night at an inn since it's so late and a long drive to my home in the country. Mom's gonna be thrilled to meet you guys....." "I hope she isn't as crazy as you...." Yahiko and Jubei muttered simultaneously. The inn they stopped at was another surprise, and not one they liked. It sure lived up to its name, 'Last chance inn.' Because they sure as hell would've past it up if they had a choice. The place was dimly lit, smoke filled and the patrons hanging around could be mistaken for the rats they saw darting around. "Welcome to America." Sano snickered as Megumi's and Karou's horrified expressions. Even Tomoe had dropped her ice queen mask for a cute 'Hell no' expression. "Gomenasi.' Shuriken apologized in embarrassment. "In this part of town, this is the best, AND the safest inn around. The other's much worse." A gaudy dressed and heavily painted woman in a racy gown walked by and sized the guys up the same way one would a feast. Megumi looped an arm around both Sano and Jubei and yanked them close as she glared 'MINE'; Karou doing the same to a blushing Kenshin. "I can imagine." Tomoe said dryly. And things went downhill quickly from there..... As Shuriken talked to the manager, one of the men at the bar, a scummy looking specimen with a gold tooth, made a comment and pointed at them. Shuriken didn't like what he said they guessed from her expression and tone as she replied. "Wonder what he said?" Karou asked. "You don't want to know." Soujirou replied. "Don't tell me you speak English...." "Yumi taught me some." A memory flickered across his eyes briefly. "He asked if the girls were the....." Soujirou paused, searching for the right way to say it. "Newest shipment." "Shipment? What does he mean by that...." "He means are we Mail order brides." Tomoe said calmly, Kenshin begging her not to go on with a glance behind Karou's back that Tomoe ignored. "The only way some families could take care of their children were to sell them to men here in America." A bitter tone crept into her voice. "No less than whores really...." Karou's fit at that was rudely interrupted by Shuriken throwing a glass of beer in the man's face. The man sputtering and lunging at her.... And didn't even make it half way. Soujirou glared at the man, whose arm was pinned in-between the bar top and the now two bladed Katana that Soujirou had stabbed down. The place went instantly quiet. <"That, sir...."> Soujirou's voice was a degree warmer than a glacier. <"Is no way to treat a lady."> He pulled it up and pushed Goldtooth to the floor, who spat on him. <"Outside, boy."> He snarled. <"If you insist."> Outside, The man and Soujirou walked out into the road, the man fingering the guns on his hips. Everybody had piled out of the place to watch. "Soujirou...." Shuriken started, Soujirou just smiled at her and the others before turning to Goldtooth. <"Doncha wanna a gun, kid?"> He sneered. <"Ain't thinking that pigsticker's gonna stop a bullet, are ya?"> <"Maybe."> Soujirou replied. Two more men stepped out to stand beside Goldtooth, who grinned wider. <"How about three?"> "That's not fair!" Shuriken yelled, about to leap out when Kenshin grabbed her by the shoulder, shaking his head no. Soujirou grinned wider....turning the handle of the sword....which turned the blades to lie against each other, blunt sides out. Tapped his foot four times. <"Anytime you're ready...."> They didn't even wait for him to finish, drawing their guns to fire.... Soujirou vanished....Chunks of cobblestone flying in his wake.... And reappeared behind them before they'd even finished the draw, sword pressed to the back of Goldtooth's neck as he calmly stood there with a smile. The two men to Goldtooth's right and left slowly collapsed with a moan, unconscious. Goldtooth's gun shattered in his hand, the man turning to stare at Soujirou with shock before going to draw his other gun..... And then Soujirou's saya dropped out of the air and slammed into Goldtooth's head hard enough to knock a few teeth out, dropping him like a rock. The crowd gasped. Soujirou picked up his Saya and sheathed his sword, giving them a short bow before turning to the crowd. <"Anyone else?"