Tae finishes cleaning house with one last <slam!> of the washer.Tae (yelling as she grabs her purse and keys): Come on Kenshin! It's time to take care of the shopping!Tae looks skeptically at both of them.Tasuki (leaping over the back of the sofa in his hurry to get to the door): I want to go too!
Tamahome (sauntering over at a more sedate pace): Me too.
Tae: Waaaait just a minute. What are the rules?Nyan Nyan gets an evil glint in her eye.Tasuki (trying to play innocent and failing dramatically): Rules?
Tae: Yeah. The rules.
Kenshin (trying to be helpful): I think she means the rules for encountering CMP, Tasuki.
Tasuki (not at all grateful): I know that! I was hoping she didn't know I knew! Thanks a bunch!
Kenshin: Maa maa... sumanu, Tasuki.
Tae (tapping her foot impatiently): Um, guys? I have places to go. People to see. Things to buy. If you want to go in the car, you have to prove to me you're adult enough. (She nods at Kenshin) Kenshin excepted.
Nyan Nyan (popping up on the far side of the sofa): Tae-chan? What's a CMP?
Tae: Ah, gomen, Nyan Nyan! A CMP is a Closed Minded Person. They don't like anime, and don't believe in LIAC. As a result... they can't see you when you're out in public. They probably can't hear you on the phone, either.
Tae: Don't you even THINK it! Your habit of making crank phone calls is going to get me in trouble as it is! The phone police are out there just WAITING for a chance. If you start calling CMP... (Tae glares at Nyan Nyan) Just don't even think it!Nyan Nyan: (sinking back down behind the sofa back): Haaiiii.
Tae (turning back to Tasuki): Well?
Tasuki stomps off and slumps down on the sofa next to the Nyan Nyan.Tasuki (reluctantly): No making faces at them. No funny commentary. No practical jokes. Hell, I don't want to go after all.
Tae: Yokay. (Turning to Tamahome): Why are the rules in place?
He joins the other three on the couch.Tamahome: Because when a LIAC breaks the rules, the registrant generally ends up laughing and -- at least to the CMP -- appears crazy. You know, I'm with Tasuki on this one. Playing with the CMP is half the fun of going.
Tae: Suit yourselves. Well, Kenshin, it looks like it's just us.
She looks beseechingly at him, her face saying "Please don't kill the messenger!"Japoro (standing on the bar): Oi! What about me?!
Tae: Gomen, Japoro-kun... demo, pets aren't allowed in most stores... and you look a lot like a pet.
Japoro (heaving a disappointed sigh): All right. I'll try and keep these three out of trouble while you're gone.
Japoro's whiskers bristle with pleasure and he bows gallantly.Tae (smiling brightly): Arigatou! And I'll bring you back some chocolate, ne?
Tae: We're off! BEHAVE, ALL OF YOU!
She and Kenshin file out the door and down the steps. Once they're in the car, Kenshin becomes aware that Tae's muttering something under her breath. Repeatedly.Kenshin: Ano... Tae-dono? What are you saying?
Whenever she says "Jawa!" she adds a special little twist... a little emphasis which clearly indicates that the "Jawa!" is the important item.Tae (raising her voice to normal speaking level): Bath mat. Bagels. Chocolate. And a Jawa! Bath mat. Bagels. Chocolate. And a Jawa!
Kenshin: Oro?
Tae (laughing): It's my shopping list. I don't want to forget. Bath mat. Bagels. Chocolate. And a Jawa!
Kenshin: Tae-dono? What's a "Jawa!"?
He does his best to imitate her inflection, but realizes there's something missing. Still, she gets the general idea.Tae: Jawa!! Jawa!! It's a Star Wars beanie-baby thing. Kawaiiiii! I've got to have one. (She repeats this under her breath a few times for emphasis): Gotta have one! Gotta have one! Jawa!!
In due time they arrive at Target. Walking inside Tae grabs a shopping basket and strides off unerringly in the direction of Housewares.Kenshin (watching her, sweatdropping): Ororooooo...
Tae (under her breath): Jawa!!
She makes an effort to stop, and temporarily succeeds as they investigate the bath mat possibilities. However...Kenshin: Tae-dono?
Tae: <Jawa!> Yes? <Jawa!>
Kenshin: Ano... do you have to keep doing that?
Tae: <Jawa!> Doing what? <Jawa!>
Kenshin: Um... that "Jawa!" thing.
Tae (sheepishly): Oops. Sorry.
Tae (tossing the selected bath mat into the basket): And now it's time for...
She pauses dramatically.Kenshin (filling in the blank): Jawa?
