Tae, Tasuki, Tamahome, and Kenshin are standing around in the living room having a... discussion about Tae's new LIAC.Tasuki: I don't get it! Why do you need another LIAC, anyway? Aren't the three of us good enough for you?Tae: Of course you are! That's not why Japoro is coming to live with us.Tamahome: Why is he coming to live with us?A moment later the doorbell rings, and Kenshin gets up to answer it.Tae: 'Cause he's cute. (Tasuki and Tamahome roll their eyes) And he's smarter than some of my other LIAC.
Tasuki: Hey!
Tae (sweetly): Did I say he was smarter than you?
Tasuki (grumbling): No, but I know that's what ya were thinkin'.
Tae: Anyway, I like him, and I think it'll be fun to have him around.
Kenshin: Konnichiwa... Oro?He looks left, he looks right... but no one's there. He's about to shut the door, when a voice comes from somewhere in the vicinity of his knee.
Voice: Konnichiwa! Japoro desu!Kenshin looks down to find a ferret-like creature standing on the porch.Kenshin (with no small amount of surprise): Japoro...dono?Tasuki swipes frantically at Japoro, who has attached himself -- via his teeth -- to Tasuki's wrist.Japoro: Hai! (He preens his whiskers proudly) I'm Tae-dono's new LIAC. Is she here?
Kenshin (still surprised): H-hai. Please come in de gozaru.
Japoro scampers inside, and up onto the sofa arm next to Tae.
Tae: Japoro! I'm so glad you're here!
Japoro (bowing grandly): Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Tae: Kawaii!!
She snatches him up in a hug. Over her shoulder, his eyes bug out a little from the strength of her grip. He gestures frantically at Kenshin.
Kenshin: Ano... Tae-dono, I don't think he can breathe.
Tae (releasing him quickly): Ack! Gomen, Japoro-kun! You're just so cute!
Tasuki: It's a weasel!
Japoro & Tae: I am/He is NOT a weasel!
Tasuki (ignoring them, continuing to grumble): If you were gonna get a weasel, you shoulda got the Weasel Girl. Now SHE is cu---aaaaaarrrggg!
Tasuki: Get it off me! Get it oooooffffff!!!Japoro does so, making a show of wiping his mouth off while he's at it. He then hops onto Tae's shoulder, propping himself casually against her ear.Tae: Hmmph. Serves you right, I say. I told you he wasn't a weasel! Japoro, let him go.
Tamahome (trying hard not to laugh as he watches Tasuki nurse his injured wrist): Tae-chan? If Japoro-kun isn't a weasel, then, um... what is he?Tae: He's an imaginary species from the Guardian World of the Shamanic Princess anime. He most closely resembles a ferret. WHICH (she continues as Tasuki opens his mouth) is NOT the same as a weasel.
Kenshin: Tae-dono, when you said Japoro was cute, we thought you were getting another... um, adult human male LIAC.
Tae: Well, you thought wrong. And Japoro is cute.
Japoro: Arigatou, Tae-chan!
Tae: Just telling the truth, Japoro.
Tamahome: No offense to you, Japoro, but... Tae-chan, you already have a pet!
Tae: This is different. But... truth be told, I've always wanted a ferret as a pet -- they seem so bright and inquisitive! But I'm allergic to them. And Nikki is part terrier, and is likely to think a ferret is a really large mouse. With Japoro, I don't have to worry about either of those things: He's ink, so I don't have any allergy problems, and he's too bright to let Nikki hurt him!
Kenshin: I... see... Well, Japoro-dono, welcome to Tae-dono's family!
Japoro: Arigatou, Kenshin-dono! I'm sure we'll get along fine. (He looks pointedly at Tasuki) I'm not so sure about him, though.
Kenshin: Oh, he's all right. He just takes some getting used to.
Tasuki (mumbling): I still say that if she wanted a weasel, she shoulda gotten the Weasel Girl.
Tae (Bonking him on the head with a well-thrown pillow): I heard that! He's not a weasel!!