> He asked with an almost friendly tone that belied the threat within. Everyone backed up and away from the Kenshin-gumi so fast it was insane. "I see you revised the Shun-Ten-Satsu." Kenshin commented as Soujirou walked up. "Throwing the Saya into the air as you dash in, Ne?" "Hai, Himura-san. Since the target's will be concentrating on my frontal attack, they won't expect an aerial one till it's too late. I can use my sword as well as the saya if need to be." He turned to Shuriken. "Are you ok?" "Yeah...Sorry for troubling you....." "Don't worry about it." He interrupted her with a smile. "Needed the exercise anyway." "Where'd you get that sword anyway?" Yahiko asked as they went back in to pay for the rooms. "From this old man I helped while on my travels that used to be a swordsmith, Odd guy.....Reminded me of some body I read in a book...." He drew the sword. "There's a mechanism in the hilt that allows me to turn the blades' edges to lie together, making it a Sakabatou in a way when I don't want to kill or a Double edged sword if I'm forced to...." Soujirou continued his explanation, no one noticing the snakelike form watching from the window, The smaller of the Daisho twins cackling as he scrabbled up the wall..... ## Later that night.... Megumi pounded her pillow in frustration, sneezing in the dust that small movement kicked up. She couldn't sleep, no surprise really, from the noise downstairs and the less than sanitary conditions. But also because of something else. Something that went by the name of Sagara Sanosuke, Jerk, and Chicken-head. Going by the cutting remarks he made before turning in, she was definitely wearing him down with the extra flirting she had been doing with Jubei....and enjoying every minute of it she admitted guiltily. (Well, not much guilt, anyway.) Sano had particularly looked green around the gills when she walked around with Jubei today and when she 'accidentally' tripped on the stairs and then promised a 'reward' while stroking his cheek while he helped her up. "How much more can that moron take....." And do you really want him to wise up? Megumi pretended she didn't hear herself think that. She got up and stretched, looking out the window at the busy streets..... And saw Silk, walking away from the inn. Nani? They're here as well? She was about to go wake up the others when she remembered one of Sano's more cutting remarks about her probably going to go crying to Jubei if she got a splinter or something next time... Well....I'll show you, Chicken-head....She growled as she quickly dressed, grabbed a scalpel from her bag and tucked it into her sleeve. (I may not be a fighter like Karou or Kenshin but I know how to use this....) I don't need any help....I'll find out where their hideout is all by myself... She snuck out her room, thankful for the noise downstairs, and followed Silk into the crowd. ## A mile away.... The Irish girl barely had a chance to scream before Tomoe's hands locked around her throat, cutting off her air and soon her consciousness as she was drained of life-force....Tomoe letting her go with an effort to slump to the street. *Getting harder to keep myself in check.....* She realized. *How am I going to make it through tomorrow....* Her hunger was slowly growing to the point she could barely control it. And she couldn't rejuvenate herself during the day, since they were leaving early, which made things worse.... Tomoe spotted another suitable prey, shutting out her thoughts of self-pity and concentrating on the next feast. *After all, I have a whole night to worry about that....For Kenshin's sake.....* ## What the hell were you thinking?!!!! Megumi winced at her conscience's screaming in her head. It had good reason to, since this wasn't looking like a great idea at the moment.... She had followed Silk into the travesty that was called 'Chinatown', (Her opinion of Americans dipped several points when she saw how the neighborhoods were all separated by race, the nerve....) and was now scuttling around outside the rickety old building looking in the windows for Silk's playmates..... "About time, Sister...." Megumi ducked, peeping over the edge of window at the villains inside. That's them all right...Ashura, Daisho, Silk.....KAMI-SAMA! The reason for the mental outburst was the forth member of the group, which was easily the most hideous thing Megumi had ever witnessed. The raggedy dressed old woman was so wizened by age that she was four feet tall and hunchbacked, the large hump seeming to pulse and twitch every now and then under her clothes as if something was going to tear free any moment....Gnarled claws gripping a twisted walking stick with a dragon claw for the figurehead that kept the old woman's balanced, however Megumi had a feeling that it was more for show than support. Sinister, catlike eyes stared out of her twisted face with such malice Megumi felt like she was staring down a tiger.... "Thought I'd get some culture, expand my horizons a bit...." Silk snickered. "Check on our pet freak...." "Ah yes...." The woman's voice was like dead leaves. "How is the dear girl...." *Pet freak? Dear girl?* Megumi didn't like the sound of that. *Could it be....?