They wander up and down the toy aisles -- Kenshin discovers Star Wars Trivial Pursuit; Tae finds a new toy for Nikki -- but are unable to find any Jawa beanie babies. By the time they've wandered down the last aisle, Tae's periodic cries of "Jawa!" have become rather dejected.Tae (grabbing his arm and hauling him toward toys): Haiiii!!
Tae (turning to Kenshin, poking her lip out pitifully): Jawa?
Kenshin gives her a very confused look. Even Meiji swordsmen know you can buy bath mats at Kmart.Kenshin (not sure how to handle this strange, Jawa-obsessed Tae): No. No Jawa. (With the attitude of a man who knows he's going to regret asking): Is there anyplace else we can look?
Tae: Well... my younger brother said they had 'em at Kmart...
Kenshin: Oro? Weren't we going over to Kmart later?
Tae: Well... yes and no. We have to go over there in the general vicinity to hit the bagel place. But not really to Kmart itself.
Kenshin: Tae-dono... why didn't we just go to Kmart?
Once outside, Tae looks thoughtfully at the Toys 'R' Us next door.Tae (mumbling): 'Cause I like Target better.
Kenshin: Oro?
Tae: Oh, shutup. Come on, let's get the bath mat and go.
Kenshin: Tae-dono?
Tae: Maybe they have Jawas at the Toys 'R' Us. Jawa!Kenshin flinches slightly as she says it.Kenshin (tiredly): Tae-dono, you know they have them at Kmart!
Tae: Yes, but the lady I asked at work said they probably had 'em at Toys 'R' Us. Jawa! Jawa Jawa!
Kenshin: But your brother said they definitely had them at Kmart!
Tae: Please?? Jawa!
Kenshin: All right... if you promise not to say that again!Kenshin simply blushes, remembering the Nyan Nyan's rather... forward greeting.Tae (pouting): Fine. Be that way. When you grow up, everyone will hate you. Nyan Nyan spreads rumors.
Kenshin: I'm already grown up. And how do you know Nyan Nyan-dono spreads rumors?
Tae: I caught her making crank phone calls. It was difficult... she can make herself stand lookout.
Kenshin: And she... they... Nyan Nyan-dono seemed like such a nice girl.
Tae: Honto. If a little ecchi.
Kenshin (thinking): I'm glad Kaoru-dono wasn't around to see it.Kenshin blushes even harder, but makes no further comment. Entering the store, Tae stops, hesitates for a moment, and then sets off purposefully. After a few minutes of aimless wandering, Kenshin begins to realize that something is wrong. This isn't Tae's normal modus operandi.Tae (over her shoulder, heading toward Toys 'R' Us): You're thinking about Kaoru. Your eyes always get kinda fuzzy and soft.
Kenshin: Tae-dono? Don't you know where the... (hesitates, then forces himself to say it) ...Jawa would be?Several heads turn at this, although the reference to US comics is entirely lost on Kenshin.Tae (her voice vexed, more than a little put out): No! I've lost my power!
Kenshin (understandably surprised): ORO?
Tae: My power! My power! You know, like how you always know where the bad guy is? Well, I never get lost in malls, and I always know which direction to head in to find the right department in the department store. But this! (she waves her arms) I can't work with this!!
Kenshin (hesitantly): Um...
Tae (overriding him): Toys! There's nothing but toys in every direction! My spider sense is going crazy!
Kenshin: Ano...Slowly they make their way through the store. As they proceed, Kenshin finds a strange urge creeping over him... and suddenly, without any warning.... He says it.Tae (grabbing him by the arm, shocking a few passing CMP): We'll just have to check every aisle.
Kenshin (peering down an aisle of action figures): Jawa?Tae's head whips around to stare at him.Tae: What did you say?Kenshin smiles, watching her skip happily from one aisle to the next. She might look and sound like a raving nutter, but she was enjoying herself. Besides, it was fun to say. Almost as much fun as...Kenshin: Nothing!
Tae: You did so. You said it! I heard you!
Kenshin: Sumanu! I couldn't help it... it's fun to say!
Tae: I know! Why do you think I've been saying it! But that's neither here nor there -- (poking him in the chest) if you can say it, then I can say it.
Kenshin (meekly): Hai.
Tae: Yatta! Jawa! JawaJawaJawa!!
Kenshin (under his breath): Oro!Tae (a few aisles down): Oi! Kenshin! Look (she points) trains.Kenshin's eyes take on a decidedly more interested gleamKenshin (trying to act cool): Trains?She watches fondly as he wanders down the aisle, his eyes going big and sparkly.Tae (waving vaguely in the general direction of the aisle in question): Yeah. Down there.