* "That snotty little bitch's left quite a trail of snoozing victims, so I'd say she's starvin' like a bitch hound nursing ten pups, just like you expected Mother." The cackle that came from 'Mother' gave Megumi the chills. "Tomoe's silly refusal to kill for survival cripples her, my child, because her hunger for life-force she needs to sustain her body will soon take control of her....And if she snaps, those with a strong Ki will be her first targets.... Megumi's eyes widened in dread. *Strong Ki....that would mean Kenshin, Jubei and Sano....* Her thoughts were rudely interrupted by Daisho's Katana stabbing through the wall an inch from her face...Megumi crying out and scrabbling on her hands and knees under the repeated stabs tracking her before climbing to her feet and bolting for her life.... "I think she heard enough, don't you, sister?" The two exchanged sinister grins. "Mind fetching her back, Silk?" "Any particular condition?" Silk rumbled. "Undamaged enough to breathe at least. I think that gives you plenty of leeway, don't you?" Silk's answer was cracking her knuckles as she licked her lips, sprinting into darkness after her. "Taking advantage of a spy by giving her disruptive information and sowing discord among your enemy...." Mother smiled at her daughter, her sharklike teeth glinting. "You make me so proud...." Ashura chuckled. "You taught us well, Mother. Now let's return to our hotel before you catch cold...." ## Meanwhile.... Sano took a deep swallow of whiskey and glared at it as he walked back to his room. "Weak ass swill...." He pitched it behind him, so bummed out he didn't even hear it hit the floor. It's a sad day when a Sagara lets a woman mess with his head. His thoughts drifted back to how....right they looked, the way she leaned on him, laughed and did all the flirty things women did with guys they liked....wishing he had something strong enough to knock him on his ass. Or the balls to swallow your pride and get it over with. "Who asked you?" Sano snapped at his Conscience, glancing at Megumi's door with a sigh..... Just as Jubei opened it and walked out. The two stare at each other in shock for a second. The second it took Sano to overreact. "You've got ten seconds to explain yourself, Kimagami." The bones popped in Sano's right hand as he clenched it into a fist. "And nine before I hit you so hard you'll be shitting teeth for a week." Jubei was about to make a smart remark but decided otherwise when he saw the homicidal gleam in Sano's eyes. "I sensed a dark presence, and went to check on everybody.....And found her gone." "NANI??!!!" Sano checked her room, seeing only a rumpled bed and her stuff. "CHE! Megumi no Baka! Come on Jubei!" He grabbed Jubei and practically dragged him downstairs. "You think she's been kidnapped?" Sano snorted. "I think that Fox spotted one of them and decided to play detective....right into a trap, I'd bet!" "Whoa, Sano...." Jubei tugged on his arm to stop him. "We can't just run around like a chicken with his head cut off!" "If I know her," Sano replied. "She'll stand out." At that moment, A bonechilling, indescribable howl echoed across the night, raising the hairs on the backs of their necks. "Told ya..." Sano remarked, the men sprinting off in the direction of the howl. ## The rooftop cracked and splintered as Silk landed on it in a crouch, stalking on all fours around it as she sniffed the air. "Ah, nothing like the scent of a prey's fear to know you're alive...." She reared back and howled. In the alley below, Megumi tried to scrunch herself even smaller behind the piles of opened crates and trash, desperately wishing that she could block out that horrible howl and the massive THOOMS of Silk hopping rooftop to rooftop like some great big cat, since it was murder on her nerves... She had figured that just running away would be stupid, she wasn't in the shape Kenshin or even Karou was in so she would have to hide and pray and outsmart her....She just had to keep from having a nervous breakdown.... The sound of rocks being crushed made her look up, choking back a gasp. Silk was climbing down the building in front of her like a cat would....gripping handholds in the solid rock like it was paper..... Oh, shit..... Silk hopped down halfway, seeming to shake the alley as she stalked through it, her chuckling more like an animal growling.... "Ah, Smart girl. I do so hate panicky prey that runs around screaming. So damn boring...." Through the cracks in the stack of crates, Megumi watched her stop and turn in her direction. "Not that hiding's gonna help much, Miss Takani....." The crates rattled with every step, Megumi gripping the scalpel in her sleeve. "You see, I'm not your ordinary woman.... My body produces more than twice the amount of hormones and adrenaline than ordinary men and as a doctor, you should understand what that means...." *Hai....That explains how you're so huge....The excess hormones increased your muscle development while the adrenaline keeps you going-Mou, Megumi! This is no time to play doctor!* "Giving me almost demonic strength and stamina...." A rat crawled out of the garbage and onto Megumi's hair, the doctor biting her lip to keep from yelling as two more hopped down on her.... "And the welcome bonus....."Silk stopped and sniffed the air again, Megumi realizing what she meant by that. "Of every one of my senses heightened to an incredible level." Silk stopped a foot away from the crates, Megumi swearing she was smiling at her. "Guess what that means, Doc?" One of the rats scurried off her and ran off....Megumi watching it head right toward Silk. "I can track you down by the smell of your fear...." She crushed the rat under her foot. "All night long....." Megumi pulled out the scalpel. *I may die....But I'll at least hurt you, Silk....* Silk stepped forward.... *Sano....Jubei....* Silk grinned.... Then something else lurched out the shadows at that moment, Silk turning and punching it in one smooth motion....Megumi wincing at the way the victim sounded like a rotten fruit hitting the floor when it hit the wall....Silk swearing as she looked at the unfortunate remains of the drunk carriage driver that had stumbled in... *MOVE!* Megumi lunged at Silk at that moment....throwing all her weight into ramming the back of Silk's knee as she stabbed the Scalpel into the thick leg....Silk too surprised to react and hitting the ground face first as Megumi ran out the alley with the speed of pure terror....Thanking Kami-sama as she hopped into the seat of the carriage .....pausing long enough to pull a rat from the inside of her Kimono with disgust and spurred the horses into a gallop....Silk's roar heard even over the gallop as she threw down the scalpel and bounded after them on all fours.... *No way she could outrun the horses.....Can she?* Megumi looked back at the killer, a few feet away but too close for Megumi's comfort and gaining....*She may be a freak of nature but even she can't keep this up for long.....* Silk grinned to herself as a better idea popped into her head....turning right down an alley and smashing through the brick wall blocking it off from the next street....knocking people flying out of her way and springing up a building....hopping rooftops at an incredible rate.... "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Megumi yelled at the scattering crowd as she barreled on, lost as hell but it didn't matter as long as she outran that demon....She allowed herself to look back, relieved to see Silk wasn't behind her anymore but not convinced she gave up that easily.... And was convinced as Silk dropped howling out of the air....Megumi almost flipping the carriage over as she turned down a street to avoid the manic lunge that sideswiped the carriage onto one wheel....Silk already twisting her body to spring after her again after landing as easily from the jump as normal people would take a step of a staircase....Cackling the whole way as Megumi managed to get the carriage back to all fours as she neared. "Nothing like a shortcut, ne Sensei?!" Megumi could only spur the horses on, throwing or kicking out whatever she could lay her hands on in the carriage....Luggage, bottles of whiskey and what not.....Silk dodging or smashing them out the way. *If I get out of this, Kami-sama.....* Megumi prayed, *I'll never tease Karou about being a tomboy again cause she's nothing compared to Silk....* Megumi glanced back at Silk, and immediately regretted it when she saw her reach out and causally tear off one of the streetlamps right out of the ground as she ran by it.....Grinning at her as she twirled it.....*Nani? What the hell is she.....* Silk answered by using the streetlamp like a spear to ram the carriage, Megumi screaming as it almost flipped....Silk ramming it again, this time the broken head of the lamp smashing through the seat and just an inch from breaking her back...the next throwing her onto one of the horses's back as they galloped on in sheer terror as Silk bashed at the carriage...Megumi swearing Sano style as she held on for dear life....sawing at the strap attaching them to the carriage with the scalpel....Her teeth rattling in her head as Silk swung the lamp like a bat and smashed the top of the carriage off... "Come on....Come on...." Silk slowed down a bit....twirling the lamp like a master staff wielder.... The strap cut free....Megumi's horse bolting free.... Just as Silk threw the streetlamp like a damn spear..... Megumi watched in stunned horror as the Carriage splintered from the sheer force of the impact and flipped off to the side, the 'spear' just barely missing her as it kept going and smashed into a building. *I can't keep this up....* Megumi gasped as she clung to the horse and watched Silk check the wreckage, searching for her....