Tae (wonderingly, to herself): Who would've thought he'd be such a sucker for trains? He didn't seem that fond of 'em in the filler episode. (She shrugs) Oh well. Jawa!!Fifteen minutes later they meet again at the front of the store, each empty handed. (Tae was unable to find a Jawa, and Kenshin didn't have any money.)Tae: I can't believe this! How could Toys 'R' Us fail to have Jawas?! I mean... Star Wars practically kept the joint in business at one time! Well, that and Barbie. (Turning on Kenshin, as if this is his fault): Do you realize that Barbie has an entire aisle to herself now?!Kenshin shuffles his feet nervously.Kenshin (hazarding a guess at the right answer): ... No?
Tae: I mean really! What is the world coming to when Barbie gets a whole aisle, and there are no cute little Jawas to be found?!
Kenshin (getting the feeling that possibly the conversation has managed to take an even stranger turn): Um...
Tae (mournfully): Jawa...
Kenshin (hesitantly): We could still try Kmart.Grabbing Kenshin by the collar, she rushes out of the store. They make it to Kmart in record time.Tae (immediately perking up): That's right! Jawa! Jawa!
Tae (walking into Kmart, sighing with satisfaction): Yes!! My powers are back! Yatta! Kenshin, toys are this way.The Kmart toy department is a repeat of Target. Only now, now Tae means business. Her periodic exclamations of "Jawa!" are no longer silly and joyful. She's "jawa-ing" with a purpose.Tae (matter-of-factly): Jawa. Jawa. Jawa.She sticks her tongue out at him. As they come out onto one of the wider, main aisles, they come across none other than a stock boy.Kenshin (trailing behind her): Oro. Oro. Oro.
Tae (with extreme reluctance): Maybe I should ask someone.
Kenshin (likewise -- after all, he is a man, and you know how they are about asking directions!): Hai.
Tae: Jawa! (She looks over her shoulder at Kenshin): Should I ask like that? "Jawa?"
Kenshin: I wouldn't suggest it... not if you want them to take you seriously.
Tae: All right... I'll ask him.Her voice is a little hesitant, and Kenshin can easily see why. With his head shaved except for a single thin knot at the top of his head, and various and sundry body parts pierced, he does look a little... frightening. Vaguely reminiscent of Watsuki's villains.Kenshin (thinking): If he has a large set of perfectly straight, white teeth...Embarrassed, Kenshin tries to hide behind a display of soccer balls.Tae: Ano... excuse me. We were looking for Star Wars beanie babies. Can you tell us if you have them?
Stock boy: Um... (His slightly unfocused gaze shifts to rest on them... and focuses immediately on Kenshin): Kenshin! Dude! Man, I just saw the Kyoto stuff! Kickin!
Tae: Um, yeah. Um... Star Wars beanie babies?They hurry along until they're out of earshot, and then Tae looks questioningly at Kenshin.Stock boy (rubbing his head): Woah! Kenshin's a fan of Star Wars? Far out! Yeah... we've got 'em. I think they're up front. Near electronics.
Tae (trying to smile when her face wants to twist dubiously): Thanks! (Grabbing Kenshin's arm and hauling him out from behind the display): Let's go, Kenshin!
Tae: What do you think?They find electronics. They find stuffed animals by electronics. And, amazingly enough, they find Star Wars beanie babies. Tae begins digging through the box, tossing aside Salacious Crumbs, R2D2s and -- oddly -- Jabba the Hutts.Kenshin: Well...
Tae: Yeah, that's what I think, too. Smoking something. Still, I guess it's worth a try.
Tae (somewhat frantic): Jawa! Jawa! Jaaaawaaaa! Jawajawajawa!!Kenshin looks at the items in question, and -- although he's never seen the movie -- is forced to concede they do have a certain appeal.Kenshin (picking up a Jabba the Hutt and trying to figure out the appeal): Calm down, Tae-dono.
Tae: Jawaaaaaaaa! Yatta! (Suddenly she reappears from the depths of the bin, a Jawa in each hand): I got 'em! I got 'em! Look, Kenshin, isn't he CUTE!?!
Kenshin: Hai. Are you getting both of them?Tae pauses to consider.Tae: Well... I hadn't planned to... but if I just get one, he'll be lonely. Right?Kenshin rolls his eyes at this exceedingly feminine excuse.Kenshin: It's a toy, Tae-dono. Not a person.Tae ignores him, holding the Jawa up and making them wave at him.Tae: Jawa!!Kenshin: Ororo.... can we go home now?
Tae (distractedly, still admiring her prizes): Hai. Jawa! Jawa!
Kenshin: I think we should try and lose the TV remote. I don't think you can afford any infomercials in your current frame of mind.
Tae: Yeah. Whatever. Jawa!!