*Gotta be somewhere I can hide....There!* She spotted a small building with an open door. *If I can only make it there...* Silk looked up from the wreckage with a snarl, spotting the runaway horse. "Oh, no you don't...." She picked up a rock and flung it, hitting the horse in the rump and causing it to throw Megumi off....Silk charging after her....Megumi just managing to recover from her fall in time to scrabble inside and close the door before Silk caught her...slumping to the ground with a sigh of relief. "Safe....." Then she opened her eyes and got an eyeful of where she ran into. The place was just a shade cleaner than the Last chance inn, but almost worse because of the thick cloud of smoke that hung over the place, the smell of opium very familiar and choking to Megumi. Oriental music played from somewhere, Very indecently dressed women of all races strutting around flirting with men or even 'consorting' on the few bits of furniture tossed her and there around the rundown place. "A whorehouse....." Megumi facefaulted. "Terrific....." ## "I see what you meant, Sano...." It wasn't much of a stretch to find their runaway Fox, the panicking crowds and the damage that Silk caused was clues enough for Sano and Jubei. They had reached her just in time to see Silk chase Megumi into that ratty looking building....sneaking around the back in order to hopefully find her first.... And was equally shocked to find it was a whorehouse. Sano facefaulted with a groan. *Knew this would'nt be easy....* "Now what?" Jubei snarled out the corner of his mouth. "How do we find Megumi in house full of women before that gorilla does?" "You're asking me?" Sano shot back. "Look, just act causal until we spot her and stay out of Silk's way, how hard can that be?" Elsewhere on the floor, Silk glanced around, cursing the horrible atmosphere for interfering with Megumi's scent. *Damn...Clever girl....Not that it's gonna help you any....* Upstairs, Sano dashed out of the women's dressing room, ducking the various objects they threw at him. Definitely not in there. He glanced at Jubei downstairs, who was practically fending of the hordes of women with such a helpless expression Sano was tempted to laugh. "Where the heck are ya, Fox...." He felt someone grab and squeeze his right buttock in the same way one would test a melon, Sano going red as a sultry voice whispered in Japanese. "Enjoying yourself, sir or would you like me to help?" Sano turned and stared at the woman. She wore an off the shoulder, racy Kimono even too daring for Yumi, her inky black hair and the open fan she held hiding most of her geisha style painted face below her eyes, which looked teasing and desperate all at once. Then again, he could spot Megumi anywhere despite whatever...'costume' she was wearing at the time. "Actually," Sano remarked. "I was looking for something different tonight...Blonde or maybe redheaded-ouch!" Megumi kicked him hard in the shin. "This isn't funny!" She whispered fiercely. "Get me out of here!" "I dunno...." He sneered, looking her up and down....Megumi not knowing if she wanted to strangle him or die from embarrassment. "You seemed to have blended in so well here I doubt Silk could find ya, so why shouldn't I just leave you here to sweat the night out?" "You wouldn't...." Sano grinned wider. "Try me. You look so comfortable here and there's lot of guys to flirt with...." Megumi grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him eye to eye, her eyes glinting dangerously and her voice a hiss. "Sano, I've been through hell tonight and I'm not in the mood for your bull.." Her eyes widened as she looked past him and she suddenly pushed him into one of the room and onto the bed. "Take off your shirt and lay face down!" "Nani?!!!" The stairs squeaked in protest and seemed to bend slightly as Silk stalked upstairs, eyes gleaming with predatory hunger. *I bet you're tucked into one of these rooms like a rat....* She sniffed the air, catching a small trace of her scent.....opening the door it led to.... And stared at the couple on the bed, the woman sitting astride him with her back turned and Kimono open as she massaged the moaning man's back. Silk immediately ducked out, flushing red and going on to check the other rooms. *Could've sworn....* Back in the room, Megumi listened for Silk's footsteps to fade, rolling off Sano's back and closing her Kimono as she did. "Kami-sama, that was close." She peeked out the door to make sure the coast was clear, then turned to still lying Sano. "Come on, idiot! Before she comes back!" Sano rolled over to look at her, smiling irresistibly at her and making her heart lurch. "You know...." He said in that same sultry tone she used before, patting the bed. "Sometimes the best way to hide is in plain sight, ya know...." Megumi's eyes widened. "And you should really finish what you start...." "This....This...." Megumi stuttered. "This really isn't the time...." She flattened herself against the door as Sano got way too close for comfort. "......For this....." "Oh, really?" He tickled her chin. "Sure you wanna give up the opportunity?" Megumi flushed and before she exploded Sano shrugged. "Ok, then." He stepped back and shrugged on his shirt. "Your loss." Megumi recovered quickly and glared at him. "I hate you." Sano only gave her the biggest grin he could manage as he went for the door.... Just as Silk's hand smashed through to grab him by the throat and yanked him through it to toss him against the railing hard enough to crack it. Megumi screaming.... "Couldn't smell ya, Sensei...." Silk sneered. "But I sure as hell ain't deaf...." Downstairs, Jubei looked up in time to see Silk throw Sano into the rail, drawing his sword. "Sano! Jump!" Silk turned at Jubei's voice. "Nani....?" Just as Jubei cut the stairs supports.... Sano dashing in-between her legs and pausing long enough to kick backward into Silk's stomach as the entire stairway gave way....Silk too off balance to lunge at Sano as the street fighter rolled into the open doorway.....Jubei hopping off the falling Silk like a stepping stone and grabbing on to the doorframe as Silk hit the floor hard enough to shake the entire place....the women and men running out in a panic as the debris nearly buried them....Jubei climbing in as Sano hopped on the bed like a nine year old and punched the ceiling in. "Let's go, people!" Downstairs, Silk hopped to her feet with a snarl.... Jubei was the last to climb onto the roof, the three fugitives running across the roof. "See what thinking with your pants gets you....." Megumi started.... And screamed as Silk's hand smashed through the roof to grab her leg, Megumi falling partway through and clawing the broken ledge for dear life as she slid....Silk dangling by her grip on Megumi's ankle and dragging her down...Sano swearing and grabbing her hands just before she slid off. "Jubei!" "Shit!" Jubei slid to a stop, hand on his sword. "Pull!" "What the hell..."Sano wasn't sure what Jubei did because it was so fast, but he saw the effects....A streaking trail of energy shooting across the rooftop before the whole thing exploded into splinters, the sheer force of it catapulting all four airborne....Sano kicking the surprised Silk in the face as he yanked Megumi free....landing with Jubei in the trash heap outside the building as Silk landed back inside again, this time bringing the whole building on top of her in a heap. And by the short time it took for the pissed off Silk dig herself out, her prey were nowhere to be found....the musclewoman chuckling to herself. "This round's yours, boys....Till next time...." She cut loose another howl. ## Moments later, the tired threesome walked up to their inn. At least, two of them were walking. Jubei glanced over at Sano and his squirming and very pissed off 'cargo' he had slung over his shoulder, thankful that Sano had gagged her with his Bandana because the curses Megumi was raining on them both would probably sear the skin from their bones. "Demon, Ne, Sano?" Sano grinned. "So heavy for such a skinny one, But she's cute when she's angry...." Megumi finally managed to work the bandana off, Sano wincing as she yelled in his ear. "I am not a damn sack of rice! Put me down this instant!" Sano did as he was told. Right on her rump in the mud. Jubei coughed to hide his chuckle. "You....You...." Megumi was incoherent with rage, itching to beat Sano within an inch of his life.... "SHUT UP!!" Sano roared at her, Megumi so stunned that he yelled at her she just looked at him, Sano's fists clenching and unclenching to keep himself in check. He'd never been so angry in his life at her, not even when she almost committed suicide. "BAKAYAROU! WHAT THE HELL WAS YOU THINKING?!! GOING OFF PLAYING ONNIWABASHU AND ALMOST GETTING YOURSELF KILLED! YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THAT!" "Sano...." Jubei warned. "No, he's right...." Megumi interrupted her voice almost a whisper, her shoulders shaking. "That was stupid of me....I just wanted to....." She started crying...."I wanted to show you I can pull my own weight and I totally blow it....." All the fear and helplessness she'd been holding back all night finally broke and took her with it, Megumi breaking down in tears. "Gods...." Sano felt like an idiot, scooping her up into his arms as he patted her back. "Gomensai, Megumi...I didn't mean to make you cry...You just scared the shit out of me and....." He wiped her tears away with his shirt, "Just promise not to do that to us anymore, OK?" She got herself under control with an effort, and smiled. "Hai...." She tried to get up, immediately falling back down and wincing as she nursed her ankle. "I must of hurt it when Silk grabbed me...." "You mind taking her up to her room, Jubei?" Sano asked, startling both of them. "I want to make sure that freak didn't follow us back." "Ah, Sure...." Jubei cradled her in his arms, looking skeptically at Sano. "And keep her in her room this time, even if you have to tie her down." Sano added much to Megumi's dismay, Jubei not missing the subtle warning in those eyes that he better not go too far. "I'll be back in a sec." A moment later.... "Thank you, Jubei...." Megumi said as he lowered her onto the bed. "I can handle it from here...." "Sure you can...." He replied, kneeling down to rub her ankle. She jerked away at first, Jubei smiling. "Relax....You can trust me, y'know. I just want to make sure it isn't sprained." *It's not you that I don't trust.* Megumi thought, trying to ignore the sensations that ran up her spine at his touch. *Get a grip, Megumi!* She yelled at herself. *This is Jubei! Even if he is cute and has a nice bod....DON'T GO THERE!* Too late. "Megumi? Dajoube?" "I'm fine, really...." Megumi said with an effort. "Um, Why you ask?" Jubei smiled at her. (God I wish he wouldn't do that....) "You're as red as a boiled shrimp, that's all." "I'm.....just peachy. You can stop that now." "Nani? You mean this?" He tickled her foot, Megumi shuddering despite herself. "Hai." She squeaked. "It's fine now so why don't you go rest, it's gonna be a long day tomorrow...." *I'm babbling! Mou! Get a grip Takani!!!* "I've pulled all nighters before...." *I bet you have.....EEP!* Megumi darkened about three shades further down the red spectrum. *Megumi no hentai! Stop that!* "....And what better way to keep an eye on you?" There was definitely a teasing tone in his voice. "You don't really want me to go anyway, do you?" *Smug bastard....Even if he is right, unfortunately. Time to get back in control.....* "Aren't we bold, Kimagami san...." She purred. "If I didn't know any better I'd think you were flirting with me...." "I think ...." His fingers slowly traveled up and down her leg, Megumi's eyes widening. "We are far past flirting, Miss Takani....." He purred exactly as she had. "Don't you?" *So much for that.* "I think you should go to your room, Kimagami-san." Megumi bolted to the door and opened it. "Now. Before things....get complicated." Jubei's response was to get up, squeeze her shoulder gently and close the door quietly, so close that all Megumi could see or smell was him. "You're lying, doctor." The teasing tone almost sang. "And we both know it...." Megumi gulped, trapped. *Whooo, Boy...* "Be careful, Jubei...." She made one last effort to save herself, with just enough ice in her tone to hopefully cool him off. "Play with candles and you get burned." Jubei's grin widened, and now was so close that their lips were almost touching...Megumi swearing she felt electric sparks crisscrossing between the little space left between them. "Light me." He said as he leaned in to kiss her..... Megumi did the only thing she could do. She overreacted.....Karou style. Sano's eyebrows quirked up at the sounds coming from Megumi's room as he walked by, something that suspiciously sounded like someone getting slapped.....Repeatedly and painfully. He grinned, retreating back down the hall so it would look like he was just getting back. Baka.... Sure enough, Jubei staggered out of Megumi's room, Sano walking toward him. "Oi, Jubei! Demon's sleeping now?" "Like a dragon, Sano." Jubei pretended everything was fine and that his face didn't look like someone had put red paint on his or her hands and slapped the shit out of him on both cheeks. Man, was he gonna bruise in the morning. "Good night." "You okay, Jubei?" *God it's so hard not to laugh!* "Your face is all red and weird lookin'...." "I think....I caught something in that place that gave me a rash." Sano raised an eyebrow. "Oddest rash I've ever seen, looks like a chick's hand....." "I said I'm fine...." Jubei growled. "Night." "Night." Sano watched him go in his room, grinning like a madman. Two birds with one stone.....I'm so evil..... He went in his own room to laugh his ass off into his pillow. ## (An * means the character is thinking to himself. Bold means the person is speaking telepathically) Kenshin stood in the living room of his old home. *No....* He calmly reminded himself even as he saw his younger self eating dinner with his wife. *I'm dreaming.....* Suddenly both turned to look at him, grinned wickedly. "Sometimes even dreams can kill....." His younger self was already moving before the speaker even finished, Kenshin sidestepping the strike and slashing 'Battousai' as he passed in the back. He vanished. 'Tomoe' chuckled and sipped her tea. "A friendly reminder, Anata." Kenshin glared at her. "More tricks, Ashura?" "Can't old friends simply talk?" Tomoe shifted into Ashura. "Invading your dream was more conivent for me." She smiled seductively, her voice changing as she spoke to a younger and higher one. "Not to mention private...." Recognition hit Kenshin like a slap when she smiled and spoke like that. "It can't be...." "Oh yes....." Ashura shifted again, this time into a delicate looking, brown haired fifteen-year-old girl. The Ishingumi general's daughter that Jubei kidnapped. "Surprise." She giggled. Then Kenshin understood. "The kidnapping was a set up...." Ashura nodded. "I pretended to be the girl, and hired both Jubei and the men you both fought. It was originally just a trap to test that moron Jubei's abilities or kill him, it didn't really matter to me." She smiled, a genuine one. "I didn't expect they'd send you....The finest warrior of the Ishingumi forces...." She stood and walked to him, caressed his scarred cheek. "....The finest man I have ever met....." THAT was unexpected. "Oro?" Ashura continued. "Watching you tear through those hired thugs for my sake....the way you carried me home.... "She moved her caress to his hair. "It was love at first sight...." Kenshin was too stunned to even go 'Oro.' She giggled. "You became my pet obsession, Kenshin. I was always close to you while as I planned all of this...." She shifted rapidly into people he had met briefly or even fought with during the war. "Even when you married Tomoe, I didn't let you go." The last ones were one of the children from the village he had stayed while married to Tomoe, an old man that lived a house away from theirs...."And even during your ten years of travels I managed to keep an eye on you." She finally became her true form again, sliding the caress down to his chest. "Maybe it's obsession or maybe real, but I desire you as much as I do the swords. At least your true Battousai self and not this silly impostor you've become instead...." He gripped her hands and pulled them away. "This is the real me....And I'm sorry the feeling isn't mutual." Instead of anger, Ashura's grin widened. "Ah, But who really do you desire, Kenshin? That silly little girl or the poor little ice queen? Why settle for so little.....but if that what you want I can become them as well..." Shifted into Tomoe. "I can become any woman you want...." "Get out of my dream..." "Join me, as my equal and beloved mate in the conquest of this pathetic country...." His eyes grew hard at that. "My answer is No, Ashura." A savage, wildcat like growl escaped her, Ashura pushing Kenshin HARD across the room and into the wall. Kenshin slumped to the floor, surprised that instead of showing anger she merely smiled as she changed back to herself. "You act as if you have a choice in the matter, Kenshin. I get what I want and there's nothing you can do to stop me, so think about it long and hard before you refuse. The offer still stands so you can change your mind anytime you want...." Her eyes glowed menacingly. "And I don't take No for an answer...." She started to laugh..... A laugh that still echoed in Kenshin's ears as he awoke in the real world, sweat drenched and heart pounding. And very, very pissed off. "Not while I live, Ashura...." He growled. "Not while I live...." ## In the darkness, Ashura chuckled. *Half a victory is better than none, as they say. He may have refused me, but I have lured him away from suspecting my other intentions for him. Now he'll make the mistake of thinking my target's Tomoe or Karou or that I won't hurt him. Men are so easy to manipulate....* "You're mine, My love....." She said aloud, giggling. "You just don't know it yet. But you will...." End of part 3. (Finally!) Author's notes: God this took forever. But it was fun as hell. Don't have much to say to excuse my actions this trip concerning Megumi, Jubei, and Sano. Especially that last stretch. I just cut them loose and let the sparks fly. At the rate they're going, this is probably just a warm-up and things will get even wilder. Sano: (yells from off in the corner.) Does that mean what I think it does? Sentora: My lips are sealed. Jubei: (Holding ice to his cheeks.) You're a jerk, you know that? Sentora: (Evil grin.) What are you complaining about...After that hot scene with Megumi? Sano: (laughs) Only thing hot about that scene was Jubei's cheeks after she slapped the piss out of him! Jubei: (Evil grin.) Wanna bet? Sano: What's that supposed to mean.... Jubei: My hands aren't just fast with a sword..... Sano: (Angry Demon SD, Smoke coming out of his ears.) NANI??!!!! Sentora: (cackles as his stars beat each other up, Megumi sweatdropping in the background.) Seeya in part 4!